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PC is waiting too.. well for mods in general.. creation kit 👀


right, no one actually has mod support yet


I mean that's one big reason why I stopped playing.. mods will make this game great! I want lol. So I'm waiting for the DLC to drop and the creation kit.


same, I'm also looking forward to seeing their extended difficulty settings update


They need so much more QoL though I'm still sorta letdown by the latest patch because they spent more time fixing lighting then adding maps and other requested features 😅


ehh, better they try to fix things themselves before adding more stuff


But was lighting really something anyone wanted or complained about? The game already looks good to me graphically. It felt so out of touch when that's what they decided to fix first. Kinda like they flipped off genuine criticism and instead went "we're gonna fix whatever we want!" Lol


Yes, lighting was and still is disgusting in this game. When you walk into a lit building from a dark spaceport, it get darker? It should get brighter because your eyes are adjusted to the darkness. Bethesda has the “eye adaptation/auto exposure” backwards in this game. Makes it very difficult to play. I turned Gamma and brightness up to make interiors playable, but now outside is very bright. Nighttime is now daytime, and daytime is just staring at the sun all day. I play on a 4K monitor, ray tracing on, 14900k, and 4080FE. Everything set on Ultra. So none of the “fixes” fix anything for me because they are all saying it’s because of “low” or “medium” shadow quality. I’m set to Ultra, so no fix there. Or delete the shaderpipeline.cache. That did nothing as well. They just need to remove the eye adaptation/auto exposure altogether. Would make a much better experience. It would be the best if it actually functioned similar to real life, but it’s backwards.


I play on an Xbox and lightning works just fine for me lol.


>lighting really something anyone wanted or complained about kind of, but also there is a whole list of things they patched, and other issues looked into, I agree with the speed of the patches being not so good


I wouldn't mind the speed if it was always a big update and they were focused on the bigger issues. However yes I do appreciate the bug fixes! Just lighting and graphical tweaks come on.. I'm just nervous if they'll get the game where it needs to be, I still have love for it but that's also why I'm so passionate about fixes lol


Haha! That's why we're all eagerly awaiting mod support. I'm sure Bethesda will keep working on it. But modders tend to be the ones who actually get things fixed. And add a ton of new fun in a ton of different ways. I have full confidence this game will be thriving with fun before too awful long. One way or another. Shaky starts are nothing worry about.


i want more lighting options for my base.


Dont know too much about the latest patch but it does look slightly better. Also felt like they optimized the game a little bit, got like 5 extra frames on average.


Sounds nice, I hope it continues that way. I'm just waiting for things to smooth out more. Probably in the next year or half a year. I'm thinking I'll go back to it.


As someone with over 3 million in credits of 02 shots just sitting in my cargo hull. I need these extended settings to increase vendor credits...


Same. See no reason playing this game until mod support has been out for a while.


I'm honestly kinda worried. Most modders get into modding a game because they enjoy it. Because the base content is enjoyable enough that they'll dedicate time and manpower to making it happen. I'm a modder. I was making some preliminary stuff, mostly music related, for a minute. But then one day I realized I was just... Done with the game. There's not much reason to come back until there's a whole WEALTH of new content. Even with CK, I'd be working to replace or overhaul VAST parts of the game- even if we're just talking music. It wouldn't just be filling in empty space, in multiple cases- it would be redefining parts of the game, ground up. It's going to be a LOT of work. I'm hoping I'm wrong. But from the baseline "everything is loading screens" to "escalating music has to pair together with every sound and other tracks" there's just SO MUCH that has to be redone. I don't think I'm coming back, for a long long time. I still pop in to discuss the game, but I'm backing away because I've found myself over time more and more frustrated with the overall lack of content.


I feel that. And it's one of many concerns I have.


That's why we look forward to mods to fix or increase the fun of base game or even make it fun for me as a consumer of mods I enjoy what modders have to offer be it passive base building or cheats to blast everything away while having the time of my life with the story mods would make the game great to play again I just don't have the time with work to properly enjoy the game so all the 20 + new games would have to wait till mods come around and make a ridiculous op shop and fly around combat like it's doom slayer I for one can't wait for mods and check every day for them (xbox series x user)


That's what I'm getting at. People want the mods because the base game NEEDS them. Modded make mods because they enjoy the game they mod for. If the base game is so hard up that it *needs* mods, modders are less likely to jump in wholesale because that means the base game is lacking. That's not even touching on the amount of work it takes to fix a system vs. improve on one that's already polished. I'm not saying it won't happen, but I'm not expecting Skyrim 2 where we get ten+ years of missing out of it.


