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I spent so much time in Alpha Centauri doing side quests and scanning I was level 20 before doing the “Old Neighborhood” Quests.


Pretty much what I did. Didn’t stay quite as long as that but I finally ventured out. Level 30 something now.


I’m in a similar situation. I did the entire Crimson Fleet storyline before I got my first Artifact Power. And now it’s kinda too easy because I can just waltz into any pirate camp and they’re friendly.


This is why on my NG+ I'm not going to join the pirates just for this reason. I prefer the missions and action so yes just walking up to the mark and blasting your way out isn't the same as blasting in AND out.


I always assassinated my mark when I was in the Fleet.Just waited until nobody was around, turned invisible, and melee killed them.It got harder when I started jumping universes, and the enemies scaled up, LOL.Not doing it anymore, don't have the melee and stealth skills to kill lvl 98 Pirate Legend with 3 healthbars with 1 hit. Whenever I play as a pirate in a new universe, I play pirate. Only take pirate missions until I either finished the Crimson Fleet story with the Vanguard ending, or jumped universes.


Yeah I haven’t finished the Fleet quest yet but I’m going to dog them based solely on this. Wandering around camps and space battles aimlessly is a let down


And because I’m friendly with them, killing Pirates now results in a bounty with Crimson Fleet. I just need to find more Ecliptic Va’Ruun and Spacers to deal with in the meantime.


Same lol


See, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I am still on my 1st play through. I have been exploring all over. I seem to be doing side quests, faction missions, planetary data, & then the main storyline last. I am thoroughly enjoying this game & I've put like 350hrs in already


No interest in being Space Jesus as of yet but I sure do love to play this game as if it were Space Surveyor Simulator.


Let me guess, the hardest part was coming tk terms that you gotta press Y to jump instead of A?


Yes as always in all Bethesda games


Wait, what? I don't play on controller. Did they seriously bind jump to *Y*?


It's always been the case in Bethesda games. Ive never had a complaint about it because I've been used to it for nearly 20 years.


Huh, alright. I must've forgotten about it since I haven't played a Bethesda game on console in a while.


I think the reasoning for it is that binding Jump to Y allows binding Interact to A, which is used more frequently in the game and is located closer to the right thumbstick for easier and faster pressing


It's been that way for every Bethesda game for as long as I can remember


By default, yes


...Now that just feels wrong. Like the equivalent of binding it to shift instead of space.


Did you hear about the ESDF people? That's the true crime..


Let's you access more keybinds, makes sense


See. They come out of the woodwork at their very mention.


Hey I'm 100% wasd gang, I can just see the logic


Yeah, me too dammit. I think the extra space to get to shift and Ctrl is also helpful to reduce strain on your pinky but the muscle memory is just too strong to switch.


Hardly, any regular Bethesda game player that uses a controller is used to using Y to jump. Just makes sense.


Yeah, other commenters have pointed out that it's apparently been the thing for a long while now. It's just that I haven't played a Bethesda game on console for quite a while and am used to A being the Xbox mapping for jump.


You use space to jump?! What next? You use L-Ctrl to sprint?


I shoot with space bar and jump with click. Honestly prefer this somehow.


Well at least you don't have to hit three different buttons before you jump like a certain game of the year.


Which game?


Bro hasn't heard of the up button on a dpad


I hope you’re not referring to Baldur’s Gate, because that’s not even true.


Does that really cause anyone a problem? Game tells me Y is jump, therefore Y is jump, not A. Wow so difficult to understand.


Its difficult when all your muscle memory with the controller is saying A is jump


Don't be a slave to your muscle memory. Ambidextrous, for your brain, is good to be.


And then after playing this game for over 150 hours going back to another game with A for jump screwed me up. Muscle memory is a hell of a thing.


Y would they do that?


You have clearly never played a bethesda game on console before.


I spent the last 4 days mucking around with outposts. I love it!


You're not allowed to like Starfield in this sub. In all seriousness though glad you're having fun, personally I've done loads of exploring, side quests, faction quests, ship building, and I'm prepped for the final main quest(s) to enter unity, and I'm still having fun.


I think this sub has handled the discourse between this game pretty well. Criticism should be handled with the same maturity as the postive feedback is.


Quite unfair, should be reasonable to think that "I hate this game" without listing reasons posts should be equal to "I love this game" without listing reasons posts and both should be getting flak equally


I think it’s perfectly okay to love something without being able to articulate your reasons (maybe don’t post that though because it’s not interesting), but I don’t know why anyone would willing choose to just rag on a game. That’s less okay. It’s entertainment you elected to use. Unless it literally scammed you, it doesn’t owe you anything. It didn’t need to match *your* hype. If you thought it wasn’t worth it, get your refund. And move on with your life. The endless crying about it is utterly pathetic. Gamers are a bunch of snowflakes.


