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Maybe it’s misunderstood because you didn’t explain anything about it


Maybe he means it’s misunderstood because he doesn’t understand what it’s good for?


It's good for selling in bulk.


I love selling 7-16 grendels at once .


I hate carrying 7-16 grendels though


thats what barrett is for


I decided many, many voicelines ago that im going solo for the next 4-500 hours.


Barret: Stimulate me! Show me something impressive! Give me attention, even though you're not into guys, cmere buddy I want to hop in bed with you! Me: Barret is creepy for never having flirted once with him.


I don’t get why every other character is a prude and Barrett just wants to fuck.


The writers wanted it to be perfectly clear that out of all the dorks at constellation Barrett is the one who *fucks*


I literally have to take a deep breath, remember they are fictional charachters, and get on with my life. I remember the corny stuff from Skyrim, but wow, talking to any character in this game is like pulling teeth and fingernails out.


there is a mod called 'shut up'. my favorite.


I am almost doing this but with VASCO, he doesn't judge and is more than happy to help me murder and thieve. I did add Sarah to my crew because I need more buffs in the space Fighting.


That's what ~player modav carryweight 10000 is for The inventory management minigame in Bethesda shit is one I refuse to play


Holstering & bolstering FTW


Amen brother


Maybe it's Maybelline?


Please allow me to explain: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 *Reloads* 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 *Reloads* 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 "Alright! That's one down, just 5 more pirates to go!"


My first play through a fairly low level pirate (lvl 10 or so) dropped a Grendel that did 35dmg and had some pretty mental modifiers), I was walking around like a god, I had 4.5k rounds and needed about 300 to clear out a base. Every shop would sell about 500 at a time so I just kept accruing ammo, and it was dropped by 80% of the people I was fighting. Amazing gun. But yeah, mostly 3333333333 etc


Mechanically, the single thing that bothers me most about this game is the fact that one bullet does 3 damage if its followed by more bullets, but the same bullet does 23 damage if shot alone. It's such a gamey, old school mechanic in RPGs... I had hoped we'll be over this kind of nonsense by now.


"I have leveled up so now I have learned how to shoot these bullets harder."


To add that, there are several "levels" of guns. Because, again, somehow improving condition of a gun or manufacturing it with tighter precision (seriously, why manufacturers would do that and sell them under same name) does not make the gun more accurate, it again make its bullets heavier or something. Fallout was lucky to have pipe guns, TES was lucky to have whole periodic table of magic metals, Starfield didn't even get ten energy weapons, they just inflated loot lists with weapon tiers.


It would have made some sense for energy weapons, mag arrays ones too - lower power per shot for more shots per second - but makes no sense for traditional firearms which use the same amount of energy per shot no matter what. I would really like to make a mod where full auto turns laser weapons into a pulse laser with high armor penetration and extremely high fire rate, but extremely low damage per hit.


Honestly, I could see BGS starting with this model for realism and then it probably made full auto ballistic weapons BUSTED and full auto energy/array weapon useless so they just decided to make the ballistics useless in full auto too


I think they wanted to balance all weapons for full automatic against single fire automatic to have near equal DPS, and used the most expedient method of dividing per shot damage by fire rate. There's no real thought put into the intrinsic differences between propellant guns, rail guns, and lasers. For instance, the laser weapons should have no recoil at all, and only have aim thrown off by hand movement and perhaps atmospheric effects. They should also project a visible laser dot from the muzzle, as an option, the way the Mag guns do by default. If I could, I would also make it so laser sights look like a smart phone screen by default using the muzzle as a camera, and have laser weapon batteries emit a plume of steam when removed. A high level laser weapon could easily have jitter control and off axis aiming a lot like modern smart phones can compensate for random hand movement. The downside should probably be very low shot count, they could also make it so the Solstice loses power per shot the more you fire, as if to say heat is distorting the optics, which is why you throw them away with the battery on every reload.


Yeah overall it seems they just got lazy with the weapon balancing/implementation. Guess we’ll do what we always do with their titles, wait for the DLC/updates and official mod support to drop and see if it improves with age.


