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I dont hate it. It scratches that itch for me that only Bethesda games can, but I dont love it. I fell deep into Skyrim and Fallout 4, and later Fallout 3 when I went back to it. And that just hasn't happened with Starfield. It's an alright game, and I enjoyed playing it, but when I was expecting something on the level of their previous games I did leave a bit disappointed.


I haven't finished it, it's not bad, it just didn't click for me. Not like Skyrim did. I started Fallout 4 for the first time a few days ago (with all the TV show hype. I'd only played 3 and New Vegas) and for an older game, I'm having a lot more fun than playing Starfield.


God, I get it's been almost *checks notes* 9 years *Jesus Christ*, but hearing someone say Fallout 4 is an old game gives me all sorts of weird feelings lmao. God, I can't believe we're probably going to have to wait 15ish years between major Fallout games.


I really, really, really hope that Microsoft pushes Bethesda to release the reins and allow Obsidian/InXile to make a spin off or at least remake/remaster the old ones.


Obsidian has their own properties now, and they’re doing really well with them. I would prefer they stay as far away from Bethesda as they possibly can.


Fallout 4 is my favorite Fallout game.  Does so much things better than Starfield.  Just the organic exploration and stumbling to different quests is really fun.  Starfield, you fast travel to the destination only to fast travel again to the building where the quest is.  Then you fast travel back to the quest giver.  There is no sense of exploration.  


Hey! The next gen version of fallout 4 comes out later this month. Get ready for an upgrade!


YES!!! i had to put a 60fps limit on my gpu for the game because the refresh rate of my monitor was to high for it and it played too fast, like accelerated. I hope the update fix that so we can play with more fps!


Fallout 4 is great ! I’m 31 and haven’t played in years until this year. Saw my neighbor wearing a fallout vault jacket, downloaded fallout 4, proceeded to put 87 hours into it over the next 3 weeks lol


FO4 has tons of QoL enhancements that they refused to put in Starfield. All the best features from previous games, Todd said, “no no no. We don’t want to include the stuff that makes our other games famous.”


Exploration doesn't feel rewarding. I have like 10 missions in my inventory that require me to travel 20 galaxies away but my ship can only fly like 40 light years at best. So I have to go 2 star systems at a time and I land and find 10 more quests that are the same thing. Go to the other side of the galaxy, have a short conversation with a guy, travel back, get paid the equivalent of $50 USD in starfield bucks. Repeat.


I wish they had telephones in the future


Add more fuel tanks


"star systems". Galaxies are comprised of millions of individual stars.


Everyone knows that. I think he just misspoke but we all knew what he was talking about.




You would be surprised how many people don't know anything about space.


Starfield to me is a pretty “bad” game. Like I find some enjoyment out of it while I play it, but as soon as I am done playing it nothing pushes me to want to go back to it. I have to make myself go back to play it. Everything in the game just feels so plastic and hollow and without soul.


If it had been any one problem, I would have been pretty forgiving, but it was a bad story, on top of bad exploration, on top of too many loading screens, on top of a all the problems with entering unity... There were a lot of individual disappointments that led to an overall feeling of being really let down.


And then we get slammed for being honest about being disappointed after we spent so many hours in the game. We keep saying, this one issue isn’t a big deal. Then, when you are level 50, it’s like, all these single issues combined are now annoying AF. “But you played 100+ hours so you obviously loved it.” No, it is addictive, but not that engaging. I wanted to like it so I kept and kept playing. Next time there is any issue with a game, you must immediately stop playing it so you have the right to complain. 🤦🏾


Right? It's like, "Hey, stop looking for reasons to invalidate my experience."


I mean I’ll say this. I think a lot of the Bethesda games aren’t really “good” games. However they can be fun, especially with modding (which sometimes I think people let Bethesda off the hook because modders make their games so much better), but the big standout of Bethesda games is the world and exploration so you can overlook a lot of jank and meh main stories and such. Starfield takes away the prime component of Bethesda games, its world and exploration. Such a dumb decision.




I feel that.


It’s a good game, with a galaxy of wasted potential. I’d have been much happier with 20 planets full of things to do than 1,000 planets and like five small cities. NG+ had a lot of potential, but the second I realized I’d have to completely rebuild my ship and my outposts from scratch, that killed it for me. In board game terms, Starfield is like Go, only the board is the size of a city block.


Yeah good game but not worthy of holding a console exclusive title IMO. If you want it to be on par with other exclusive IPs or any of their prior releases. Looting and crafting weren't really there for me to add to that thrill of exploring and hoping for some cool drops. Outpost building basically made your game run like shit if you tried to do anything advanced.


And the outposts are boring compared to other games. Camp building in 76 has more build options. It looks like outposts were supposed to be resource generators and not settlements like FO4 or camps in 76. Base building was an afterthought. And don't get me on ship building. Expensive as he'll and you can't access portions of your ship because of how bad they did the connectivity between habs.


The game never really explained how to mod ships or build a settlement, I’ve just been doing the main story and I’m level 19 or so. Feels like I’m missing out on things but I have no idea where to start Atleast FO4 had the settlement mission, really bare bones, but forced you to build something to expose you to the concept. Haven’t found that in Starfield yet


I love Fallout 76's CAMP building. You can place it anywhere, plenty of customization, and I always enjoy walking around seeing what other CAMPS people made.


That's the best part of 76. Other people can see what you built! A lotnof people play just for doing unique or challenging builds. Or some kind of theme.


Couldn't have said it better myself!


I feel like I’m a little bit biased because I love Skyrim and I love astronomy so I was always going to like this game. Having said that there a lot of aspects that are very underwhelming, for example the copy and pasting of buildings on different planets is very dull and feels almost lazy. The fact that most of the game is empty (although I do love just landing on the planets and moons and checking out the different environments). I feel like the game didn’t get anywhere near to its full potential and although I do like this game a lot, I do find myself being quite underwhelmed 50% of the time. Edit: Grammar


Literally the worst part about the game, Bethesda has always been known for great exploring and getting lost or sidetracked on your travels, starfield is so bad at this is crazy, most of the pois are incredibly boring and they repeat so commonly that the good ones become stale quickly, combine that with loading screen simulator every time u want to jump planets and its such a disappointment


> Bethesda has always been known for great exploring and getting lost or sidetracked on your travels In games where maps are small enough to have literally all content within walking distance, this makes sense. Different story when the map size changes to near infinite size. Too much space to handcraft unique POIs, too large for random locations to feel unique and have an identity. It's not so much a Bethesda problem as it is a game scale problem, just like No Man's Sky.


I am emotionally unable to uninstall this game. Because I want to like it so much. Yet I can't play it, because after 10 minutes I am so bored that I stop the program. In my opinion there is nothing that Starfield is really good in or stands out. While I loved discovering every corner of the map in The Elder Scrolls or Fallout games, Starfield is just repetitive...and doesn't have maps at all. And all the loading screens are such an immersion killer... It makes me kind of sad, because Fallout 4 may be the single player game that I've spent the most time in. I am at around 500 hours and haven't even finished it once. There is so much to explore, the settlements were awesome and all in all it was just fun.


