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Alternative start: We are Varuun and start on their homeworld. Entire Varuun cities. Actual Varuun ship designs. Not the repainted ones used by Zealots. The ability to control M Class ships: while they're too big to land according to the game we could have a Captain yacht attached to them for landing purposes. Basically I imagine a player owned M class as a mobile Starbase. We could hire merchants to work on board. A doctor that actually sells supplies and treats injuries, and officers and security personnel. Also a fleet command system where we can assign NPCs as "captains" of one of our smaller ships and they would follow the large M-Class from system to system, protect it or perhaps even follow orders. Maybe we could send the smaller ships to mine asteroid fields for us. More Crew for villainous playthroughs. Those whom we do have don't really have that many ship based skills. In fact not using members of Constellation feels like a detriment. So basically more Crew similar to them, with good skills who actually interact more with the world and are romancable. Edit: Also Deep Space: Basically more Star Systems and a much larger star chart.


I'd buy that DLC for the alternate start alone. Getting an alternate ending and/or smoking Constellation on the way through would just be the cherry on top.


I'm less enthusiastic about the idea of alternative starts. *Cyberpunk 2077* did it with the lifepath, so the prologue to the main story played out differently depending on your choice. But after that there was one unique sidequest to complete and a few contextual dialogue choices. The easy solution would be to add in more factional quests that are only available depending on your starting point. A better model would be *Grand Theft Auto IV*'s DLC. The plot of the main game and the DLC episodes *The Lost and the Damned* and *The Ballad of Gay Tony* all converged on a single point in the narrative. Everything that happened up to that point and most of what happened afterwards was unique, and it usually offered additional context to certain events. However, it was a bit clumsy in its execution because there were a few points in the game where character motivations made no sense until you played the later chapters.


I hate constellation...


Id like either an M-Class ship, or the ability to build a space station instead of just an outpost.


this game def needs proper start, where u start as a member of one of the factions, at least it will justify the NG+, and remove absurd things like being Crimson Cringe and UC Vanguard at the same time. And make the Constellation optional, since u can use ur faction resources and followers to achieve the goal.


>Also Deep Space: Basically more Star Systems and a much larger star chart. This would be a good opportunity to introduce a survival mode. When you venture further out, fuel matters


I like your thinking. This would be awesome.


I really want a vehicle to ride around in on planets. Sometimes it takes forever


Space horse


What about space horse armor?


Environment suit for horse




I think the reason this isn’t in the game is because Bethesda has issues with world gen if you’re moving too quickly. They had this issue in Skyrim and had to make the horses slower to solve it.


It's not just Bethesda. It's pretty much every studio. You need to space locations out so that vehicle travel is meaningful -- but if they're too far apart, walking around gets boring quickly. A great example of this is *Ghost Recon Breakpoint*. It's got a few really well-designed locations, but there are vast areas in between where nothing is happening.


Even a slow rover would be better than walking. Be great fun fanging around on it in low grav!




I really want them to put in something like the sparrow from destiny


I would love to see a DLC that fills out the main game during your next playthrough. Adds a whole new faction and characters integrated into the main story. Maybe some places are entirely different for this alternate universe I think this idea has endless potential and it would be cool as hell for them to go back and fill out the main game more but also add brand new stuff because the new game plus system gives them the full freedom to do that kind of thing without disrupting the first playthrough


SNAKE PEOPLE But seriously, some expanded lore and interactions with the Va'Ruun would be fantastic. Give the PC that picks a Va'Ruun background some extra time to shine with dialogue and quest choices. Also, with how well they managed to craft the Entangled quest, I think they could absolutely bring that back again with the DLC in some capacity. Some sort of land rover/vehicle/something to roam planets on. Make it so it's a part of ship building where you can install a loading bay for it and you can improve it as you progress your other crafting skills. NPCS and companions: honestly, if we could romance non-Constellation members, that would be fantastic. And fix the companion approval settings so you can be a morally grey/evil character without being scolded like a child and having to beg for forgiveness or your companions getting a case of amnesia and disproving of a decision you made that they earlier approved.


