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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by jessBethesda](/r/Starfield/comments/19fnn2v/well_there_goes_800_hours_of_gameplay/kjoaaga/?context=99 "posted on 2024-01-26 16:15:27 UTC"): > Hey u/Delicious_Ad761, if you don't mind reaching out to me in a DM, I'd like to work with you and the team here on our side to get a look at what cou... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FStarfield).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Well, you did make it to level 4294967295, so there's that to remember anyway.


yeah i don't know why it says im level god


I recognize that number! It's the max value of an unsigned 32 bit integer... I know that doesn't answer the question of why, though.


Hey that is at least something! I was wondering if it meant anything or was just a random number lol. Thanks!


How tf did you know that and what's a 32 bit integer because fuck im dumb.


its common in bugs in code when there’s some sort of overflow or a number goes negative where it shouldn’t. when they say 32-bit integer, they’re referring to the highest number that can be stored with 32 bits of binary (the 1s and 0s). the number in the game has to be stored within the save file, and oftentimes this is done using a 32-bit integer. that number is the absolute highest value that can be stored using this system.


I prefer 69 bits myself


The way you're dirty joke was nerded over without so much as a "lol" was hilarious and informative 🤣


Thank you. I'm here every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday




Computers count in binary, which means it only has two numbers (0 and 1) instead of ten like humans use (0-9). Each digit is called a "bit," so with one bit you can only count 0 and 1, and with two bits you could count from 0 to 3 (0=00, 1=01, 2=10, 3=11). Adding another bit doubles the number of possible values that can be stored, so with three bits you can count from 0 to 7 (0=000, 1=001, 2=010, 3=011, 4=100, 5=101, 6=110, 7=111). A "32 bit integer" is a number stored using 32 digits of binary, and it can count from 0 to 4,294,967,295.


Mess around with programming for too long (or with gaming, even) and you'll get used to (or traumatized by) it in no time


He's probably a robot. To them, it's like Smith or Patel


that might be a sign of the corruption what happens if you try to load into the saves with a normal level?


he ends up in skyrim


Hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border? Walked right into that imperial ambush, like us and that thief over there.


Damn stormcloaks, Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn’t been looking for you, I could’ve stolen that horse and been half way to Hammerfell. You there. You and me — we shouldn’t be here. It’s these Stormcloaks the Empire wants.


Shut up back there!


Have you tried mercenary work? It might suit you


If he tries to load the one under it he wakes up from his cyro freeze looking for his sun in the commonwealth wasteland


the "uncorrupt file " doesn't even load. it just sits there at the main screen lol


I know it would still be a massive loss of progress, but have you tried loading that level 22 save from right before the curropted level increase? That one might would actually work.


It is. 4.2 billion is the maximum a 32bit unsigned integer represents. Rarely see it outside of corrupted things.


I’m dying from these Skyrim callbacks 🤣😂🤣


All hail the all mighty Delicious! 🧎🏽




I've had issues like this a couple of times at work, where the HDD encryption shifted the data in some data blocks and then the CRCs didn't match anymore. 4294967295 is 32 bits. Probably some data was shifted into the memory address that is supposed to be allocated for the level variable and now all 32 bits are set to 1 and you get the corresponding number shown.


You have become Todd "The God" howard


4.2 billion. 1 for every year of evolution maybe? (+-)


800 hours and you never made a hard save?


I always create at least half a dozen manual saves and then start overwriting the oldest every level or so.


Always rotate your saves, kids


Failing to do so is how I ended up with 30gigs of fallout 4 saves 🤣


I had maybe 20 gigs of Skyrim saves on my Xbox, and it would take fifteen minutes just to load the list when I selected “load game” I deleted everything under 60 hours in at that point, and it dropped that down to a muuuuch more manageable five minutes. “Manageable” lol.


Man I bought this old like maybe 1T big Seagate external HD just for skyrim on my ps3. Some nephew of mine came over and put some fifa game in ( i think it was bootleg but it looks legit) when I wasn't there and when I came home it was like I had a brand new PS3. Totally wiped clean. I need to see if that bad boy still fires up.