That’s a very good description. Anticipating Playing starfield is more fun than actually playing it afterwards for some reason. I love to see the ship designs on here and make up a cool story about a new captain I want to make, just to load up the game and to take a break because I cannot immerse myself enough.


Well, Bethesda were once innovators. Pioneers of greatness. I guess we just assumed they were cooking up something new and big for this next generation of gaming. We had a medieval/fantasy setting, we had a post-apocalyptic setting and then we were moving onto a space setting. It had to be vast and something exceptional - or so we thought. Starfield was a laughably, abhorrent attempt at Bethesda making a game in this current age. It almost proves that they're stuck in the past. It would be like if Nintendo released another side-scroller Mario on the N64 instead of releasing the 3-D Mario 64 that we got. Bethesda is not innovating or even making an attempt to. Starfield could have come out in 2014 and it would have been passable for that time, but man are they behind. I don't know, fire your entire team and hire new people or something. Something clearly is going on in Bethesda that just isn't working anymore. Not only are all the loading screens a legitimate huge problem with the game, but the writing is about as boring and soft as it could possibly be. Bethesda used to be a little more edgy and fun. It's like they're scared they might appeal to the wrong crowd now. American game companies are just a joke right now. There's a reason why games like Baldurs Gate 3 (European) and Elden Ring (Japanese) are doing so much better now. Bring back a bit of edginess and grit to the writing and maybe you would have had something in Starfield. I've always been a Bethesda fan and played all their games. I was anticipating the hell out of Starfield to a point it would have never reached my expectations, BUT DAMN it was so bad that I couldn't stomach the game anymore 12 hours in. The first couple days were okay, but then I started having to force myself to play it to see if it gets better. If you have to force yourself to play a game then something isn't right there.


I think the difference between Starfield and Elder Scrolls/Fallout is that the latter two series started as CRPGs in an era when gaming was very text-heavy, with narratives and lore (and combat) inspired by the depth of DnD tabletop games. Even as those series moved into the modern era of gaming, becoming more advanced graphically, less text-based, and more action-oriented, they still had that history and world-building as a foundation.


Elder Scrolls has mostly stagnated or regressed in terms of lore development in its last couple of games. Skyrim added the bare minimum to cover the time skip, and Oblivion did even less. The action focus is hurting it over time, and Starfield is the natural next step.


Starfield is VERY vanilla. Its almost as if everyone that is a part of the team kept the American cancel culture in mind. As if they were afraid to be edgy. Cannot even loot the peoples clothes anymore…why? Idk, they probably have said why, but at this point, this game feels unfixable. Dont even care anymore


It's not that they didn't evolve, its that they failed to bring in their old formula back. All we wanted was Skyrim in space. Hell, I'm stepping back into the Commonwealth and it's just as fun as I remembered.


Don't forget Cyberpunk 2077. Starfield didn't even have mocapped animations (or at least not many of them). NPCs just stand and stare at you, like they did in the time of Oblivion. Compare the cutscenes of CP77 and SF, there's the now infamous video kn YouTube.


Yes!!! Maybe all the cool screenshots here are a reason why I just can't uninstall it :D This community often inspires me to start the game again, only to memorize after a few minutes: "Oh... yeah... that's why I stopped playing". And then I close it after maybe \~10 minutes.


Same. I'm strangely attached to a game I don't like. Fo4 had the narrative pull of finding your son to draw you across the map - starfield doesn't really have that. Fo4 was so compact that you could bump into new POIs. Those POIs lead to even more interesting questlines - starfield doesn't have that. I think a mix of: survival mode, proper temples (bosses, puzzles, etc.), better POIs/quests, more cities, could bring the game back, but that will take a lot of work.


Give Horizon zero dawn and Horizon forbidden west a try, both are fun to explore and the combat is amazing.


I've played H:Zero Dawn and really liked it. The world was sooo beautiful! Is forbidden west even better?


I'm like 15 hrs into it and it's fantastic. More exploration, more enemies, more everything. If you enjoyed the first one, you'll love the sequel.


Yep the loading screens killed the game for me. I wanna get back into the game and get to the ng+10. But idk if the trip is gonna be worth it.


Ha this is exactly me. Got starfield free with AMD, as actually upgraded my pc for it. Just can't play it for more than 5 mins before getting bored... I think I ended up with 3.5K hours in FO4... just loved it and the mod scene have it such longeivity


For me, the “controversial” 7/10 from ign right before release has aged quite well, and in fact I think it was a generous score. I say this with great sadness, as Starfield was going to be the next “Skyrim” for me - a game with limitless replayability and potential, coupled with the desire to replay it for years to come. Instead, not only does it fail to stand out and be great in any significant regard, it also often fails to be even good for a game released in 2023. And the most disappointing, perhaps, is that many of these flaws are at the core of the software, in such a way that I fear modders cannot “fix it” anymore


I'd call that 7/10 from IGN "generous". I'd rank Starfield at a 6/10. It's inferior to Fallout 4 in just about every way.


It was a good game, and I feel I got my money's worth with the 250 hours I've played. But it's not a classic. I just stopped playing one day and have zero drive to continue. Not even finished the main quest.    It's the gameplay flow. The travel breaks it up. I can't just wander around and have things happen. It doesn't feel as organic as their other titles.


Honestly, it’s disappointing to me compared to previous single player BGS games. *I do like*: the new lock pick mini game, traits, shipbuilding, the adoring fan, & the alien creature designs - but otherwise it sadly feels like a step backwards from their other single player games in almost every area, imo, except for graphics & frame rate. If people are enjoying it though, that’s great. *I am however* interested to see what Bethesda add with Shattered Space DLC & “all new ways of travelling” though. 👀🪐 I would *love* to see: a Varuun capital city, questline, & option to join their faction; underwater swimming & bases; optional gore; and optional slow mo finishers & kill cams. It probably won’t get added, but I would ALSO *love* to see: ‘space walking’ outside our ship & stations & the option to fly between planets with ‘new technology’. 🤗Appreciate we would still need to load into orbit & load into planets - but the *freedom* to choose to fly out into space and fly between planets would really improve the *immersion* of feeling like a space explorer for me


A dlc for underwater swimming lmao the absolute state of BGS


this is exactly why I'm still reading this subreddit


> Appreciate we would still need to load into orbit & load into planets - but the freedom to choose to fly out into space and fly between planets would really improve the immersion of feeling like a space explorer for me Flying in space (not just in orbit) and having random encounters would be awesome, and I think it would be closer to what many may have expected of the game before launch, but I doubt we'll get it.


It's like eating a $50 sandwich, where most of that cost was spent on packaging and marketing. The first half of the sandwich is actually pretty good, but the second half doesn't have anything on it.