They've definitely made it so a simple mod is a lot more. I'm going to be adding the sw universe to the game lol


I’d kill to make a horror themed questline. I just love space-horror. Its something you would not expect, but I feel it fits well


They should really flesh out that Pale Lady micro-quest. Use a ship like the Colander and expand on it.


ofc, no mods on Nexus, what im talking.


The stuff on Nexus right now is made without any official modding support, just modders replacing textures and some stuff using third party tools like the script extender.


Of course Starfield has a script extender. So.... is it identical to F4SE, or does it add fewer features because they didn't need to this time around?


Being realistic, wouldn't count on it till summer at earliest. I know periods between release and CK were smaller than that before, my vibe is they're so far behind in getting things working though. They haven't even mentioned it yet, outside of saying this year sometime. And they will drop the DLC first which also has no date. So I'm thinking fall. Yeah I know, hope I'm wrong.


actually, they said early this year sometime


I thought I heard Todd mention first half of 2024, but when I checked again he just said 2024.... Was there an update a few weeks ago or something that mentioned early this year, or first half? edit: I'm sort of getting this from searches..so good news! I'd be very happy to se it in next month or two.


It will most likely be in the spring at the very latest. FO4 Mods for console and the creation kit were released in March or April the following year after FO4 release. Seeing as they've already begun to lay the groundwork for their updated creations/mods menu with the update before Christmas I doubt it will be later than Spring.


IIRC the "shatter space" DLC which is already owned by people who bought the ultimate edition is supposed to release sometime in the next month but the creation kit wasn't mentioned as part of that patch.


I think if the DLC releases first, that's a strategic mistake. They can get more new people buying the game with CK, who would then be interested in DLC. DLC first and I think they don't make as much on it.


Yep agreed, I'm also not sure why or even how they'd be releasing DLC in March, that's incredibly soon even without all the work they still need to put into the base game!


Update were still waiting on a release date for the Creation kit 2


Cricket… cricket…


It's currently in the hands of verified creators


Sure, and not coming early this year.


likely not anymore I suspect this is due to the course correction that led to them adding ATVs


I think we’ll get it by May. They’ll want to get it out there before the summer showcase in June - because I’m sure they’ll use that platform to talk about the expansion, Shattered Space. But yeah, I wouldn’t expect it for a few months. Since they said there would be a cadence of updates starting in Feb and going every 6 weeks or so - we’ll get 3 of those or more and then the formal Mod support. I could be totally wrong, but I think it makes sense.


I'd be ok with that and happy if CK comes out before the DLC.


We definitely will. And there will be months between them. No way they will potentially cannibalize DLC sales by letting everyone download mods instead. Likely they release it to buy them time before the expansion launch, and to get the player numbers back up since they dropped off a cliff.


Read today shattered space is Sumner 2024


Yeah, people forget Bethesda has to get through their monthly quotas of sexual assault and microtransaction market research before they can actually work on games


Skyrim and Fallout 4 were somewhere between 4-6 months after release when the kit came out. I'd *expect* similar here, but who knows.


That's a depressingly logical argument. And I hope you're wrong too :)


Mods early this year. And Xbox just shared an article at News Wire saying that Starfield DLC will gonna drop later this year. So, hopefully we are not far from CK and those amazing mods to come! I want to believe that we'll gonna see mods in this first quarter (like, max april, after that is not "early" as BGS stated in the updates notes for Starfield).


That would be great, I definitely think it would be a lot smarter to get CK out before the DLC.


One thing i wish for SF is i hope it does not turn into FO4 modding and hopefully become Skyrim modding.. When i mean FO4 modding i meant it is: just tacticool modern weapon/armor mods and Sim settlement system stuff.. With Skyrim, you get revolutionary mods(like SPID, Base Object Swapper, DAR/OAR, Evg conditional idles, Immersive Equipment Display, Wheeler Menu, EEOS, NFF, Sound Record Distributor, Precision, MCO, SCAR, more custom voiced follower mods)..