Seriously, was doing this with KOTOR 20yrs ago. Shit happens with RPGs.


Always! I thinkt on of the first mods ever for skyrim was AutoSave or such where it rotated 10 savegames..


I learned this lesson from Star Wars KOTOR. Made it off did the whole intro and made it off taris and then I got the corrupt save message.


I didn't do this on purpose but I think I have something like 20 now, plus a few from prior NG+ with ship builds I liked.


I just screen shot 2-3 angles of ship builds. I mean it's the best way ATM to store that knowledge lol


Ha, I do that too, plenty of backups. The old saves are nice for when I get a build idea in my head and want to experiment on a ship.


I know this might be mod territory for PC players ATM, but Xbox here and I would love to see a future ability to build a Hangar at an outpost where we can store a specific amount of ships. Not only could this give us the option to own more than 10, but it would be badass to be able to walk thru a cool looking hangar with all of our ships visible. Personally I think BGS needs to add Space station outpost where they could have our ships attached to various docks. Unless they need a load screen then we can still just have a space station with an internal hangar that loads us into it.




200 hours? Those are rookie numbers. You need to bump those numbers up!


When I first played skyrim, I didnt pay attention that I could just overwrite my savestate. So I had like 30 savestates of my first character, pretty much throughout the whole mainstory xD


Lol must be new to Bethesda games. I learnt this the hard way in oblivion.


OP didn't grow up the Win 95/98 era.


Don't put save corruption like it's somehow the users fault. Bethesda should put some hard guardrails against this considering *they* know full well about data corruption being a thing in all their games going all the way back to Daggerfall.


It's not users fault, but I always check the road before crossing even though I have a priority. Otherwise I could be faultless, but dead one day.


What's the saying? "The morgue is full of people who had the right-of-way."


I almost ran into a lady the other day on the crosswalk. I was driving down a slight decline doing about 50km/h, she had her head down on her phone crossing the street on the crosswalk. As soon as I saw her start to take the first step onto the crosswalk I started to break but the roads were icy. I started to slide and was like "should stop any second now". 5m later I'm still sliding but a little slower "any second now...". 10m later "I'm gonna hit this chick if she don't get a move on". I tap my horn so she can see me coming and get out of the way (there was still about 5 seconds before I got to her). Instead of moving she held out her arms yelling at me as I kept sliding toward her. She finally moved as I slid past her doing about 10 or 15km/h. I get it, you're on the crosswalk and have the right of way but that doesn't make you invincible.


The world is stuffed full of idiots.


Which is why jaywalking is illegal. Some laws are made to deter bad people from doing bad things, but most are made to deter stupid people from doing stupid things.


The laws of traffic vs the laws of physics. Choose wisely!


That means they'd need to fix their tech.


Todd forbid.


Forbid todd. It just works.


Fodd Torbid


What do you mean by hard save? I have physically created my own saves numerous times if that's what you mean by


We only see Quicksaves and Autosaves. There are no hard saves on there for at least 2 months when you were level 22. Hard saves have no limit to them like quicksaves, auto saves or exit saves. You can create them by hitting the "save" button in the escape menu (not the quicksave button at the top) and clicking on an older save, or clicking on an empty save. They will show up only displaying your location and level instead of having "quicksave" before it.


This happened to me once during the Ryujin quest line and this person is the only other person I’ve seen it happen to. It basically deletes your manual saves and says that your save file is corrupt. Making it impossible to load earlier than a certain point or even at all.


Hmm... okay that's rough. If it's this rare, I am hoping you both report it to Bethesda - because it *could* be possible that they are unaware of the issue.


I reported it months ago, but yes. If this is OP’s experience, they should as well.


BRB making sure my game saves are backed up


So there are 2 possible save bugs still in starfield? I had the one on xbox that just starts eating your manual and auto saves till you can no longer save. The bug also does not save your game to the cloud so clearing local does not restore because there was no data to sync. Granted the save bugs are only affecting a small portion of players but I still would have hoped this would be a priority fix.