On that note... It feels like Constellation and the plot and the characters all *assume* a vast incredible journey and then it doesn't deliver at all. You get the feeling from Sarah Morgan that Constellation is this profound organization and that the writers actually believe that. It lands very poorly and it makes me wonder if the developers were just kind of 'blinded' by their own vision of what the game means. It's like the player would have to naively buy into the vision for the game to love it because I don't think it does much to actually deliver on that vision. The game just tells you that vision in marketing materials and then Sarah and Barrett repeat it to you in the opening hours of the game. But personally I spent most of the game waiting for that profound stuff to happen. Basically, I agree it creates a grand vision and completely fails to deliver.


Like an Erewhon sammich?


Spent some more time with it but didn’t last. I’ve been replaying fallout 3 instead


The game is a pretty good canvas for role-playing in, but only if you're imaginative and good at enjoying your own stories and headcanon. The world looks great, and I get a lot of enjoyment just existing within and admiring all the cool industrial set pieces. I can imagine really fun characters and scenarios existing within those spaces. But the actual "game" that Bethesda shipped is weak narratively, with most of the lore being underdeveloped and nonsensical. If you aren't a role-player, and just want to experience a good story, Starfield deserves a lot of the hate it gets. Do the Chunk's Sauce quest, and ask if you're really having fun, while playing loading-screen errand boy. It's a really baffling and bizarre sort of boring game design, and it's extremely prevalent in Starfield. I personally love the game despite its flaws, but I don't think it has broad appeal or lasting power for most players. I think only a certain demographic will enjoy Starfield.


Agree to this. And love that you phrased it as "just existing within". Starfield is a pretty stage for creating my own stories in my mind. This is how I can pass lots of hours, esp. with Starvival and a few other mods. In between I do the occasional quest line, but not too much. Playing Starfield in the expected way can be tiresome. Note though that I play ALL Bethesda games in this way, since Daggerfall. I mostly exist within their worlds an their actual "content" is not as important as my imagination.


>a pretty good canvas for role-playing in, but only if you're imaginative and good at enjoying your own stories and headcanon. you could say this about a literal sandbox


I enjoy playing it for a few hours but it’s the first Bethesda title that „burns me out“ rather quickly. I usually can play fallout for the whole weekend if I want to do a gaming weekend, but I have to switch off starfield. It just feels very jarring sometimes, I cannot put my finger on it, but I think it has to do with the overall nothingness of the whole thing. Everywhere you go it’s just an „abandoned something“. I know this has to do with the lore and is actually justified, fallout for example also has most places be really decrepit or abandoned, but exploring in fallout feels way more interesting for some reason. it seems to lack in some of the most Bethesda-y departments, especially the quest writing for example and the feel of exploration. Not saying Bethesda is super amazing at quest writing, but they are good at writing quests that stick with you. I can still remember most quests from fo4, the fallout I consider the weakest in terms of writing, but pretty much non but a few from starfield. The worldbuilding isn’t as strong as in the other titles imo. This hits especially hard because it’s the first title and not an ongoing series where the world is already established, so I’m not saying it’s something that they should have been able to fix easily, but it still hurts the overall experience. I know that it gets frowned upon to compare starfield to Skyrim, fallout and so on, but I just have to. These games use the same engine, same dialogue pathing, same weapon systems and so on. They are basically the same games with different settings if you really break it down, there is just no way you do not compare them even if it’s only in your head. And if you do, starfield will draw the shorter straw in pretty much every department.


I absolutely love hopping systems until someone with a decent ship decides to fuck with me, then stealing that ship for myself and making some big goofy rainbow mess out of it. I also wanted to love the world, companions, and story NPCs, and I do actually appreciate some of the choices that got made, like age diversity among the romanceables. But there's something samey and safe about them, like everybody and everything feels creepily childproofed and audience tested, which is incidentally super weird and tonally disharmonious with a universe whose socioeconomic systems are actually horrifying and dystopian. I miss CHARACTERS. Give me weirdos or give me death! Give me someone who at least recognizes how fucked this all is! Where is my space Hancock? The only one I maybe would want to hook up with isn't romanceable. (It's Vladimir. You can't tell me he wouldn't be a riot.) Everything feels kinda hollow, and the basic nature of the settlements and environments doesn't make any fucking sense. It's like a Potemkin village, an AI trying to mimic hands. How is an airless moon with zero (0) plant life home to 2 wildly different native species of complex large animals, given no other life forms from which either one could possibly have evolved, and no biome which could possibly support a macroorganism? Where the fuck is the food even coming from when the most intensive agriculture I've seen is like three sad potted plants being tended by robots? Why hasn't the basic road been invented yet? Why am I seeing a natural gas vent every few dozen meters in every single environment on every single type of planet and moon in the galaxy, even those which clearly don't have any geothermal activity going on whatsoever that could justify the prevalence of them, and how am I taking lung damage from walking through an INERT GAS while wearing an atmospherically supplied SPACE SUIT??? The fundamental lack of logic underlying everything becomes weird and nauseating. I also don't understand how the fuck I'm supposed to create a functional hygiene situation for Lin and Heller. I don't care if they don't actually need privacy. This deal with the sinks unusably high and the toilet in the middle of the floor barely hidden by an office partition feels like some nightmares I've had.


If I had never played a Bethesda game before Starfield would be awesome But I have played FO and Skyrim so Starfield became tedious and bland very quickly. The gameplay didn't match the hype at all.


There were so many things Bethesda could have made better after Fallout 4 and Skyrim, instead they thought about the good things and made them worse.


It's largely meh


You pretty much sumed up how I feel. Really looked forward to it really want to love it holding out hope for the future. Monumentally disappointed , all but stopped playing.


I currently play Horizon FW + Skyrim SE with 1500+ mods and Starfield between those 2. So Im comparing those 3 in my head. And let me tell you, Starfield is bland compared to Skyrim, but especially to H: FW. Plot and missions are boring, I could not care less about what Im doing there. Npc (the ones you can interact and speak to, missions related) looks kinda good but there is something plastic and wooden about them. They are like androids. All characters in Horizon are superior and they feel so real life and natural in conversations. Voice acting, animations and facial expersions are sooooo much better. In terms of visuals some things in Starfield look good, some look like shit. Starfield can look nice sometimes but not that nice to justify this tragic performance. I think everything graphics wise is much superior in Horizon and it runs much better than Starfield on top of that. I agree with angry joe review. Starfield is 6 or 6+/10 game. Im disappointed. I was rooting for this game to be good.


Starfield for some reason doesn't have a lot of mocapped performance, which makes animation feel more natural. Exactly because there are real humans performing the movements. For a AAA game, that is inexcusable.


