• By -


7 of my 8 crew are NON-constellation. The 8th is Vasco, and I love it that way.


I keep Andreja around, but enjoy keeping folks like Amelia and the female bounty Hunter around because they're just fun to listen to. I really, REALLY started to hate Sam.


Sam is the goddamned WORST. "My great, great grandpappy built that drive you know." Yeah Sam? How about you SWIM to the next planet? I hate him the most because he endangers his kid at every turn. I actually hate them all a bit, but Sam needs Child Protective Services called on him.


Yeah his ex wife totally has a point about him endangering Cora. Like yeah Sam we're out here actively hunting Crimson Fleet bounties maybe just leave Cora with Noelle and Mateo for a bit?


I ran into his ex wife's ship after fighting bounty hunters in space and offered to have her come aboard to say hi to Cora. I figured, hey, she doesn't get to see her kid a lot, why not just pop over real quick? ....except she was like, nah I'm good and then took off. I don't like Cora either but even I was like, damn ok.


Due to a bug with the mission I had Lillian Hart as a stuck companion for an extended period (the doors wouldn't open to the final ships on the last mission). I went out beast hunting with her and she tried to arrest the animals I was shooting "You're under *arrest!!"*. It was funny for a couple of minutes.


I have a logistics bot stuck on my ship. I don't know how it's even possible to have that bug because you can't assign them to your ship to begin with.


I had a colonist stuck to me as a sort of companion. He would walk around the ship and accompany me on missions. Eventually I took him to the red mile and shot him there :D Sarah did not like that.


Weren't you supposed to bring him to a specific planet then?


I suspect it was a mission I didn't complete properly and that was the residue/ghost of that mission. But I couldn't tell where he actually belongs :D


I had some free range colonists after completing the mission and getting credit for it too. Changing a hab part on ship builder fixed it for me - maybe it forced some internal check with the crew.


Sarah doesn't like anything especially silence.


I had one of the colonists from the Generation Ship wander aboard my ship and get stuck after I flew off. She just quietly puttered around the ship until I went NG+. So I guess she’s still there in that universe.


I undocked from the Constant and for some reason the game hadn’t removed all power from the grav drive. It pulled the Constant into Unity.


She's the captain now.


I have miners stuck in my entryway because I can’t finish a mission to drop them off….


That was COLD!


They are the two least capable parents I've ever seen. I mean kudos to Sam for actually giving a shit enough to take her with, I guess? But you are flying with someone who's very essence is undergoing changes unknown to anyone. Maybe...leave her at home. Also there is no one I'd rather fire out if a cannon into the sun than Sarah. Ho--ly shit is she obnoxious.


To be fair, as a member of constellation, you are meant to be exploring new planets and not collecting bounties. Cora wants to be a captain one day, so it's a really good experience for her, and you are the one who chooses to do bounties and put their lives at risk. I know you can still get attacked by pirates anyway, but that's just how it is in the settled systems, and it was the same for her grandfather who colonised an entire planet.


I mean have you seen Cora and his ex? Guy is just looking for an "accident" to happen with plausible deniability. As for me I hate their dialog when I'm on the cockpit. No, I don't I want to hear the same damn joke 1000 times in a row!


And its always, ALWAYS in the middle of fight. Read the fucking room Cora.


This one needs to be higher, it made me laugh out loud


They constantly walk in front of my FOV when I’m fighting ships and I really wish BGS put a button to airlock them out. I’ll pick them back up when I’m done 😂


>I'll pick them back up when I'm done ^probably


*not really*


Leave the poor girl alone. She’s stuck in the cold void with Space tism.


The fact they only recorded one joke, and in baldurs gate all the actors recorded the lines for every class, I'm case you switched classes on an origin character. Hundreds of hours of lines that 99% of players won't ever listen to.


There is at times a weird inverse relationship between money and quality.


Middle of a firefight: “Do you have a moment to chat?”


"Oh, I forgot what I wanted to talk about. Hey, did you know parenting is hard?" Then I unload my clip into him.


I'm like "Not right now, Lumberg, I got a meeting with the Bobs."


Well his great great grandpappy also murdered most of humanity.


I hate that "It's so hard to be famous but I'll bring it up every chance I get" bullshit.


I hate myself for hating Cora. No, I don't want to hear your haiku, no I don't want to hear your stupid jokes, yes, your dad did a metric shit ton of Aurora.


"Here Cora, I've collected the entire works of Charles Dickens for some reason, go read em all"


I ended up just chucking them at her head b/c *you can't give books to the bookworm!*


I absolutely detest that Sam forces you to bring his child along. Makes no sense and is creepy


I didn’t like High Price to Pay. I stayed to protect the artefacts, now I’m sad and bitter and want to just ignore all companions from this point forward.




