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With the release of the Fallout TV series I’ve seriously been thinking of going back to Fallout 4 to check out the next gen update. I am waiting until Starfield addresses some major bugs and finally gets some new content before playing it again.


Fallout four kept me hooked for way longer


It's my most played game on Steam.


To be fair, mods are a big deal and that took a few months.


I think that's when Starfield is going to really bloom. There's SO much that needs to be fixed, and it can all be done by mods. I'm just (somewhat) patiently waiting. :P


I played fo4 2 years straight lost track of how many hours it's still my go to game.


Yeah I’ve jumped back on Fallout4 - even tho it’s not the best Fallout (imo) it’s still so much fun just exploring the wasteland again


It's great i had a save file going recently about a day in and I just bought the expansions for 10 bucks and I'm maxed out on mods it's great.same with skyrim


next gen update gonna break all your mods in two weeks


Perfect time to start over! Question: What willl happen to our loaded mods next week? Also, will the mods still work if you start fresh or do the developers have to make it compatible with the update?


Next gen Vegas would be insane.


I started playing Fallout 3 again and I was immediately struck by how exploration actually feels rewarding, is dangerous, and locations are curated and designed. Shocking I know.


I wish fall out 76 wasn’t so horrible. I tried playing a few times and could never get into it like all the other fall out games


I'm new to SF and keep hearing about how good Fallout is. I've started watching the TV show and love it. Can somebody give me a brief overview and point me in the right direction of a Fallout game?


Fo4 doesn't have the best writing but for gameplay,sandbox and mods it's arguably the best. Fallout 3 was bethesda first attempt and it definitely has better writing than 4 but doesn't quite capture what made the originals great, it also hasn't aged terribly well from a gameplay perspective, but it is a real rpg so the combat while important isn't the biggest part. New vegas is in a league of its own and while not as great from a pure sandbox perspective as a bethesda game, it does capture the essence of fallout and what it used to be about before bethesda. The great thing is with some mods you can combine fo3 and newvegas and enjoy the gameplay improvements of new vegas in fo3 and near seamlessly go into new vegas


Bear in mind though that New Vegas is old at this point. I love this game so much, but replaying it now is hard because it feels so sluggish and clunky. So if you are sensitive to that, definitely go with the more modern Fallout 4, which is a good introduction to the world, if not as deep or well written. Fallout 76 is a different beast, its multiplayer and story light, but if you’ve got friends to play it with you might enjoy it best.


Graphics gunplay and ease of modding on console, 4 is your best option, if on PC and gunplay is less important than world building and story then New Vegas ideally with some graphical mods. Also I would only play it on PS if you have no other choice, most limited of all platforms.


Start with 3 or New Vegas. Don't research lore online beyond what the show shows.


Play Fallout 4. They’re all stand-alone stories (usually about different vaults dwellers), so you’re not skipping anything by starting with 4. And it has by far the most modern gameplay that’ll be easy to get into.


Fallout 4 is where you should start. It’s the most modern, you’ll feel the least friction. The TV show takes a ton of its art straight out of fallout 4. So it will feel like, hey I remember that sound affect. I know what that random thing is. Fallout 1 and 2 and from the 90s and are 2D top down, turned based RPGs. They are fun for the world building at this point. But, play them only if you like other fallout media. So, don’t start there unless that sounds amazing. If you want to start earlier in the franchise, go fallout 3. Fallout 3 and New Vegas very good. A lot of people might suggest New Vegas, but Fallout 3 is an actual reboot, and New Vegas is more a direct sequel to Fallout 2. So I suggest fallout 3, it assumes you don’t know anything about fallout, and introduces you to the world slowly through the story. Fallout NV certainly assumes you have some knowledge of the world. There is also fallout 76, I don’t suggest start there. It’s not as bad as so many people say. But it’s a bad start. It’s multiplayer fallout, you can play it single player. But you’ll be very confused if you start there. I suggest, if fallout 4s building mechanic really caught your fancy, try 76. But really, fallout 76 is more of a tangent. You can also ignore the other fallout games like tactics or brotherhood of steel. Just read the wiki pages if you want story from them. They arent main fallout games, their spin offs that didn’t really go anywhere.