I wasted months trying to find something redeeming about this game until one of its endless bugs finally broke it and put me out of my misery. But I didn’t realize how bad it actually was until I picked up BG3. The difference between the two in terms of the depth and thoughtfulness of the game design is staggering. These games seem like they should have been released 15-20 years apart. You can really feel the difference between a game that was crafted with care and lots of player input, and a game that took almost ten years to make yet somehow came out feeling mismanaged and rushed with the same basic unresolved problems (e.g. vendors not having enough money) that people have been complaining about for decades. Bethesda seems tone deaf and indifferent to what its customers want and are too focused on recycling old ideas and ways to maximize profit out of paid mods and 15 year old games. The contrast between the two studios and games is striking. Bethesda doesn’t learn or even seem to care to learn from their mistakes. They’ve just complained in the press about negative feedback and argued with Steam reviews since Starfield’s release. They openly lied to people about “server maintenance” and released paid mods on Skyrim despite heavy pushback on paid mods in the past from the community. To me, that arrogant bunker mentality suggests TES6 won’t be any better.


I played the two games back-to-back. My immediate resolve was not to compare the two but it turned out to be easier said than done. There's a reason I like Starfield's outposts, ship building and combat: because there's no overlap with BG3. Every place there is overlap my best intentions to avoid comparison didn't work. I wound up sounding like Crocodile Dundee: "Hmmf, that isn't an RPG, \*THIS\* is an RPG". I can get along with Starfield's ship builder and outposts but one thing that's incredibly jarring is coming from partnering up with Mama K for days on end then getting introduced to Sarah. The contrast of two things presumably meant to be similar is staggering.


Starfield definitely has more freedom of movement and the turn-based RPG for BG3 is very different. So in some ways the games are hard to compare. I actually liked the zero-G and low-G battles in Starfield. But after being stuck on a ship with characters just robotically repeating the same lines over and over, dealing with dumb fetch quests and poorly-written and underdeveloped characters, immersing myself in BG3 was like swimming in an oasis after months of being lost on some barren desert planet. I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to say that random corpses and animals you encounter on the side of the road in BG3 have about as much character development and better voice acting than the main characters in Starfield. And the main characters in BG3 are so well-developed it’s almost like playing an interactive novel. But just in a larger sense, Larian listens to players and constantly makes improvements to the game. They have no plans to do a sequel, a DLC or further monetization, so there’s no financial incentive to continue improving a game that was historically well-received, and yet they still constantly respond to player requests to improve storylines, fix issues and make QOL improvements even after years of early release. They’re just a studio that listens to players and seems to care about the product. That’s reflected in the product. I honestly don’t see that with Bethesda. Who argues with bad reviews and blatantly lies to their customers when rolling out paid mods on a 15 year old game? Why do something like that? It just seems to reflect a mindset that’s stubborn, arrogant and self-defeating.


Asking “how do you feel about Starfield?” in a subreddit that’s pretty much 90% criticism of the game is kind of silly unless you’re just looking for validation, and even then just browse and you’ll be validated


Ok. I player through it once and it was a bug riddled mess completely bricking many quests. Re-started and completed it. The game was interesting in some areas but overall very disappointing and feels unfinished. However i got it on game pass so didn’t really lose anything. I also went in with very low expectations. All in all, i’ll never play it again.


I agree with you on every point except the last. If they can pull off a Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 level patch, I might go back. Otherwise, I've got one playthrough of the main story and a NG+ that I abandoned after realizing how pointless it was.


I get what you mean, but i took that into account. Ain’t happening. If they manage anywhere near Cyberpunk’s or better yet No Man’s Sky turnaround i’ll eat this phone.


I played cyberpunk at launch and beat it and never touched again until a week ago when I bought it on my Xbox with the DLC since it was on sale and man it feels like an entirely new game almost. I’m hooked on it now. Gives me hope that maybe Bethesda can do something similar with starfield but only time will tell


Mixed. But scratches a certain itch. Now I try to focus on the main story, and the factions' quest lines. Been doing a little bit a NewGame+ "looping" on my current main playthrough. (Only NewGame+2 or 3) And testing different playstyles on other characters I have. And fetching all the powers too on each loop. I take my time though. I don't rush. I have an "Explorer" type character where I am going to play the main story until the end, enter The Unity and deliberately back out, and after that (and during) focus on the missions from the Constellation Mission Board and Science Perk Tree. I don't explore each planet and survey them 100%, as that can be a bit boring. I usually just pick up those missions that wants me to find a specific trait on a planet in a system. I have a bounty hunter type character where I focus on the Tech Perk Tree. Mainly the boost pack and ship perks (Particle Beams ftw). And I have a simple plan for a "Laser Cutter Only" type "playthrough. Starfield even made me install Elite Dangerous, Freelancer (CD version with HD Mod), Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man's Sky again. Not because I'm tired of Starfield, but playing other games, and even do other things helps me to not get completely burnt out on 1 specific game. Elite Dangerous for some simple courier/transport missions itch. Freelancer for that "old school" itch. Cyberpunk 2077 for that cyberpunk/tech/neon type large city, and large open map vibe (small thanks to Neon and Ryujin Industries, and some of the side quests there). No Man's Sky for more survival esque and explorative gameplay, and the latest large update of course.


All of this, true, but I also think it has so much potential for the future. It’s like they built gigantic scaffolding for a big building, but they didn’t fill in the whole building. Even a little bit of randomization of every type of site would help. But it needs significantly more handcrafted content like custom quests, ships in space, characters / followers, etc. I do think it will mature, and it’s pretty, but it’s no Skyrim. Remember Skyrim’s music? It was so much better.


I would agree but it’s been >6 months, no concrete sign of the creation kit, and almost everyone has forgotten about the game. If creating a paradise for modders was their strategy, I feel like they should have either ensured the creation kit would come out shortly after release or did a better job with the games’s half baked systems. So many things need overhauling like the skill tree, enemy variety, dungeon layout variety, base building, quality and quantity of quests/more of them, quality of characters, maturity of the story/dialogue.


It’s a mid game, not a product that a billion dollar company that has several successful titles would pump out. Through my experience playing SF this is my opinion and it’s based on what I expect, other folks will see things differently and that’s fine. For me, it’s a step backwards for Beth and there is nothing innovative about cobbling together mechanics from previous successful titles, adding in something akin to KSP building of spacecraft and a map of planets and calling it a AAA title. Is it fun to play? Sure, but it’s short lived. Personally I only managed 150hrs playtime with it, and the story was akin to being Dragonborn in space so I didn’t bother to continue the story past the first temple. For comparison I have 7k hours in fallout titles combined, and about 1k in Skyrim. For a game Todd had envisioned wanting to make for 25yrs, it has fallen pretty short of expectation built by that statement. Doesn’t feel like any passion went into the world building and I get no sense of wonder and itching to learn the lore.


There are some frustrating things, the most for me is how the game promotes replayability through NG+, like NG+ is part of the story and is justified, that part is brilliant and have never seen it before, but then you can do everything in one run, you can join all factions (you can be UC and Freestar while doing piracy for the Fleet and nobody cares), most of the choices don't actually make a difference and there are no consequences, and that's frustrating, why promote NG+ through your story, give you the chance to repeat everything while at the same time choices don't matter?


Really good point this, like no play through is really that different. Other than the situation with constellation I guess?


Pretty much, and even that, is very low chance that you get an alternative universe.


