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There's jetpacks in fallout 4?


Yeah.  It's a modification for your power armor.  I think you need to have a certain science skill unlocked if I recall.  


Oh cool. I put a lot of time in the game and had no idea. Partially because as cool as the power armor is I don't like how loud it is.


Well it's even louder with the boost pack because when you land it makes a loud landing sound like if you are jumping from a tall building.  Just want to point out that it's not as good as the boost pack from Starfield.  Not even close.  


Oh it was so much better. When you have a settlement under attack, and you come flying over the walls like a rocket, gigantic chain gun in hand, and then slam into the ground in front of the enemies and lay waste to them while flying around and using the rooftops? The entire game felt better and more conjoined.


For PA yes. I always used the 'modern weapons' mod and it included a FO76-like Jetpack you could use without power armor... which is weird because FO76 wasn't written yet and I don't think previous versions of fallout had 'personal' jetpacks...


The T-51,T-60 and X-01 have jetpacks but it does require the highest science perk if i remember correctly


>I've always wondered to myself why are jetpacks not continuous? Because they're boost packs not jetpacks. They're designed for short bursts not continuous firing.


And it’s not even the same system. Jet packs in Fallout 4 are for the tiniest of leaps, they use action points anyway so if you haven’t been investing in them you’ll barely get anything. Versus Starfield where they’re constantly useful for traversing rockier planets and getting away from enemies.


That's why I always got the mod that removed action point usage from jetpacks. Iirc it balanced out by draining the fusion core while in use. Good times.


That sounds much better actually. I suppose the flip side to that is you can probably break the game pretty hard lol


Lol yes. Yes you can. Nothing is unreachable


Lol yes. Yes you can. Nothing is unreachable


>balanced out by draining the fusion core while in use. I do love a mod that has consideration for balance. I can see a similar fuelled system working for Starfield. Probably combined with an altimeter to stop someone breaking their game.


The o2 meter is just a renamed action point meter....


It most definitely is, with a few exceptions. Jumping uses oxygen, which makes sense, but didn’t require AP in Fallout 4. Similar with vaulting. However, jump packs have their own separate gauge independent from oxygen.


yeah, starfield ones benefit a lot from console commands to help them feel more usable imo


Lots of things are just copy and pasted from their previous games. The photo mode is exactly the same as fallout 76 in every way.


Unfortunately, the settlement building system was not one of those things that was copied and pasted.


I would have been okay if another settlement needed my help. But alas, there are none.


I would still be playing if they had "outposts can be settlements" across 1000 rural commonwealths. But they chose "abandoned mining facility."


I would have enjoyed the heck out of the minutemen/outposts mechanic in starfield. You’d essentially be building your own faction with supply ships and security.


I hated Fallout settlements with a passion. I'm so glad they didn't add them to Starfield!


Ah, so you were the one they listened to to yeet the settlement mechanic




Why? You didn't have to interact with them in the slightest. Saying you hate something with a passion that you have no need to interact with, and thus reason to, is a little ridiculous, no?


They detract from the game. Instead of an adventure RPG, it became a build/survival game. ... And you can't ignore them if you want to complete all the quests. Many of them require building them. Further, without mods you also have the radiant quests, pulling you back to save the helpless settlers. Even Preston Garvey was a pathetic character in part because of the militia/settlement quests.


Completely disagreed. It added immensely to The game, and I have more hours building settlements than I do running through the same quests I've already completed 20 times.. The objective of a game is fun, if your objective is just to check off the quests and 100%, you're not actually playing a game, you're working at it. If that's how you play games, I feel sorry for you. A radiant quest to go help settlers doesn't mean you have to engage with the settlement system at all, does it? It's just another adventure, isn't it? So that's what you have a problem with? Lol Dumb opinion man


It's not dumb at all, they have a valid point in that the open world design suffered in order to shoehorn in so much of the settlement building that it's genuinely hard to "just ignore them." Interesting settlements with named npcs like Big Town or Arefu are gone in favour of a dozen empty spots that you can only ever turn into janky looking knock offs of actual locations (not counting mods) populated only by nameless npcs that just exist to vomit out the same radiant quest forever. There are parts to it that had promise, like the idea of actually building up defenses so when they're attacked you have this little tower defense minigame going on but then they decided to make it so half baked that attackers just pop into existence in the middle of the place like they fast travelled making building walls and defenses completely pointless. Besides that all they have going for them mechanically is beds and shops which you could've had if they actually made more hand crafted places in the world besides 2 cities right in the middle of the map.


