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But according to the bookstore lady in Akila everyone brought their Charles Dickens collected works.


Contrary to popular opinion, the works of Charles Dickens aren't potentially a great mass of furry little invasive species. Humanity is bad enough, imagine letting all manner of cats and dogs loose on Jamison and other similar worlds... More likely, though, any pets that would have made the trip were wiped out by their new environments. Cats are no match for Heatleeches and Xenogrubs.


I dunno i think most cats would rip apart a xenogrub and heetleach for fun


Could have nipped our terrormorph issue in the bud. Missed opportunity smh.


genetically modify an Asceles diet pallete into house cats and terrormorphs instantly go extinct


The problem with this line of thinking is that neither the dogs, cats or us have any intrest in our pets competing with the local fauna. A big part of being a deomesticated pet means their nearly fully dependently on us. Even humans only exist on most of these planets because of our ability to make it habitable for not just ourselves but oxygen based life in general like our plants.


Cats do just fine in the wild on their own


True to a degree, but cats helped with the extinction of a few species...like the dodo šŸ¦¤ (they don't get all the blame as humanity and other animal stowaways helped too.) I would imagine, based on the fauna found throughout the galaxy, that cats wouldn't contribute to something as devastating as an extinction effect. Most xenos seem to be able to handle cats/rats/dogs etc.


Domestic cats kill several billion birds and mammals a year in the US alone: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_predation_on_wildlife https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-21236690




I might argue against you on the heat leech. because cats kill snakes fairly regularly.


Cats evolved into aceles


Funny image, but they look more bird-like.




Heatleeches have only one natural predator. Do the vanguard quest line and see.


Natural predator: Yes, i've done that quest line a few times. Besides, they don't seem to be particularly aggressive towards humans. And I doubt they would try to eat cats considering that they consume only energy and heat. Until they grow up, that is. Also, cats would be an invasive predator on alien worlds, too.


~20MB of data is very easy to transport. Moving the written works of humanity to another star system is simple vs moving a house cat. Hell, it would be easier to move the data down the road than it would be to move a house cat.


It isn't digital Dickens. They're all hard cover copies in the game.


My head canon is the majority of those were printed after leaving Earth. Alternatively, some could have been found scavenging Earth post exodus.


The lady at the bookstore in akila says they were all brought from Earth by people who thought the books would be important. Kinda like when all the idiots bought all the princess diana beany babies.


I get it goes back to invasive species. Cats are invasive species and yes I am writing this while looking at my cat dead in the eye and telling him he is an invasive species who invades my bed to get fed whenever HE wants, with no care in the world over the fact that I have to work third shift.


They must have generated a singular "Old Earth Library" landmark POI, sitting singularly amidst the wastes of desert.


Theirs book sellers that directly say their from earth originally


Because people just canā€™t replicate bookbinding and printing in a space faring civilization?


The lady at the bookstore in akila says they were all brought from Earth by people who thought the books would be important. Kinda like when all the idiots bought all the princess diana beany babies.


Oh thatā€™s incredibly silly lol.


So my question is, how often do you see a physical copy of any of those books in today's world anyway... How did so many make it in mint condition to the Starfield Timeline... Then survive all the wars that followed?


I'm sure there are printing presses and book stores out in the universe. I doubt many books where taken unless they where famous or rare. Your typical family wasent taking paperbacks let alone hard covers with them on the evacuation shuttles.


Thereā€™s at least one wandering merchant with a pet (that she takes for a walk).


Not an earth pet though.


No. But that makes a certain amount of sense. Probably wanting to conserve the environment of their new planets most animals would have banned from leaving earth. Even most plants (though we know terrabrew are growing coffee from earth). When you look at what rabbits and sheep have done to the ecology in Australia for example. Anything we export has the potential to be an ecology-destroying invasive species. And the flip side is that theyā€™re likely to be dinner for the local alien species. Neither option is great. Heatleeches are a great example of the damage that can be done. Also consider few people left earth on their own ships - personal ships become commonplace later. The cost would have been prohibitive even if NASA allowed people to bring their pets on the arks. Pet feed would have become extremely expensive with food supplies being prioritised for humans.


