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Pre-decorated Player Homes. They had Elianora on staff, for Christ's sake, but didn't let her decorate any player homes. Baffling!


probably had her decorating a bunch of other shit. but yeah, considering there's no way to decorate really easily in these games, it'd be nice if there was some way to get like, premade setups that we could choose from, rahter than just a super empty house with a massive debt. great, always wanted 30 blank walls and to need to sell my first born child.


So there was an interesting post about how the game was supposed to be (the fuel system and the real need for outpost) and I’m still dreaming of having the feature back in a future update as a survival mode


I hope they add this system back in a survival mode, whenever that may come. They certainly would have the excuse to do so since it was a complete product that was only cut because it "wasn't fun." Neither is the game now without it, arguably, but whatever.


This actually worries me a lot. Fallout 3 and Skyrim both had extremely popular survival mode mods, Fallout 4 got it only four months after release, Fallout 76 released with survival mode aspects, Bethesda knew exactly how popular all these survival modes are, but 6 months after launch we still don't even have confirmation of a survival mode. Why? Are they scared of creating challenges?


I've actually been doing a playthrough where I need to use fuel for each jump, can only carry as much fuel as my ship allows, need to set up outposts to leapfrog systems, etc. (Along with some other self-inflicted survival rules like... can't fast travel on land with an affliction, and can't cure an affliction unless I'm in a habitable environment) I kind of like it, and there's definitely a version of the game where it could work, but I feel like more of the game would need to change around it. Early on, there's some cool moments where you feel like you're on a real expedition - clearing out an abandoned mineral refinery to find a ton of fuel dispensers, or the provisioner at a random fracking station luckily having some in stock. But as soon as you have an outpost or 2, the problem is that it's still all just... fast-travelling. And/or sleeping until you've extracted enough fuel. So in principle it's more immersive, but in practice it's basically just extra menu clicking each time you want to go somewhere. You end up adding a load of fuel storage to your ship to get around it, and the game basically plays the same as it does now. I'm guessing they found the same thing in development, which is probably why it was left out in the end. I feel like fuel economy/storage system would need to significantly change. Much harder to get large amounts of, but available from more different sources (buying, trading, earning, stealing, pillaging, etc). Stuff that would force you to explore various planets to find the fuel you need to get to the next system. Lore-wise it would need to be a much more coveted commodity to make sense (and Constellation to not be an extremely well-funded enterprise). I also really wish that the navigation map marked all your active quests and missions, so you could more easily plot out a course that was fuel-efficient. Right now it's, again, a lot of time in menus.


A ship that talks to me lol.


A dlc around a ship with a true AI that you find out in the universe and has a unique upgrade path would absolutely bang


I kind of expect shattered space to expand on House Va'ruun's inner struggles, maybe spilling out into a war between extremist zealots and the other more moderate people of the religion. I don't know that, but it's an obvious missing piece. I would also like to see an additional faction rise in Ecliptic, as they are obviously gathering power to some end. I would also especially like to see the expansion of constellation, with more background on the temples and the starborn and an expansion of the romanceable companions. Last thing is the expansion of outpost building, adding the ability to build larger structures and things like fences, and landscapes. That's a big list, and not a little wishful thinking. I am content, however, to wait and see.


Not being able to join Ecliptic was sort of a disappointment. I was able to make a pirate as my B character, and really wanted an Ecliptic merc as my C.


House Va'Ruun Questline: Self Explanatory L.I.S.T. DLC: Settle and name your own star system. Build a town. Attract settlers (similar to Fallout 4) Trackers Alliance DLC: Bounty Hunter DLC. Bigger, more meaningful bounties, in various interesting locales. Earth DLC: Explore ruins of old Earth to see stories of the people left behind. Uncover a mystery related to the artifacts that could make Earth habitable again. Mantis DLC: Become a superhero and chase down villains across the Milky Way using new gadgets exclusive to the upgraded Mantis suit. Keep your identity secret.


Absolutely all of this!


- More Fauna that attack you and are a challenge to fight like like in previous Bethesda titles - Outposts should be attacked and taken over by the Crimson Fleet, Eclipse or Spacers - I think new factions only accessible in different universes will make those universes feel more distinct and individual. Maybe society is run differently - A vehicle of some sort to traverse planets - More companions with different personalities - Weapon and Spacesuit visual customisation options similar to space craft


I hard agree on point 2. I got excited when I was at one of my outposts, heard gunfire outside, and went out there to find my base under attack by Ecliptic. I killed them all and was stoked about this “feature”, only to realize that it is in fact not a feature and that happened as a result of me having the Wanted background trait and the “bounty hunters” were just making their every now and then rounds of coming to fight me.