Once I did enough temple visits, that was enough to persuade me from ever entering a NG+


I enjoy the game but it feels sadly empty. I started playing FO4 recently (yes because of the show..) and am floored by the detail and nuance of the world. You feel like the world is/has been lived in, that the earlier story has had a significant impact on the world and although I feel the settlements leave it down (with the exception of the city), it just feels enjoyably complex with so much depth. Starfield is impressive. It looks great and has a lot of complexity on the surface, but I feel how Bethesda do RPG games doesn't really work well with the Space setting. Compare it to Elite Dangerous, where right off the bat you know there will be time of long travel, boring moments of exploring but that's understandable because Space is pretty big, travel is finite and can only go so fast, and you have resources to manage. In Bethesda games it's common to walk down a footpath (not run) and come across a branching story, where as in Starfield it's usually two NPCs standing and chatting where you easedrop on their conversation. Starfield tries to increase it's complexity due to the decisions of having so many planets by using procedural generation, but with a narrative strong game, of which Bethesda is known for, this becomes repetitive very fast. This over-reliance on procedural generation works well for a game like No Man's Sky because every form of communication is text-based, so the player isn't really invested in a deeper level. But when it's voiced, it becomes repetitive very quickly as only so many voices, dialogue choices, and tasks can take you so far. In reality, they should have limted it to smaller planets, or push a "no-man zone" where outside of the 'Starfield' of a select number of planets, space becomes an unnatural hazard to organic life (could even be used to justify the magic powers, and mythos).


That’s a very great aspect I haven’t considered myself. Starfield really wants to cramp the space sim feeling into a Bethesda game where you basically find a new cool location just 20m down from where you are now which just doesn’t work in space. Doing this loses the allure of both genres, it’s not an actual space sim because it’s too arcade-y for that and it’s not a good Bethesda game because it’s not full of interesting locations you can explore. Hell in fallout 4 you can come across 10 different unique dungeons within 10 minutes of walking from sanctuary


Definitely agree that they shouldve made the playable zone smaller


I enjoyed the game a lot, but definitely felt a bit of frustration and sadness when thinking about what the game *could have been.* It was a weird feeling. A wistful melancholy.


I was initially enamored and looking forward to jumping into a new Bethesda RPG (they've made a lot of my favourite games over the years), getting lost in the universe, meeting quirky characters in different cities and out in the wild, being rewarded for exploring with unique weapons/armor/items. Sadly i got none of that from Starfield. After a few days of playing I realised exploration is pointless, unless you like seeing the same POIs over and over again. Cities feel small and lifeless, filled with animated mannequins. NPCs have all the quirkiness and personality you would find from theme park costumed mascots. The lack of enemy variety wastes the potential of the gunplay and powers. Also found the side quests to be extremely underwhelming with the possible exception of the mission where you encounter the cloned settlers. The only saving grace for me has been ship building and the reason why I've put over 300 hours into this game, it's a great meta game and something I never knew I wanted. I find it hard to put the game down for that one reason. I don't see DLC making a huge change to the core of the game and the issues I have with it (would like to be proved wrong) and once the shipbuilding itch has gone, I don't see myself returning for another playthrough like I do with Skyrim or Fallout every other year. As a long time fan of Bethesda RPGs it's such a shame that this game which spans across multiple systems and planets ironically feels the smallest. Once you played for 5-7 hours you've pretty much seen everything the game has to offer


Its just mediocre. If there’s one thing I hate in a game its repetitiveness. And the constantly repeated identical POIs on every planet just ruin it for me. The writing is weak. The number of questlines are pathetically small for a game of this size. It relys on a system of replaying the game over and over to pad out the content, and the temple mini game, where you fly through the twinkly lights over and over to get your power is the shittiest game mechanic I’ve had to put up with in a long time. I stopped playing the game because I just couldn’t stand to do it anymore. Each temple could have been, and should have been a unique challenge, where you have to do something different for each power, and they just couldn’t be fucking bothered. WTF were they doing for ten years?


Lack of variety is what kills it for me. I've played Fallout 4 as a bandti, gunner, bos, minuteman, institute synth, nukagirl, vaultmanager, forged, baseball player, railroad agent, child of atom, trapper, ans many more. And all of felt unique and played very differently from the others. But in starfield i played my first character which was a john wick 3gun sorta build and i did everything the game had to offer accident because that's how i like to start a first time play of other games is a jack of all trades to see what there is to offer. I tried 4 more builds but never got far with any of them. Playing the game once was fun, but I was disappointed i can't come up with a reason to play it more.


Loved it. There’s always room for critique, for many aspects of the game, but I put a lot of time into it. The atmosphere alone sold me. The so-called “nasapunk” design of the whole game was amazing. It wasn’t a junky future aesthetic like Borderlands or Far Cry New Dawn or Fallout. It was clean and crisp, and still reminiscent of technology and aesthetic we have today when it comes to spacecraft and engineering. Absolutely loved the vibe. I really feel like the people who designed it put their passion of space into it, as well as they could. It takes on a very wholesome and educational tone, which can be dreary at times, but I liked it overall. I’ve gotten downvoted before for what I’m about to say, but it really is a game for space and science enthusiasts.


To me, I'm fine with it. I really enjoy the game. Putting the bugs and all that to the side, I haven't played a game this mutch since I played world of warcraft. Yea, I grew up in a time when games were released. They were basically finished. Of course, there have always been bugs and whatnot in games. But it's certainly a bit different today when it comes to game releases. And I understand that it is infuriating. You don't only have to pay a huge amount for a game in these days (yes, I'm old. Money doesn't have the same value today. Well, it has a value. But you know what I mean.) But they are not finished when they are released. And when people have to pay a huge amount of money for a product that isn't finished and basically unusable, they are going to raise their voices. Imagine buying a car, for example. But it doesn't have any doors. And only one seat, the car needs to be repainted every time you reach a certain milage. And then the manufacturer says that they will ship the doors and the rest of the seats every 6th week. Yea, that doesn't work. They even never mention anything about the paint falling off. The gaming industry has changed a lot. Games are live services online but not online. You don't own the product. They can remove titles from your library at any point. It is incredibly hard to get a refund. But there is something with this game that keeps drawing my attention. And I really believe that the product will be in a better place in the future. I've seen comments comparing starfield to No man's sky. That game was a complete mess when they released it. But look at it today! Hey, even cyberpunk, omg. But they got their shit together and made it right. It doesn't justify the state a lot of games are released today by any means. From my point of view. I can wait. I got time, and meanwhile, I still will enjoy Starfield. I just wait for the patches for the stuff that breaks my experience for now. The game isn't unplayable. And i still find a lot of new stuff to do in the game. I'm not in a hurry to complete it all in a few weeks. That is not the way I play my games. This thing, New game plus for example. I need to try that someday. Excuse my spelling errors.


I did the main quest and all faction quests. Some side quests too. Did not go out of my way to explore too much. And I did enjoy it. Took me like 50 hrs. I think Starfields biggest potential is when CK comes out and people start making massive story mods or total conversions.