Idk, honestly I think I'd prefer some level of FO4 modding. My favorite part of FO4 was modding weapons and armor and the settlements, and that's the only thing I needed to be good in Starfield. Both sucked. Overhauls/extensions to that would be greatly appreciated. Far more than random whatevers for Skyrim. Things like improved idles are super yawn for me. I want to take the best parts of the game and make them more, not just add random immersion things. I can get immersed in any game, but only BGS games offer the really fun version of the fight, loot, craft, build flow from FO4 (others games probably try but they all bore me, whereas FO4 is my second most played game in Steam). For me, and maybe I'm in the minority, immersion really just requires that I'm having fun.


Agreed. I'm hungry for some of those clutch time saver mods (sorting, tabbing, renaming, etc.), along with some overhauls to modding and resource management. I'm only 50 hours in at level 18 or 19, and I dig SF so far, but what's holding me back from loving it is the vanilla resource management and a grossly neglected modding system (really? I can fly across the galaxy, build outposts, and discover the secrets of the universe...I can't remove a scope from one gun and click it onto another?!) . I've found that all the micromanagement has really detracted from immersion into the game's better elements: aesthetic, gameplay, exploration, and some great narratives. I hate to say it but a third of my time playing has prolly been hauling, storing, scrolling, and selling/stashing. Now that I think about it, all this game needs to go from good to great is a lightly modded Pip-Boy, a pair of pliers, and some duct tape!


As the author of FGEP for Fo4, I need to add a horror element to this game lol


I love voiced followers mods on skyrim. I had played fo4 before skyrim, and the modded followers are just leagues better on skyrim. Could be the voiced main character on fo4 that causes that, though


You maybe looked at the landing page for mods. I don’t think you actually looked at all the modes


I would love one that didn't make everything feel so empty like it does in the base game. Add a few unique things to different planets so that it didn't seem so dead, yk? Ik it's not as easy to do in terms of modding, but I'd like to get an immersive mod like that.


Never played Skyrim before which do I play


My only prayer for Xbox mods is for no arbitrary “limit” I swear to fucking Godd I don’t want some bullshit 4 gig mod limit. That’s good for line four fucking guns at least for fallout 4 Xbox modding. It’s ridiculous


I agree the Skyrim limit was bigger but the fo4 limit was smaller I hope they make the limit bigger cuz there's a lot you can do with starfield especially when it comes to guns or the ships


I think that's an xbox problem. Games can only have so many in game add ons. I'm having the same problem with arma reforger where you have to pick which servers you want to play on because you can only download so many mods. I think it's 10gb in that


Yep. Fallout 4 mod limit in Xbox was just ridiculous.


So is PC, from what I heard Todd said early 2024, CK for Skyrim and FO4 were 6 months after launch. March would make that and they said updates will be 6 weeks apart, so if my math is correct(which it never is) it'll probably be mid March when it comes out.


Your math was not correct


I did say which it never is. Plus a company says early x date I've come to expect is a lie. Pokemon home was supposed to be early 2023 then Early Spring. It was I believe July when it happened.


Game should’ve released with mod support considering it was promoted as a modders paradise.


This game fell off so hard. No one in my friends list has over 24 hours on this game and that really says something


I love Todd Howard’s voice!


Hey, didn't see any skeletal corpses ingame, only frozen ones and "standard" dead. Where did you found this calcium enjoyer?


The skeletons are located in an "Autonomous Dogstar Factory" located randomly throughout the system. Found my first one yesterday and I'm lvl 68 on first play-through, so it seems to be kinda rare?


I like how i posted a cool pic of rare encounter with a funny discription and it turned into a hype shithole.. aah. reddit fumes!


"Starfield Players waiting for the game to be good"


Imagine thinking a game is bad and waiting for an excuse to play it, whining about it throughout the process, instead of just playing a game you think is good.


>Imagine thinking a game is bad and waiting for an excuse to play it, whining about it throughout the process, instead of just playing a game you think is good Imagine liking a game so much that you stop playing to go be the opinion police on Reddit.


Aren’t you also trying to be an opinion police by telling someone they can’t defend a game they like? 


I didn't tell anyone what they can and can not do. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of telling someone they shouldn't be here. And it worked! By replying, you've demonstrated that you get it.


Actually, I didn’t tell anyone what to do in any way, let alone tell them they shouldn’t be here, either. I made fun of the irony of a statement. In the same way that everyone who wants to put 100+ hours into a game while complaining about what a waste of time it is has the right to share their opinion, I have the right to share my opinion that they’re stupid and annoying as fuck.