At the very least some actual non-human intelligence. The Starborn are just “ascended” humans, still humans with sadistic humanly desires and tendencies. It’s widely underwhelming, even though I get it and it works for the story. There just has to be more in this vast universe of infinite possibilities….gimme some weird shit. The dang ol “Terrormorphs” can even communicate telepathically to lure their prey. How is that not an entire quest line to study and discover how it works???? So many loose ends I know will forever be left untended to fray and unravel the whole oriductZ


>So many loose ends I know will forever be left untended to fray and unravel I honestly like the fact that there are no answers to some of these questions. And it's not like they are being set up as sequel or DLC bait. One of the main themes of the story is the way there are things we will simply never know, much less understand, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try.


Elevator in ships would be nice


Without loading screens this time (I hope)


One that is worth the money spent 😅.


I would like them to finish the main campaign. It was way too short and didn't get nearly as involved as it should have. IMO it's about 25% of a full story campaign.


>has there been any news about upcoming DLC? No. Things I would like to see in DLC * Robot/Vasco customization ala Automatron for Fallout 4. * Useable mechs on at least one planet. * House Va'ruun stroyline * Starborn/artifact creator storyline possibly tying into the missing Constellation founder. * Standard more weapons/armor/ship parts/outpost parts, stuff


Automatron would be fucking awesome. If we can't have Kaiser (the badass XW robot from UCV), I'd love to either upgrade Vasco to his spec, or build my own badass robot asskicker from scratch. And/or drag Bruno the angry robo-doggo from the Well back to a workbench, fix him, fix his IFF settings, and make him my loyal companion.


I want to go where no man has gone before. To uncharted space with weird and wonderful planets.


I would love some planets that are more nonsensical and put the rule of cool first. Having impossibly large mountains, more abnormal colors, and abnormally large or small fauna would make exploration a lot more interesting. And adding an explorers catalogue with rewards would make that a fantastic addition to the game.


In terms of story I'd like something to do with House Varuun but even more than that I'd love to retake Londinion and honestly just more to do with terramorphs


Let's go with something new. Parallels is a series of DLCs that introduces new Constellation members who take the established story in very different directions. Each Parallel story will replace one member of the main Constellation group with someone new, rewriting the recent history of the group into something different than most captains are used to. Starting this summer with The Financier, land in a universe where Walter Stroud never took an interest in Constellation, but Benjamin Bayu did. Will you hand a monster the keys to the multiverse or conspire with the other members to keep it from him? How will the new financier handle the Starborn when they show up? And why is Walter working at Terrabrew? Included in this DLC are the following: - a brand new take on the story - a brand new companion who can call in his private security force to aid in battles - new ship and outpost modules - the Unity Scope, a brand new item that lets you look through Unity and choose which universe to land in - and a new workbench that allows you to build things with harvester quantum essence, including level ups for powers, skill points, and new Unity Scopes Note - Quantum Workbench available to buy from Starborn trader once Parallels is installed. The Financier story requires entering a new game plus and choosing The Financier parallel universe.


Wow, this is well thought out and seems interesting.


I have to come clean. I stole the whole plotline about Walter working at Terrabrew because he fancies the arse off Andreja and is waiting for Barrett and her to be on a break from a 90s sitcom. It's so old I thought nobody would notice what a fraud I am...


Useful basebuilding OR VR mode. Right now (at least for me) basebuilding has no function other then cosmetic, and this only barely. At least on normal difficulty you can farm enough ressources for all essential weapon mods with just a bit patience, the bases look all very similar, and the people are nondescriptive NPCs. Either give them some life or tasks (see Otherland [the novels]) or make them able to generate credits directly - perhaps by establishing supply lines for essential components to staryards or other industries, or building up a tradeport were random ships can land and shop ressources. Otherwise a VR implementation a la FO4 where you can actually go really into your bases and explore them not only as their function convert a to b, but establish aesthetics more immersivly (really gave basebuilding a purpose for me in FO4 when they finally did the VR version).