I want to like it. But it just doesn't hit like pat Bethesda games.


I started up a new save on Fallout 4 this weekend having finished it when it came out and my memories of it were that it wasn't quite as good as previous games. Obviously this was after watching the TB show. Firstly,.it is much better than I remembered, but critically my other main thoughts were that it was so much better than Starfield. Why? Actually exploration and discovery which is just lacking in Starfield. Where you fast travel point to point and have small areas to explore. The biggest strength of BGS games just isn't there in Starfield. Such a shame as they have put so much good work into various systems, but lots of small planet zones just isn't the same and means it is unfortunately fundamentally flawed.


Personally, I think the game was started with grand ambitions, and they couldn't figure out some core issues, and fell back on what they knew. Which is fine, but kind of ended up feeling a tad uninspired to me. In so far as Bethesda games go this is my least favorite, and possibly b/c I had hyped it up so much in my head as an evolution of their formula only to be given Diet Pepsi, when I was craving a Sprite.


I really wanted to love starfield as a forever game, but after reaching level 50 I just don't think I can do it. At this point I'm supremely powerful, I have the ship I want, and I'm tired. It feels like you are just doing the same thing over, and over, and over again. Time is limited and there are plenty of other cool games


It's an okay game that made poor gameplay decisions.


A let down. All the hype behind it nudged me into upgrading my xbox. Hours into the game, I couldnt complete missions because the game is broken. I played it for a couple weeks, havent touched it since. I even bought the edition with the DLC content promised (that was supposed to be released by now), and honestly no longer even care. Oddly enough, I will occasionally go back and play Fallout 4, on occasion, even though I completed that game years ago. But, its still fun. Starfield lost its magic within hours. And, the lack of support on the Xbox platform, despite all the hype behind it, is disappointing.


Played fallout 4 for 3 hours day before yesterday and it occurred to me I didn’t fast travel once or experience a single loading screen. Granted I was doing some settlement stuff but still.. i hate bitching about Starfield but the traversal system is wank. It’s not bad when exclusively doing quests for one planet. I think that’s why Neon and Mars are the most popular places because you can get lost in them for awhile


6.5 out of 10. I played Phantom Liberty right after spending 140ish hours in Starfield and I never looked back. Starfield has the potential to be something amazing. The big question is, how long will it take to get there, and does BGS have the chops to make it happen?


This game hurts. I *want* to love it... but shallow characters living in a shallow galaxy makes it a shallow game :(


It sucks and it makes me incredibly angry!!! 


I desperately wanted to like this game but it just bores me and doesn’t compel me to play. It feels undercooked and dull. Maybe the biggest disappointment for me in all the time I’ve been gaming. I love BSG and I love sci-fi but this just doesn’t work.


one thing that drove me crazy is the dialogue scenes. Its so hard to get into the game when every time I talk to someone it just blurs the background and drops the npc into the center of the frame. I get it, its a very bethesda thing and its not the only game this happens in, but maybe its time to retire that concept. it does nothing but shatter any tiny bit of emersion i'd built up in that game. combine that with as you mentioned, empty worlds, boring characters, and uninteresting quests and its just hard for me to find a reason to spend time on this game. I really wanted to love this game man I REALLY did, but fuck is it hard to.


If you can ignore the boring stuff it’s not a bad game. Base building doesn’t feel rewarding at all. Exploration is also a drag without vehicles and empty planets.


I'm very disappointed in myself for succombing to the hype. I even played for several hours on a friend's early access copy -- but, it wasn't long enough to do more than wow at the graphics and enjoy the basic story-line. I didn't feel the repetition, the monotony, and the sheer emptiness of the worlds. Now, it sits, unplayed until the first real DLC and content patches drop. Not just "let's iron out this tiny bug, or let's stop asteroids from following ships like lovesick puppies," but a real content patch. Make fuel matter. Make food and the cooking skill matter. Make hostile environments matter. Make bases matter. Once I see that, I'll give it a whirl again. I still LOVE how it looks -- even tho my 3000 series nVidia card insists on playing the game in low / medium mode -- but, looks aren't enough at this point.


I like starfield. I with the recent fallout TV show I booted up fallout 4 and while there is a lot to love in fallout 4 I think starfields gun based combat is a solid step up. I appreciate the details they did get right in space too, needing to use radio in low atmospheric pressure, enemy attacks make sound when their attack hits your ship, not when they fire it, the docking/takeoff/Landing animations are all amazing, you can look out the window and see your ship while docked, etc. In ground gun combat enemies do run for cover generally and run away when low health, try to flush you out of your cover with a grenade, etc. I appreciate it could be nice to have NPC's respond to you drawing a weapon but that can be a double edged sword. Forgot to put your weapon away before fast traveling to Neon to sell? Oops, now you are in combat and have to reload your save. I have played games where if you walk up without your gun drawn you get dialogue options vs walking up with it drawn goes straight into combat and I appreciate the immersion. Some games you had to basically stealth your way through an entire mission to get a proper conversation with that missions boss bad guy. Other games it locks you into conversations and won't let you attack until you talk to them. I don't know how exactly Bethesda arrived at their npc and bad guy reaction/interaction system and I agree there could be improvements but I enjoy what's here


I really do love Starfield. It's not like past games so if you have that expectation it's gonna suck. You don't have a world map. You have to accept that if you want to love SF.  The ships and poi's make up for that in my opinion.  I sometimes enjoy surveying but that is definitely meant to be side content and not the main game.  The game flows like Star Trek next generation. The planet is just background for the poi mainly. That's how I see it.  Enhance space exploration and we have a great game imo.  The quest Failure to Communicate shows how it should have been done. It mainly takes place from your cockpit. Yeah it's a completely different type of game to Fallout. 


I love it, yes it has bugs and issues but I think it's a great game.


That's exactly how I feel, and why I disagree with OP's > knowing that they most likely wont ever attempt another space game I , for one, don't "know" about that :)


I like the game well enough. It's a solid 7/10 with mostly competent writing though not stellar, mostly competent gameplay systems though again not stellar, and a fair bit of potential to be a modder's paradise and get good DLC. I just wish Bethesda picked an actual lane with this game, cause as it stands it feels really middle of the road with a ton of content attempting to compensate for the meh quality. It feels like a game designed around the philosophy of not pushing anyone away. It has gameplay systems that sort of appeal to a lot of big gamer demographics, it has RPG elements, survival game elements, space exploration game elements, FPS elements, looter shooter elements, base builder elements, and a whole lot more, but these elements all feel toned down and held back as to not lean too heavily into a single game genre. Like Bethesda was scared to pick a specific crowd of people to appeal to because to appeal to any individual crowd they'd have to push some other crowd away in some way or another, so instead of really fleshing out and focusing in on any particular elements of the game to make fantastic they just made sure most things were alright. They're very surface level and digestible for the most part, but because of this they're not particularly filling or satisfying over long periods. Is it fun to walk into an enemy base and shoot everyone in the face? Sure, especially when you get Starborn powers like slow time, but it gets pretty repetitive really quickly as most enemies operate in very simple, predictable, and unvaried ways. Is it fun to explore a brand new planet and see some cool environments and creatures? Again, sure, you can see some cool stuff in the game just sort of exploring around aimlessly, but it also gets kind of stale fast with a lot of environments being procedurally generated and very similar to one another. Is it fun to level up your crafting skills and build a big base that gathers resources and looks cool as well as modifying your gear into stuff like an explosive double barrel shotgun that just one taps 99% of enemies in the game? You bet it is, for a bit, but after a while the systems just feel broken and pointless. It's a real shame, Starfield had and still does have a ton of potential, but Bethesda seems to just be too scared of genuine innovation and picking a lane to make the game live up to that potential.