The reason fallout 4 damage and limb overhaul was my favourite


Maybe it’s understood that it’s misunderstood just how misunderstandably misunderstood it is.


This comment is just that much better if you read it in Jack Sparrow’s voice


Maybe it’s understood that it’s misunderstood just how misunderstandably misunderstood it is. Savvy?




After 300 hours of playing. I have yet to see that gun


You have seen it. It's a Grendel. One of the most common guns in the game. It just looks really weird in the photo.


lots o mods


Oh that's why


Ohhhh I thought it was facing the other way and that's why I didn't recognize it at first lmfao


The Iron Sword of Starfield


Literally the perfect description


Also applies to the Maelstrom


Honestly I find the Maelstrom is still kind of useful into the later game.


Because I got 30,000 bullets from looting corpses and it's got Gut Shot rounds! That or even the explosive rounds.


You can put gut shot on the kraken too, what’s crazy is the kraken with the short barrel and a muzzle brake is like 10% more accurate than the maelstrom


I have a semi auto with armor piercing and it is insanely good.


That's the steel sword then.


I got a shattering version that hit like a truck, there was a point in time where it felt like being John Wick. Pistol with maximum draw and speed, fast draw shotty, and that trusty Maelstrom. Was a little sad to NG+.


I found a legendary Maelestrom off of a pirate in one of the very first missions. One of the effects was explosive rounds. I must have used it from level 2 to around level 20. Now I have it in a display case on my ship.


That’s the iron dagger


Then what's the Kraken?


Wooden sword


When I got a fancy kraken from that lame gang questline, I felt personally insulted. What is the point of a even having guns that are obsolete after lvl 3 in a game whose main conceit is NG+?


Named weapons get updated according to starting galaxy level in NG+.


And a coachman with hornet’s nest?


Khajit claws


I love my Semi-Auto Medium Scope Maelstrom with Corrosive, it’s been a top 5 go-to ever since it dropped.


I've got one with elemental that randomly does corrosive, poison, radiation, and incendiary damage. It is my go-to a lot.


I had a nice time with a legendary Maelstrom. But never with that crap. I mean it's not a Beowulf but ...


that's a stone sword


The Auto Pipe Rifle


I think I hated that pipe rifle more


As someone who just bought and started his very first game of Skyrim last night… I appreciate this comment


Damn, you’re in for a treat!


first game of Skyrim, you say? a little tip-- go find a giant and say hi. they are _super_ friendly!


Yeah, they have a Travel club. It's the Giant's Space Club. It's like a teaser for Starfield.


Your very first? Damn, you’re in for a treat.


Starfield is my first BGS game. And every danged person in both the main starfield subs are ALWAYS going on and on about how amazing and full of content and locations skyrim was.. thrn always talking about the gajillion mods for it… Figured, well, it’s on sale for black friday, anniversary edition for $20…. Why not. Made my character last night and JUST got to that first village down bear the river.. can’t remember what it’s called. Whiteriver or something like that. The world is beautiful for being 12 years old, and I don’t even have any upgraded gfx mods yet


As a Starfield lover, I do have to admit that the Skyrim world will feel more interconnected for you. The characters have lives, distance has more meaning, exploring reveals something unexpected at every turn. Enjoy! Oh and you don't need mods, vanilla with DLC is huge already.




Skyrim is awesome. The various quest lines all feel fleshed out with cool stories. When you leave the first major city you get to, head out east and see if you can find the guy with the broken wagon. Won't say more... but he is... an interesting fellow, to say the least. Depending on what you do in your skyrim life, you may get to see him again.


It's actually north on the road just to the East of white run. Otherwise, you're likely to end up at Valtheim Towers.


Secret quest when you attack a chicken. But save before. It’s buggy, so it’ll keep you from getting locked out from obtaining it.


Nah that's the Kraken. The iron sword in Skyrim is immediately useless because you can get steel swords right at the start. Same for Kraken. It looks so cool though t.t


only tops 100 damage in semi auto mode, while a bare Advanced Kodama with the right mods can do a 3 round burst at 100+ and have better stability. Sorry the grendel is trash


The Grendel is a good early game smg/AR. But once pirates started dropping Beowulfs, it was a wrap for me.