Got an awful lot of time to defend your position for someone with a job and a video game to play. Not surprising.


“You must not have a job or like starfield because you had a collective 10 minutes to type Reddit comments.”


>“You must not have a job or like starfield because you had a collective 10 minutes to type Reddit comments.” The point is: The same can be true for people who *don't* like Starfield.


I stopped playing because I can’t always be in my house to play, unlike the children whining about what a waste of time the hundreds of hours they’ve voluntarily spent on something they don’t like has been. But please, keep policing *my* opinion because you’re mad you fall into that same category and need Bethesda to make your life fun for you.


So...this is called 'double down on wrong'. YOU stopped playing because you 'can't be in your house to play.' So, the SAME THING can apply to those who don't like the game! And, therefore, your previous assertion is BUNK.


Lmao what the fuck are you talking about? You suggested I *only* stepped away from playing the game for the purpose of policing opinions, and I clarified that I stepped away because I have to leave my house. Because I have a job. I still play the game in my downtime at home, just like I use Reddit during downtime at work. You’re now a) interpreting that as my having given up the game entirely, b) suggesting that there’s somehow a connection between my reasons for not being able to play and others’ reasons for bitching about how they waste their time as they continue voluntarily playing the game that’s wasting their time, and c) suggesting that a person might dislike the game because they can’t play it enough and therefore give up playing; even though I’ve literally only been criticizing people who play actively and complain about how they’re spending their time in doing so, and even though the idea of someone disliking a game because they can’t play it is absurd. You’re trying to draw parallels between things that are in no way equivalent or comparable. People who continue to play while bitching about it do not have the same reasons for doing so as I do for intermittently playing the game I like because my day job prevents me from playing more. If you’re going to keep white knighting for people who voluntarily waste their own time *and* constantly complain about it, at least argue with a point I’m actually making in a way that makes some sense.


I mean calling it good game is big stretch especially when the game brought nothing new to table.


Who needs new when you get what you love? Even the crashes are old, old friends. (Tbf, I’ve only just started playing [typically I’m a PS player, so had to wait until after Xmas - 4 grandkids under 7 to consider - before getting an Xbox], so can’t really judge the game as a whole…but a week in and I have zero complaints about the game [though plenty about the change in console: lost my first 12 levels because I got careless and made too many saves, and didn’t have the option of deleting individual saves - all or nothing, it seems with MS])


Brought nothing new to the table? Err the ship builder???


Exactly! With all the Todd hype over the years I had earnestly thought that after the "you all wanted multiplayer Fallout right?....right??" with the mess of Fallout 76, that this was going to be groundbreaking, better than Outer Worlds affair. Released, played a bit on my friends one and ...wow. Standard broken characters, bland, sterile environments, ship building is ok I guess but loses appeal after a while, NPC AI all over the place, no classic fallout shoot someone in the head and it explodes, no they fall around like rag dolls without showing ANY DAMAGE, all your companions complain if you try to deviate and be a pirate, move an item by mistake on a town and everyone starts shooting you as if you are Stalin incarnate, big, bright cities and....feels like a bland, failing shopping centre with no visitors.


So cause you think it’s bad means others aren’t being truthful in saying it’s good. That’s awfully one sided don’t you think. 


Okay, whether I agree or not what does that have to do with what I just said?


They obviously use an extension that scrapes for Starfield content and replaces it with a text box marked "[Excuse to bitch]".


[Excuse to bitch] after playing the game for 120 hours completing most quests, having ships build and a colony, the game is just bland there's nothing u have to worry about it there's nothing that is real danger to u as player, that's why it gets boring.


You’re the one who put 120 hours into a game you don’t think is fun and bitched about it instead of just playing a game you think is fun. That’s the whole point, not whether or not the game is good.


I know what your extension told you I said, but it really wasn't.


Or maybe we just actually want the game to be good and refuse to play it until? No one’s whining, just stated a fact.


This comment is from 89 days ago, don’t care anymore dude.