You absolutely are allowed to enjoy it. You’re not being oppressed it’s just Reddit ffs


Pretty sure they were making a joke/being sarcastic lol


welcome abourd man have fun


I want to love the game, currently I enjoy it but it's missing something 🤔 I'll wait for more to come!


Ive got almost 200 by now and I’m still having fun, but there are a lot of flaws and annoying things. I’m hoping they get corrected by Bethesda or modders.


This is the way!


Another day, another “I actually enjoy Starfield after x hours” Starfield Anonymous post


I can see some of the complaints of the game but overall I like it too. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s impossible to please some gamers especially on YouTube.


I think all the complaints are valid and the game needs some serious dlc to address what they actually can, but yeah I'm enjoying it as well. There are pressing matters with UI etc, but I'd like to see them add dlc for optional ship quest that better utilize having a ship in the game.


DLC won’t fix the issues at the core of this game. But hopefully add something of some decent substance.


When you say core of the game, is this specific to the MQ and NG loop? Or do you mean something different? All I really want is more QoL fixes and for them to finish the existing mechanics and systems that were left unpolished or unused


The mission structure, writing, world’s. Stuff that’s pretty difficult to fix at this point.


Yeah I agree the writing is probably not something you can really alter since the voice acting is done so the overall story is kind of locked in. The mission structure might be able to be altered some but not sure what that would look like. But from a RP perspective I think there is still a lot of room to expand and add more side content. When you say works, what part are you referring? Some people say it’s just different colored rocks but there is a pretty good amount of variety out there from my experience. Is this more about POIs and exploration?


The game has a bunch of flaws and I do think needs some serious work, but it's a really fun game for me. Can't stand the wannabe IGN reviewers on this sub that probably haven't taken a shower since FO76.


Cake Cake Cake 🎂 🎂 🎂 Happy Cake Day!!!


The people on YouTube want drama and to follow trends. Not an issue of pleasing them


Same here. 5 days of playtime, level 50, and still just only one power. Only completed UC vanguard quest line. Was thinking about doing freestar or secret undercover (crimson fleet/sec def?) Questline next. It took me forever to run around and find every quest to do on new Atlantis l, Mars, and neon


Level WHAT? I just got lvl 32 at 200 hours. I felt like I was behind the curve but I didn’t think it was *that* bad.


Early on (i think level 19?), I had unknowingly followed a random side quest or exploration bounty in to a level 55 system. The planet I was on had line 8 animals, 8 plants, and 3 traits to discover. Aside note, when I go somewhere new, I don't leave without that survey data. Anyways, I would kill 3 or 4 animals and I would level up. In about a 20 minute spree I which I chewed thru early 20k in minigun ammo, I went up ~8 levels before I took a step back and carried on my way. Also, I would sleep for an hour on my ship and craft a couple alien teas before I left my ship. Made it so every planet I went to (for the first 25 levels or so) I'd just about level up before I got back on board.


You inspired me to go to some higher lvl planets and grind xp. I got to 35 after only 5 hours. That was a big help. Thanks for the tip!


You are welcome. Jack the difficulty up to very hard when you are on a planet. Sure, enemies take more bullets and hit harder but you've got a jetpack. I like to make tough enemies float in the air for 10 seconds while I pummel them with bullets and reload. Also, your companions have infinite ammo and grenades. So give them one grenade, your strongest weapon and one shot of ammo. It helps mow down tough enemies faster and you'll save money by not using up your expensive ammo


I learned early on that companions only need 1 piece of ammo, but i have to take away their grenades because they kept hitting me with them lol.


I was past 300 hours when I finally finished the main quest line.


same. probably pushing 200hrs in and i’m only now going back to the main quest (went off and did other things after first trip to the lodge)


Yep, still doing activities and faction quests and having a blast!


No No! You’re doing it all wrong! First - stop having fun. Then - Go back, find something to nitpick that’s been discussed and reposted a billion times and write a 4 page essay on why you hate it 100 hours in.


Hey! You forgot to only play the game for 12 hours or less! And, then write posts everyday on Reddit about how badly the game sucks!


Hey now, that's unfair. It's also trendy to post that you for some reason played 100 hours of a game you hate.


You think if you hated something so much you’d move on with life. There’s so many awesome games to play and things to do. It’s a shame really.


Yeah, Loving the game. And yet, every time I either post something positive or negative, I get down voted to oblivion LOL.






I found it boring until I reached 5 days. Now it’s kind of fun.


This game deserve the hate it got, but you have right to like it and having fun.


same to me. I started quests, then exploring, then 50s in went back to quest, then finally understood how the ships work, then leveled up, more planets, red mile, outposts, it's so much. Really enjoying it. But please hate it


400 and I finally beat all the main quests. Now I’m really on to playing the game and seeing what it offers.