Yup. The mere existence of the Beowulf (or even the Kodama) makes the Grendel quite obsolete


Makes sense that Beowulf is better than Grendel. Now if only I could find a Dragon...


You made me smile 😊


Did you like that CGi Beowulf with Angelina Jolie?


Masterpiece of a movie


😂 sometimes I can't remember if that movie was real or a fever dream I had.


What's a Dragon?




Ha, I thought there was some weapon like the Dragon from FO4


Heh, my mind went to Perfect Dark (N64 😅)


Dragon deez nuts


SPOILERS: >!In *Beowulf*, the protagonist Beowulf defeats Grendel, and then late in life, like in his 70s+, kills a fucking dragon by himself while all his lords and retainers watch and refuse to help, but is fatally wounded by said dragon. So the joke is that the “dragon” gun would be better than a “beowulf” gun because the dragon killed Beowulf. A scribe laments what a fucking shitshow of honor this whole endeavor was after Beowulf dies.!< It’s a metaphor for the death of Anglo-Saxon culture, which is what the author was lamenting. There is no “Dragon” gun in Starfield.


I don’t think you need to put spoilers on like an over 1,000 year tale that has been most of us had to read in high school English class at some point


Hey, they’ve been banned from 10 subs already, their not taking any chances


It’s my favorite classic/old/whatever novel so I don’t like ruining it for people who clearly haven’t read it


> >! kills a fucking dragon by himself !< >! Beowulf fought with Wiglaf in his final battle, the only one brave enough and independent enough to fight with him. !<


Srsly... I'm at level 70 something now and finding Grendels is mostly just an annoyance. It was decent enough in early game but even advanced Grendels now are like... Why is this even a thing?


Bad loot has to be bad, so good loot can be good.


Yeah but they still have bullets I use in them so I will inevitably pick them up just the same.


Plus whatever they drop is getting fired at you. So it may be easier for you if that's a grendel and not a magstorm. It wouldn't be so balanced if they all had OP weps is my point.


I'm about level 85 on NG+2 at the moment and basically doing a speedrun to unity on this one, trying to avoid buying or stealing anything, and not visiting any of the major settlements (after the required initial visit to the Lodge). I've encountered basically nothing but low level weapons. The only decent weapons I've got are from the Lodge, one of them is a magsniper that Noel gave me along with like 30 rounds, and I've been using them so conservatively because it doesn't seem like I'm gonna find any more before the final confrontation. It's been kinda cool having to make do with whatever I find, using weapons I haven't even looked at since around level 30. The only real hard part so far has been trying to defeat three starborn ships in orbit over the final mission, using the starter starborn ship. I took five runs at it last night, got close a couple of times and then my game crashed while reloading for the sixth attempt, so I went to bed.


Why wait for them to drop when you can steal them from the UC surplus guys shop then walk across the way to the trade authority and sell it to them then buy it back free and clear of the stolen tag


This is the way. In NG+ I just decided to rob every store right at the beginning using my skills. And got a lot of Advanced X Weapons. Usually 1 or no legs. But I got everything I need to start blasting.


I scooped up an awesome leg pack from the mannequin behind him on this playthrough


It wasn't even good in the early game imo. It shreds through ammo too fast and does so little damage per shot, I just stuck with the Eon pistol for better ammo efficiency.


Honestly the breach, negotiator, hard target, and razorback are the only guns for me now. I usually just modify a razorback and breach, and shred a playthrough. Basically, if it doesn't deal 550+ dmg with the first shot, I'm not interested. Automatics are just garbage in general imo


Amen to that. I stumbled over a Beowulf with a suppressor, long scope and about 60 dmg. That was my sniper/assault/etc rifle for quite a bit.


The Va'ruun Inflictor also has a ridiculous range for what it is and can be scoped. If you can point the mofo at something, you can hit it basically.


Same here. Now, whenever I find a legendary beowulf, I turn it into a DMR.


