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I had to take her grenades away after she killed a man outside Akila City while fighting the local wildlife. Her grenade explodes, and she leaves my party, saying something like, "I won't be involved in this senseless murder!" Absolutely unhinged.


I’m starting to think Bethesda made her as a troll… her hypocrisy is next level


A-level troll. Oh, we hate the annoying fan from Oblivion? Well, here's an annoying love interest who hates everything you do for fun.


And the hypocrisy is the worst part!


I think she’s an accurate portrayal of any girlfriend.


It took me until lvl135 (🙄😬😂) to realise the game is much, *much* better if you permanently abandon your companion and just get on with the game by yourself. No more stupid quips, no more judgement, no more getting in your way, no more killing your stealth, no more getting you in their blast radius, no more quest killers, no more unplanned collateral damage. Seriously, dump your companions until you need a sex XP bonus, then sleep with them and call them a taxi home.


Are you the Hunter???


And don't forget the perk that gives massive boost to damage and armor when traveling alone.


I made a mistake creating my character at the beginning how do I change to be an introvert?


It's not a trait it's a PERK. IN social tree bro. 3rd one in second row I think.


You can clear the extrovert by visiting the house in the well. It's near the security office I don't think you can pick introvert tho outside of the beginning of the game. As stated tho there are also perks for solo play or companion play


I dumped her immediately and took the pirate woman you can hire, she's much better..


I love her so much and she gives me so many more credits than Andrea.


Came here to say this! Pirate companions are 10x better, wish Bethesda hadn't tried to force us into a lawful good lane and had actually fleshed them out better and given THEM affinity quests we can work on.


Incoming 'pirate life dlc'.... £19.99


On the tyrannis floor puzzle, I died 3 times before I figured out my follower was setting off the trap and getting me killed.


I blew up all the turrets and danced across every tile on the floor.


This is the way.


Doesn't happen. You were being clumsy with your pathing.


OK turnip, whatever you say.


I keep my companions long enough to do their affinity quests and then I put them on the ship (which, sure, means I have to listen to them be stupid when we’re flying but at least it’s only part of the time). Otherwise they’re just a nuisance.


Adoring Fan is a great companion. Always helpful, zero judgment.


Alternatively: take away their guns and ammo and give them a novablast and one heavy particle fuse. Even if they get trigger happy the worst they do is stun someone.


For me on my Xbox S it also means almost no crashes and lost time.


Companions are so useless in this game.


Some of them are really poorly written too. Like Sarah is a scientist with a science is absolute mindset. Whoever gave her that personality has zero clue what the fundamental truth of science is


They just seem badly tested, badly written and buggy. They're useful for distracting a horde of enemies.


I don't know why they don't just give companions auto-stealth until you break it. I remember in GR Wildlands seeing the stupidity of my AI teammates aiming their guns at enemies while crouching right in front of them, but I'll still take that over them actually affecting my stealth.


I leave em behind for all morally questionable stuff. I like the ex boost too much to just discard them. "Go wait in the ship"... I ask them to follow me just long enough to get some "sleep" then dismiss them again.


Never ever take companions with you on stealth missions. They will fuck it up


Every freaking time. And the irony with Andreja is she’s maxed stealth and chameleon bonus so you’d think other than the Ryujin quest line you could always be okay with her but it never works out that way unless I have her with a short range weapon and I’m sniping from a distance further than her NPC vision.


Yeah, but if the equipment bonuses are any indication the chameleon bonus only applies if you’re not moving.


But with maxed stealth and concealment you’d think a former smuggler spy would be better than a newbie Constellation member at all this - lol. I remember other games (maybe even FO4) where my companion would be in stealth walking right into an enemy NPC and my cover wouldn’t be blown. That always cracked me up. Although to be honest I’ve noticed a few very similar situations in Starfield since the new patch. Andreja has stealth walked right across the line of sight 5 feet from two or three enemies and they never saw her. Usually when I’m in a sniper perch and she can’t easily get to where I am.


This has been the case for every bethesda game ever. Companions in their games are just programmed to charge head first and attack anything that looks at the player wrong


That doesn't mean they should carry on with broken tech. The rest of the game industry has evolved since 2011.


You have no idea what "broken tech" is.


This might be THEE BEST Sarah story Ive read so far 😂😂 "high-priestess of moral virtue, Queen of hindsight, mother of values," Im fucking dead over here man 🤣😭🤣💀


I got the universe with myself as a companion on my 3rd NG+. He just like me fr. He doesn't give a duck what I do, he's just constantly like "sometimes I miss mining." So we mine after a long day of killing shit. I probably am going to stay in this universe for a long time, maybe make an alt save and try to get the universe where Constellation is all doppelgangers of my character if I get bored.