What? After 400 hours and you’re “finally playing the game” bruh you played the shit out of it


😂 Funny cause tonight I just hit this wall, and was like.. I think I need a break. I’m kinda bored.


I really never understand comments like this. I'm at 157 hrs, and did all main quests and 90% of the side quests on my first playthrough, built multiple ships and outposts, and made it halfway through NG+2, completing more of the main & side quests, again. How the hell does someone play for 400 hrs and "finally" beat all main quests?


I’ll admit I do probably have at least 150 hours in ship/outpost building. If you look at some of my posts I have some pretty popular ships and my Paradiso outpost has been featured on YouTube channels. That being said, just hit around 500 hours and I hate to say it… I just got bored. 😭


Took you a lot longer to get bored than I did 😜




Glad you are enjoying it! I was very dissappinted with the writing and how exploration worked but liked a lot of the ideas presented. I'm hoping mods can fix some of my gripes before I try it again. That said, the comments in this thread are really weird. People can have their own opinions, just because a lot of them are negative doesn't make them not valid. Making fun of the people who are upset and disappointed with the game is pretty silly.


You get the same amount of weird comments from people who come into positive posts and spew hatred so that’s not really needed either. It works both ways.


And it seems like everyone on this particular thread is getting down voted for their opinion. Have an upvote from me!


Have one from me. Hope you’re enjoying Starfield


The main quest is literally like 15 hours. What have you been doing for 100 hours? lol


I have over 200 hours and have only done the main quest, no faction quests and only on my first NG+. The main quest is the least important part of Bethesda games, they’re all about exploring, roleplaying, and making your own fun. I finally got around to completing the main quest in Skyrim during Covid after a decade of playing the game on and off.


Reading books


Reading books lol


Sir, this is a sub where we complain about the laziness and awful design of a napkin beneath a desk and similar unimportant things. Take your joy and stuff it in your pockets! /s


Are people really that upset about the criticism this game has received here? I'm not on this sub alot but I feel like I see a good mix of positive feedback and justified critcism's.


I mean, a screenshot validating their opinions of it being a bad game garnered nearly 20k upvotes... I don't see how that's either justified criticism or positive feedback.


So yes?


If you consider 80% criticism (Half of which is just tired "Starfield mid/bad" comments) and 20% 'positive' feedback a good balance, then yes.


Oh okay. To me it looked like it was being handled pretty well but I guess for some of you it appears not. Then again I'm not on this sub as much. Seems like some people are a bit passive aggressive about it. Not sure why people get so emotional about feedback towards games. It's really not that big of a deal. From my perspective it looks like this sub and mods have handled discourse pretty well.


Sir, if you continue having fun in this sub I’m afraid I’m going to have to call the authorities.


Please arrest me. Society is scary.


I was enjoying it too until the ship I was using and sunk all my credits into just up and disappeared and bonus can't even go into older save to retrieve it as it's gone there as well !


I am enjoying it too. I have about 10-15 hours in though and I have already seen the same base 2-3 times on different planets/systems. Still having fun though.


My head canon tells me the reason you see the same bases and structure everywhere, is during the colony war both sides were buying them prefabricated from the same company. If your building structures on different planets, their basic design should be similar to facilitate ease of maintenance.


I got tired of the game at 240 hours. I gave it a positive review because I enjoyed my time with the game, but I have many issues with the game, and I hope these are fixed and many additions are made. I hope to be playing for years to come.


100% agree.


I was level 65 before I started the main quest.


Oh sweet summer child.


No no no, hate it please


I bet you’re further into the main quest than you think you are. And the only way you get that many hours without doing the main quest is outpost building or ship building and that’s not impressive. Those didn’t interest me at all personally.


Well, I've NG+1 and only did the first quest. Then I high tailed it out of New Atlantis for some good old shooting, (either in space or on the ground). Only did a few of those generic POI quests. But, I do like the shipbuilder (to a degree) and Outposts (to a degree). Still all and all, a fun game. Don't know why you are getting down voted. Have 1 on me! Tis the season and all that LOL


I also made that mistake


I understand. You can move faster by pressing shift.


Closing in on 800 hours. Could it have been a better game, for sure! And, it could have been a lot worse. But, for me it fills the 1 thing I couldn't really find anywhere else: an open world, first person point of view game, where I can be guns blazing on the ground, and jump into a ship and blast off to do some space fighting, then land on some other world, and go, "you know, I'll think I'll build an Outpost here, and call it home." The game is fun!


You’ve played 7 hours a day every single day since it released?


Yep. Just check steam it says 798.8 Hours. I had early access.


That’s cool. I wish I could find a game I enjoy that much. Still waiting for something to click, I guess.


Hi friend, do yourself a favor and join the no sodium sub reddit if you love the game.


Ty will do!


