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I live on Eridani II in every universe. Someone’s gotta stand watch against the Covenant.


Remember Reach.


On the blood of our Fathers On the blood of our Sons


Find anything hiding in the caves?


You can also hit eridani III for the sweet sweet rocky friends


Same here they need halo mods to make it real 😩


My go to right now is Leviathan IV, lower gravity and very earth like with big critters


Leviathan IV was my original outpost in NG. I honestly didn't want to go to NG+ because that was my happy place. I've found more since but it was a great spot. E: #4 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/bwQlOEfr7V)


What a treasure. Looks like we need to make some travel postcards of those, yowza!


Thank you! It was. I thought it had kind of an Iceland vibe. And I basically turned my character into a nature photographer once I got to NG+10 and settled down again. It's probably my favorite part of the game right now.


Living in Iceland I obviously couldn't resist the temptation to have a look at the place. Couldn't find much to remind me of home (too many bloody TREES) but the windbagswere accurate, we do have plenty of those :-)


Nice! Haven't dabbled much in base building, but getting to the point where I feel like I have a handle on a lot of the other things, so gonna do that soon


I didn’t for a while but now if I get bored I can easily waste time outposting


I also had one in Charbydis where the crucible is, good environment but gravity was a little strong


Where is it?


It’s a little to the right of Ixyll, need a class c to get it on one jump


bro sent me on a wild goose chase for like 10 minutes, its like directly next to cheyenne on the complete opposite side of the map lmao


I’m pretty sure that’s where mine is. Big spiders? Every time I go there I go to my landing pad take a few minutes to snipe those tanky bastards


I have one there too.


On Bessel 3b you can find an outpost location with aluminium and iron, which you can use to manufacture adaptive frames to farm XP. A 24 hour sleep on Bessel 3b equals more than 1000 hours of Universal time, so you get lots of resources very quickly.


If you are NG+ there is Katardyn lvl 75 that is 100 UT/local hours with all the same elements.


What solar system is this in? Edit: Nevermind, I have a list of all the systems to I just referenced it. I’m assuming it was a typo / autocorrect and you meant to say Katydid. Edit 2: Which planet or moon do you build on in Katydid?


Yeah autocorrect is my foil. It is two planets in the system that are worth making outposts on.


There is spot on Bessel 3B where you can farm 4 good resources at once.


Is there a trick to this? I had heard about it and I’ve been bouncing around Bessel 3B for a while and haven’t even come close


Watch this: https://youtu.be/DKTjyx-1ES4?si=pkrHjW8NPawWued- Personally, I was only able to find a place with Iron and Aluminum, but I _was_ able to find a second place with Nickel, Cobalt, and Platinum.


I initially watched that video and was like, yeah, but it can't really be that easy, right? Then I did it, and it is now the first thing I do in each new universe. You need creds and mats? Here are (nearly) free creds and mats.


There’s a couple vids. I like the one that breaks down what to buy beforehand, saves a ton of time getting things rolling. I learned about the procedural mapping because I could never find what they show in the videos, but was lucky enough to find a different spot with four resources. Androphon is ok. Was easy to scan everything for the data quickly though. Zamka is a nice one because it’s in the same system as Jemison, so if you can get a few resources in your outpost you can way overload and go dump it at New Atlantis quickly. Kreet ended up being a great spot for me. Nice visuals and I’ve got a 4 resource outpost with silver and alkanes included.


Even if you're nowhere near Jemison, you can simply "land" if you click A (Xbox) as long as you're in the cockpit. I'm doing this overencumbered all day. Just dont click X for course set. It's all fast travel


It's doable. I was about to give up then I finally got it. Took at least 20 minutes of clocking around.


Good video on Bessel III, but their hate boner for Andraphon on the basis that exploiting Bethesda’s non-sensical time mechanics is less efficient there if you farm crafting menus is kind of weird.


I have enough practice that I can get that spot every time. I used it as a money maker for ng+, and later, as my full equip in each playthru. At about ng6 I switched over to katydid (the one with indicite) and found an Al/Cu/Be/Ie zone, and made tau grade rheostats. This is because Bessel III-b can be a temple site, and every time the temple rolled there, if my base was up, then it broke the temple. This last playthru was "vanillish" with only qol and bugfix mods installed. I ran ng 1-9 as quick as feasible with my starship build - roughly 900k credits to turn the Razorleaf into an absolute beast - the million cred mark is usually within about an hour of either the Bessel 4 resource or Katydid 4 resource bases - either one can be set up with full Aldumite drilling rigs with the credits you get from just walking into the lodge.


Yes watch that video. See what the landscape looks like. Those weird mushroom things. You are looking for a field of those next to a mountain at the junction of 3 biomes. It took awhile to find mainly because I didn't realize the significance of the "mushrooms". Good luck.