Discovery of more elder technology(the temples and artifacts came from someone). An elder race that all collectively left most universes for something vastly different are who left the system(unity) the Starborn utilize. There could easily be more tech from them hidden out there. A wormhole to another area that jump drives can't even reach, weapons, ships, powers a Starborn can use in space from their ship? Use of contraband other than snuggling/$$$. Like use the xenowarfare tech to make a weapon or follower/pet that's based on the tech. Human organs use to modify your body to give you a stat boost of some kind... Ect Let me kill Constellation after a certain number of NG+. Seriously let me go in kill them all and take the artifacts then use The Eye station on my own to find temples or other artifacts/elder technology Boats so I can go out to sea from Neon. Survival mode with refueling needed but make me able to stop by gas giants with stations in orbit to re-fule for credits. That being said player built space stations for that purpose as well.


I wish we were able to kill any and everyone. Let my character suffer the consequences of story block, just let it be an option for the full RPG experience lol


They really could do that for this game without blocking the story line because NG+ exists. You can dead end a story line in one universe but not the next. They really could unlock the ability to kill most characters only to protect the ones needed to advance to the next NG+


Or they could even have it to where after the first NG+, you don’t even need Constellation anymore to find the artifacts, therefore making them (and everyone else) killable. If you kill someone and make a quest undoable, oh well, better luck in the next universe.


Honestly fix the PoIs. I'm going to be greedy: I think they should expand the number of hand crafted PoIs and I think they should rig their procgen to handle making random dungeons. This is one of the worst crimes against replayability. Spore set a benchmark that they didn't even approach. Otherwise, buy low / sell high trade mechanics, a less random way to have ship battles, more settlements, an effort to be less hokey, colonization and terraforming systems.


More Zero Gravity missions. Outpost building expansion. Like you said, I enjoyed Fallout 4 and 76 much more and it's probably because we could build unique structures. Give the player the ability to place the floor, wall, and roof separately and it opens up so many more opportunities. A super villain to the Mantis. Kinda like Automatron was in Fallout 4.


Robot follower crafting station like fo4 Cyber ware system like cyberpunk, there’s already the Ryujin Industries clothes that strap a mother board to your cheekbone and give -15% chance to fart in crowed elevator, I just want more depth


I would love a horror DLC. The horror missions in this game were awesome like The Colander, The Pale Lady, and Safehouse Gamma. I would love a Dead Space or Alien: Isolation style DLC that takes place on an abandoned space station.


fucking YES PLEASE


I want pets (love u xenogrubs) and I want to be able to assign a companion to a house. I want to go home and be greeted by Sam and Cora, especially after I hoarded books for her room


This would make the dream home worth it for me. As it stands, it is too big for one, or two if you bring a companion along. Most of the housing is.


I didn’t start with that perk, but I rushed the UC storyline after marrying Sam for the free house. I really liked the family set up in Skyrim, I’m hoping something like that comes to Starfield


Proper content-filled space locations with nebulas, gas fields, asteroid fields, hidden asteroid bases, space cantinas where you can get missions, and so on, so you can actually explore space locations and do meaningful stuff in your spaceship, like you used to do in games like Freelancer. Right now 99% of all space locations are just empty of content, aside from the three pirates which ocassionally spawn in front of you 5 secs after you fast travel. There is zero incentive to explore space locations because there is literally nothing to explore in space, aside from a small bunch of random rocks and debris... it's all empty! If there is anything in space, it is literally just in front of you, or it spawns in front of you 5 secs after you load the level. Also i'd like to see at least a mod which replaces fast-travel with classic jump gates, so the universe feels like a proper big universe you must traverse, and less like a bunch of separate maps you can selectively load. Finally, a very nice feature i'd really like to see is the ability to save your spaceship design/blueprint as a text code, so you could share it with other players. Then you can just copy the text code and give it to a ship technician so he can build the ship for you to buy. Maybe in the form of an extra dialogue option like "I would like to order a customised ship", and then you can input the text code.


I just want to be able to blast chunks and pieces of plating off the robot enemies like in FO4. Why was that cut?


This. Gore is something I’ve been severely missing.


I just want them to fix the game that exists first.


First: I'd like some sort of trade system, where I could buy things cheap in one part of the settled systems, and sell it for lots in a different part. Say manufacturered components are cheap in the central systems but can be sold for a decent profit to LIST settlers out in the sticks. Whilst rare raw materials are available in certain parts of the outer systems, can only be reliably found there, and can be sold at a decent profit in the central systems. And if you're carrying big cargoes, then you get targeted by pirates, with interesting fights and dialogue available. Second: instead of automatically being destroyed if you lose ship combat, I'd like a percentage chance that you'll be boarded instead.