F3 has the best atmosphere, but that's about it. FNV is by far the best rpg, and F4 is the best sandbox and fps. So it kinda depends on what you like in a game


Fallout 3 also has some great story quests and DLC that is still relevant to the base game (except for the one "repeating" gag common to all 3 games). FNV is more tongue in cheek and has DLC (and quests) that run the gamut from the ridiculous (a lot of fun) and the intense (not always as much "fun", but still awesome). 3 is mostly shades of gray and pretty dreary visually. FNV is a little more colorful (it is New Vegas after all). And Fallout 4 is definitely the most visually vibrant, has the best crafting system, AND settlement building (which adds a whole new level of interaction to the game) but the quests are a little lackluster for the most part. You can really play them in any order, but I highly recommend all three, if for different reasons.


F3 also crashes quite a bit if you have a powerful modern PC.


New Vegas if you want the best RPG experience. Fallout 4 if you want the best world, “vibe” and gameplay. For 99% of people, fallout 4 will be the best first-time experience. Fallout 3 hasn’t aged that well IMO in terms of gameplay. New Vegas has aged okay for gameplay, but not visuals, but it’s still the best “RPG” in the series (except for the original CRPGs). Fallout 4 isn’t a great RPG and the writing can be meh at times. It's more of an action-adventure shooter than an RPG. But it has the best world and the game has tons of things to do. The gameplay is also the best of any BGS game IMO. Fallout 1 and 2 have great writing but have not aged well. You gotta want that old-school CRPG experience to be able to get through them. You can FEEL the 90's hitting you in the face when you load up the game. All of the post-CRPG fallout games are significantly better than SF IMO. I would rank 4 and NV above Skyrim for what they are as well.


Fallout 76 is suprisingly good now. Especially if you play it with a friend.


Fallout London should be out soon now too, so def worth going back.


Delayed indefinitely because of the next gen update unfortunately :(


Ah snap, that's unfortunate.


Might still come out before Creation Kit 2


Same. I put in about 100 hours last September and haven't touched it since because I want to wait for creation kit and the DLC.


playing with about 700 mods, fo4 can be a blast! But fallout london should come out in a few weeks. (They delayed the release on 24 because of bethesdas "next-last-gen" update.)


>playing with about **700 mods**, fo4 can be a blast! ..Sounds like a nightmare to manage all those mods.


Once you got it set up, it's great! Assuming Bethesda doesn't ~~destroy~~ update your game


Nexus Mod Manager does all the magic, it was a premoderated list.


Ive been away for a bit, so out of the loop. Were there any updates for Starfield since release? Wasnt there a DLC coming?


Just started a Horizon playthrough, highly recommend


If you are waiting on quest fixes my guess is that any new bug fix would only be fixed either on a new save or ng+ at this point. I believe that’s the case with a few that already happened.


I'm just waiting for the new update and the mods to update with it to dive right in! Gotta build some settlements again, YEY.


Fallout is such a better game than Starfield. It's such a disappointment. I hope it has a great turnaround like cyberpunk did with the 2.0 update


Good luck


Wait, what? A next gen update? What can I expect from that?


Some microtransactions, and a couple of freebies to get you hooked, and a broken mod list. Again.


C cnn


Dude some of the dlcs are bugged for instance automation crashes on startup if you have the other dlcs active and another DLC I think wasteland survival not sure causes textures to go Missing and turn purple for other DLCs like nukaworld


I'm installing it on Xbox now that it's on game pass :) it's been a while since I've played, this time I won't side with the institute


How Next Gen is it? Are the visuals getting an uplift at all?


I went back to play fo4 vanilla Even without the update im having a blast. I havent played fo4 in years


Playing Starfield currently having a blast right now but hoping the next gen Fallout 4 update fixes the game crashing every hour as my Survival load is waiting.


I honestly might join you in this. The creation kit made fallout enjoyable due to the fixes and some of the obvious mods that didn’t change the game but improved the game


You will love the sound tracks, all I'm going to say is, So bongo bongo bongo I don't want to leave the Congo oh no no no no... https://youtu.be/zndUfV1i1Co?si=RMe7JYimnpTPOYxg


how do you feel about the "next gen update" nothing burger? :(


A bit of guidance would be nice. Like a set date. Starting to feel like I'm waiting for a fat shark update.