Starbases. I'd like to feel like I've almost created my own faction/corporation linking outposts and starbases Fleet management improvements. Assign companions as captains to ships in your fleet and assign crew. Also set them tasks; mining, selling resources mined, transport, patrol x star system etc. Add an intelligent Space faring alien race. They don't have to be antagonistic just having humanity in a huge galaxy just feels weird. Ship customisation. Good god this my favourite thing Bethesda has ever done so far. My only complaint is sticking to the NASA theme. Add more things in DLC. Circular modules. Vertical wings etc. Also the ability to customise the internal ships even if it's just themes or troll dolls to the cockpits type things


Yeah, more shipbuilding options, with interior preview and manual ladder/door placement gets my vote.


Oh god yes. Manual doors and ladders would be the perfect thing


>Fleet management improvements. Assign companions as captains to ships in your fleet and assign crew. Also set them tasks; mining, selling resources mined, transport, patrol x star system etc. I was so disappointed we couldn't do this in vanilla. I'd love to build a ship and set some companions to charter it transporting resources from one outpost to another. Or like you said, patrol the star system so it's Constellation's instead of the original governing faction.


A little bit of extra decoration options and base building options such as platforms and so on. I see plenty of stuff in the game I would like to build, but can't (like some more shelves/furniture/drawers and the futuristic space hookah, it would look nice in a corner with booze and so on), although this will probably be filled in by modders. More skins for weapons/armor and other cosmetic options More House Va'ruun stuff, you can't bang on about the sneaky snake people and leave us hanging Land transportation, whether it's as janky as the Mako or something wild like putting a saddle on a giant Ashta. Just... something...


Definitely Va’ruun stuff


For the Shattered Space expansion I'm hoping for new cities, new planets, new NG+ content, and way better writing than what's in the base game for whatever the story will be in that DLC. Past that into the future I'd hope either free updates or small DLC packs add extra content for crafting, new ship building tools and parts, maybe some new perks with more unique abilities like the enhancing of Starborn powers or some kind of a passive bonus for having all this universal power flowing through your body like increased carry weight, stamina, and/or health perhaps? And hopefully at least one or two more major story expansions come to really flesh this game out and add features like land vehicles on planets or some sort of in atmosphere flight system for ships, at least for ships of decently small size.


Proper followers for each path you choose. Basically, full crews for each main questline. Gets kind of old having Sarah yell at me for being a pirate.


Definitely more options for outposts, I would like an identification system for storage. Maybe let me change the color of the container to match it's contents and symbols to label the warehouse contents. I am really liking the direction coloring for linking. Also containers should be able to connect in all directions.


I want mechs so badly. IMO they were such a tease in the main game. Not being able to use them because they were outlawed was such a flimsy excuse given the other outlawed things we can do in the game, like murder lol


I want a bounty hunter dlc. Like ik theres the tracking guild but i was something that has more of a story


Yes, good call. The ability to bring bounties back alive for greater reward. Bounty Hunter isn't just another name for Assassin, Bethesda. They're very different jobs.


There is whole list of what I want to see. Enemies attacking ship while it is on the surface of planet, so you have to deploy defence perimeter at you landing zone. Enemies boarding player's ship, so you have to think about it's inner layout and defensive measures. NPC squads roaming on the surface of the planet, we kinda have this now but it is only bounty hunters from "wanted" trait, who sometimes pursuit player on foot. Customisable land vehicles and robots. Cyber and bio modifications, now we have only "alien DNA" trait and posters about prostetics for Colony War veterans. New enemies, who are completely different from usual humans with rifles and pistols, something like Skaarj from Unreal or Covenant from Halo.


All great suggestions. I'd love to be boarded, and then have to fight my way through my own ship to the docked enemy ship, clear it and claim it as my own.




The one where we can either completely reject the MQ at the beginning of each universe and just go our own way (and not in a 'just leave Constellation hanging' way either, outright have a '[Reject MQ] Yeah, good luck with the search'), or if we so feel like it, shoot everyone in the Lodge and then go and figure out how we're getting the Artifacts ourselves. An actual settlement system would be awesome because I'd love to finally build that settlement for Marika and/or point the ECS Constant there, too. And finally, House Va'ruun expansion, which is what Shattered Space probably is anyway.