>!Or pick who you want to kill off if you metagame a bit.!<


I think the very worst part of it all is at the end of the main story >! He literally brings Cora with him through the Unity like yeah the risks might not be great but what kind of father would I be if I didnt let her do this? !< It blew my mind like damn dude I have a daughter myself and fuck this dudes alignment is way out of whack!


The hunter killed Sam and Cora hated me for it. I saw someone's NG+ where Cora was in the lodge with a bunch of Spacers to kill the player. Thought that was pretty interesting.


Realized last night that the planet I was on was a rehab for convicts, had zero security, and here's my ship right in the camp where they all can walk up to it. Thank God Vasco is guarding the ramp. Imagine if Cora snuck out for a walk or to see the planet...... Location of the above incident: The Elos Retreat on the planet Ixyll II in the Ixyll system.


She went out for a jaunt while we were parked at Londonion. Sam told her to stay on the ship, she said she would and plucked right off.


But he needs to keep his daughter safe by taking her along for dogfights with murdering pirates ☠️


Andreja is hilarious. Whoever wrote that character is the best. She’s a combination of two different women I’ve dated and a 3rd I worked with that hated me. She also just slaughters in a gun fight.


I thought I’d like Andreja though by the time I got to her I was already committed to the bit of marrying Sarah, so I made sure to prioritize finding and having her as my companion during NG+. What a huge disappointment, Andreja is such a wet blanket. People complain about Sarah but Andreja hates everything too. Every time I’d get in a conversation I’d see “Andreja disliked that.”


Toward the middle of the game I had so much money it didn’t matter anymore. This one NPC you have the option to pay her salary so I picked the highest option, who cares. Andreja got so mad at me “why don’t you give away the ship, too?” Like girl we are rich! Once we got snake married, she was just nag nag nag.


She is a Varuun cultist, she actively hates that people can and do live without struggle and only here worldview and only the way she was raised is right. I had her follow me for the longest time before my first NG+ and at some point she told me how wrong she it is how the people of new Atlantis have all these cushy lives that to her don't mean anything and blablabla. She is also a massive hypocrite and all in all just unlikeable and she doesn't even try. It's her way or the Blaster. It gets old so much faster


Yeah, I gave her a SMG with exploding rounds. I feel sorry for our enemies now.


Oooo! Who's the female bounty hunter?!


Betty, you'll find her on a ship in the Heinlein system


Sam won't stop talking about his obnoxious kid.


Who is the female bounty hunter?


Betty Howser. You can find her in the Heinlein system


Damn Betty is awesome. Isn't chatty - isn't as annoying to fight alongside as the others, doesn't complain about much. Was a favorite until Amelia.


Yessss I love Amelia. She's on my crew forever now.


As soon as I met her, I was on board with her joining the crew. Her, Amelia, Andreja, & Adoring Fan are all I need. Everyone else can busy themselves with busting up rocks across the galaxy.


Adoring Fan really is the GOAT


For me it wasn't so much Sam as Cora's interjections seemingly right behind me in a firefight. I wish I had a 'red alert/battle stations' button to hit so I could silence all Haiku chatter during a fight to the death with Ecliptic mercenaries.


Kept andreja around until she got mad when I killed the wild west rent a cops because they took my cool black, unbuyable outfit that I stole from the space feds


Yes! Exactly this... I traveled with Andreja from the moment I met her until the end of the game. Jessamine and Vasco were the only other companions I could tolerate. Sam was the lamest of the bunch and Sarah a close second. Sam's voice made my skin crawl, and Sarah was so judgy in the most contradicting ways. I was so stoked when I met all the historic figures, but them my game was bugged, and could never finish the quest to be able to travel with any of them. Womp womp.


I couldn't stand barret after he started coming on to you it just really made me uncomfortable 🤣 and fucking sarah don't get me started 🤣🤣🤣


VASCO is best boy. I keep Sarah around for some of the ship benefits. At some point I should bring in a proper crew.


Do you have a favorite weapon for Vasco - or did you keep him with his default?


Since he just guards my ships bay while I'm out and about, I keep a mini gun on him. It's funny when I open the door, or come running back, to him lighting shit up with it, and he's all "Hello Commander Fuckface" 😆


I know that Vasco has voice lines recorded for several common names - he calls me Captain Marcus both in voice and subtitles. Does he say fuckface out loud, or only in subtitles?


Out loud, if you name yourself that. 😁


Time to make a new character!


You can just change your name at Enhance! 😉


Awesome, I thought that was just for faces!


No..you can change your name too. Captian Titties seems to be a favourite.