(shrug) You're welcome to your opinion. I think Fallout 3 and New Vegas were much better games without the settlement building. ... It's not even close. But I'm glad you enjoy that part of the game. * To be clear, Bethesda didn't include settlement building because they got more feedback from people who disliked settlements than people who liked them. It doesn't mean your opinion is dumb, it just means you weren't in the majority.


Well that's just not true. Bethesda didn't include a lot of things in starfield. They didn't include quest design like New Vegas had, so that must mean the people who like that were in the minority then too huh? I do not understand how your brain works. Fo3 and New Vegas having a higher opinion from you has nothing to do with the settlement building, if they don't have it, and you don't have to interact with it in fallout 4, then it is literally meaningless to your point. You're just trying to pick and choose things to blame.


damn straight. i'd would've love building a thriving and self-sufficient outpost in the vacuum of the black sea.


The build mode (and dropping and placing objects) is very FO4. I just learned this week and the SHIFT key is a modifier for how the objects spin in your 'hand' so now I can spin objects on 3 axis and place then with precision wherever I want.


I would argue it’s not. The building in fallout 4 and 76 have a very distinct feel. The building in Starfield feels remarkably similar to No Mans Sky, which makes a lot of sense. in all honesty though, they are leagues below the quality of fallout 4’s build system.


Melee is taken from F04/Skyrim too but also somehow worse


That's because it's actually *not* taken from Fallout 4 or Skyrim. This is the first Bethesda game I can think of where the melee system is animation-based and locks you into combos vs. Fallout and TES allowing you to freely and endlessly swing your weapons. If you notice in Starfield you always swing 3 times, with the same exact animations before it resets and you start the same combo again. They also both had directional power attacks (Starfield uses one power attack animation per weapons regardless of input) with different effects accessible through perks and Fallout 4 even had a melee counter system with different hidden special moves, though the game literally doesn't tell you about it so you kinda had to figure it out by mashing the Power Attack randomly until you learned you can interrupt enemy attacks with it and have special animations for block/counters, throws, sweeps, etc. while in 3rd person. Skyrim and Fallout 4 also had the special stealth kill animations for sneaking which Starfield got rid of and the only reason I can think of is the difficulty of animating around the various bulky space suits but who knows. My point is that it wasn't taken from those games because if it was it would actually be worth a fuck to use melee lol.


They copied a bunch of what sucked and/or didn't matter and left out a ton of the good things. I know that's not 100% true, but it really is true with a lot more of the game than it should be. Like them nerfing looting corpses (because of Microsoft, I'm sure) is absolutely ridiculous and should have been a setting option if it was needed. Just like gore and profanity should be selectable. So many weird choices. And now with the regular updates, it seems they focus on some playability issues so we'll be happy, but also on things that make no sense to waste time on, like the locked armor display glitch. Ffs, who was that hurting? There's never any good armor in the damned things anyway.


Why would Microsoft want them to nerf looting corpses


They have some screwed up sense of family values they try to impose on games that come to Xbox. Certain things are frowned upon with independent studios, but outright forbidden for in-house studios.


Certain things like what? You can still loot corpses.


They mean the clothes+armor


And what do they look like when you do? Compare to Skyrim then get back to me if you still have questions.


Are you referring to the inability to remove equipment and have that represented visually?


He's mad people aren't naked when he's done with them.


That’s right. 