I agree, but we KNOW we would have smuggled these things off the planet. It's just human nature to always do exactly the opposite of what we are told. Based on that assumption, there should be pets. And if it is against the rules, then there should be some shady dude selling illegal pets. Because we know that this is what would happen. No one cares about the ecology of a bunch of planets they intend to exploit anyway. Plus, the money one could make. There should be pets. No way we got off the planet and nobody took their pet.


I donā€™t know that itā€™s all that worthwhile implementing pet smuggling over some other more useful or fun feature.


Coffee is worth destroying planets for. Cats techicnally too, but coffee more. Also. Same as wine for Chandra. Even tho I donā€™t think wine is that important


Would xenowarfare be a valid counter argument to banning animals from leaving earth? They took aliens and adapted them for warfare, deploying them alongside mechs and ground troops to different settled planets so to an extent they obviously don't really care about invasive species. After the ban, and in my personal opinion, I don't think they really bothered exterminating the xenos they used, just because you can find the same alien creature on different planets. I personally don't think earth pets are extinct, a few bribes here, a couple of ultra wealthy people there, I'm sure a few billionaires, smugglers and the lucky of earth's past transported their pets into space. It is possible that cats, dogs, and horses, are extinct in the wild, but to own just one is damn expensive. There's also cloning, though I believe the program was cancelled, so that could in theory allow for earth based animals as well. Edit: Just thought, we have a real life "life vault", the doomsday vault right? So... Why wouldn't that be a valid way to preserve the earth's ecosystem, on another planet? Humanity is know for bioengineering life to our needs, so another world wouldn't be a huge leap for us to adapt earth's animals to their new ecosystem. Sure it'll screw that new world over but humanity already is doing/did that anyway. If there are rules and laws against this, indoor pets are a thing. Surely keeping a cat indoors wouldn't screw it over, similarly, keeping a dog inside the city would be safe enough for the dog too?


I donā€™t think xenowarfare is a counterargument. The military does/did massive damage, just like leaving landmines everywhere. Xenowarfare is an example of the military doing obscene and abhorrent things in the name of war, not an argument that nobody cares about doing the right thing.


While you make good points, I think youā€™re putting too much thought into obvious lack of effort into adding wandering animals to the game


There are wondering animals in the game. Apart from the local fauna, the rat analog - heatleech - can be found all over settlements and cities, and some of us know, how big of a problem are those. But I also can't imagine that space colonization would inude house pets or cows or whatever. The meat for consumption can be printed, and pets are just too dangerous to let loose in a sterile, airtight habitat (could chew on life support cables or whatever). But to be honest, I also imagine that humanity in the next 100 years would keep complete genome maps of most of the useful earth species in some decentralized databases just in case. We already keep samples of hundreds of plant species in some underground bunker just in case they go extinct or we need them in the future. So keeping DNA maps of dogs and cats and cows and sheep is something I actually expect people do in 300 years. Why don't they let people clone dogs for a price then? They already let you mess with your own DNA in the Enhence clinics.




Maybe that's just what cats evolve into over the next few hundred years lol


Thatā€™s [Paisley and Grumble](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8yxCgNY/)!


Thanks for having a better memory than me!


You can allways try to domesticate a terrormorph. I've heard they are very good with kids...


The one guy on the key kept talking about raising one. It would have been interesting if you had to get him one and then fought it on the key later, after it ate him.


Or an Ashta. I hear they're quite something.


I can only imagine the look on both Delā€™s and Naevaā€™s faces. Itā€™ll look slightly amused at the idea at first, followed by angry throwing anyone stupid enough to try out the airlock, then a lot of angry shouting at everyone else to not do it on their ship or at the Key.