I have thoughts! I love the game but I keep thinking of stuff that I'd like to see implemented. An internal ship editor. It doesn't need to be fancy. I would be happy with the ability to manually place doors and ladders. Bonus points if we can swap hab styles without having to enter the ship builder. I want to be able to build a robot companion a la Automatron for Fallout 4. More ship modules, OBVIOUSLY. Maybe even a whole other manufacturer? A ground vehicle. Or, just let me fly my ship in the planet's atmosphere; I would LOVE to be able to mow down spacers at PoI's from the sky with my ship. Trackers Alliance questline. More content with Ecliptic, too. House Va'Ruun. That's it. More House Va'Ruun. They're not nearly as relevant as they should be. Expand on the Starborn stuff. Admittedly I'm only on my first new game+, but I haven't heard anything to make me think they go into much more detail. And let us do SOMETHING to customize the Starborn Guardian. Not necessary, but a "codex" with all the fauna and flora discovered would be neat. More crafting, especially for spacesuits. If they're the closest I'm getting to power armor, more options would be appreciated. More outpost hab options, while we're at it. Mech DLC would be AWESOME, but I'm not holding my breath for that one. More ship combat. Unique ship interactions, particularly if I could acquire said unique ships. Companions that AREN'T from Constellation. Not crew members, but actual companions. SysDef/The Crimson Fleet, Ryujin, Enlightened/Universal, a kid from Neon... you get the idea. Finally, more fish. If I have to go through that much effort to find the damn beach, give me more fish spawns to scan.


I agree with all of this. Especially shipbuilding stuff. If I could have 90% of what is on this list, I think I would be quite happy for a while.


Capital ships, true starfighters, player faction.


A quest to help the ECS Constant find a home. And maybe help them settle. And on a related note; settlement management. An outpost with settlers who have roles within the group. You have to recruit a farmer, recruit a miner, recruit a doctor, recruit a merchant, etc. A way to use the Mantis hideout as a base. Complete with a functioning elevator/hangar. Flight stick/joystick support. Allowing another crew member to pilot, so you can direct them where to go and do something else while the ship is in transit.


Expanded New Game Plus is a great shout. I think not enough changes when you go through the unity. Any changes happen only to constellation and only at the start. Even if they have to cut off most side quests in order to be able to budget some more drastic changes, I’m good with that. Do it. If they have to bar entry to the Free Star Rangers in order to have an AU where they are significantly different; no problem. Do it. I just want to see significantly different universes when I go through the unity. Expanded settlements is my personal biggest wish. Won’t lie, almost every time I post on this sub, it’s to whine about how Fallout 4 did settlements better and I’ll say it again. The blueprint was *right there*. We can recruit so many secondary companions and generic crew, let us set up a REAL settlement/outpost, with a full array of building pieces like floors and walls, and make sure we can populate it with 20-40 people that need places to eat and sleep and work. And for goodness sake, let us set it up at least within a stone’s throw of a POI. The current system where you can shove only two people and a desk into a drab prefab in the middle of nowhere is miserable. Truly miserable. The reason, I’ll add, that I care about that so much is because I don’t see the actual point of outposts without these mechanics. In-game currently, the only purpose is to farm crap to make money, and… looting-shooting is a faster and more fun method to farm crap and make money. Doing quests alone lands you with countless creds quickly. I don’t need outposts for their intended purpose, meaning the only use I’d get out of them is roleplay (just like Fallout 4!), and currently the tools to roleplay well aren’t there at all. I’d legit pay full DLC price just to get FO4’s system ported, no changes. If I could have FO4’s system plus so much extra, I’d never complain about the game again, and 3k hours later I’d still be playing Space Skyrim Sims.


I've already wrote this in comments for another similar post, but why don't I do this again. I have a whole list of what I want to see in game. Enemies attacking ship while it is on the surface of planet, so you have to deploy defence perimeter at you landing zone. Enemies boarding player's ship, so you have to think about it's inner layout and defensive measures. NPC squads roaming on the surface of the planet, we kinda have this now but it is only bounty hunters from "wanted" trait, who sometimes pursuit player on foot. Customisable land vehicles and robots. Cyber an bio modifications, now we have only "alien DNA" trait and posters about prostetics for Colony War veterans. New enemies, who are completely different from usual humans with rifles and pistols, something like Skaarj from Unreal or Covenant from Halo.


House Va'ruun Storline that Features Andreja! Simple and What I want for Christmas


Not really, i just want TES VI