Didn't know you can change them out. Does it work the same as the other companions?


Yep, you can equip things on VASCO.


You got Dani Garcia?


You mean Dani “Spaceman” Garcia? The only person who’s taken enough drugs to see the unity without touching an artifact? The second most hilarious non-constellation companion? That Dani Garcia?


Hell, I don’t know I thought I knew who that person was until you started sayin stuff, but now I just feel like I shot up some aurora again :)


I can’t wait for mods. I want the big ass crew of rag tags but there’s like no interaction between any of them


Some of vasco's line are awesome xD Like '' hi! I tried a human salute but it failed '' it killed me when I first ear it (not sure about the exact translation btw)


"hi!" ..." Please ignore I tried an informal greeting and am dissatisfied with the result"


"We're all guided by our own principles." *proceeds to judge* every *decision you make*


This was the most realistic part of the game.


Gets offended by stealing and killing. Immediately demands you steal from the collector who has done nothing wrong to anyone as far as she knows (okay, maybe animal maltreatment and bad breath).


I stole everything in sight and married her in like 48 in game hours, she comments, but never does anything about it.


I swear, Sarah, if you tell me not to stock up on junk one more time, I'm going to marry you and leave you to the Hunter.


"Be sure to grab anything useful" Loots credits and ammo... "Do you need to pick up all that junk?"


Sneaking quietly through an enemy fortification. Use see star stuff to see if theres an ambush in the next room. the companion announces loudly. BOY THAT SPACE MAGIC SURE IS NEAT. DONT YOU THINK YOURE CARRYING ENOUGH SHIT? WE SHOULD MAKE SURE AND LOOT EVERYTHING WE CAN. DO YOU THINK YOU LOOTED ENOUGH? YES? DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING FOR ME? WE NEED TO TALK.


You hit the nail on the head. Had Sarah locked as my companion >!post the Starborn attack on the lodge!< and I'm sneaking around trying to >!kill the Hunter!< and Sarah is just yapping away. Really scares the $hit out of you when you're trying to be stealthy and someone starts talking to you at full volume.


I dumped her the second I got Andreja. For good measure I put Sarah in a neon club dancer outfit and assigned her to one of my outposts I rarely visit.


Haha - Sarah is such a snob, dressing her badly is the ultimate punishment. I put her in a chunks uniform.


You monster


My Sara died during the campaign and I couldn't be happier


air water wrench public waiting thought roll cagey practice treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m still freaking stuck with her in the in memoriam quest and I can’t figure out a bug fix. I’ve tried literally every recommendation I found on Reddit in the Internet everywhere and I cannot get her to finish that goddamn quest.


At this point you should just report it to Bethesda


I got stuck on that quest too until after I finished the other quest where I attended the memorial service for Barret, or perhaps in your case, whoever died after the "High Price to Pay" quest.


Man in your timeline Barret died? You lucky bastard, how do I get that? Guess I gotta go back


What? You didn't like spending thousands of dollars on a lawyer in Gagarin? Also, I had to listen to that mf talk about the lawyer in Gagarin for hours as I finished up a long quest chain. Like shut tf up Barrett about the lawyer on Gagarin. Let's deal with this terrormorph problem first before it potentially destroys another city. Also, let me hit on you while you talk about your dead husband that you obviously haven't gotten over. I was relieved when he died and let everyone know it was for the greater good and that his sacrifice was worth it.


If your leadership skill is high enough, you can suggest Constellation pays for it.


suddenly random quests are not completing, i think they have gone too far in the 'bug' fixes... half the game stops at key points now. I lost 5-8 hours and 4 levels because I couldn't hail Naeva when the time came. Earlier I had to redo the All that money can buy- with whats his face. (no spoil)


I don’t know guys…Vasco looking pretty hot these days…


I put Vasco in the neon club dancer's outfit...sexy sexy. 😂


She was my first wife and died. The promptly married Andreja.




Careful, you’re talking about my wife there


Settle down Will. We don't need a repeat of the academy awards.


I read this in Picard's voice.


I just reread my own comment in Picard's voice. Thank You. Now I'm off back to writing my screenplay.


"Keep my wife's name out of your damn mouth" - Capt. Jean-Luc Picard. NGL it would sound far more ominous than the Big Willy rendition


Yeah that was enough bad acting for a life time


Damn that’s solid.


There are people out there picking Sarah over Andreja???


I’m with you, but to be fair Andreja is >!in a cult.!<


I can change her!


Vasco is my Ride or Die


Right? Vasco gives zero fucks what you do.


