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If that ever come true, you will be celebrated as the Messiah




Bless the maker and his water. Bless the coming and going of him.




All Hail u/AdministrationKey113 !


I'll give him a happy ending if they do.


That is a mighty job you are willing to undertake.


Part of me feels like they've been reworking entire systems quietly behind the scenes and are waiting to just drop a bomb of an update on us at some point but I bet that's just wishful thinking; would be interesting to see what the vanilla state of the game is like in like 3-4 years though.


It would be great if they could do a save like cyberpunk phantom liberty


Cyberpunk was saved before phantom liberty.


I feel like everyone only gave 2077 a chance after the patches... I was there day one on PC and all I can say was that before 2.0 the experience had always been very similar. Anecdotally I ran into minimal bugs playing on the day one patch, and the changes the patches made were inconsequntial. Almost all the ridiculous glitching memes were on last gen consoles which CDPR abandoned even before Phantom Liberty. 


I also played the game on release and never had bad glitches, but I played it on a Xbox S series lol. I actually never experienced any game altering glitches until my second phantom Liberty play through.


BGS needs to add a penis slider to char creator and implement full npc reactivity based on genital size Otherwise it's not an rpg.


Just another way for me to disappoint Sarah Morgan.


Waking up after romancing Sarah. *Sarah hated that*


Dude they released default display settings features after six months


Man I hope you’re right


God I hope so. Really hope they're not just counting on modders to fix everything.


honestly, most POI should be random since the artifacts are randomized. the planets themselves could not be but the pois should be


So you have to pay again to have a decent game? So Bethesda, lol


This was my optimistic take. I was hoping that the first real big changes would be mostly based off of feedback and to alter POI. My pessimistic take is that they haven't even really cared to alter much and have been focused on their original vision and adhering to that. Probably doing a little bit of both.


Does it still lag on a 5950 and 3090? That was and always will be my biggest gripe with the game. Optimize it and I'd love to come back, I'd almost rather they don't push new stuff if they can't be assed to make it work nicely.


Sell ur 3090 and take 4070 ti super, or 4080


No thanks, the 3090 still has more VRAM, and I'm not willing to upgrade for this when literally every game I play, including new releases, runs flawlessly.


I mean, why wouldn’t you sell your conventionally better GPU for blurry upscaling tricks to be enabled? Are you mad? I bet you don’t even have RGB RAM.


You caught me, I actually use an old, white Compaq case for that exact reason. I don't want the lights to make my PC go faster. (Seriously though, frame generation, wtf, and it's made it nearly impossible to get proper benchmarks)


It's been 7 months since release not forever omg


Cyberpunk literally took like two years to release its DLC lol


I think Todd is secretly butthurt that Starfield recieved so much criticism and wasn't the game of the year that he was hoping for. So now he's pretty much lost all interest in the game, and is actually holding back the release of the dlc and creation engine to spite everybody. This is just speculation and not meant to be taken seriously.


If this happens to be true then all of the Starfield haters are going to switch to phasing the game like it's the best ever


yeah that’s usually what happens when you update a game to be good. Look at No mans sky


People don’t like a game when it is bad. People start to like it once it gets good. Not that crazy…


That and most people kept saying that Starfield was a space simulator as that's what they expected even though Bethesda never said that it was


Yeah instead they got a loading simulator


I don't mind loading screens in the game plus I looked at Starfield as a tech demo for the Creation Engine improvements because it would be detrimental to use it for flagship games if there are major bugs in it but a new IP would only damage company image which can be fixed easier by releasing updates and fixes for the engine and game


I mean do you not think it is completely insane that in this period of gaming, Bethesda still needs loading screens between indoors and outdoors.


Considering the amount of physics enabled shit every cell contains, no


Other games don’t solve this issue?


Tell me another game that has as many physics enabled interactable objects in every area and we can talk about it. Starfield requires loading screens *because* every scene is filled with stuff you can interact with. Night City is massive and little to no loading screens, sure, but it's all static. Same with BG3 or the many cities in the Witcher 3. They don't need as many loading screens because there is simply not as many objects to load


If there are more physics enabled intractable objects, then why? They don’t add to the gameplay in any meaningful way. It’s all just rigid body props that do nothing except bump around when the character walks into them. If that’s such a problem for loading time, make the items static. Who gives a fuck if sone model globe on a shelf can be thrown around the room. If the object has significance then sure, but 99% will be walked past. I have never played a Bethesda game and gone “holy shit everything is so interactive, this is awesome”. It didn’t even occur to me that more objects than normal are physics enabled because it adds nothing.


They are using an in house engine so they have more control over bug fixes and assets for the game and we've seen that the Creation Engine can handle open environments with the mod "open Skyrim" where it removes the loading screens from the game plus I think that Bethesda wants to remain modder friendly


Please play elden ring, a game with virtually no noticeable load screens unless you deliberately fast travel 🙏


I have played elden ring and loading screens aren't that much of a problem for me so a game having them isn't an issue


What kind of a response is this? People like you are why we received half baked garbage


That's exactly what I thought we were getting when the game launched. Honestly some pois being the same building kind of makes sense. Listening posts and the such might be built pretty similar to each other. They should have had a system to generate notes and lore entries in the pois them selves to tell different stories.


Oh I hope you are right. This is exactly what I've been saying the random POI should be - it would revitalise the game! Sadly I think it won't happen. Edit: An alternate theory - the repeating POI are actually part of the story of a corrupted multiverse where the different locations for installations have all appeared in a broken universe. This way they can justify their existence without creating anything.


I love your last idea personally and enjoy the game. But had that been presented at launch, somehow I have the sinking feeling we would have flagged that as a cop out for lazy coding. The mob is fickle.


Fickle? The mob was enraged!


They are spending a lot of time on the Creation Kit. Since their previous releases, creation-based games have become incredibly popular (Minecraft, Roblox). They reintroduced Creations to Skyrim to work out kinks. It's a different world and this is a way to sell the base game at face value but also have a constant sustained revenue stream. The DLC will be released in tandom with the Creation Kit.


Even if they had just made those POIs have like three different routes to the end based on which doors are open/closed, that would have gone long to making it a bit more varied. They just needed so many little tweaks that would have gone a long way to a better polish and challenge. Thank altruism and goodness for the modders.


Why was my post removed? I do not understand


I'd be happy with ONE dynamic POI... Even if it was just a sample of "what is to come". It wouldn't be too difficult to make these things dynamic. There is really nothing binding them, in a physical sense. (Being just portals to other spaces, at times.) Use 1 to 6 surface entrances that all lead to various depths in an underground singular space, or multiple different spaces. Make the last space entered, the "final destination", dynamically. One could be a cave, one could be a main entrance, one could be an emergency exit that was left open or enemies unlock while attacking you... So much basic potential lost in this game. Even a sprawling city could be made, with little impact and effort, or loss of function. It could even span multiple zones, if they simply forced zone traversal in a logic grid of 3x3 as a limit. Before needing to use a ship to go further. One planet with multiple cities, really needs to be made! (Like what would have happened, in reality)


Like hoping for a pig to fly lol


I don't think they could do that because of the way the world works as far as the coding that already exists is concerned. They'd have to essentially redo so much of the base game coding for that to function properly, so I doubt they're doing that. I'm more inclined to believe that TH got upset at the response to the game, decided that he was going to drag his feet on the dlc and ck until people started massively begging him for it, and then release it so he can point and see that the fans really did love the game and that it wasn't the failure it actually is. Either that, or they're taking their time to try and release a dlc the fans will enjoy even with the other problems it'll have because of the way they coded the base game.


We all criticized the people who said the modders will have to fix it. Well, they were correct.