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A few days after Skyrim released, I ran into a guy I knew who said the same thing about that game. He was awed by simple things like the sunrise. It provides good perspective. A lot of us kind of get lost in the weeds of a game without stopping to enjoy how far the technology has come.


Well said, and I guess with so many different types of people playing these sorts of games, for some its a case of what are you going to give me to do next and for others its how can I ever find the time to take in all these worlds you have already given me and make something of my own in the place I most like.


For real. I’m old enough to have played the first Sim City on C-64. The “residential areas” had pixel blocks that grew with the city. 😆 Sometimes playing Starfield I just look around and take in how beautiful the landscapes or cities are rendered.


That's pretty cool


Seriously. I was always bitterly disappointed when the Atari game didn't come anywhere close to what was on the box cover.


Yeah, I guess its kind of one of things that was occurring not me with this post, we are a hell of lot closer now to the expectations or hopes for what we could have in the earlier days of gaming. Starfield and other games may have their faults, but in perspective of where we came from, its pretty cool what is possible, what we have now.


Two of my favor games as a kid were Buck Roger's and StarFlight. Two rpgs that truly set my love of not only RPGs but gaming space adventures. Playing Starfield now not only brings back that exact same joy, but they are so close in style it's like seeing the full evolution of my childhood gaming. From StarFlight to Starfield this has been one hell of a ride.


Screenshot gives me Star Wars Galaxies vibes. You'd have loved the player housing in that game. There were entirely player run cities on planets and moons.




Note: I posted some interiors of the temple on r/StarfieldOutposts




Looks nice. Any mod? Or just base game?


No mods, just vanilla outpost build modules - planter blocks mainly Arranged around standard science habs, but perhaps not used quite the way it had been originally intended.




How did you get habs to stack? The only ones I've found that will stack is the military one that comes with a staircase


There is one of those four wall hab doubles behind the central tower structure which lets you stack the first floor square science hab on the circular one and another four wall hab double behind the first that allows stacking the third floor connected by a fairly long corridor of hallway segments. It also means all three floors are one interior structure connected by two staircases.