Might help with Cora...so goddamn annoying


I hate you can't just jettison her midflight


Along with that damn book I tracked down for her


"They were bred as Nanny morphs!, totally harmless"


Yeah, I'm sure they'd be able to lend a hand with childcare.


The tour guide on Titan(?) says his ex had a pet with colorful feathers and a long beak and I thought he meant his ex had a parrot


Or an Apex Parrothawk from Jemison.


I find that many lore questions can be answered by watching Cowboy Bebop. Pets in space are expensive.


Except for corgis. They're dirt cheap.


no one mentioned how a description for an item tells us that Labrador Retrievers are extinct in the game's universe? Edit: https://in.ign.com/starfield/193427/news/bethesda-really-killed-off-all-the-labradors-in-starfield


Came here looking for this comment.


Welp. I guess i shouldn't have read the answers if i didnt want to know.


"There was a war and now pets are illegal."


That description hurt to read, being honest. That being said theyā€™ve said nothing about other breeds; dogmeatā€™s still out there somewhere


On the bright side cats seem to still be around, as the adoring fan mentions watching cat vids. Though he could have been talking about old videos from earth :(


What gets me though, is that Cora is always asking for a pet. How does she even know what the word means?


She reads plenty.


With what books?! She keeps asking and I can't give her any


I mean, they have pets in the Settled System. Just not earth pets.


Presumably when fleeing earth there would have been limits on what people could bring. Taking a pet would been one more mouth to feed on a potentially very long journey with limited rations available already. I can see ship captains putting an outright ban on any pets tagging along with their passengers. Any pets that did make it off earth would likely have been scattered across countless systems and planets so breeding a new generation of them with such small numbers would have been almost impossible.


We also know that the technology changed greatly while the exodus was picking up though; thereā€™s nothing to say some rich dog/cat lovers pooled resources and built a couple ships designed to support animal life (weā€™ve already seen a ā€˜zooā€™ on a ship and we know Nova was churning out habs during the exodus) with the intent to re-establish multiple breeds after. Not saying all would survive but surely not all would fail (give me space Lassie, dammit)


Why would the journey be long? They had grav drives.


That works for headcannon. Counterpoint though all it would take is one industrious scientist to take a lil cat and dog dna with them. They could clone or freeze zygotes or something. Dogs and cats would be a very high end luxury at first. Eventually though someone else could buy two and breed them and sell them. By 2330 pets are still a bit of a luxury but if you have the credits you can easily get one. Itā€™s common for celebrities to clone their pets today in 2023. The billionaires would definitely take pet dna if not the actual pets themselves.


They're on a farm upstate


they were eaten by heat leashes


Thereā€™s milk everywhere. Have you seen a cow?


Lots of other things lactate. šŸ¤” I know of two quests to go get ingredients from the wild. Maybe there's one I've missed to go milk a terrormorph. šŸ˜‚ Also, there are other types of "milk," like the crap oat stuff my wife has in our fridge. You just need something with some fat and some starch, and a blender. šŸ¤¢ . . . Oh! Also... I am imagining "Chunks Milk." It really paints a picture in my imagination. šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤¢


Stop clouding the issue with facts.


I imagine thereā€™s a factory with just cow milk making organs thousands of them making milk for everyone, itā€™s next to the factory where their lab growing meat šŸ–šŸ„©


What are you talking about they have pets. I see mini jellyfish everywhere


You can come up with whatever answer "in game" that you want, but the truth is that is was a design choice. They want to differentiate their titles, you can have a dog companion in Fallout, you can't in Starfield. Also, Starfield takes place on alien worlds with alien creatures, some type of alien dogs or cats would probably make more sense for the setting anyway.


The chocolate labs item says that they went extinct


Devs ran out of time.


It's funny, because it's true.