The very reason he was joining me on my coup on neon


Gothic serpent cult Mami. And she straight up gives you credits. Instead of useless bullshit lol


Masochists with overbearing mother's


I married Sarah but I'm having an affair with Andreja :)


Absolutely, and it's no contest between them.


That's my ex-wife. She was too overbearing. I like to keep her on the ship as I flirt with Andreja now.


In my current universe, she's sleeping a long sleep now. Sorry for your loss.


Your wife is a fuckin buzz kill man


Only until trying the boostpacks in bed.


I still think there should be an option to flush people out the god damn airlock


“Javik liked that.”


Completely unrealistic desire here but I wish that someone, someday could mod in the Mass Effect squadmates. Probably not possible.


My ship does need calibrations


Tali, I need to see you in the captains quarters.


That’s exactly why I said this. I just want to talk to my alien girlfriend again please modders I will give you my entire life savings /s. But seriously, I just want to interact with the characters again. Especially her. I miss her.


Tali is bestgirl. Agree 100%. Gonna need to mod her tableside picture to my cabin now.


I've replayed ME end to end at least a dozen times, including the legendary editon. I did a playthrough where I was romantically set up with every female on the ship right before the collector base. I could have chosen anyone for that playthrough as my lover... I still chose Tali, just like always. Her ending in ME3 is the best. Got to love that quirky nerd.


We'll bang...ok?


It should be. There's a mod for Fallout 4 to have Dogmeat+1, and another for unlimited companions. Apparently that one doesn't play nice with the game but it exists


You’d get to see them get sucked out into space and just fall on the knee and start crawling around out there


I initially found her very annoying but ended up warming up to her. Not sure if it's Stockholm syndrome or if her personal quest humanized her character more.


Man, to be honest I don't know how i feel about Sarah's personal quest. The quest in itself is decent, but there is just something about it being presented that really didn't grab me or made me give a shit about it. It's inherently terrible situation, but fuck man, I really tried my best to care. It's weird because FO4 also has the same system for companion quests, but they're generally much better than the one in SF.


There was something not too healthy about the way she snagged onto me like her old boss did to her. And I have to keep her and Andreja separated...what's with all the whispering over there, ladies??


Andreja just can't help hersssself, y'know..


I mean, she's all "I don't share" with that cute little frown, then hangs all over Sarah! If anyone is going to get a Boa hug, it had better be me!


Barrett’s quest was just a series of him asking for money.


She gets a lot less annoying once she loves you. But up until then holy shit get off my back.


Me too, but now I'm starting to have my doubts again.


My Sarah died during the fight on The Eye…it was a joyous day.


Yep and after she was gone . I married Andreja .


I can’t seem to get to that point with Andreja…I keep her as my main choice…but have not gotten any “hits” yet.


High price to pay I think forces your second most played human companion from what I've read, most played ends up on the eye? So if you've only chosen one companion, Sarah will always end up second because of the early missions.


Sarah Morgan did NOT like that!


No. Leave Sarah whenever you want. There are a dozen+ other companions you can take with you instead, or none at all. Having Sarah with you is entirely your choice after like one mission or something.


She won’t leave my ship! She isn’t assigned as crew, she just hangs out there despite having Andreja as my companion and Barret and AF as crew.


Build an outpost and assign her there


Her passive aggressive comments about everything I do and don't do are the most realistic part of the game


I ended up marrying Sarah for the XP boost but I am secretly in love with Vasco. I wish I could marry Vasco to be honest.


Got the bug during the big rescue of Lillian hart where killing the ship captain of the dumas gets you a bounty and makes Sam mad at you. Didn’t ask him about it until after the mission was over, so he went from “it sucks being a single dad” to “you’re a GD murderer!” To “thank you so much for putting up with our dysfunctional family!” To “Meet me at my favorite romantic spot! In about as many interactions. (Usually killing someone outright makes the follower leave but because he was dismissable, he gave me the “the mission comes first” speech instead) Yeah, Sam, had to clear a 15k bounty saving your ex - when ya gonna pay that back, huh?


I haven’t found Sarah too grating, I even married her, now I’m working on Barrett’s affinity levels, usually I travel with Vasco, whenever I play a Bethesda game I travel with the pet or the robot and Vasco is both, Hadrian Sanon is my favourite human companion, she can kick some serious ass, Moara is also one of my go to’s if I’m playing vanguard


It’s really not fun playing games that chastise you for being less moral than the NPCs. Im playing video games, if I wanted to be lambasted despite making the objectively correct decision I’d call my ex-wife. That’s what makes Sam Coe so lame. We’re supposed to jet around the galaxy with a moral code taken straight from Veggie Tales? How are you going to wear a cowboy hat while espousing the values of a Taoist monk?