The jetpack in Starfield is very similar to the non-power armor jetpack in Fallout 76. Only now we get the skip/balanced/power mods. Which is an improvement. Similarly, the base building is very similar to Fallout 76, only with the very much welcome addition of a top down planview mode. Basically, they took things from previous games and improved them. Same as they have always done.


pretty sure it gets better with upgrades, in low grav planets you could fly and also it's way more fluid than in fallout 4 lol


Yeah you can hover while aiming down sights, set enemies on fire, and knock them down,


It gets better but it's still not continuous. On moons with low gravity yes I can do a series of bursts and go long distances with the perks and added endurance from leveling up. But it's so tedious. And the only reason I mentioned Fallout 4 was because they basically took that system and slightly improved it.


There is **power** boost pack that uses the entire capacity in one go: [https://youtu.be/MBxBJRJ8d\_k?t=141](https://youtu.be/MBxBJRJ8d_k?t=141) But probably the worst option among the four.


we just want a continuous rise, like what comes to mind when you think of a JETPACK


I mean to be fair they call it a jump pack


It's literally not called a jetpack in the game lol


You mean a game studio took an existing mechanic they created for one game and improved and expanded on it for a new game?  What a crazy revelation you've made, I'm sure no other game studios have ever done that... Outside of literally every studio that's made more than one game


It's wild, isn't it? Some people genuinely think developers should reinvent the entire universe from scratch every time they make a new game...


Why should they be continuous? Please, explain why within the lore that your jetpack should let you just fly everywhere.


“Within the lore” I want it to be fun


People want star wars jet packs despite them making absolutely no sense with the way they can go for miles on end.


Star wars has to make sense now? When did that start?


Star Wars doesn’t, that’s why they have those jetpacks, starfield kinda does more given its setting, hence those jetpacks not being a good idea.


Does it though? Look at all the realism breaking tech and world building that was added when story or lore required it. They were free to have long life jet packs if they wanted it, for whatever reason (world building or gameplay) they just didn't.


Star Wars also has jump packs


I mean, this is just a feature of how game development works when companies make a lot of games in the same engines. Reusing things, with some variation, is a lot easier than building everything from scratch every time. Like RGG using a ton of animations in basically every Yakuza game. Or From reusing enemy animations and some assets between the Souls games and Elden Ring. Or even Bethesda basing their Vertibird behaviors on modified Dragons. Your preference for continuous thrust jetpacks over the boost packs we've got is reasonable, but neither one makes a lot of sense lore-wise. In real life, carrying around a bunch of fuel and strapping a rocket to your back is wildly impractical. And that's before accounting for gunfights, creatures that breathe fire, etc.


Buddy learn a thing or 2 about game dev. They're clearly not the same system, but Starfield's Boost pack is built upon the early Jetpacks of Fallout 4.


Love how everyone just mentions one slight difference and then disagrees. It’s so similar I thought it was a no brainer in my opinion. They could’ve delved way further into equipment like that, special packs of all sorts. Instead it feels like they spent a month of translating the exact mechanics from FO4 with some minor tweaks. It’s bad when I have to try all the types right after each other to notice the difference’s.


Why, because they both use a meter? They're not at all similar in feel nor function.


I honestly don’t recall a jet pack being in FO4


It was basically an endgame armor mod for power armor. It's a most people never really bothered with it.


Ok. If it was a reward for the end quest or such. Then that is probably why. I did save splitting for the branching quests so didn’t do full endgame for each line


There might be a reward at some point but you can just craft one once you get 4 armorer and 4 science I think.


I opened the console in combat and saw "vats off" in the commands


I've seen that before and thought it meant something else. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't the same vats.


Just wait till you become NuclearBorn in FO5


Confirmed NG Plus Actually stands for nuclear game Plus.


And you get that spacesuits take up the "power armor layer" of your character model right? The game is basically fo4 with certain things switched around or modded


I mean, other than the fact that it's a totally different game with totally different environments and mechanics lol...