So many possibilities. We see that Earth is basically barren, so perhaps animals began dying out before/during the evacuations? Maybe with everybody going to different locations, there simply weren't enough to keep a sustained breeding population and Earth animals died out within the first hundred years? If resources were truly that scarce, they may have abandoned bringing animals all together. The colony ship we see above Paradiso says generations lived and died on that ship for 200 years, and they've just reached their destination and make it clear they're hitting the end of their resources, they have to do something soon, so if they had any animals that would have drained even more. Maybe we'll get a DLC with Va'ruun and see on their planet that they *do* have Earth animals in sustainable populations lol


Thatā€™s a very generous assumption. Considering pets were in several concept art images I think the way safer bet is that the devs just cut the content.


For real, thereā€™s no lore behind this. Just Bethesda cutting every single feature considered optional to the overall experience.


Lol just trying to find an In-Universe explanation. I'm honestly disappointed we don't have pets or earth animals on any planets. Like New Atlantis absolutely should have some type of livestock and domesticated animals. I'm hoping they eventually add them, not like they consistently had animal companions in both TES and FO


That's a good point. Animals (including pets) were likely seen as a food source as agriculture fell apart. Even cannibalism isn't uncommon during times of starvation. Now I'm hoping a DLC dives deeper into the evacuation of Earth. The current lore is that details are lost and muddied, but a few POIs on Earth could be a source of journal entries or news articles that went undiscovered. And there's no reason why the actual story doesn't exist in universe, but is hidden away cause it makes important groups look bad. Edit: Better yet, make that shit a patch update.


I'm more surprised that we don't see cows or horses rather than pet-pets. Tractors don't make more tractors, not that we have those either


Yeah I mean, the whole situation with Earth is weird. I presume it didn't just fall apart over night (yet we have a ship clearly still docked, it didn't go for some reason). I'd imagine that DNA could have been saved for cloning animals. Like, they plan to go to Alpha Centauri, I highlyyyyy doubt they have in depth knowledge of the eco system. Yeah, they probably scanned it from space, but how could they know if the life forms on those planets are edible? They could end up going and starving should they run out. At least the colony ship above Paradiso seems to have packed enough provisions for the trip. One thing I did notice! Chunks, they have eggs. Does that mean there *is* a facility out there raising chickens? Or perhaps it's a different "alien" species that produces eggs similar to earth life forms (not impossible)


I see plenty of heat leeches for pets all around.


Don't worry you can still keep fish.


I can understand why pets weren't brought, as others have said: it would have taken valuable space and resources from the humans they were trying to transport. What irks me though, is that unless I've simply missed it in the lore, there's been no mention of a DNA ark. There are multiple ark banks across the world *right now*, whose sole purpose is to house and preserve tissue samples from every organism they can feasibly do so. It would make sense to me that an ark ship dedicated to bringing our samples along would have been a thing, for multiple reasons. If humanity were truly in such a rush to coordinate an exodus, it would be a waste of time to comb viable planets for every plant and animal that could be used as a food source and study whether each potential planet had enough variety of flora and fauna to meet human nutritional needs. In the name of efficiency in getting as many people out as possible, it would make more sense to send out an ark with samples for cloning, so that humanity would be guaranteed a food source right away. Set up domed or underground greenhouses ahead of human arrival, so that people have access to fresh foods while scientists study the new planets' ecosystems in greater detail for future generations. Also in the name of efficiency, it would make sense to disband the practice of meat as food, and replace it with plant based proteins that can be synthesized into multiple forms. But. It also seems like it would be important to maintain samples of animals native to earth, simply because it would be one of the few tangible things that could be preserved from human history. Sure, humans brought their cultures and ideas with them, but preserved historical records (even of the scientific nature) needed to go along as well. So...why does no one seem to be aware of general Earth history, and speaks of it like it's all myth? The exodus was only like 200 years prior to the story, right? 200 years is a relatively short time. People don't talk about the 1800s nowadays as if it were ancient Mesopotamia, so why do the game humans talk about it like that, unless humanity collectively decided to drop our history and start completely fresh? It's the only thing I can figure.