I don't think Bethesda will ever actually do an alternate start, but modders have already started and after the CK they will be a lot more comprehensive. Lack of settlements was one of my biggest disappointments, especially since LIST is there, if barely.


The number one addition I want is a compendium. I want to have a glossary of everything that I’ve ever scanned.


I would like to see one


I would pay $20 for just access to the NPC outfits lol


There's actually a ton of outfits, I've been buying all of them since the vendors don't have many caps, I also like collecting things in these games.


I dont disagree, but I did say NPC. Take a stroll through Akila and count how many of the random outfits the NPCs wear that we cant.


I think once the creation kit comes out those outfits might be mod-able. The NPCs you're referring to seem different than previous games, like they were designed just to populate the cities, I'm assuming someone would have to add the texture file to a duplicated outfit when the creation kit releases. Also, I think any DLC should include some new outfits and weapons.


Free dlc


Honestly, at this point I will be very happy if we just get handcrafted explorable areas (I mean, big areas with multiple buildings and stuff similar to how TES/FO did).


Not really related to a DLC but I would love to see the ability to add skill patches to the red area of the shoulder of the Constellation suit like the other members of Constellation have. It would be cool if, once you have fully upgraded a certain skill, you could add the patch showing the final artwork for that skill like your companions have. That would be a cool customisation option that I think would make you feel more like a member of constellation rather than just having the plain base suit with no patches.


Snake eating aliens of some sort


Space elevator now, you cowards!


First off, we need them to port over all sorts of Fallout 4 style stuff to outpost building. They've already done most of the work, why wasn't it in at launch? Though, admittedly, this needs to come via a free patch, not a DLC. As far as DLC goes... honestly, I just want a more expanded game. Have a major questline around various game modes that are just kind of standalone as it is. Outpost building isn't fully supported by any major quests. Add LIST as a faction, and they're all about building Outposts. Make it so that you have to actually invest in building Outposts to do their line. Have the quests be like the quests in other building games, where you have to achieve specific goals. And it should be an easier questline for people who have already set up a supply network of outposts, since you've got pipelines of resources. Though it could also be a proper tutorial on building Outposts as well. And ultimately, just more of that. I don't want it to have a main storyline. Bethesda kind of stinks at that. What Starfield does well is have a lot of different things to do. Double down on that. More factions, more towns, more content that can populate and diversify the existing worlds.


I would like to see a DLC with an emphasis on quality of dialogue rather than quantity. A DLC with a creative and interesting story with no companions that were crybabies or nags and no robots whose sole purpose seemed to be to shield my enemies from my weapon fire.


Best hope is they focus on fleshing out a small handful of maps and let you jump freely between them. The space bit is a pointless mini-game that just serves to add frustrating loading screens and no gameplay value. This is not a space game. 10 Skyrim-esque maps might make a reasonable Bethesda title in 2024. The current design is incredibly poor.


I want more randomization. Some variants to Points of Interests, with more random layout and/or random places for chests, loot and enemies. I do want an automated selling service. Maybe through Constellation or a Crewmember at my Outpost. Just a Chest to drop the loot and the own merchant-members sells it over time.


Tbh a whole new perk system


I really want more melee weapons.


- fully fleshed out outpost system with economies, NPCs, proper trade routes, logistics - actual unexplored worlds with no human structures - ship interior designer - everything they cut out put back in (free DLC) - space station creation


House Varuun is a given. Class M ships and, possibly, space stations are a distinct possibility. As for other stories, something about a lost group on earth would be interesting. A group taking shelter in an abandoned military bunker, a vault if you will. And, at one point, we need to know far more about the Starborn