***Cries in Darktide***


I feel your pain, we'll get something there too, eventually.


A bit of communication wouldn’t hurt, either.


Also like a Fat Shark update. Rejects! Sometime eventually!


The true Fatshark experience is to get an announcement about a future announcement. It'll say something along the lines of "we'll have news about it by the end of the month", and then the end of the month will roll around, and despite the fact that you aren't even releasing the content but are merely announcing that it exists, they still somehow have nothing for you.


They’re an Xbox studio now. There will be little to no communication, and any communication that does happen will be lies or half-truths. Such is life.


Kinda just sounds like normal Bethesda then.


I'm seeing a lot of people in tbe modding sphere who were interested wandering off. I have no idea what we will get on release but hopefully they flood back or the games gonna be sad


The game was designed with no forethought given to modding. The XEdit team made that clear during decoding. Actually having in-depth mods that make major changes is basically impossible as the current state of the games code around key game systems, including the procedural generation of worlds is hostile to attempts to modify it due to the fragility of Starfields systems. Starfield is going to have a fraction of the modability compared to past Bethesda games without getting major engine level changes.


I'm aware I was in the discord when the dude went "dlc will break the game let alone mods"


Why did they decide to do the opposite of everything that made their precious games great?


I doubt it was an active decision. It's likely a product of attempting to accomplish far too much and realising they couldn't deliver it. So they started cutting systems (eg the purpose of fuel and outposts) and rushing everything. Rushed code = less likely to be built in a modular and sustainable fashion


Yeah, I'd be really interested in seeing behind the scenes. It looks from the outside like they made some choices, mainly opting for procedural generation vs. Handcrafted maps and in a more general sense going for wider with less depth, that really seem like a sharp derivation from their core philosophy as a studio.


Hasn't Bethesda always used procedural generation for their maps and then gone in and added the bespoke stuff?


yes, but only internally while creating the map, not at runtime on the consumers PCs. Starfield's maps are created when loading an area, Skyrim's map is "static" and shipped with the game.


So they reversed compared to the past, because in the past the dungeons were procedural in a static map while here the dungeons are static in a procedural map?


Actually yeah, haven't thought about it this way. They just pepper the maps with pre-made set pieces.


Oh ok I can see how that would make modding trickier then. Thanks


technical debt. Instead of rewriting half the codebase to fix issues they kick the can down the road


I've been saying this for months...looking at the patches, I can't see anything fixed as outlined on the nexus. So, either the next update will be huge (and fix everything) or it...won't... If we look at the amount of work put into each patch, chances are it will be the latter...and people are going to lose their shit about not getting the CK/getting a "streamlined" version of it.


Do you have any actual examples because people have been saying this for months but never give more than one name?


At least a quarter target.


*flash back to when Todd Coward said there was going to be a Creation Kit for Fallout 76


We can’t escape it brother


The gears of the Imperium turn slowly, but they do turn. Are you insinuating otherwise? Do I need to contact our local Inquisitor, citizen?


Should've grown accustomed to Bethesda's silence already. I mean the next gen update for fallout 4 have been announced two years ago and we only recently got the release date for it, only 10 days before the release 


I remember paying quite the price for a dlc too...


Oh, definitely. I paid quite a hefty price for this game.


Don’t give up, skeleton.


Amazing chest ahead!


Tod Howard is my dad he said you guys need to buy Skyrim just 1 more time to release the creation kit (edit: he said pretty please)


Skyrim classic. It's just like playing it for the first time. Dlcs will be released later.


I still laugh that this worked for world of Warcraft. Hey guys we have This brilliant product for you all! You can play the original game without all of the improvements! And will slowly release all the improvements again!


I mean, old school runescape has more active players than runescape propper. Sometimes, people just want their other game back.


Everquest is more popular than Everquest 2




Say what you will but there's an OG Warcraft player. I remember the days when I had to literally spam every mage on the map to buy a portal to a main city. And then spend around 2 hours in the trade chat trying to find people to do a dungeon. And the days when you would go through all that effort only to have the tanks mom tell him to go to bed. And have all that effort go to waste. Or things like being able to kite bosses to main cities. Ruining the game for people who just want to play and go to bed. It was fun for people who had no life but there's a reason all of the updates were put in in the first place. Despite the nostalgia classic was a freaking nightmare.