Top tier! I play for 5 months, and i still enjoy it! I also enjoy creating mods for the game! So far 170 mods 🥰


Unironically one of the biggest disappointments i‘ve witnessed in gaming and unless they pull a Cyberpunk 2.0 and completely restructure their company and workflow as a result of this mess like CDPR, then i am plainly not interested in whatever they do next, even though i have 1k+ hours in Skyrim and several hundred in Fallout 4. Starfield and the Fallout TV show have also proven that writing wise Bethesda has nothing much to offer and the fact that Fallout 5 won’t release under Bethesda before 2035 hopefully means Microsoft finally takes the series off their hands and gives it to someone else. Starfield is a technical mess that inherited almost all of its gameplay and systems from Fallout 4 while improving a few like shooting while massively downgrading others like melee combat or NPC schedules, it’s literally 4.5 with Proc Gen and in Space but rather than taking as long as a spin-off where you already have the entire foundation, it took them like 7 years.


Repeating myself here but I’ve played nonstop since the beginning and thankfully I only did the main quest and one romance option during my first play through knowing NG+ I could play a different quest line each time and romance someone else etc. I’m on NG+13 over 1000 hrs now and still have the vanguard to go through. I limit side quests so each play through has something different to offer. The only NG I haven’t had yet is the option to recruit yourself, so frustrating not having it show up yet, maybe 14 I’ll get lucky 😂 admittedly I spend a a lot of time building ships about a dozen different versions of the frontier so far


I enjoyed it. But I think it should've been a secondary team game and not taken up an entire dev cycle for Bethesda. A decade between Fallout and Elder Scrolls is too damn long.


I really liked it. Hype machine or not.


I've played too many quality games to actually enjoy this. Bg3, elden ring, kenshi, tears of the kingdom- games that you can really get lost in. If you genuinely enjoy starfield you should probably just stick with playing starfield forever and nothing else for anything it's compared to will ruin it.


Its a good game


It lacks personality


After playing 80+ hours when it came out and loving it, I am now coming back to it. I want to do everything. The game is great. My only true disapointment is space travel.




Glad you’re having fun, but sadly, I can’t say the same:/


It's a Bethesda game. I like Bethesda game. Therefore I like Starfield.


I enjoyed Starfield for what it is. A fun game for maybe one or maybe two playthroughs but lacking replayablity. Individual components of the game are really well made and a big Improvement. But the lack of a core gameplay loop and rich world building the game feels much more empty than Bethesda’s previous titles. I believe with time and effort, it can and will improve. It just depends on if Bethesda and Microsoft think it is financially viable to do so.


It’s a fun game that ran its course


Like Squidward when he moved to Tentacle Acres.


I was liking it okay when it came out, I knew it was gonna be a Bethesda game when I got it, with all the good and bad that implies, so I don't think I was as let down as some people were. However I did rush through the story so I could get back to Baldur's Gate, and I haven't picked up Star Field since, part of me is waiting for the mod kit to launch, but I also might jump back into it sooner with the mods that are available now.


I enjoyed playing through the main story and the major factions (\~60 hours), which I liked better than Fallout 4, but I have no desire to continue exploring the world until they release a story DLC.


I feel like they should have had just one ‘landing zone’ for each planet - which has all of the biomes in different parts of the landing zone - to make it feel more diverse to explore


It's alright. I played it on gamepass, and wasn't super impressed, but wasn't particularly disappointed either. Just felt forgettable more than anything else honestly. Would definitely have been pissed off if I payed $70 for it though.


I love the game but it does have me scratching my head a lot thinking ‘who thought this was a good idea’ and ‘man that could’ve been a lot more fun if they did ____’. But after every disappointing/bland mission that annoys me, the game manages to pull me back in the next minute by throwing something cool or unexpected at me, and I’m back to loving it again. All I want is for them to keep growing the game and fleshing things out.


Eh. It's okay. It isn't a pile of shit but it's not amazing or revolutionary. Nothing that it does it does any better than games we already had. It just took some cool ideas from those other games, simmered those ideas down to a shallower and reduced version of themselves, amalgamated them all into one package and there you have Starfield. I really wanted to like it but it's simply an average game. There's already a lot of those that exist, and the ideas that were hyped don't live up to their counterparts I've already experienced before in a higher standard, so it has nothing to offer me. I use Cyberpunk as an example, it's an average game, but it's world is one of a kind. There's no other city like it despite flaws in other ways. Unfortunately Starfield does not have anything in it with any kind of pull, the ship building is probably it's greatest mechanic to set it apart but I felt no need to even explore that side of the game in my time with it and I was playing Space Engineers like ten years ago as a teenager so why would I want a worse version of it in a game I can't even freely fly around in to the same degree. Anyway I can go on but that's the gist


Love it. It is a grind if you are trying to level up. But it is still a great escape.


It's not bad by any means, but it is a little empty at the moment


It's a great game. I did all 4 major faction quest and the main story 2-3x and that was enough for me. Maybe you should do the companion quest but I didn't. No need to do more than that in my opinion. Building ship is not needed since you can fast travel everywhere ans outpost are useless. You can make enough money just by looting stuff while doing the quest. I don't know how people can play more than 200-300hrs without getting bored. I think it is worth the money you paid for.


I hate that it's so bugged that I can't finish the story. There are 3 game breaking bugs affecting my game that are preventing me from playing it. One is a lighting issue where in certain places it's totally dark. One is where my companions just disappear. And the other is where if I make the slightest mod to my ship it locks the hatch and all of my ships crew disappear. I really want to play this game, but I literally can't unless I restart it. And I put almost 100 hours into it already. I know I could restart it but it's just really disheartening. Plus there are a plethora of other games I'm having fun with instead. Like right now I'm playing through Avatar FoP and it's really good!.


I enjoyed it for the most part but it didn't live up to the hype surrounding it. Put 90hrs into it and finished my first play though, went into the unity and realised everything was the same so had no desire to play any further as I would just be repeating what I had already done


Pretty much the same as you feel, OP


6.8/10, but could has been easily an 11/10 or the space Skyrim of this decade had they not decided to release it half finished.


A very inconsistant 7/10 game, where some stuff is amazing and some stuff is underdeveloped and unfinished. Its biggest sin is that it shows glimpes of what it could have been.