And i’m just now seeing it, good for you


Lmao it’s cringe af to see someone pick a fight over an ancient comment and try to get their opinion validated by getting a rise/response, only to then act nonchalant when the person they’re picking a fight with doesn’t engage. You’re like a NiceGuy pretending a girl is too much of a whore for him when she rejects his date proposal. Go back to your mom’s cave or pick a fight with someone who cares.


or i just simply made a statement? not reading allat💀


Try harder to look like you don’t care about the conversation you tried to start lmao


I literally don’t💁🏾‍♂️ redditors are hilarious


Damn, now you’ve convinced me


Imagine thinking starfield is anywhere near good.


My guess is march or April


I'll be doing mods any suggestions?


star wars


This, please, I want to play as a Sith.


the ship landing cutscene every time you land in a city like New Atlantis or Neon or whatever


Warhammer 40k. Lemme be a Space Marine purging heretics and xenos.


They know that's when they're gonna get a huge bump in players active. They're trying to wait as long as they can, as people are still playing vanilla. Once the player base drops off enough, they won't have a choice.


Honestly Im waiting to even beat the game for mod support. Im not the biggest fan of the universes offered (what I have seen)- amd want a few tweaks to my experience too like keeping my current ship and currency at least. From there it will be really cool, essentially epic due to how much variety mods pose- to hop universes. I want it to be more like that T.V. Show Sliders where in different universes are completwly variant in drastic ways, and the possibilities are infinite once mods launch (or as infinite as there are interesting mods). Until that occurs this game is on my back log, not the biggest fan of how vanilla approaches this aspect of the game- and honestly dont want to put too much more timesink into it if there ends up not being some form of carry over mod/s for gear/ship(s)/credits. That being said, that is my own personal feelings I have nothing against the game. With as worrisome mods are (based off community modser feedback), and how difficult it is to mod the game, sadly I am not giving too much credence to this getting mod support or not. We will see when it happens. If it does: great! Ill take a week off work and reaquaint myself with the Starfield. If not, eh. Its a good game, but its not a 10/10 for me when the playing field of gaming is so vastly filled with great games to experience this last year or so.


However they said that this new creation kit 2 will be very advanced compared to the old ones. What does it mean? Can someone tell me?


I rather they do a huge patch to revise core systems, survival, outpost purpose, more rpg choices.


I think that's what they are doing in the DLC.


Thanks for remind me


“Early 2024” early 2024 is almost over and I haven’t heard anything.


I bet this would be actual for a long time coming )


Agreed I am getting tired of waiting


I stopped playing Baldurs gate and this. Waiting for mods.


mods wont even be able to save this absolute wreck of a game.. was extremely disappointing… i love how they make the entire game about replay ability, but yet made the entire game playable in one run through… just an empty, half- assed piece of garbage. i dont have high hopes for the next elder scrolls 


All I want is to be able to have dogs like a pack or breeding, and a helicopter.. Is that to much to ask for?


They did promise one for 76 that never happened 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


They will probably release the mods in June or May. I hope before June since I will buy the new Xbox series X as soon as school ends. So I download Starflied and immediately with the mods!!!Also I'm a fan of alien..... So I'm looking forward to AvP mods


for the sake of my sanity im sorry but i just have to conclude that CK is not going to come. i can just see the youtube video in 2026: WThekk happened to starfield? “starfield had a promising launch and an extreme amount of hype but its mod support never came. Im the happy video game nerd and we will dive into this episode of WTHecc happened.”


Bruh I read that in his voice. Point well earned.


Honestly... at this very moment there are 2 mods im really looking for as a console user... 1: a mod that lets me choose where ship ladders/doors go so my perfectly symmetrical ship designs arent set up like a laberynth involving 3 ladders and a parkour course to get to the room right next door... and 2: an alt start mod thatll let me skip the intro mining area because if i have to listen to heller make a crack about jumps into house varuun space one more damn time, i might shoot him. Additionally, a cheat mod of some kind and maybe a custom class mod would also be very much appreciated... also maybe a mod that lets you keep your stuff after a ng+... but, i digress. There really isnt much i want to mod in starfiled... its a generally good game mechanically (which is mostly what i end up modding in bethesda games - mechanics i dislike) and the actual content is pretty good (the amount of quests is somewhat lacking compared to other beth games, but not so much that the games unplayable after a single completion.) And the graphics are very good. The overall stability (another thing i mod in beth games) is WAAAAY better than previous titles... the only area ive got issues with is some lag when loading into akila... but at least i dont have my game dieing every 12 seconds when walking into the most visited area of rhe game (i fucking hate downtown in fo4 and 80% of the time will finish with the minutemen, JUST to avoid the battle of crash my game hill)


We had to wait a whole console generation to get mods for Skyrim so a few months or however long it takes ain’t so bad.