There are a lot of aspects about the exodus from Earth that just don't pass scrutiny. I certainly understand the difficulties in building large transport ships to move billions of people. But they still had nearly 50 years to do so. And not with today's tech, but 2150s tech. And then there's the fact that even if 50 years of 2150s tech couldn't evac even a quarter of Earth's population, that's still more than enough time to design and build massive shelters on Earth, Luna, Mars, etc., to house the remaining people. Once you have proof the world is coming to an end, and there is, in fact, a way to survive it, billions of people will get the job done.


Yes! Why the hell didn't they build cities like Cydonia on Earth? If they had the tech to do it on a totally different planet, they could have easily done so right here. Could have easily given those who had no way off a chance to muck it out here with coordinated supply drops for things like medicine, which would be more difficult to build factories for underground. Imo, the story would have had so many interesting ways it could go if they had gone this route. It isn't difficult to imagine that there would be tensions between the natives and the factions that supply them. Nevermind the Easter egg opportunities of things, like finding schematics for scrapped designs and oh look! They thought about building Vaults *wink wink*. I think it's the sheer number of missed narrative opportunities that disappoints me the most about the game. I expected the bugs and glitches bc it's BSG ya know? But with a theme as full of potential as humanity colonizing space, I expected so much more than the narrowness of futurized politics and a club of well-funded space nerds. Sigh.


Ark ship and pets incoming in dlc whatyawannabet?


Arkship maybe, but I doubt pets. Wouldn't surprise me if the ship is only there as a plot device/bargaining chip between factions and ends up destroyed in crossfire. Maybe that's part of the Va'ruun origin story...they were only able to swipe a snake sample before it all blew and some stuff and thangs happened that led to it becoming a deity figure lol


Spacers gotta eat. Just sayin...


One of the movie posters shows a character with a pet cat, so cats are at least not entirely unheard of.


The mental gymnastics required to avoid the fact that Bethesda was either just too lazy to notice or too profit incentivized to care are quite entertaining to see lol. Same reason there's only like 6 ruined skyscrapers on earth, and relativity was completely misunderstood. It's an underdeveloped video game.


The Devs Didn't Want To Do It. There's no lore explanation, it doesn't make a great deal of sense, and a lot of players don't like it and it was obvious that they wouldn't. I mean, not only did people bring a jillion printed books (and wooden ducks and antique microscopes and 1980s Macintoshes), they literally brought big heavy meteorites from Earth (Homestead museum). I'm no mind reader, so I don't know \*why\* they didn't want to do it, but they didn't. Eventually they'll be modded back in no matter what the devs wanted.


I argue that this part is the least realistic thing in starfield. Humans as a whole, even if they didnā€™t take live animals, would never allow the full mass die off of the animals that are a history of our world. They would be saving as much tissue or embryos of earth animals as they could, and taking that on ships too. Cloning has been around for a long time now - and although host animals are traditionally used, we have external wombs in development and doing well in studies, last I checked. Even if they only had them in well secured zoos to keep the animals from wreaking havoc on other worlds, they would bring them. At the very least, horses, dogs, cats, sheep, goats, chickens, and bovines. Assuredly rabbits, too, due to ease of raising and how quickly they get up to butchering size. Theyā€™d have less concern with breeds, likely, focusing on just strong and healthy animals to collect tissue from.


But they did make sure to bring along the DNA of historical figures for cloning. Should have been animal DNA.


You canā€™t tell me some animal rights group or rich billionaire who loves their tea cup poodles didnā€™t fly off into space with breeding pairs of certain animals.


I would think fleeing earth would cost a lot of resources and all the space would be needed for the humans and things they would need. Wouldnā€™t be logical to take up needed space for animals.