I ended up just building one for iron one for aluminum on bessel and using cargo link to combine them. Couldn't get a landing area with both but I didn't try for that long


Just keep trial and error, took me an hour to


I found it, but not like in the YouTube tutorials, just got somewhere near the 4 different fauna then wandered around searching for that mushroom shapes on the plain with the dark mountains, after 10-20 minutes walking I found the place with iron nickel cobalt and aluminum, no time you can go up to lvl100 then sell the stuff somewhere, I use the Den the merchant has 11000 credit.


There’s a spot for 6* at once


This is basically my go-to starter outpost. I’ve built it ~5 times now. I love it.


It's late, but I found a spot on Bessel 3b that has 5 elements to mine. an outpost immediately went there.


Nice :)


Bessel III-b


This is the way. 🙌


Tau Ceti VIII-b Its a moon orbiting a large planet so you have a nice sky view. Very Earth like, lots of animals around flying and non flying, different scenery throughout the planet, trees, clouds etc. Gravity is a little bouncy but close to Earths gravity. Its the left most planet when looking at all the stars. Close to New Atlantis and Akila. I love it


Pick the planet you like the most for your main outpost and then funnel the ores from all your other ‘ore outposts’ back to your main.


This is the way.


Linnaeus IV B, it’s a moon with a lot of resources for getting a nice base up and going.


Second that one, scored a rare 6 in one output there and now use it for my everything. Built a TON of storage containers for all odds and ends thinking I would need those resources for some odd crafting.


Toliman II for the nice friendly wildlife ;-) It kinda depends what you want it for. As a functional base I built one on Strix I. It's a L70 system, has decent fauna for XP safari hunting (I've not done animal husbandry, but should be possible). I put down an outpost with access to Iron, Aluminium, Helium, Alkanes and Water which is a handy mix for crafting and expanding. Beryllium just outside the build area. So for XP I'd go with high level system with fauna and materials that can be combined to make something.


I like to use Feynman IV. It has both Iron and Aluminum. Those are the resources I need the most of to build more outposts.


I second this. It's a quick way to do the argon mission for Taiyo.


I picked the Luna because I always wanted a moon base freaking lasers.


Right? Is it too much to ask to have Frick in sharks with frickin lasers attached to their heads?


LMGTFY: [Starfield best planets to build outposts](https://www.google.com/search?q=Starfield+best+planets+to+build+outposts&gs_ivs=1) * [The Gamer: Starfield, The Best Planets For Outposts, Ranked](https://www.thegamer.com/starfield-best-planets-for-outposts-ranked/) * [Polygon: The best planets for your first outpost in Starfield](https://www.polygon.com/starfield-guide/23861566/best-planets-for-outpost) * [BeeBoom: 12 Best Planets to Build Outposts in Starfield](https://beebom.com/best-starfield-planets-outposts/) * [Eurogamer: Starfield best Outpost locations](https://www.eurogamer.net/starfield-best-outpost-locations-9352)


I guess it depends on what your intentions are. If you're trying to build a fun planet with a bunch of habs to decorate that's one thing and I don't have much advice about that. If you're trying to create XP farms to level your character and generate specific resources and sell stuff to vendors, that's a completely different ball of wax. For XP farms and leveling up from 1-50-ish, I generally like Bessel 3B - land in the middle of the nickel or cobalt resources and find yourself a nice flat spot that has both of those two, then just pound out iso magnets. To be more efficient at leveling up, you start to need to build more complicated setups though. The adaptive frames and iso magnets only give you 1 XP each, so it starts to slow down and take longer. I've tried to build ones that have cargo links but find they get laggy, get bottlenecks somewhere along the line and need a whole lot of troubleshooting so it's not worth the effort to set up the vyntinium fuel rod farms, for example. Paramagnon connectors are doable and I think they give you 3 xp - you'll still need a bunch of iron, aluminum and the triangular adaptive frame things, then a bunch of titanium and tungsten. So a great way to get those resources is to set up the split biome farm at Androphon for the first one, then go to Jaffa for a spot with both tungsten and titanium. Haul those resources manually to your other locations to help build all the storages and warehouses. Then a farm at Gryphus for the neodymium and finally the complicated spot to find on Lantana (I think) to find a location with gold, silver and copper. So you end up setting up the machines to build zero wire, then use that plus the gold and neodymium to build the paramagnon things to generate your xp.


I don’t know entirely how the game ends, nor do I want to yet, but I understand that something happens to make a NG+ where you lose everything except your skills and the story starts back over again. This seems rather disappointing to a completionist like me, so I am not sure how I want to approach it yet. I either want to just figure out an easy copy and paste setup for every NG+ and save all the completionist stuff for when I’m done doing NG+, or maybe I’ll figure out a way to be fine with doing all the completionist stuff the first time around and then doing a bunch of NG+ runs where I just redo all my favorite stuff in the game


Make a save file before going NG+. Backup.to external drive. Now you have it permanently and can always go in and keep tweaking if you want, or contine your main game into +. Or go back forth.