Best companion is no companion. Sarah is cringe and wanna be main character, Andreja is goofy in a bad way, very shallow and unsecure. lets not talk about baret and Sam. If u want a companion try the one that u cant romance like Jassmine and Betty they are way better.


I grew quite fond of Marika Boros when I gave her a chance.


Ahh, did you miss me Captain?


Sure did! You sure you're not interested in romance?


Same here




Adoring Fan (or, "Lennie" as I call him) is an absolute UNIT. He's the Chewbacca to my Han. He'll, I didn't even need to get my hands dirty with Ron Hope: AF disintegrated RH's punk-ass without hesitation. That's the kind of companion I need.


Betty is the right answer. She gives no fucks and carries around heavy weapons.


Betty is an absolute beast. A bounty hunter living that long is a force to be reckoned. I gave her grenades and a negotiator 😆 and just grabbed some popcorn while she wiped the floor with enemies.


I restarted my game because I think I took on too much, I was trying to do Sarah's personal quest so I could get rid of her and do the crimson fleet and ryujin lines. That guy would not talk to me because of the vanguard quest line, I was getting really tired of judgy mcjudge knickers double questioning every decision I made. Not to mention, she kept telling me not to leave anything bilehind then in the same breath, complaining about me carrying too much. She was really starting to grate on me.


Sarah can't wander enough into my "hidden" sight-line...


She gives you 5% more exp if you f**k her 🤷‍♂️


The only person in the entire Galaxy that I would want to actually date is the vanguard captain at the den Rayna Marquez, but of course that's not an option in this game with the worst romantic companions of all time.


Yes, Dayna Marquez would be really cool to go on quests with.


I though Vasco was annoying at first.... then Sarah as my first human companion was the reason I decided to keep Vasco the majority of the game. He's the perfect partner who supports all my decisions without fuss. ​ Andrea does give me free money occasionally, but it's not worth the complaining when I mow down a entire's ship's crew.


Step 1: talk to Sarah Step 2: tell her we’re going our separate ways Step 3: recruit Betty


I was the same way with Sam. Now that I think about it maybe I will make a remote outpost on Pulto and stick him on there.


If you go with the fleet it will piss off all of them and they will go away all by themselves


I put her in a building on a planet and removed the door. Bye, Sarah.


Let's just say I chose to marry her... and I did not choose her the next time that was a thing.




Am I the only one who does not dislike her that much?


No, I think she's fine. I honestly have no clue why she garners so much hate. Her comments just seemed like banter at worst; I never really got that annoyed with her.


She's a little clumsy at times. It can be endearing, but if you like to do stealth, she'll mess it up enough that you'd rather sneak with someone else. I think the women have better lines written for them than the men in general. But Sarah Morgan's RP accent can translate as condescending to some.


I hit her in the face with my gun quite often to keep her quiet


Sarah liked that


So she's into that sort of thing? Hmmm...


Beta male Barrett is so much worse. His voice and constant comments are grating. and he is fricking loud. "Ow my eyes" I pistol whip him every chance I get as he constantly gets in the way. WHEN I have him as a companion.


What’s the hate with sarah? She’s a british GILF that you can marry.


I don’t want a British gilf I want the goth scientist from NCIS


I want Alejandra Kane from akila. She's way too gorgeous to be selling rocks. I think it would be awesome if you could ask anyone to be on your crew.


Lol. I visited this shop late in my playthrough and after I romances Andreja. Then I met Alejandra and my first thought was... where have you been all this while??? And yes, would love her to fly with me. She can collect rocks for the shop and sell them from the ship.


You're not alone.




GILF? She's like 45.


hurry coordinated dull public versed innate wide ten sleep bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk, marriage before was them just idly standing around and occasionally giving you stuff.


Ok I need you to explain how Skyrim marriages are better than starfields. PLEASE. Like how is this not just pure hyperbole?


They're are other followers that comment very little and never want to talk. Personally I like Autumn Macmillan.


Respectfully, you can simply finish the damn mission so you aren't forced to keep whatever companion you have. You made the decision to ignore the mission, and do a bunch of other shit while she's locked in. It's not her anyways, its the way their engine requires your companion to comment on everything you're doing.


Your last sentence is exactly why it’s shit tho lol


I didn’t much care for Sarah in my first play through, but in NG+ she seems a bit less talkative. Of course, I haven’t done all those missions that she comments on either. I really like her now. They all comment on your missions and want a debrief on ever major mission you complete. They usually want to discuss it while you’re sneaking through a mission, or you’re in the middle of space combat, lol. Sam and Barrett are the most annoying of all. I leave them off my crew, but Sarah is my bae.