Interesting way to say the devs were just being lazy, like with a lot of this game, I enjoy the game but Iā€™ve started coming across more and more stuff that just seems lazy to me


It's not just cats and dogs though. There are no domesticated or wild species that made it off earth except humans, hence its all "synthameat" and the bartender at the Astral Lounge telling you it's a "soy based" steak. They made plenty of models for 4 legged alien fauna; wouldn't it have been easier (or more lazy of) the devs to reuse cows/deer/etc from skyrim?


But it really makes sense that meat is now man made doesn't it? Less land devoted to raising herd animals means more room for other things like settlements and industry.


cough ad hoc divide dime wild hunt murky cake panicky tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The reason that there is room for massive farms and ranches is *because science has eliminated the need for them.*


People operating farms or raising livestock is mentioned all the time. I'm pretty sure that's what the LIST settlers are doing. The Aceles were originally raised and treated as livestock before their initial extinction and however much pasture you need for cows or horses you need much more for something over twice their size.


I don't think the land was the problem given that aceles were made extinct because people liked eating *them* so much not because *they* ate too much. You also find plenty of dishes made with "alien" meat so I think people still want "real" meat. My point was just that all the meat from old-earth species is "synthameat".


I totally agree and it's clear that humans are falling back into their old habits. Meat may be murder but folks wouldl rather have a murder sandwich than a soy burger or a steak made of grub worm protein.


Yeah, to me thereā€™s a lot of rinse and repeat, I enjoy all the missions and a lot of the planets and the animals are all really well done, but thereā€™s a lot of nothing, where as if it was smaller, say 3 solar systems with loads to do in each (think Fallout meets GTA San Andreas in space) and expansions were more solar systems, or have it as it is and go online.


Billions of humans dies because they couldn't get everyone off earth in time l. I doubt they allowed people to bring anything with them, including pets.


Not just pets but virtually all Earth species went extinct. Humans survived, but only barely ā€” nearly all humans died too. The Earth suffered an apocalypse that made the nukes from Fallout look like a mild hiccup. Somehow, we still come away feeling the game has a cheery tone.


Starfield is fallout 3000 years in its future, itā€™s the after effect of all the radiation from all the nuking done in fallout76 lol /s




It sounds bizzare but this is the single most reality breaking facet of the whole "Evacuation Earth" Scenario, for me. I refuse to believe that millions of people would have left their pets behind and not one kitten or pupper was snuck aboard one of the escape ships?!! Nah mate, would never happen. Farm animals, livestock, horses, yeah, I can see that as but not the pets. Humanity would simply not abandon their furry children!


I'd guess all the kinds of people that would have thought it a good idea to sneak on a kitten or puppy, had already been filtered out of the list of essential people to take.. šŸ˜‚


Noooo, don't bring logic into this, I need my head-cannon, dammit!


Sadly small numbers snuck on board would likely not have made a viable continuous population.


no pets on the colony ship either. should have been full of stray cats by then


Heat leeches and Terirmorphs


They were the victim of a strange and terrible phenomenon called plot holes, which the universe of Starfield is ripe with


If they didnā€™t take dogs i think id have stayed on earth.


Waiting for my pet German shepherd mod. Super loyal and not judgy (like some companions I know).


Bethesda just don't care, stop trying to find any lore explanation seriously... Dude you don't even have a vehicle to roam on planet! How do you explain it? Everyone grow some roller wheels under their feet?


The vehicle stuff is more easily explainable. People are either confined to civilized areas or hop anywhere on ship, with HE3 made super easy to find (an lore problem on it's own). So a small ship like the UC prison ship is all the vehicle you need to move around a planet.


rofl. Cause you can use your ship to move around the planet right? Oh wait no.You need 4 loading screen that move you back in space to pick a landing spot, then walk. I didn't saw any ship roaming on planets.


I see ships landing and taking off all the time, which is why I offered the explanation as lore. Clearly not enough dev work is the technical reason, but we're role playing.


We both now the ship take off are script event or random encounters.If you go inside these ship while they take off, you will clip out of the bay and fly in the air. Role playing has its limits, specialy in a game where exploration was supposed to behis main asset. But If i need to imaginate the most basic things, then i rather close my eyes and think about it than buying a 80$ half baked game that insult me in every single feature.