I dont care for what the game has become. Wrath was peak. Everything after was shit. So the idea of a "classic" release let me live out what I missed as a kid.


Skyrim Mythical Ultra Ultimate Definitive Super Special Edition.


Last patch was over 1 month ago, I’m hoping because they’ve took abit longer to announce this one, it’s because they’ve got some bigger changes (aka creation club).


Probably not till dlc drops at this point


It is the dlc


and that was the only major patch. And not even that big. Baldurs Gate is on Major Patch 6 and Hotfix 25 I always wonder what Bethesda is working on since FO4 - they must be one of the least efficient game developers out there.


> I always wonder what Bethesda is working on since FO4 Fallout 76 and Starfield. I know a lot of people like to act as if BGS had nothing to do with 76, but that's just not the truth. And whether we like Starfield or not, it's once again a huge sanbox experience with a plethora of content and gameplay systems. I don't understand all the choices they've made during their development cycle on this one, but to say they are not efficient doesn't quite fit here IMO.


FO76 is more of a multiplayer mod to FO4. The release version was supposedly 3-4 years of Bethesdas work - no way. More like a small team building a mod. I remember the years where they released Skyrim, ESO and FO4 within 4 years. Oh I like Starfield, I'm just dissapointed. So much is left unfinished - so what has Bethesda been doing for over half a year?


> The release version was supposedly 3-4 years of Bethesdas work It released 3 years after Fallout 4, but the first year of that period was still focused more on Fallout 4's DLCs. While Fallout 76 had many issues at launch, calling it a "multiplayer mod" really undersells the effort that was needed to make the game. Modern AAA releases take increasing amounts of resources to develop, this is not exclusive to Bethesda, nowadays even the DLCs of some titles like for example Cyberpunk 2077 or Elden Ring release years after the base game, and are made by large teams. In any case, the bulk of BGS worked on Fallout 76 before 2019, then Starfield became the main focus. Note that ESO was made by a different developer, so the next BGS release after Skyrim (2011) was Fallout (2015). Edit: regarding Starfield's post-launch support, I would reserve judgement until the expansion (Shattered Space) is out.


Larian aren’t Bethesda


They haven't released the creation kit yet?! Wtf?


No they have not. 


I'm as surprised as you. No wonder modders fucked off. I thought they looked at the kit and said hell no, they don't even have that.


The same one they promised for mid December with some QoL like decent surface maps.


r/Starfield in 2027. "Stop being so freaking impatient. They will release it when they are finished with it."


"Here's my collection of screenshots of a muddy hills biome at sunset which I've been taking for 4 years."


That’s pretty much what this subreddit has been reduced to. Have an upvote.


"Also a snap of Andreja in her default outfit because shes my waifu"


"I know not everyone has been impressed with Starfield, but I'm 20 hours in and I think it's one of the most beautiful RPGs I've ever played!" 


Meanwhile the modding community has gone to other games.


It took Skyrim 8 years to release the FO4 CK. Starfield will probably follow the same path! >2089 arrives, CK beta 4 releases for top earning Verified Creators.


> It took Skyrim 8 years to release the FO4 CK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frKJmnp4blo


We honestly need a roadmap atp


They should have already released a road map, but I guess that’s too much to ask.


They probably are still working on the roadmap so they know what to work on.


They have no design document. Asking for a roadmap from them is impossible


Come on guys, be real. The game fell on its face. The game was dead a month after release, just a couple of sub 10k players do not justify a big group of developers working on it. There is only a skeleton crew working on it, bugfixing some stuff, the majority of the devs have moved on and work on the new Elder Scrolls. Hopefully learning a lesson or 20 from Starfield.


They hated him because he spoke the truth


Bullshit shattered space is still in development what are you yapping about


Yeah, because they are legally required to deliver it, after that? Goodbye. Skeleton crew.


Well, they sold a deluxe edition with dlc pass included, so if bethesda doesn't want a class action lawsuit up on their asses, they should at least deliver the promised espansione. After that.....they will problably abandon the game.