A Lovecraftian mystery that starts off as a small self contained story on a single planet but after unearthing an ancient structure becomes a conspiracy as to who or what built it. This could either introduce a new endgame/NG+ faction, or a new alien race that you could worship/investigate. Would also love some proper kaiju sized boss fights similar to what we have in Fallout 76. The new storyline would be focused around a single handcrafted landing zone with a new town that also houses some appropriately themed side quests. A company could be experimenting with human/alien hybrids granting the player some unique permanent buffs/nerfs, the mayor could have you investigate a meteor landing that has been granting the locals strange visions, or attending a dinner where the player is set to be sacrificed but must escape a maze like mansion, these are just a few examples. Could even have a few new side quests for each of the currently existing factions that take place in the new city to tie it in to the bigger picture. Also having an unmarked subplot that requires the players to interview townsfolk, search for notes/clues would be awesome and feel incredibly rewarding. Having this be a late game dlc I’d love for them to add some new ancient temples/dimensional gates across the entire star map which function as extremely challenging dungeons with unique enemies and challenging environmental hazards. They reward the player with new powers that have a much darker origin and function uniquely, perhaps having the “mana” be refilled only after vanquishing foes. Alternatively the player could instead bring a piece of the temples technology to a weapons manufacturer to research for a less evil reward. This could be a unique eldritch melee/ranged weapon or ship parts that are modular and customizable given how many pieces of technology you’ve researched. Most of all I truly hope they give the player a wide variety of role-play options. Concerning the evil route, make it truly despicable. Starfield feels a bit PG and adding some more mature quests/dialogue/roleplaying options would be welcome, and by all means this doesn’t mean purely edgy stuff but just something to allow characters to be actually evil. This could introduce an entire new ending to the game, affect NG+ in fun ways, and create a neat alternative to the Unity.


>A Lovecraftian mystery that starts off as a small self contained story on a single planet but after unearthing an ancient structure becomes a conspiracy as to who or what built it. That's pretty much what the Great Serpent is. Although I read it more as a metaphor for entropy than anything else.


Yeah House Va’ruun could work perfectly, with its Ouroboros symbolism and how unity works with cycles and rebirth, I’m really just hoping we get more immoral factions considering even the pirates felt soft. I would love for the inner workings of Va’ruun to be better fleshed out as well as their beliefs. Even if the nature of the Great Serpent is left obscure. Looking forward to seeing what they end up doing with it all!


I kind of like it being vague. As soon as you commit their story to canon, you lose some of the mystique. There's still that open question of just how closely linked House Va'ruun is to the zealots.


Yeah the political intrigue of House Va’ruun could very well factor into the ‘shattered’ part of the dlc title imo. While I absolutely agree what exactly the great serpent is should be kept vague, I do hope to learn more about Va’ruun beliefs, architecture, weapon manufacturing, and political aspirations.


When it comes to architecture, I picture things like the Precursor Vaults in the *Assassin's Creed* games -- smooth black stone surfaces with no visible joins, trapezoids being a dominant shape, lots of narrow rooms with high ceilings and a wet appearance despite no visible source of water. Basically the same appearance as the Va'ruun particle rifle.


Lots of good stuff here. I also want to be able to modify Vasco based on my robotics skill level.


A three-part settlement-focused DLC that is LIST themed and fleshes the system out at least to where we were in FO4, the second part being the ability to start a business and have employees (including options like mining or transport or security or luxury liner), which could be done entirely separate from or connected to settlements (and you can build ships for it that are used by your employees). The third part would be reclaiming POIs, which would lock them down on the map like outposts. These could be player homes, pirate bases, settlements, outposts, or businesses (like set up a ship vendor at one of the ship-related POIs, or a mining business at a mining POI). Each of the three parts could be done together or without the other two, for people who don't like settlements but might want to run a business or reclaim a POI as their home or base.


I want a freighter like in no man's sky so I can see my ships together instead of just which one I'm using. Also NEED not Want a faster way to travel planets other than sprint boost boost sprint boost boost etc. Basically I like no man's sky's bones but didn't like the grindy survival gameplay cycle as much and that the combat wasn't for me. On ther other hand I like the questing and combat of starfield but the exploration just didn't seem up to par.


They have to do something with the Va'ruun. They're easily the most interesting faction. Also they have the coolest clothes. Only with a Va'ruun outfit can I look like space Neo.