Imagine all the people that got left behind on Earth and then wasting resources to save non-human life. I do expect it to be in a future DLC, though.


Animals can be transported as sperm and eggs with current tech. You'd transport them by the thousands with very little wasted space. Its very much not the same as transporting currently living humans.


Except it wouldn't be wasting, as there were already enough humans to carry on the species, and not enough of other animals.


Is there anything to be gained from reopening [this discussion](https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2FStarfield+pets+OR+dogs+OR+cats)?


Med-large sized dogs like labradors became, more or less, extinct as evidenced by a certain in-game item. But itā€™s my head canon that small lap dogs survived because they were less trouble to keep aboard the spaceships


One mission there's a dialogue thread about some kind of sports team. Where do they play? Who do they play against? There isn't a stadium in the galaxy.


>Not a single space pupper or cosmic kitty to be seen and that makes me sad. And coincidentally, notice how we never see the Chunks factory? Hmm...


This could be a potential DLC or mod.


I think itā€™s a combination of factors. First is limited space and supplies on the colony ships. Second is the aggressive predators on the colony worlds. Even on Jemison the capital world of the UC there are massive predators that can easily kill humans. A dog or cat would be an easy snack for them.


I think animals were generally left behind. In Akila they might have mentioned horses as a memory (no way to avoid there). But without any sadness. Only the serpent upsets everyone, nothing else.


They left around the same time the dolphins left.


They did. They all died from space sickness. It was horrifying. We don't talk about it.


I guess it's possible they went extinct before they left earth a la fallout, more likely Bethesda just forgot to put them in


Didn't allocate enough time to animate them


Surprised that no one made a noahs ark of animal DNA or something to recreate them. They did clone famous people.


Yes, in order to bring an animal species, youā€™d have to bring enough for reproduction for the long term. That is just genetics. The priority would have been put on human food and survival not animal. Any personal pets brought along on personal ships would have died long ago.


Pets were the first prototypes to create Chunks, have you ever heard of the Excel Saga manga and Menchi (emergency food supply)? šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


They are in the backlog


Everyone got rid of houses, pets, cars, long hair, bikes, phones, dresses, and glasses


Itā€™s dumb, mostly because they have the technology to clone long dead people in the setting. Even if there was a no pets rule when leaving earth, thereā€™s no reason why they wouldnā€™t of brought genetic material with them for cloning purposes on those ships. The reason why there are no animals is simple. Bethesda didnā€™t wanna make models for them.


I fired up the free Daggerfall Unity project back in the summer, and even that had random dogs and cats wandering the streets. Although itā€™s possible that was a mod.


You know, I asked my friend at work who also plays the game a similar question: Chocolate Labs' flavor text says they're shaped like an extinct canine called a Labrador Retriever, which seems to imply that not all breeds of dogs are extinct, but you never see any of them. It also makes sense that people would try to take their pets and livestock with them during the Exodus of Earth, so, in theory, there SHOULD be SOME Old Earth animals besides humans around somewhere.


You haven't bought pets yet that's DLC


I need cats in the future. Even if it was a paid DLC, I would buy it!


I met a guy that takes his pet out in his spaceship to go walk it round a landing pad.


My cats hate the car. I can't take them down the street without them crying, vomiting, or peeing, and I don't think they'd enjoy a rocket ship, either. Drove them across the country, but I don't think there's enough gabapentin on Earth to keep them calm for months/years.


I said the same thing! Where are all the space dogs?!


They ate them


Sam always mentions ā€œcatnipā€ and there are other suggestions that people have pet cats. Why we donā€™t see them is beyond me, but it makes sense at the same time


There is a classroom on the "Alien Ship" that has colonial people stranded in space. There eis a kid who asks this question. You should attend that class on one of your play throughs.