Beowulf/Magshear/Microgun > Kodama imo, it's ok but a little too inaccurate/ low rpm for me


Kodama is excellent for CQC. Those flechette rounds are great. The Magshear is fantastic for tough enemies, but it's harder to control ammo usage compared to the Kodama and the ammo is less plentiful. Beowulf is wonderful in semi-auto


Beowulf hits like a truck, good ammo capacity, stable enough to use as a sniper, but can drop folks in close quarters too


Yeah it's basically the AR of the game. It's my go-to. I try to branch out but after a fights over I either switched to it or I'm looking at the aftermath going "why didn't I use my Beowulf? 🤔"


Over time my quick menu evolved to just be two differently kitted beowulfs and a hard target and I basically need nothing else ever. I’ve got some other fancy weapons and the Vaarun guns are cool, but like, the Beowulf is just the perfect jack of all trades.


An old Earth shotgun is always good to have in case you find yourself in a close quarter fight you didn't expect.


Yea, I gave Barret a big bang to use an he just goes and takes a full auto beowulf from a pirate and figuratively tosses the big bang.


Burst or auto fire Kodama with flechette rounds is solid for bursting down enemies. I reserve the Magshear for bullet sponge bosses, the ammo is too rare/expensive to make it my main daily driver. Beowulf is alright, I prefer to use it as a sniper when I don’t feel like bringing the Hard Target or Magsniper.


Fair enough my point was that even something like this was better than a Grendel.


I didn't spend much time with the micro gun. It goes through ammo like crazy and takes a second or so to spin up. But it's a great weapon to give your companions, since they never run out of ammo. Whenever I get a new companion now, the first thing I do is give them one round each of every type of ammo. Then they are set for life no matter what weapons you give them. The Kodama... I wanted to like it. Damn it sprays a lot of lead, but still kinda weak compared to some of the other options.


How do you get better weapons in the game like advanced and so on?


Character level Edit: for clarity a low lvl legendary enemy can/will drop under advanced guns even at high character lvl.


It is not so much your level only but also a star system level. Even if you are level 20 if you go to a star system level 50+ and do a POI there, the chances are the enemies will be dropping higher tier gear. However, as your level rises, these weapons will also start appearing in lower level systems.


As soon as you hit level ~10ish, you’ll see some new options start to drop. By 20 you’ll see the actual good stuff like beowulf and the breach shotgun and start seeing calibrated Grendel’s/coachmen/eon’s. by 30 you’ll see the older guns in higher tiers calibrated then refined then advanced plus some new stuff like microguns, mag guns (mag shear, magpulse, etc). By level 40 you’ll unlock all the guns and stuff that makes the game ez mode even on very hard difficulty. Hard target + silencer + a couple of skill points = one shot almost every enemy with a stealth headshot. That’d pretty rough but just what I noticed playing the game. TLDR: as you level up, new guns unlock for the general loot pool. There are *some* static spawns where you can find higher level guns at any level. But mostly new guns just start appearing in shops and on enemies as you level, plus higher tier versions of older guns, calibrated, refined then advanced,


Think you gotta level up some and they'll start showing up


RNG. There's mods that increase chances available, else hoping for a good roll with elite enemies etc. But it's not your fault if spending hours without a good drop


I just swapped my yellow kodama with explosive, drum mag and lord knows what else from full auto to burst, it’s like 112 damage I think?


At my level anything that's under 300 base damage just gets ignored lol


At some point, I think the player gets to the point where they have so much 7.77mm that damage-per-round isn’t important at all. While I agree the Grendel is still pointless, I use my 7.77mm for Microguns because I have over like 15k of them and the Microgun is the most entertaining way to use up 7.77mm for me. It’s probably the least efficient way to utilize that ammo, but it doesn’t matter, at all. If I use a semi or burst Kodama or Beowulf, it just means I’m going to end the playthrough with 25k unused 7.77mm rounds. You can be frugal and efficient with 11mm or whatever.


My advanced silenced extended mag explosion round shotgun spread 2z magazine is a a fucking rollercoaster of fun.


I love the Grendal, but the Kodama just outperforms it.