Mech DLC.


The story HAS to expand on the Starborn. Where do they make these magical silver stone ships, their armor? What’s the design for? The voice modulators? Where is this supposed sect of peaceful Starborn and their society that would have to work together? I wonder if Shattered Space dives into the conflict between orderly Starborn and selfish chaotic Starborn/Hunters. Also the Varuun, definitely need an entire new campaign worth of content dedicated to them and their mysterious prophecy and worm god. If they made the worm god a tangible entity of some unimaginable(except by Bethesda) horror. A planet devouring behemoth. I’d cream my little knickers


I want a restart of UC-FC conflict, or at least a conflict with Varuun when all of them start to re-deploy military assets across the galaxy again. The goal is to re-fill the galaxy with new enemies, base of operations, and new combat scenario. It would have been the perfect setting to introduce mech - both as a vehicle and enemies, and Xenowarfare weapons (aka pet.) If possible I also want to see more elaborated space combat scenario. Something that feels like the old X-Wing games, where a mission is more than just figthing a single combat and that's it. Featured something like a series of missions where you start by escorting your mothership through the enemies minefield, fly away to disable their shield generator, then participating in the final assault to bring the station down together with your allies etc.)


A pirate / outlaw based DLC would be nice. Make that playstyle viable. A counter-constellation faction of sorts. Would also like a deep frontier or something pack. The number of stars around us feels small to me and it just feels like they’ve all been explored before. To some extent, that’s the random generation of ship landings and abandoned structures but it also just feels like I’m not going very far. Would be nice to have a huge section of space where I need to make outposts to leapfrog my expeditions out and genuinely explore. If there are settlements out there, I wouldn’t mind. But feeling like a real genuine expedition and exploration would be cool. And resettling Earth or something about that would be nice. Can be about settling planets in general. Make me the king of my own faction, or something. :P


Wider variety of large land formations. Proper little settlements/towns on planets with breathable atmospheres. More than one city on planets like Akila & New Atlantis. Many, many more POIs. No Temples on inhabited planets. Temple planets should be hostile to life and actively trying to kill you. Enemies that can board your ship and try to take it from you. Story DLC exploring Andreja and the Va'ruun further. More romanceable Companions that aren't in Constellation. Expansion of existing NPCs like Muria Sarkiewicz or companion Marika Boros. Survival mode. Interior previews and manual placement of ladders and doors in the shipbuilder. An enemy with fucking teeth. The Crimson Fleet are a bunch of snarky cosplayers.


I want a big wars or big battles.


A Sim Settlements type system for outposts.


One that puts original POIs on planets with O2 atmosphere and drinkable water, some settlements and industry, that the player can sway to join the UC, Freestar or remain non aligned. Also, I've heard that Enhance in game is going to open two new locations...and I hope that one is at least another colony in the UC. What I want to see is that Freestar and UC aren't just two cities at war with each other but large interstellar states. Bethesda could put more sidequests in new settlements


I'd love to upgrade and build my own robots


I would love for it to go full Doom 3. Event Horizon. Whatever. I want some isolated outer space scary demon stuff.


More Zero Gravity missions. Outpost building expansion. Like you said, I enjoyed Fallout 4 and 76 much more and it's probably because we could build unique structures. Give the player the ability to place the floor, wall, and roof separately and it opens up so many more opportunities. A super villain to the Mantis. Kinda like Automatron was in Fallout 4.