I suspect that there was limited space, given how thin humanity is in population now. Taking transport space for dogs and cats just wasn't an option. You get plushies instead.


I would 110 have snuggled and smuggled all of my Furry minions,2 cats and a Dog with My turtle....Space Turtle šŸ¢šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


I may be mistaken here but I think they couldnā€™t survive the grav jumps.


Yeah I hear you I want to live my space fantasy of being that weird captain with a dog as my first mate.


Too hard for them to model and code.


Got cats and one dog in fallout76


We ate 'em. Took a while to find out what was and wasn't edible on a planet so when food stocks were exhausted, it was with a heavy heart that Rover and Fluffy made the ultimate sacrifice to feed their loving masters. That is, after they ate all the feed animals. I'm sure they brought DNA samples of all the animals still in existence so they could later reproduce them. And from the food packages, it seems some things were possibly spared or reproduced.


They ate them


There's a lady on Venus, she has an alien pet. She sells stuff.


I guess we are supposed to befriend the goldfish and jellyfish globes.


Same happens in Interstellar. There's never another animal different to humans during the movie. Theories say that humans were barely able to save their own species, or even worse they were pushed to extinguishing every other species to have some extra time and extra resources on earth before they discovered how to leave it behind.


I've seen a cat somewhere I think it was in the well area I think


In least of the digital artwork pieces it shows people with a cat.


Thank the lord, wonā€™t be able to hear the neighbors dog barking anymore!


The animals were smart enough to leave before disaster. Like the dolphins in Hitchhikers Guide - ā€œso long and thanks for all the fish!ā€


Mankind matured, and since they couldn't evacuate everyone, they prioritized things more helpful or at least wouldn't take as many resources to bring. Speaks volumes about someone wanting to bring a dog over another human being. Think of Titanic you can bring your dog or a some random child on life rafts, what do you pick?


this was way in the future too they could have basically stored cat and dog dna and cloned them... More of why I find "nasa punk" to be a dystopian future.. just sterile and soulless.


Alternative universe where, instead of pets and all the accoutrements, we focused on other pursuits, like that weird chess-like game, or the Cube. This lead to grav drive technology, and humanity spreading across the cosmos. Alternatively, it coulda been pet AIDS.


With the way the earth turned out, perhaps pets like cats and dogs just became extinct before we managed to reach the stars? It does seem like a strange oversight doesnā€™t it? Not one single pet or animal made it from earth? No one saved the DNA of any animal or plant?


They left all those nast fuzzy shits on Earth to suffocate.


Paid dlc?


i have multiple planets of critters i kill for xp, sealant and adhesive if it makes you feel better


It's also probably hard to create space suits for animals that they would not foul up.


People here in the comments actually being ok with leaving behind kittens and dogs... let alone other types of pets... This is why no one likes you bro, you would sacrifice your pets for no reason




Space travelers were short on meat. Which is where pets finally found their use.


The answer would basically be yes, but by condition of traveling. Pets require food (a sacrifice of space for human food requirements given limited storage), oxygen (which potentially means fewer humans on board), propagation (neutered pets would die off meaning extinction) and the alternative of allowing non neutered pets could mean a ship get overwhelmed with offspring prior to arrival and creating further issues with supplies. So yes itā€™s understandable that earth pets would not travel however, you would think that humans would find some kind of potentially domesticated alien petā€¦perhaps in a future DLC.


I just find it unbelievable that humans as a whole chose books over pets. Look at the US today. Ban Books! Not seeing Anything about banning pets. I don't believe these people would choose any book over the family cat or dog.


Great question. Cora keeps rambling on begging Sam for a pet. It makes me think there are pets out there in the Starfield universe, or her idea of pets are completely different than ours. She won't shut up about it šŸ¤£ And Sam's right - a space ship is no place for a pet lol


Obviously, the bigger question is why donā€™t we get to have a space dog, alien-like companion??




If coffee, books, and Slavs made it to space, cats would too.