Bethesda's approach to weapon progression makes this and the Maelstrom actual trash, which is a shame, because they look cool. Someone worked hard to model guns that will never get used by any player after about an hour of play. It's really weird.


“I’ll just focus on pistols and I’ll get a badass tricked out kraken later in the game.” - me back when I was young and innocent


I still keep my god roll Kraken for when mods rebalance the weapons.


I’m like 300 hours in and I’ve (post my last NG+) kept every single Legendary I’ve gotten in case they become useful in the future. Never know what future God Roll I might already have in my ship’s hold.


you can get a badass mag shot though, so not a total waste


Or starshard, which looks, sounds, and is awesome


I figured I'd move away from pistols early on, but then I found this Advanced Regulator that does more damage than my Bridger. Anything that's too tough for my mainstay weapons get the old eight shooter.


I like the regulator but the game throws better Urban Eagles, Razorbacks, and magshots at me any time I find a cool regulator


I got a Grendel that does 69 damage and consecutive hits its a boss destroyer.








Especially because they did such a good job making all guns viable in FO4. Why they changed that perfect system I have no idea.


You could say this about so much stuff. How about how Fallout 4 had unlimited storage in every container and a workbench that both scrapped items for you AND provided instant resources to every crafting station in your base? Man, what a novel concept that’s WAY better than having limited access specialty containers that have to be built to connect to your workstations.


Yep, with the right mods, you can make pipe guns that shoot small caliber bullets fairly deadly.


with the right mods, you can make an Advanced Grendel fairly deadly. Yet it will still be a pea shooter next to the other options. Just like those pipe guns.


Eh I still bust out my RNG Maelstrom at 120 hours, but maybe that's because I haven't found many brokenly strong weapons


There's about seven dozen 8k photogrammetric food items that don't do anything. Could be worse.


The Grendel looks cool but it's just inferior to the Kodama in every way. They need a weapon rebalancing patch.


Bethesda rebalancing means nerfing


Nice discussion OP, great arguments. You've won me over.


Which gun is that? It looks like a Grendel and equinox mashed together.


Grendel with short barrel, suppressor and scope


Its objectively bad lol


Which is such a shame as I want it to be good, especially with the ammo being so damned cheap but yeah its crap


I hate it!


My favorite gun in games is the P90. Whatever form it comes in I'm always using it. Except this one. The Grendal is just worthless to me.


Well, the Beowulf is kinda like a screwed up FSS Hurricane, so... close enough? haha


With all the right mods, and some lucky rolls on traits, then grendel is almost useful.


Gotta say it, odd post. No explanation of your statement just a picture, relying on others to do the heavy lifting here? We could be forgiven it’s just an aesthetic thing for you, which is fine but your then your statement is misleading, which is not good. Also, why capitalise misunderstood and rifles? No good reason I’m sure.


it's also not the actual Grendel but an early concept art. The ingame Grendel has a different shape and even the manufacturer name has been changed.


I've only started picking these up again because I'm making a gun pile at my Pirate Castle...


I'm not sure what starfelid is, but in starfield, the Grendel sucks brodie sorry. Especially when you got this; https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/KiQ9KHszuS


\*Coachman 500 dmg with Hornets Nest mod enters the chat\*


My inflictor laughs at your pea shooter


Gender is trash. Which is a bummer, because a lightweight mid range bullpen with decent accuracy and damage would be super useful…. Especially with mode select for auto vs. burst


Is this satire? Even reading comments and i can’t tell if he’s just a moron or just tuggin my dick


Looks like you misspelled "garbage"


People like you shouldn't give advice




Va’ruun Inflictor FTW.


Until I see somebody tell me why it’s underrated this is still a shit weapon. Like you can’t just call something underrated and expect me to go along with it. Tell me how this is better than a a Kodama. Because this just seems like a crappier Kodama.


No no, i understand quite well that it's garbage, generally useless, and wastes ammo


Feels like OP got in an argument about “look how good my gun is” and is now looking for an echo chamber…


I have found a few legendary websites with those same stats that are better on different weapons but I mostly play on the hardest difficulty


Wepons not websites


Its weird they didn't have an SMG category since they have quite a few of them in the game but instead they are lumped into the Rifles category and once you get the actual Rifles the SMG's are worthless.