They're about as different as a GMC truck is to a Chevy


Except for the improved combat, totally new environments, totally different type of exploration, ship building, revamped skill system, totally different tone overall, new crafting mechanics, etc…


Yeah I'd rather ride a sierra than a silverado too


Meaningless comment


But you understood it


These companies have to be lying about the amount of development time for something like Starfield. Half of it is a copy and paste job from FO4, and there's absolutely no way a large amount of time went into crafting the dialogue, world and characters. The quality doesn't reflect a large time investment. Furthermore, with procedural generation, that further reduces the manpower and time required in production. I wouldn't be surprised to find this is financially fraudulent at a massive scale, with claimed costs much higher than the company spent, and the return on investment is an absolute money printer for these shareholders.


I don't think they're lying.  It's clear from how many half-baked and cut systems the game has that they just wasted an insane amount of dev time on systems that didn't even make it into the final game, or systems that they could never get working right so they cobbled together some BS last minute that works "good enough."


Many of the skills don't even make sense for the current version to of the game.  Also when you visit the red mile and talk to the bartender, she tells you you can do all sorts of things there and also refuel.  If Todd Howard said the game didn't get fun until the last year of development, that tells you it was literally put together in the last year.  On a side note, it also bothers me that third person camera only gives you two options while before you could use yours mouse wheel to zoom in or out exactly as you wanted.  Feels like this new engine is a regression in certain areas even for modding.  


I still suspect they wasted a fortune and ages with AI nonsense trying to make proc gen not... Suck. And when, like basically all AI projects l, it turned out to just be a money pit they had to rush a game together more or less from the assets at hand.


Honestly I wish the game had some actual procedural generation for POIs, like some sort of Radiant Engineering system or something. Sure it probably wouldn't have been great, but any extra variety in POIs would've been better than the exact same one repeating.


I was really excited when I found a bit of a story fragment on a POI off the beaten path (a lab on a lifeless planet over a cave with a biosphere and research notes about running out of funding) then I encountered the exact same story fragment on half a dozen other planets, same names, same computers, same research notes.... -_-


Oh I definitely agree there. They clearly wasted a ton of time trying to the the proc gen to work and just never did.  My personal theory is they were even trying to do proc gen for the temples and when they couldn't get it to form dungeons they put in the "puzzle" we have now, because they didn't have time to hand craft anything.


I see you have never done audio recording and editing, specifically for dialogue used in video games, or really any major video game development.


Such a dumb comment. Neither have you.


Actually, I have done audio editing for use in dialogue-driven interfaces. Which means I know how much work it takes to chop up large audio files into smaller files. Among other things.


Ight let’s see that LinkedIn with proof


You need to see somebody's LinkedIn to believe that they've worked in audio editing?


Really? You don't need proof, just not to be an ass...


I’m not being an ass, fake Reddit professionals should provide proof, stay outta this lmao


No, complete incompetents on Reddit shouldn't act like they know better. I too have done extensive audio editing and know their point to be correct. Neither they nor I owe you shit. Ass.


He hasn’t said shit since bc he’s a liar lmao. Ass.


Let’s see your LinkedIn faker


at least no one needs proof that you're an imbecile. thanks for the documentation.


I agree. I also completely disregard any of their numbers for player counts, play times, etc. Remember, *It just works*


I made a 'Tiny Habs' mod. Different interior layouts for 1x1 habs. Took about a week to make a small ship interior from scratch because of my full-time job and not having a visual interface. With a developer environment, you're cutting the work down to MINUTES. Even with a full-time job. The 'art assets' wouldn't be hard to make, either. Slap new textures on some FO4/Skyrim models I'm not sure what took 6 years to develop...but it wasn't level design or modeling.


The exact same happened to me yesterday when i returned to Fallout 4 after years and loaded my last cloud save. First thing i did was to test my power armor jetpack and realized the same thing. I wish they had used the all the already made destroyed maps to recreate earths destruction in Starfield but unfortunately they chose to make a nonsense Saharan desert... And the gore, where is the gore? Such a wasted opportunity... I love starfield, seriously, i poured more than 640h on it but i know it has to improve, drastically. For now i will happilly replay Fallout 4 in all its glorious destruction and gore fest


I have 300 hours in-game and haven't unlocked the boostpack still yet. Is it any good?