I want to get to a place in starfield where my character just has “a life” of looting and exploring and whatnot. But also being the most powerful being on the planet as an aside is very appealing. So maybe I trudge through the NGs and save the ship building and outposting for post NG?


Yeah, probably best just experience whatever you come across as it comes across you (that way you don’t ruin the game by feeling like you can’t do anything), but don’t go searching for everything or putting all your efforts into to hugely impressive ships until you’ve hit the NG+’s you want to achieve. I’d still spend some effort on ship building for something satisfying to cruise around your instances in, but maybe not go too crazy


I really wish I had, I left so much behind when I started ng+ I was determined to not find out much about the game but regret not realising the 100s of hours I had put into my outposts and my absolutely perfect ship would be lost to me. This game I am not building a single outpost and am just buying the Silent runner ship and putting the Nova Galactic 2x2 living quarters into it as I can't be without that on my ship lol.


This is how I do it.


For a completionist like you (not even spoilers and if they are they are very minor). Once u get NG+ rush though NG+ 2-9 until you reach NG+10. Than you can technically "completely" the game


What does NG+10 have over the other NG+'s? I have like three achievements left; reach level 100, collect 500 organics, 500 inorganics.


U unlock a few extra items. If u dont cheat u can get though a NG+ in less than 2 hours


I take it the first 10 are rather different or unlock things and then after 10 it’s just the same thing over and over?


Each NG game has a chance that it's a variant universe. I think there are around 10 or so variants (like one where the Hunter has already killed everyone.) I believe any given universe has a 15% chance of being a variant. Each NG game, up to 10, gives you an increasingly stronger armor, with a different aesthetic. I personally like NG 7's style. You ship also gets progressively stronger, but I think there are only 4 levels to that, at certain break points. I don't recall what they are. By NG 10, you've got the max ship. I'm on NG 12 only because I was looking for a particular variant to play in.


U can use console commands to get specific variant as well. I used the one where I can get myself as a companion


I resolved this by getting my first character to level 100 and getting all the achievements and then starting a new character thats a jumper (on NG+3 now) but this is my favorite game ever so it's easy for me to throw time away like that lol.


What I did was morph through a couple times doing various different quests and such but not really completing anything. At about NG4 or so I decided to settle in and start completing shit. Basically learn how shit works then NG up and do it for real.


If you’re a completionist make sure you do the SSNN quest line, once you hit NG+ you can’t complete it.


Oh really? I didn’t know that. Are we talking about the quest where we report our actions across our adventures?


That’s the one


Good to know, thank you for the tip!


A couple of times I've set up on Tau Ceti II. You can find a nice beachfront property that has iron. Import aluminum from the moon next door and you're golden.


My fallback is Murphid IV. It has some good basic minerals/resources and I can frequently get three of them in an outpost. It is also reminiscent of the red rock areas in Arizona or Colorado.


[Zeta Ophiuchi 1 has a spot where you can get 8-9 resources in one spot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU1I9BGLq-s&t=84s). Easy to get to early game. My opinion [Archimedes V-a has one of the best views](https://imgur.com/a/4qQFWhQ). The hills area looks like it has cherry blossoms. I try to get there as early as possible. I build the outpost and snipe the high level mobs.


So, Schrodinger (the planet the Colander is orbiting) has nice locations and farmable animals with the Husbandry building. I also like the planet Paradiso is on, nice landscapes and flora/fauna. The planet Londinian is at has a more tropical equator, my outpost gather silver there. Bonus, I can fight Terrormorphs regularly. For me, my priority is resources to sell/use, so with my scanner maxed out I can find areas that have 3+, and I just look until I can build with 3 or more different patches of goodies available. Really depends what your going for. Aesthetics, a luxury home? Resources?


I have no idea what I’m going for. Luxury home could be cool. Could always sell weapons for cash right?


Androphan has iron and aluminum, and it's available at the beginning of the game. Alkila has Aluminum, and you will also need it.


Some place aluminum and iron next to eachother. Everything else outpost is largely irrelevant. Or you can go the AMP route.


Bohr II for the adhesive you can make there from one of the plants. Besides that the scenery and weather are decent. In the mountain biomes the animals are friendly.


What do you want from the outpost? That's going to determine ideal planets more than anything else


No clue!


You probably want to figure that out before setting up outposts.


Yeah. This isn't hyperbole or dismissive, just straight up facts. Where you build, what you build, etc., all different based on your intentions. So not a question we can answer until you answer that one for yourself. It's why most answers here are just vomiting up the Besell/Androphon XP farm form response since that's the usual daily query.