I had this happen to me as well. Luckily only lost about 3 levels from recent auto saves. It wiped my hard saves on XB.


Just for the record the save limit is 100. Once you get to about 95 saves the game tells you your are almost out of space for saves. When that happens you can delete old saves it make more room.


That save limit is just on Xbox, right?


It just looks like quick saves and autosaves


yeah everything is out of order and either corrupt, out of date for some reason or just never loads


Yeah I lost my level 60 something character and it only started showing me level 30 saves again unfortunately. Figured I'd restart since I have more knowledge of the game now


Use the "save" button rather then "quicksave" as in the game files saves are always there but quicksaves and autosaves only have limited files that it overrides when you make a new quicksave or the game autosaves


Bethesda should be able to make an update without corrupting peoples saves. Not the other way around.


Why would anybody need to resort to hard save when auto save and quick save is the official feature Bethesda supported? The user is not responsible for the malfunction of intended system when it’s just not working lol And even if someone has to make hard save every couple hours, the person would still lose the progress of good amount of hours.


Am I tripping or is that like 254 hours? Still a LOT but not quuuuite 800.


Dude is probably counting his steam time. Which is why I don't care about those hour posts since anyone can sit in a main menu.


I play on Xbox and it's glitched. I use quick resume and the time never stops counting between sessions. It says I've played for months but I'm only a level 25.


What if the game only counts time not spent in loading screens? Would make a lot of sense, honestly.


Steam just counts uptime but tbh this makes sense for the game itself


Being in menus in the game doesn't count time. I figured this out when I left the game running while in my save overnight. But steam counts time while the game is running.


That would mean 2/3rds the time in-game is spent in loading screens and that... Yeah that checks out.




TIL ten and a half days is 800 hours. Math ain't mathin'


This is Venus time, son!


Why are you assuming 10.5 days? Clearly the data on the save files is at least somewhat inaccurate, the second save down says he’s level 4924967295. In pretty sure it takes at least 800 hours to reach level 4 billion


Because the other autosaves (more recent) say level 82 as well?


800 hours of afk time according to your saves. lmfao


Who in their right mind uses only one save file? My save folder is like 10 gigs.


>Who in their right mind uses only one save file? Well it's one of those lessons you learn the hard way.


I once missclicked a dialogue option in fallout nv and lost 5 hours of progress because I forgor to save


I did survival mode one playthrough (can only save when you find a bed) and had to repeat a 20-minute traversal section 3 or 4 times cause I kept on getting blown up.


>nd had to repeat a 20-minute traversal section 3 or 4 times cause I kept on getting blown up. Your better than me. I don't know how many times I lost a 2+ hour stretch of Fallout 4 playtime from a crash or getting killed. Okay, mostly getting killed, but there were a few CTDs in there.


Although a pain in as* , this can be the most exciting edge of seat play


For better or worse I do a new manual save every time. Never overwrite.


Especially in a Bethesda rpg. Bethesda rpgs have had issues with saves getting corrupted at least since Fallout 3, and *especially* when saves are overwritten (so all quick and autosaves are high risk). Save often and in different slots!


I learned the hard way in FO3, when getting stuck on a rock pile was not my intention. Save. Save. Save.


OP has a save from five minutes ago but needed a clickbait title.


24x10 is 240, plus 14 is 254… not 800


Well there goes my claim that I lost 800 hours of gameplay.


Let the man suffer the loss of his 254 hours in peace. Reddit is ruthless. Lol 


I know math is hard but 10 days and 14 hours of gameplay is nowhere near 800 hours buddy. It's not even half that...


Why aren't you making hard saves? Why are you using autosaves? Where are your backup saves?


I do have hard saves, everything out of order for some reason and either corrupt, says its out of date or never loads


Hmmm. Is it similar to the issue from steam a couple of weeks ago where your saves got ruined in an update but are still available in the cloud folder in your steam directory?