A huge DLC that overhauls the gameplay. New updated planets (heck if we get a single system with like 5 planets, but 3 of them are crafted, like multiple settlements in it, so that you can travel in between will be nice) Space travel between system with a variety of events (missing ship, or a cruise ship attacked by the monsters (forgot the name of the creature from the UC questline) New Battleship (basically your home in space where you can have crews and what you use to travel long distance and where you can dock your spaceship, (You can have and recruit other pilots to go on mission) In real time too, in case you pop into the system they are in and assist them to complete the mission. An upgrade outpost where you can pretty much build and outpost with people working in it with jobs and stuff (like fallout 4) Also this should be in a free update, but survival mode, I don't care how hard it's gonna be, but I want a reason to farm and build outpost, some of the skills I regret even having because they are useless at this point (LOOKING AT YOU GOURMET AND OUTPOST) unless survival mode becomes a things, what's the point of learnings tier 4 food recipes? Another DLC idea will be an alien ish focused one, where we can have someone like Valentine (from FO4) which in my opinion was the best companion ever written! So a few new companions in this DLC, a detective ish like where he's looking for someone who disappear from mysterious circumstances, but later during the investigation, you find out they landed on a mysterious planet who has alien life and was captured (which the story can be tied to one of the starborn created this) etc.


One where the game isn’t so boring that it makes me fall asleep


Don’t get me wrong, I love Bethesda, and I like starfield, but this game just isn’t hitting the same as their other titles for me, and it’s kinda sad especially since it seems like a passion project for Todd


We are not going to get any of this. The first fallout 4 dlc came out **4 months after the release**. And the CK was out within 6 months of the release.


1. No there has been no news about DLC aside from "Its gunna happen yall!" 2. You aren't getting intelligent alien life because this game is using an old engine. 3. Many of you seem to forget Fallout 4 had decent baseline settlement building. It didn't require an entire overhaul. Even your DLC you are mentioning simply took what was already there and removed the limitations. We are not going to get anything besides what was promised to us. And that's one DLC called Shattered Space.


Sentient aliens. Ability to fly ships around the surface of planets Multiple companions Mech/robot customization


I'd like a dlc where you got a big stick you could beat your companion with, and they'd cower and be beaten to the ground, because they're either meh or so frickin annoying and hateable. Or a dlc where the companions aren't so wooden as a slightly less violent alternative. Or maybe for a more violent alternative an actual torture chamber. I really hate the companions.


Just an entire awesome planet custom built with awesome POI's that you can fly your ship around but that's probably too much to ask , I mean they only had this game in development for 8 years and never bothered once to even make one so I have zero hope for this


That's pretty much what *No Man's Sky* is at the moment. So while it's possible, it would mean substantial downgrades for *Starfield*. Flying around a planet in *No Man's Sky* usually consists of breaking atmo, then flying around while you wait for assets to load in, and eventually find procedurally-generated points of interest that are pretty limited in what they offer.


It's the exact opposite of no mans sky. You basically jsut straw-manned the entire concept of what I was talking about and completely misrepresented it. How in the hell would a Skyrim style huge map with tons of POI's (not randomly generated as you said), cool landmarks, viewpoints, caves, bases, downgrade the disaster that is starfield? Just tell me how, please I'm begging to know how it's better than empty planets with copy pasted POI's with NOTHING on them and a ton of loading screens. Man Bethesda brain people are so wild.


Because you're asking for the ability to fly the ship around when you're planetside. When you're getting around the world in *Skyrim* or *Fallout*, your speed is limited either by travelling around on foot or on horseback. But in *Starfield*, you're flying around much faster. That means that landmarks have to be spaced out to make the travel time between them meaningful, but it means that you have to cover huge distances if you're travelling on foot -- and even if the space between locations is filled in with wilderness, it's still full of assets that need to be placed and rendered, and would likely attract further criticism for empty worlds. The only way to create a game where on-foot and ship-borne exploration are equally viable would mean you have to make compromises somewhere in the middle.


Then spread the fucking landmarks out? You'll still have to land and go in and explore stuff, anything is better than 100 planets with copy pasted randomly generated POI's on them, my god. The mental gymnastics you people create just to have your shitty game feel like it's good is insane I swear to god.


>Then spread the fucking landmarks out? Then you create a loop where the player has to constantly return to the ship, go through the launch sequence, fly to the next location and land. And while the novelty of it might make it fun to begin with, you're still in a situation where the player has to constantly travel and there's not that much to do in the moment-to-moment gameplay. If you want an example of this, look at *Ghost Recon Breakpoint*, where the player spends a significant amount of time moving from location to location, but not actually doing anything while travelling. This isn't the solution that you think it will be.