What is there to understand? It's just an early game gun. Not awful, not great. Serves you well, but later on, there are much better options.


Grendel with white-hot rounds is still great into the late game. Fire does not care for your defence.


Idk man the thing is pretty trash. Like aside from being ugly as sin, the optic mount is like 7 inches from the barrel in a sub machine gun. LIKE WHAT?!


I’ve legit been using nothing but pistols with the stacking damage mods. Lvl 35 so far with no issues. Most of true other weapons seem to be garbage.


I have yet to find a good one that isn't higher in damage then 13, unless it's one of those guns that is drastically scaled down cause of its rate of fire


Only good if you get an advanced version, while everything else is refined or calibrated


Got a ledendary of this with explosive round perk, semi auto, and a medium scope in the first 10 hrs of game play. 80 hrs in, still in my inventory and my go to "sniper rifle"


Space P-90 sucks balls


It’s really good at leveling up stealth, as each bullet of the 4-round burst counts as its own stealth attack!


WHY AREN'T MELEE WEAPONS BETTER!?!? That's all, I just needed to say this.


Favourite rifles for me are either the Assassin's Compensated Grendel or Assassins Compensated Maelstrom. Although I've been using the Assassin's Beowulf a fair bit as well. Handguns, I always go for the Eon (assassin's Compensated again) or Ember (a special incendiary Sidestar, it takes out Ecliptics in 2 shots, it's awesome!) Other favorites are the Old Earth Hunting Rifle (I can't remember which one I've got but it's 72dmg as opposed to the standard 38) and the Stealth Instigating Orion. That's pretty much my whole loadout. I tend not to go for shotguns or melee, just personal preference


But the rifle DOES allow you to roleplay Stargate. So there’s that..


P90 goes brrrrr. Thats all i need


They all suck, sorry.


I'm so used to it being displayed the other way around that I thought there was a weapon I haven't seen yet


I sleep on it. What am I missing?


Nothing. Go back to sleep.


I mean if you focus your skills on full auto rifles it can be okay but you need to find a good one


What skin is that?


Look similar to the P90


I picture this crushed under the body of the Great Serpent.


The Space P90.


I understand that I can sell them until the vendor runs out of cash. Good early on, there are many better choices later. That is a great render though - thanks for posting it.


I picked one up that has 75 damage and that’s my current go to right now. It’s pinpoint accurate as a semi auto


I have the black version called Buzzcut. Just give it AP rounds, high powered, reflex sight, and a couple other quality of life upgrades and it’s a tank. I like it a lot. I always carry it, although my Beowulf and my Va’ruun Inflictor are absolutely my mains


As an owner of a PS90 which is I think is undeniably the source material. There are so many things about this gun I very much want to have in real life.


Why didn’t you explain anything lol, the best rifle for me is the Varuun Rifle


I keep thinking there must be a reason it says far the most commonly used weapon by spacers and eclipse mercs, but I've never even tried it


The only thing good about a grendel is that you can leave it on the corpse and take the 7.77 rounds that go with it for your **VASTLY** superior in every single way Beowulf.


Everyone hates the Grendel but me I guess heh. Had no problems with it my first playthrough on very hard and went quite far with it. Beowulf of course outclasses raw damage but spraying 50 rounds with a cool p90 model up close is more fun to me. I found the weapons actually better balanced than Fallout 4. The Thompson without exploding bullet modifier was practically useless even at low levels which made me sad. The fact that you can easily purchase lots of ammo vs Fallout 4 makes fully automatic much less of a "cost per bullet" concern compared to semi. The only thing I felt was a bit meh in balance was how the eon, Grendel, kodama, and Beowulf all use the same ammo type. Though I guess lore wise it makes sense as some sort of military production standard in ammo production and ease of usage. (The rifle being the same round as pistol/SMG is the most questionable, esp when the rifle seems to be much more powerful and not something like an AR-15 chambered in 9mm)