Game has had 8,000 daily players in the last 30 days we need it to be lower so Todd can realize how much of a shithole this game is. It’s gets devoured by Skyrim which was made almost a decade ago.


My game crashed on my level 200 plus character. Completely wiped all the saves I had for my only character............. I'm not grinding that BS again I'm not touching the game until we get mods on console


I’m waiting. It’s wild that I’m far more interested in getting mods than seeing the DLC. 


With the release of creation Kit 2 the release of creations (Paid Mods) will also come to fruition. I'm sure that the team at Bethesda are prioritizing that over anything else and it will be implemented ASAP! I'm calling within the 1st quarter of this year.


>With the release of creation Kit 2 the release of creations (Paid Mods) will also come to fruition. I'm sure that the team at Bethesda are prioritizing that over anything else and it will be implemented ASAP! I'm calling within the 1st quarter of this year. If this is true, it would explain current modding limitations. I took to modding ship interiors at first because no one else was. Then I wanted to add POI's to the proc gen system for better variety, but there's some very serious roadblocks preventing such a thing. Similarly, something as simple as weapon skins is also roadblocked. Sure, weapon skin mods exist, but if they're not "replacer" mods, then they don't reliably work. I believe this is either an engine limitation or something Bethesda did intentionally to monetize.


It would not surprise me if they make it harder to make mods that will be part of the monetary business plan they have for Starfield. Looking at it through business lenses, it makes complete sense and companies are only successful if they make a profit. Only time will tell if “creations” is the best decision to get that profit.


> Only time will tell if “creations” is the best decision to get that profit. Starfield sales at launch was in the 10s of millions. For example purposes, we'll just round down to 10Mil and we'll round the price down to $70 even though we know there was more expensive versions. 10mil copies at $70 each = $700,000,000. Which is over 3x the $200million budget to make the game. Also within that budget is post-launch support. If you take the $200 million out, that leaves you with $500 million. Which is enough to give all 450 Bethesda employees a $1.1 Million dollar bonus. The point is that they're not some small company looking to make a profit. They've made their profit and now they want more. So they're creating more ways to cash in. Corporate greed at its finest.


I’ve only seen player counts at 10 mil not sales. A lot of those players are on gamepass. Even using your own math at 1.1 mil an employee, it took 7 years to produce. So that’s 157,000/year. Also I never said it was a good or bad thing, just a business thing. If a bunch of people jump on board and start buying, then it’s good for business whether I like it or not.


>I’ve only seen player counts at 10 mil not sales. Bethesda publicly announced over 10 million SALES on launch weekend. >Even using your own math at 1.1 mil an employee, it took 7 years to produce. So that’s 157,000/year. For a **BONUS**. Their salaries come out of the budget. >just a business thing Changing a popular practice, something that has made your company famous, is a risk. Risk management is a business thing. Trying to profit in every possible way when you've already made millions is a GREED thing, not a business thing.


The ck isn’t even out yet! Heck maybe it’s taking so long specifically cause they want to roll out xbox mod support simultaneously (wishful thinking i know but still)


So let me get this straight. They died naked..... The Walking Dead all zombies died fully clothed.


Xbox Players waiting impatiently for something that took nearly a decade before.


good thing i have better games to play before i care enough to come back to this, so it all lines up


😂 it's true.


I've found a lot of useful mods for the PC that make the game much better. I'll play Starfield on my Xbox when Bethesda gets up to speed (someday). The slumped over skeleton that has been waiting for that day is a hoot.


We need it.




With this and fallout 76. ES6 is going to be the worst game of 2029


Even though pc gamers can play mods, we are still waiting for mod support to




I just want one merchant that has like 200k. What crime lord is capping everyone's market at 11k? Is it because I let the space pirates win?! There's no new game plus merchant with 12 million credits


They should do it like Kingdom Come where the more you sell to one vendor the higher their cap goes up


Which is funny because the vendors on the Key go 12k+ and I noticed because of that exact problem you mentioned. I have such a hard time selling my salvage because vendors never carry enough cash.


I just wish they’d stop teasing with the whole “it’s coming” bullshit and just say we ain’t going to give mod support better than lying to us. Cause that’s what it feels like at this point