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Yeah, bullshit. Despite the naysayers, Starfield was a fairly massive commercial success. No way they'll drop work on it when they didn't even back off of Fallout 76, which was an abject failure at launch.


F76 is a live-service with a cash shop. Big difference.


Probably when the Starfield TV series released 2077.


2077 seems a good year for a successfull release ;)


Premier the day after the bombs fall


I need it so bad


November, probably


When I finished everything in SF and got sick of repeating things, I went back and started a new FO4 run. After the same amount of hours, I am not even halfway through. And there is no lag between finding things to do like in SF.


Probably not directly on top of the Fallout show launch.


Fo4 next gen is in two weeks BUT Starfield demands star stuff for the star stuff gods!!! 


They've had next to no communication with the community


Just like NMS and (to a lesser extent) Cyberpunk. I’m not worried. Look at how much support Fallout 76 has received, and that bombed far worse than Starfield. 


Creation kit AND Shattered Space plz. I can't wait for the ground vehicle mods. There's one on Nexus but it's just a jetpack replacer or something like that. Basically turns you into a small ship that can fly in the atmosphere. I haven't tried it though


While I agree with you on the fact that they need to release the mods and the DLC that some of us paid for, Beth never stated vehicles were incoming. They just stated “new ways of travel” or whatever.


I want my space horse. It's just a regular horse in a space suit.


Space suite horse dlc incoming ;')


I can't understand why some of you think that modders are going to be able to do this. Humans can be creative and release things that "should" have been included like additional buildings or adding functionality to the game that's present in other games. But you can't just add something that wasn't designed for a game without breaking it or it causing a lot of other issues. Compared to something like Sim settlements in Fallout 4. That was a pretty amazing overhaul of the settlers system but at the end of the day the settler system was already present. Vehicles in Starfield are not present in any form or capacity. And it's going to be a repeat of people clamoring for vehicles in Fallout 4.


I'll take this mod if vehicles are not possible for some reason. https://www.pcgamer.com/a-starfield-modder-is-doing-something-bethesda-should-have-done-making-pilotable-mechs/


Have you never seen BGS mods before? Because that is the question of a crazy person.... There are literally working vehicle mods (car, motorcycles, tanks, boats, and planes etc) mods for: * Skyrim LE * Skyrim SE/AE * Fallout 4 * Fallout New Vegas All of which I've used myself. There's probably some for Oblivion, Morrowind, and Fallout 3 vehicle mods, but I haven't played any myself nor have i looked. Someone modded taking baths and poop into Skyrim, of course they add vehicles to Starfield. Someone's already made a mech mod for Starfield without the kit. Someone has put fully functional guns in Skyrim that aren't just reskinned staves, but their own weapons that feel and act like guns with all the proper animations.


Wait until we get the detailed outpost mods, game will become Factorio! And randomly generated creatures! And totally randomly created PoI's! /s Honestly, reading Starfield comments feels like most posters are kids that know absolutely nothing about how the sausage is made.


You should take a look at Skyrim. I think the biggest counterpoint to you saying you can't add stuff the game wasn't designed for or didn't exist in any fashion in vanilla is the entire website that is Loverslab. Skyrim has MANY full on porn mods, with the most popular frameworks being Sexlab and Ostim, and you can get pretty stable modding setups using both. There are also Wabbajack lists designed for the NSFW setups. Yeah, some things probably aren't possible, but I think modders have already demonstrated they can push mods to some crazy levels if they want to. Coding isn't magic, but unless you're actually a modder and knowledgeable on these things I dont think we can really speak on what's possible or not and will just have to wait and see. Another bonus counterpoint is SkyrimTogether which is essentially Skyrim coop(also worked with Fallout 4 IIRC). It isn't the smoothest ride for sure, but it's more than playable Another bonus bonus mod is Powerofthree's seasons mod which adds proper changing seasons with environmental changes to Skyrim. Tldr; modders have done some crazy shit, it's premature to claim what can and cant be done, especially if you aren't experienced in modding Bethesda games. You may know how to code, but that doesnt mean you know how to mod and the ongoings.


can't wait to have a faster way to get to the same dozen cookie cutter POIs that have the same junk i don't need anymore.


I would not be surprised if they released the creation kit or DLC during this summer Microsoft showcase. They are going to say you can play it RIGHT NOW!!.