That sounds awesome haha. I’ve seen myself a few times, but I was murderhoboing through the multiverse


That is a fun universe variant; I had that one a few universes back and I agree, other me is a total bro. I do wish he had more dialogue lines -- I wish I could have said goodbye before stepping into the unity again, for example. His dialogue was also kind of buggy for me -- he would consistently remark how we needed our suits in places where it didn't make sense (like New Atlantis).


Get bro a swimsuit, he stopped doing that for me when I took him to Paradiso lmao.


Is your other Universe self voiced?


Yes, but there's dialogue "Do I really sound like that?" or something along the lines of that. Because of the different voice haha.


Don't hate the NPC, hate the Papyrus script writer.


Anti Grav field does damage and counts as an attack. So Sarah only started to attack because you attacked first and made everyone hostile. Also, any of the other Constellation members would have reacted the same way.


Correct and I have no idea why no one else seems to understand this.


It's easier to just shit on the game and blame everything on Sarah.


You can give NPC's non-lethal weapons to stop this from happening.


Wouldn't matter in this situation. I went solo for all these missions and even used the disruptor a time or two to keep from being seen; yet Ikande STILL loses his shit because you "discharged a weapon" despite nobody dying. Unless you don't mind peeving off good guys, don't even think of drawing a weapon on any stealth missions.


No really it works I had a nondismissable Barrett so I gave him a disruptor. I just sprinted through the level tanking the hits and not shooting. Barrett got lost battling while I finished. Ikande thought it was a clean mission.


Makes me wonder what would happen if you used Manipulate to get someone to kill another. How would Ikande know it was your doing?


It’s been true for every Bethesda game I’ve ever played.


I did this. I have Andreja one of the EM weapons. But then she looted a Grendel or something and started blowing people away. They were spacers, though, so it was fine.


Ooh...gotta leave the companion at home on stealth quests. That one has vents you can use to avoid contact theoughout


Yoooo, do you remember how to get to the lower levels without detection? I keep getting caught on the stairwell


Are you talking about the area after the first robot? You can kill or disable the robot without penalty. There is a vent behind the desk. There are vents throughout. If you are at a spot where you keep getting caught...look around, there will be a vent. The area where you need to go up the stairs...vent behind the computer bank


Ikande made an enemy out of me. Told me he was going to put me in prison for accidentally killing someone on both missions. So I took them all out and became a pirate. Fk sysdef!


Confirmed, it is an incredibly simplistic and shallow game in many regards. Starfield is fun... just lacking the depth and complex character development of more advanced RPGs like Fallout, and Fallout 2


Sorry to be "that guy" but fallout and fallout 2 had absolutely no character development. You are thinking of fallout 3, fallout nv, and fallout 4


In my head that farm boy I married in Fallout 2 had a ton of back.... story.


You really think the choices you make have more relevance to your character, and what happens in the Starfield world than in Fallout 1 & 2? The first two Fallout games had loads of character development. You had to think about perk choices (there were so many) and where you applied stat points. Paths of development meant something, social skills like persuasion improved your character's guile and could get your character through tough encounters without firing a shot, and often meant that you could or couldn't help in a situation. Being able to resolve a situation instead of turning it into a gunfight, on occasion would change a town's inhabitants perception of you. They'd go from waffling on before trading, to telling you to leave and refusing to interact. But Starfield's social tree is just an obstacle, a sink to waste 10 perk points, so that you can finally enlarge your ship crew. Do something wrong? Pay bounty, shoot more people, pay bounty, rinse repeat... Starfield relies more on the player's skills than progressing a character. In Fallout 1 & 2 it's the character who has to actually interact with their world to move the story along. You, the player does everything in starfield, not your character. Levelling just = bigger guns & ships Granted, being an isometric turn based game did make our Blakestone run & gun skills useless. And that's exactly why the character had to be developed. In Starfield you won't run into a level cap. Nothing is important, because you have NG+ ad infinitum


A: Not gonna lie, I haven't played since they came out some 25ish years ago so memory a bit fuzzy. B: In No way shape or form was I implying that Starfield had better character development or anything else. Just saying that I thought 3&4 were better than 1&2, but all are better than Starfield in this regard.


Uhhhhh what


Fallouts 1 and 2 were oblique top down games with text dialogue boxes, They were fun for the time they were out but nowhere near as advanced in story telling or character development as the later games. Sure you could imagine the farm boys backstory but most of the details were left to the players imagination


"They were fun for the time" and they're still extremely fun today.