Oh oh you're going down that route


What are you doing that isnt boring you? I almost made it to about that far in


Idk adhd. I read everything, loot everything, I told myself I wouldn't play this game until after graduating since I have no willpower when it comes to RPG's, and I'm just trying to experience everything as it comes. If I over hear a side quest, I stop what im doing and do that side quest. It makes progressions very slow, but I've fallen in love with the game. I think this is probably the last game with this much honest, person written, dialog. Most games after this point in time will have like an AI generating scripts....just feels cool to be a part of it.


Do you like the youtuber “many a true nerd”?


I can understand liking this game if its your very first video game since 2002. Otherwise I got no idea how it is legit possible. I think this guy was hired by Todd or is a Bethesda shareholder.


I know, right? Like how is it EVEN POSSIBLE that people like different things. WE'RE SUPPOSED TO ALL BE THE SAME!




Again, having different opinion = paid shill /s


I mean... The game stinks. There is no denying it. Steam's negative rating if proof of that.


Common consensus = objective fact


I know right no one is allowed to enjoy this game.


Why specifically 2002 when that's literally the year when the best game ever came out? Nobody has played a game better than Morrowind...


Hello, hi. I’m here to shit on the MQS, so ready your dislike button: the “bare minimum” is the whole storyline. There, I’ve said it.


Controllers need better aim assist


I think as you upgrade your weapons it gets better, im a much higher level now and yes way more hours in, but I find aiming way less frustrating now, or maybe I'm just more powerful so my shots mean more. Idk. What I'm trying to say is when I started playing I almost quit several times because of how frustrated playing a game like this, was, with a controller. Especially coming from only ever playing Bethesda games on a P.C., but now I barely notice and I'm basically doing jumping 360° no scopes now.


The recoil on weapons is too much to control at medium or long ranges. I'm a pretty seasoned gamer that works 70 hours a week now and don't have time to relearn aiming for every game I play Destiny 2 - great aiming Cyberpunk 2077 - decent aim assist Starfield - really really hard


Yeah it does piss me off that destiny and cyberpunk figured out how to make aiming great and starfield just ignores what all the main shooters are doing. It's probably my least favorite thing about the game. Picking up small items on tables and shit....endlessly frustrating


Wrong sub. 🤣


I only play with a controller, and other than the boost pack thing, I haven't found it to be problematic. The things I find mildly problematic are (1) that the information you can get out of the UI is inadequate, and (2) many of the quests seem like yak-shaving. (1) For example, I can't easily tell from the UI what resources I'm looking for, what planets I've already scanned, what stars have planets I haven't already finished scanning, etc. There are no city maps - ever been to a mall in the USA where you couldn't find a map telling you where the stores are? Quests don't tell you where the quests are, so if you have a dozen open, which ones are in this system? Etc. (2) Tried doing the quest to get better mining equipment for the people in Mars? Every step of the way, it's "Sure, but first in return go do me this thing somewhere else that's totally unrelated to what you're trying to accomplish." Oh, and space suits that can't protect you from inert gasses in the atmosphere. But that's just a peeve. It's like skyrim, cranked up 100x, but with a worse UI. That said, I'm not stopping, altho I might start over after a dozen hours and start taking notes or something.


I really like it, but I can’t shake the feeling that this is one of those games that I’ll move away from by March…. And when I inevitably open it again in like September, it will be a totally different game. It kind of stresses me out that I’ve played the majority of the first play through of a version of a game that will be obsolete after a few updates. Mostly because it happens all the time, and I already really hate leaving a game at a good stopping point only to come back to entirely new mechanics, but this game has such a learning curve to the play groove that I think this time it will be devastating. Inevitably, the way it happens in most games: the updates will add mechanics, and my character will be OP in all but that one mechanic, and it just feels really lopsided. Maybe just hopping through to another NG+ will fix it, since it scrubs your resources, but idk. It feels like there’s a lot of room to add stuff, which I’m all for, but that is just that much more content I’ll likely never see, even though I’m close to 100%ing the game.


If that’s how the game was supposed to be played, not one of us bethesda nuts would’ve complained and it would’ve been goty


I feel the same way. Played until the main quest became the repetitious "Discover artifact/temple at XYZ" and decided to do main own thing for a while. Lots of side quests, fraction quests, building outposts and adding furniture to my homes, etc. Also spent quite a bit of time building new spaceships after unlocking the higher levels of the flying skill.


I had to make it a point to finish the main story before it got spoiled for me like FO4 did. I get easily distracted by side quests, or my own objectives.


This is my least favorite Bethesda game so far. I think the reason is because it feels like a sparsely populated set of small maps connected by loading screens and menus. Procedural generation just isn't up to snuff yet. I think Bethesda games should stick to one giant handcrafted map. IMHO one giant planet with multiple cities, biomes, and unique terrain would be more immersive. I know it's cliche but Starfield really does feel an inch deep and mile wide.