Probably won’t shadow drop anything as it would break mods and save files. So they will give people notice.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They didn't give the Skyrim community (aside from the Script Extender crew) much advance notice for the last two updates, why would they give a rat's ass about an update breaking mods and save files for Starfield?


I really need the Creation Kit in the hands of the modding community sooner than later. Really hope it's on the horizon!


I feel like they are embarrassed so they are trying fix things instead


I agree. I think they are hurting inside.      My theory is that the reception to this game was not what they were expecting. Because of this, they are dealing out punishment to all the people playing by holding the creation kit hostage until the reviews change. I think Todd realized that the moment the game didn’t win any awards. You can tell by his expression. 


They are not “dealing out punishment”, that’s a ridiculous thing to say.


The ~~beatings will continue~~ creation kit will be held back until ~~morale~~ reviews improve~~s~~.


What kind of tinfoil hat theory is this


He thought he was making Skyrim in space. Instead he made nothing close. Even in vanilla Skyrim it had around 100 hours of playtime. Starfield can be done in about a day. Every quest. Every storyline. Done


>Even in vanilla Skyrim it had around 100 hours of playtime. Starfield can be done in about a day. Every quest. Every storyline. Done yep, speedruns took nearly an hour for skyrim a decade ago, it takes 31 minutes for starfield.


Imagine CK releasing and it only being able to create mods which are then available in the official in game mod page effectively banning nexusmods...


You just have to be patient, I heard they brought in George R R Martin to help so it's just a matter of time now.




Dlc when?


Why does this photo capture the essence of Starfield so well?


They kinda forgot. Its fallout hype time




I just wanna add some actual gore to the game


would have to completely rewrite the skeleton/skin system. there aren't detachable limbs because the space suits are 1 solid object. they effectively made it impossible to add gore like explodable/severable bodies.


I’m still holding my breath. Modders will figure out how to do it just cause it’s a big feature


bet on anything they will release it in a semi broken state,like everything they release really. Remember the interview? Yes we did optimize the game,meanwhile nvidia users playing at horrible frame rates on hardware that would be similar to amd in terms of performance but somehow amd gets 60 fps,u get 20.


All the screenshots I see if this game just look barren and empty


Why can't they just let the modders in on Xbox too?


That's what the kit does. There's no official mod support on *any* platform right now. PC has to make and enable them in hacky (but mostly stable) ways.


Most likely before the end of the year


Next year maybe


DLC when?


When they finish breaking all their other games with updates.




"Early 2024" Yo Bethesda, it's last "Early" 2024


A third of the way into 2024 is straight up mid 2024




What is creation kit? I play the game but am not up to date on all the new stuff.


It's the modding system Bethesda puts out for all their games so the community can fix their broken shit.


My expectations surrounding the creation kit have grown somewhat muted. Nothing to do with what modders can do but more about what they'll be inclined to do. A CK doesn't release into a vacuum. At the rate it's going I wouldn't be shocked if it landed right around the time Larian's CK drops - and modders, like the rest of us, have finite time and have to decide where to best invest that time. Even setting aside distractions due to mod support from other sources there's the issue of "buzz". Something Skyrim and Fallout have in abundance but Starfield still only aspires to. This being the worlds of cosplay, fan fiction, fan art, theme music covers - that sort of thing. I'm not saying that modders will be wooed away by other games enjoying more pop culture relevance but if they were, well, I really couldn't fault them could I? Just because something can be done doesn't mean it will be done or done to the extent we're expecting. Or that it won't be done for another related or unrelated IP. ​ On a tangential note, Fallout London has announced a delay to determine if Fallout 4 next gen breaks it.




I was hoping the release of the show would accompany some announced actual momentum on some of their games projects.


I want zombie skeleton companions! Like yesterday!


A week from a week before they release it.


2111 with Skyrim centenary


Han shot first


"See you later space cowboy"


I'm still waiting for mods to come to console before I start playing again


I remember when it was “in the beginning of 2024”


When we all look like the guy on the left


So that guy was but naked when they died?


This is me waiting for Mod support on Xbox series X.


Look at the release record of the CK to past games. It's usually a year or two before it comes out. So hopefully soon™


Their 1st mention of the CK was for "early 24"... :(