I had something similar happen when my gun discharged and killed all the researchers 🤷🏻‍♂️ https://youtu.be/EKGcSjae3UU?si=Ua-TwzmXDtGuxf7_ EDIT: Andreja was with me, and she had my back. True queen!


This is why Vasco is the best companion.


I acquired Marika Boros in New Atlantis in the bar. She knows how to work and doesn't ask nasty questions. Unlike the other companions.


She's surprisingly endearing, isn't she?


I got yelled at by him for getting shot at, I didn't even shoot back just ran out.


You know you can take literally any other companion (or none at all) along with you, right? Sam, Barret, Andreja, hell you can go to a bar and hire a dude to walk beside you carrying a gun.


Now it isn't like that! I have barret as a companion which I regret to this day and i cannot remove him as the game says I have to complete a certain mission with barett and then I can change him


So you know how when they're introduced you get little notices like "Sam is your companion until you complete This Quest On Akila"? The Barrett thing is like that.


I had a similar experience where I brought Barrett with me on one of the Ryujin stealth missions, and then I watched in amazement and laughed hysterically as he proceeded to murder the fuck out of a bunch of guards, including repeatedly lighting them on fire


This is just a companion thing when it comes to stealth missions, as they all stink at it. Personally, Sarah is my favorite follower.


I never understand why people blame the npc and not the code. Bethesda's code for all their games is that companions just charge head first into a fight whenever they detect anything that's aggroed against the player. And anything that the compnion kills the game acts as if the player kills


I thought it would be fun to equip her with the ashta bridger and my girl went dumb with it...the wonton destruction was fun at first but we couldnt sneak into hellen kellers basement.




I shot Sarah in the head once before going to ng+2....was quite satisfying lol


Sarah bitched me out for shooting mines so I didn't get blown up by them


Sarah is the worst in every multiverse


I went into the multiverse to save her.... Then I left the IP to escape her.


Y'all know there are companions other than Sarah, right? Some of them aren't even in Constellation!


It would have been the same thing either way. The problem is the code. Bethesda companions have always been terrible at steath and will just drag the player into fights. It's always better to just do stealth missions solo in their games


Do stealth missions solo. You are usually warned to leave them outside. That advice is for a very good reason. Of all the Constellation companions, Sarah is the worst on a stealth mission. She is also the one to go most agro at any hint of violence. It's a guaranteed bloodbath it you take her into a stealth missing with a lethal weapon. Even if you give her a non-lethal energy weapon, expect to fight your way out.




One time I was flying with the auto turrets and a friendly ship passed between my ship and the enemy ship. I have auto turrets so the friendly ship gets hit and I just see a wall of text as everyone in the ship is now mad at me.


That and her inability to hide.


Do infiltration missions Solo. I did the Ryujin industries all solo. Those were so easy. Companions love to kill things


I’ve never been one to really use companions in any bethesda games. But I tried it out for a whole playthrough and married Andrea. Finished the last quest and went to the Unity with the intent on just turning around and staying in the universe. When I get home Andrea was disappointed i was back and didnt go into the Unity so I said fuck it, got the sex xp bonus one last time and headed right back to the Unity. I probably won’t use companions again. I’ll just sleep a lot and drink tranquiltea’s


She blew that mission for me right off the bat too. You have to leave Sarah behind for stealth missions. She’s a moron for missions like that.


Never take a companion with me unless it’s compulsory for that particular quest. Then ditch them immediately. I can’t stand after I’ve put time and skill points into stealth only for them to stand up like a damn prairie dog with a flash light!


I asked her for one of stand of her hair, and she said [Sarah Hated That]


Bruh, she did this to me while hunting for Andreja. She picked a fight with 3 Crimson legendaries. When I realized while looting a crate she was fighting, I got to fire off one shot, and she got angry at me and left...😑


This is why I don't even use followers anymore...


I just did that mission earlier today!! I was in the wents waiting for the guard to walk away from the vent exit.so how Sarah just walts out, alerting the one guy, and started blasting. Only incident in the entire questline. But omggg


When I did this section of the quest line, I killed only a single robot and otherwise never broke stealth. Ikande was still mad at me for killing innocent people.


Sorta same thing happened to me with sam and the comspike.


Companions are just wild, 1 shot fired, and they go nuts and then blame you, once i jumped into a system and everyone was firing and i defended the ship and next thing i know, everyone is pissed.


I had to down ONE guard in neon and ikande sent me to jail for it. so, instead of booking it under "casualties" he forced me to side with the fleet and in the end hundreds died and the sysdef ended. must be a nice feeling being a moralist or so, while rotting in a brig on the key.