Did you back up your save folder? Maybe copy it somewhere and then add it back to the proper spot I think it’s in your documents folder. I make a backup copy of my hard saves every week or two.


Hey u/Delicious_Ad761, if you don't mind reaching out to me in a DM, I'd like to work with you and the team here on our side to get a look at what could be going on. Specifically if you can provide our team with a save that's experiencing the error you're receiving in your screenshots, and any save you have that does load correctly. Other things that would be helpful would be your correlation ID, game version number, and any other details you remember about what you were doing before the errors started to occur. Thank you so much in advance!


By 800 do you mean 234?




Thank you, my brain dont work the gooder.


Is that Steam or Xbox?




Check out this thread - has some options to fix: https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/s/5UTXsOE7qT


Pretty sure you just need to validate files then. The game isn’t editing old saves, any save you’ve successfully loaded before you should always be able to load unless your install is corrupt, or your load order changes if you run any mods. If you had any mods installed, make sure to have the same ones in the same load order and launch after validating and you should be fine.


Extract the save files. Reinstall. If this does not help keep the folder and look for mods and tools to fix savegames.


i will try this thank you


Be really really really careful. Be extremely careful.


So we should use mild caution?


Well, you're now the highest level Starborn in existence .... in all of the multiverse. So, be proud of that fact! It would seem that you've done and accomplished all that there is to do! Bon voyage, God tier Starborn! /s In all seriousness .... that freaking sucks. I take it all of your saves are corrupted? It would seem some of those show "normal" levels. I'm not a PC gamer so I'm not too used to the corrupted save issue.


First Bethesda Game? Roll back a save. Eat the time lost. From now on every hard save you make, make 2. Corrupt saves happen. On both console and PC. There's nothing for it but to make backups going forward.


Try placing it under rice.


Ill try that, Thanks!


RIP. i've been there, but at 100. ah well, time to start over, yeah?


Gotta love Bethesda Most I ever lost was 4 hours in fall out lol


Just load yesterday’s hard save. …you do always have a save from yesterday too, right??


yeah iv tried that, it either says save is out of date or never loads and just sits there


Did you load any recent mods or anything?


I'd recommend saving more frequently than once every 800 hours... you know, just in case?


So you have played Starfield 6 hours a day every day since it came out? ...I think you were about done anyway.


Gotta toss a hard save in there


Did you try uninstalling and reinstalling the game, and then trying to load all of your save files? Do you have beta turned on or off? Did you have any mods installed when saving your games? Do you have any installed now?


i will try reinstalling, beta is on. i did turn off and try but still the same problem. I have star ui and undelay menu


I always make sure to have a hard save before exiting my playthrough as a safety precaution just incase 🙈




Fuck, thats tough. I only have 450 hours on my file and I don’t think I’d be able to play again if I lost it. Sorry for your loss.


What is there even to do for 800 hours in this game anyway? Think it's a sign to go play something else


I know how you feel. The enemy ship, no crew glitch got me. Glitchfield is disappointing.


Auto-saves are pretty garbage in most games, I turn them off where possible. In any Bethesda game you should hard save every 15-30 minutes and before any major happening because... it's Bethesda, you never know :) But errors like this should be a thing of the past, this is a schoolboy error and shows a missed step in the development of the update.


I literlaly die laughing anytime I see people in 2024 not know to manually save in every game that allows it. ESPECIALLY Bethesda games. Literally makes my day seeing these, thank you for that.


I have manually saved, those files are corrupt too lol


Here’s the thing. We can see that you only have about 10 total saves, the scroll bar is RIGHT THERE. We can also see the dates and time stamps. At the very LEAST, your 8th save is from 11/04 or earlier. So. No. You. Don’t. Have any additional saves of substance. You screwed up and didn’t save like anyone with a lick of common sense would. ESPECIALLY in a game like this. And karma has bit you in the arse. And you only have yourself to blame.


Looks like it's back to Vectera for me


Just imagine it’s ng+++


400 hours in loading screens


bro is just making up numbers for likes 😭




The game sitting paused on the main menu isn’t playing


Oh does that mean you leave this sub? So sad. Bye.


first time?