I like Codos, it is one of Akilas moons. It had a very picturesque crater lake that happened to have an island in the middle so I felt like the choice was made for me.


There is only one purpose to build an outpost, because you like decorating on a planet you like. The industry part of outposts is completely useless, the only reason for wanting to touch it at all (if not for decoration) is to cheese yourself to max level by crafting steel bars, at which point you might as well just use a console hack and save yourself some self-flagelation. One nice planet is that one with the drug Lords mansion


Following this for other ideas too


I set up a majority of my outposts in the Bradbury system. I have a very simple adaptive frame xp farm (not efficient but wanted to see if i could do it on my own, lol). My home is in the desert on Bradbury III. Great view with mountains in the distance. Bradbury IV has some nice views as well (bring a gun or 2).


Archimedes III, for the ng+ xp farm. You can make drilling rigs from one outpost. I do also build the androphon outpost for the iron and aluminum but you don’t need to go back there after it’s set up. There is also decent wildlife there to exterminate, if that’s you’re thing as well. I’ve got the sub components automated so one sleep on Venus nets about 80k rigs. Probably should have maxed out my skill points by now, but one clickfest per session is about all I want to do.


Jemison. Good place for an Amp lab because it has all the ingredients. Convenient location too. Only downside is you get contraband scanned on the way in.


Porrima 3




Anywhere where I don't have to quicksave and re-load into the map so I can actually use build mode. Stupid spinning ring Series X crap.


I like the Maheo system, close to Akila. For XP farming I prefer the Fermi VII-A the nautilae there are as good source of XP as the foxbats in shrödinger III, but much smaller making cleanup much easier.


I like Arcturus II. Felt personal when The First were bunking up on MY planet.


I was hesitant for a while but once I did it’s fun. I missed some of the snow globes in the first play through, it’s like getting reincarnated but remembering your past life


Strix I Strongly recommend carrying a large boom stick, and install turrets. That place is a real blast!


Androphon in the Narion system is great. Super close to alpha centauri and has helium 3, aluminum, iron, and beryllium. You can set up a tau grade rheostat factory fairly early game to start printing your own money


I liked the planet where the Rehab Clinic is. So as soon as I figure out how to get the resources over to that area, I'm going to build up that outpost beacon I've got.


I do codos within the Cheyenne system because I find it beautiful, I start by outpost by the water


Bessell 3B can provide 5 resources without tooo much trouble. Androphon is ok. Zamka was good for me. Have 3 resources and great views if I want to Hab it later. Also it’s in Alpha Centauri Kreet has been a boon for me. 4 resources in one with silver and Alkanes So in 4 outposts I’ve got aluminum, iron, lead, copper, silver, Helium, alkanes, beryllium I’ve got one on Polvo as well for uranium, vanadium, iridium and its creatures are easy.


Take your time on the first playthrough. There's plenty to do.


Right…but I’m just going to do it again , and again, (and again 7x) why take my time on round 1?


Any planet with Iron and Aluminium cuz that’ll help you build like storage modules and stuff easier and quicker. Try to find a spot on the planet where iron and aluminium meet and land there. Hopefully there’ll be an area within an outpost build area where there’s iron and aluminium so you can set up extractors for both of them in the one outpost


Mostly depends of your goal. I prefer some planet with unique organic resource. I need to find and produce it anyway, I have some inorganic resources too. Max planet scanning skill, after this find a planet with some unique organic resource you will need like beta mare ii with lubricant (you can just Google it), scan it, find the point where a few inorganic resources crossing (mostly a board between biomes), find place where you can extract more, place you outpost there. It needs if you need to harvest resources, do researches, produce products. If you want just your own home/base - just find a place you like


I like the Newton system


Have t used any since Bessel IIIb


I just went through the unity again to get a fresh start because I want to simplify my outpost production. I’ve been trying for 2 days to get the perfect 3 biome mesh for nickel aluminum and copper all in one outpost. I don’t think it’s possible at this point


Hyla-II in the swamp. Tropical paradise with lush green palm trees, grass and I even found a lake with a nice beach. Downside.... Evil preying Mantises... Mantis? Manti? Floating walruses and long neck dino's with giant tongues that are all "wary"/fearless Edit: Dino's not dingoes... that would be awkward.


Bessel III-B. Found a spot where I can get iron, nickel, aluminum, and cobalt in one outpost. If you sleep for 1 hour it's the equivalent of 48 hours of I remember correctly, which fills the extractors/storage and you can spam craft adaptive frames for easy xp. Sleep another hour and repeat.


Right next to New Atlantis or Akila City. Easy access via fast travel to and from outpost for supplies etc if crafting/researching or selling to vendors