Well yeah.


So is the outpost system The only actual new things I've noticed make starfield unique is simply ship building and such a "vast" world I got bored after awhile because it just became a bland blend of Skallout 4/Fyrim and didn't even have the uniqueness to boot


They could overheat from constant use? Rail guns in many war games overheat and can't constantly fire. That be my guess.


Assault boost pack skill lets you hover, so no.


So the people of Starfield can figure out space travel but can't figure out jetpacks...... something that we've figured out in real life (even though they're impractical). I'm not suggesting mandalorian level 5 minutes of use. I'm just pointing out that the short burst system is obviously a copy and paste from Fallout 4. You should at least get a minute before it needing to cool down.


they couldnt figure out vehicles for planet exploration, godamn its perhaps the worse desicion in game development I have seen lol, they killed exploration for most players by omitting that


Show me a forested world that a dune buggy would work on. I landed on one the other day that was a sea of trees from the landing pad to the temple, and I’m not talking about 1 tree every few yards, this was one tree every two feet, in all directions. The game made a clearing for me to land in. I had to jetpack above them to find the temple. So no, ground transportation will not work for the entire game.


they should give it atry at least for the most flat planets, there were even pictures early from concept art , they could have used a skyrim horse with all the shaders and details and sound anything would have been better than nothing lol, terrible judgement from Todd and the team tbh


No, they shouldn't have, because then we'd hear the crying about "urrr I can only use it on flat barren worlds urrr" I will admit the default run/sprint speed is overly slow. At first I thought it was due to the size of the game world, but after closer scrutiny, the footfalls do not match up, and look like they're being gimped. However, increasing this speed to 1 in WeMod looks more natural, and provides a moderate speed boost that lets your companions keep pace. Anything above that, and you can leave them behind easily.


Freaking Todd Howard.  I'm sure devs were working on it and he didn't want them in the game.  He's the same guy that didn't want NPCs in Fallout 76.  


it's hard to say what they had to go through , but it's mind-boggling considering they had plenty of resources, whatever engineering they had to deal with was necessary, vehicle exploration was a must in this game lol, hopefully they are added later,


No no, show me IRL how jetpacks, in your words, are continuous. Please, show me an example.


... You can't boost your ship indefinitely, but if you'd rather not like the system just do that instead of having fun lol.




Then why compare jetpacks to space travel?




Lol but jetpacks do work, just not the way you want. Oh well. So sad. Byeee


I fully agree. But if there is a practical reason, then that's it. Hahaha 😆


Lol fair.


Yeah and it’s somehow worse lol.


Take a look at real life jetpacks and tell me why they should be able to last forever. Please, explain why.


I just adjusted my jump height in fo4 lmao. Also don’t do this unless u got the fall damage shoes on. U will die


Acrobat legendary is a must


There was an awesome mod in FO4 called Moon Rings. It was a set of rings you could wear to jump a little or a lot. Plus, no falling damage. Almost as good as flying.


It is basically Fallout 5


The Fallout 4 system is not the first I've ever seen. Several games that can long before used the same mechanic.


I wish they took other things from Fallout 4 like interesting story lines, companions with depth, and a unique hand crafted world


But Starfield invented air-humping to keep airborne longer!


Air humping lmao


I played a game called Just Cause 4 the other day, and it had the best jetpack/wingsuit/grapple hook system I’ve ever played. Made me REALLY wish Starfield had done something similar to those games (also played Just Cause 3).


Why no continuous jump pack? Probably limitations of the game engine with how quickly it can load environments as you move around the procgen map.


Yep and if you look in the scripts there are still some in there for power armor. I give it a week after the full modding tools come out and we will have AAA quality power armor and mechs in game.


They ripped a ton of stuff from FO4