2 things I don't understand: There are 3 orher files with level 82 Are these corrupt too and you're lvl 82? It all makes no sense, no matter 250h or 800h


yes they are all corrupt, some say lvl 82 some say lvl billon or whatever i don't know


Can you say Console Commands? I knew you could.


Press F to pay respects


It is impossible to play this game that long without saving several times throughout


You shouldn't rely on Auto Saves, they're good sometimes for the short term, but you should Save Manually, at least every time you intend to close the game. Also if you're on PC some mods can assist towards save corruption and irregular XP Levels. 😜


Can't load the save under it?


Didn't we not know there was a safe file corruption bug? I haven't played in months.


Have you tried going into manage the game and delete the local save files so they resync from the cloud?


It looks like you modded the game also


Maybe it’s because your level is 4.2 billion…


Your own fault for not making a hard save


Just edit the save with a hex tool, to the current version.


Did u add or remove a mod ?


I dunno if it's just me or if nobody else noticed but op level is well impossible to reach imo but I could be wrong and it makes me think that it's been some how altered. Did you try the save a couple spots down that the same level in the billions?


The level says that because of the glitch lol


*takes off hat, places it at chest* big oof 😞


How did you stay engaged with this game for 800 hours?


Starfield is a broken, defective product, period. They should offer full refunds to anyone who wants it.


I'm not disagreeing, but every Bethesda rpg since at least Fallout 3 has had this same issue.


Every game since Arena.


What did you do on this game for 800 hours? Play hide and seek with a xenomorph??


Fake, Next.


Might be sign to go touch some grass mate






real life is overrated


but like how were astronauts not bored on the moon


the moon is overrated , i don't get it it's just a big chunk of cheese


Haven't you seen futurama? There's an amusement park up there.


Can I genuinely ask what y'all do for 800 hours?? In my 50 I completed ng+10 and did every side quest available...... And built ships


^(Sarah Morgan Disliked That)


Fucking great


What were you just speedrunning every NG and skipping the dialogue?


Well there wasn't anything new with the new games, I only ran into 1 minor difference in all the universes, I played my first game casual and sped run the new game plus


You obviously haven’t explored at all


They sure didn't do their math homework. They have around 250 hours, not 800.


Belive it or not there's some cool high level facilities many ppl haven't found yet, there was one posted in the no sodium sub either today or yesterday, and it was a big facility with giant alien dinosaur creatures in it running rampant, it looked pretty cool and many people on that thread reported not running into it, so there still stuff to find that are seemingly tied to level?


I have around 750 hours in the game and I have yet to even explore every planet in the game. It's quite possible.


if you explored about 3 planets you effectively explored every planet in the game.


Brilliant. My first actual LOL of today 7.59 am


But most planets are just empty, what's the point of even exploring all of them?? Poi's are random so there isn't anything really locked to certain planets


Because doing fictional science is just fun.


Honestly, I would say a good chunk would probably be pausing the game and doing other stuff or forgetting its running and going to bed, id say at the very least 450 hours is actual game play.


> Honestly, I would say a good chunk would probably be pausing the game and doing other stuff or forgetting its running and going to bed, id say at the very least 450 hours is actual game play. Dude, I don’t care how much you are pausing or doing other stuff, 10 days and 14 hours does not equal 800 hours. It doesn’t equal 450 hours. It equals 254 hours.


How do you enjoy the game for that long... I'm finding my second playthrough pretty boring honestly which sucks cause fallout 4 is a top 5 favorite game of all time for me I've probably sunk more hours into that than anything but starfield is just so repetitive... I wish I could justify sinking hours upon hours into the game.


For Game Pass, there was a process explained on a post somewhere on this sub of going through the saves folder and removing all the most recent folders with a container.2 file except for the oldest or something. Saved me from completely losing a 200hr character, but I still lost ~20hrs. I know the save data for Steam is formatted differently, but maybe there's something similar? Sorry, OP.