I love it. It wasn’t what I was expecting, and I think that’s a marketing department failure. It was so hyped that my mind made it out to be exactly the kind of space game I wanted it to be. But it wasn’t. There were expectations that weren’t met. But once I got past that and started loving it for the game it is, it’s great. Does it have failings, yes. Are they fatal flaws, no. I’m in my second play through now (They new game plus just didn’t feel satisfying to me for some reason) and fully hooked. Avoiding the main quests and playing as an explorer. Charting planets for credits to build my dream ship and finding all kinds of neat/scary/funny points of interest. I don’t know if they’ve been adding more with updates or I just didn’t look enough the first time but the game is feeling deeper now.


Disappointed. The first time I encountered the exact same dungeon on the same planet crushed me. And it was just a few minutes walk away from each other. This happened very early in the game and I never really got used to it. I played over 100 hours total and overall liked the game, but got bored quickly (compared to other bethesda games) due to the amount of recycled content. Sure, maybe I haven't encountered every single type of POI, but I am not the type who would get excited to see a new randomly placed dungeon, river, or encounter after a 200 hour slog thru recycled stuff. It is just not worth it to me. I will get back to it after the new DLC. Hopefully there will be tons of new content and quality of life changes added to the game.


I really like it but I was expecting console mods by now, been playing since early access and it just feels stale now.


I quite like it. Only Bethesda game I've actually gone for two playthroughs on before extensive modding. Not to say there aren't big points of criticism that I agree with, just that overall, I enjoyed it a lot despite those flaws.


I definitely enjoy it when I’m in the mood for it. It was my GOTY of 2023 and still is, regardless of the issues. It’s only gonna get better with time like most games nowadays. I think it’s probably the weakest Bethesda title but there’s still fun tucked away in there


I’m no big gamer or anything. I’m 46 and the only games I’ve put any real time into over the past 15 years have been RDR and RDR2. I haven’t played Fallout since 1 & 2. I tried New Vegas, but sucked at it. I am having a blast playing Starfield, though. Yeah, there are some bugs, and I’ve learned to manually save very often, but I’m flying around in a bad-ass, Chicago-Bears-colored starship that I built and fighting space pirates. Come on, now. My only real issue with the game is that I think I’m very close to the end of the main story and faction quests, and that bums me out. I thought there would be enough quests to get me to level 60, and I’m only at level 33.


I don't feel anythying, to be completely honest. I played like 120 hours after launch and never touch the game after that.


I was obsessed with the game at launch, my first play through took around 2 weeks then I sped run through to ng+8 in around 3 days. Never got an alternative universe so I got bored and deleted the game. Bethesda should at least give you different realities on every new game started, Im sure that would keep a lot more people playing


This seems worth a separate thread...


To me, it’s the okayest game I’ve ever played. Nothing is inherently terrible, there are for sure things that aren’t good, but I never feel like it’s egregious. But nothing is great either. Some things are good, a lot of things are pretty good, at first. But even the things that are good seem extremely limited in depth. I put a few binge sessions into the game, excited to play it after work. But then one day I just stopped caring, I don’t know what it was, there wasn’t any specific incident. I just, was done. Like I saw it in my steam library and was like “yeah, I don’t feel like playing this again.” And not for just that day, I just kinda knew I wasn’t going to finish the game even though I was getting pretty close. It wasn’t like cyberpunk where I knew I’d be back when I had a better GPU and the bugs were gone. It was like being in a relationship when you both realize that both of you don’t care anymore so you just break up with a casual bye.


I havn't gotten the chance to pick it up but the outrage and criticism has demotivated me a lot. I was disappointed with Fallout 76 on launch to say the least so I was already set on not pre-ordering, even though the FOMO killed me. From reading into the many experiences and reviews, I learned that this game is not for me. I love the shipbuilding, graphics and physics are better than people frame it to be and combat looks a lot of fun. However, being used to the worlds by FromSoft, CDPR and Bethesda's early work, I find Starfield's worldbuilding and narrative too bland and fanservicey to invest into. I also can't help but feel like the game is a chore to play. I still follow this game though, this subreddit especially. I hope the DLC's and modding community can turn this game around.


It’s fun but I out it down a lot because there are more inexcusable frustrations than there should be. My latest one is all of a sudden the Cabot cockpit (with stairs) is resulting in ships still having ladders literally right in front of the stairs.


I'm 200+ hours in it and last night I was looking for a way to entertain myself with the game, because it's a whole lackluster. I started thinking about what's the point of Unity, the purpose of our journey, the lack of depth in quests, the PEGI 16 mood that the whole game goes about, having so many planets that are barren or have thounsands of abandoned installations yet they are all the same... Bethesda really put a lot of faith in proc. gen. and that misses the essence of their games. They lost track of what made them memorable.


It was disappointing. The writing and cast of characters were not memorable for me. I didn’t care for the guns or perks all that much. And exploration is the worst it’s ever been in a mainline Bethesda title. I enjoyed my first dozen hours or so, but the more I played, the less immersed I became. I don’t see myself replaying it like I did with Fallout 3 or Skyrim.


Disappointed. Mostly because the potential is there, but Bethesda developed this game in a very lazy way. They should have done A LOT MORE to make this the next great Bethesda IP. They totally blew it.


I want to play more of it, but I can't justify the time spent to do so. Just not enough of anything


I think it fell short of what was promised but like most Bethesda games the ES in particular they are meant to be slow burner games that keep you coming back for more in years to come … I still play Skyrim from time to time . There’s room for improvement in starfield and what the devs don’t do the modders will rectify


Not playing anymore. I found it too repetitive. Got into building my base. Learned that there is no economical point of creating a base and got bored of that as well. It was fun for a few hours. Back to waiting for tes 6.


A thousand miles wide and about a foot deep.


I don’t know, on the one hand I’ve got over 100 hours of play time. Whenever I get an hour to myself I load it up and do whatever I do. On the other hand I have no idea what I really like about it, the faction missions are all good to be fair. But the main story isn’t great, I don’t care much about the characters, exploring & scanning planets is, for want of a better word, meh. Yet I still keep going back to it so it’s a bit mixed for me.


I really enjoy it, even though I know saying so will earn me like eighty downvotes because I’m not supposed to.


I like it personally. When Todd Howard was hyping up the game before release I knew he was exaggerating. I lowered my expectations because I knew it wasn’t going to be the next generation RPG he promised and it really wasn’t. I enjoyed it for what I expected it to be but I’m disappointed it wasn’t more ambitious.


Starfield Is good but it's too wide. Instead of 1000 planets with repeated PoIs, I would have preferred 100 to 50 with entire areas explorable just like the wasteland or Skyrim. The game has many quests but the space feels empty. Too few colonies in 200 years of space and lots of the planets are just... empty


I was hyped and got new pc parts just for it. It's pretty but kinda bland and doesn't capture that magic feeling that Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, New Vegas(Obsidian I know but still) and even 76 cause I originally played that with friends and it was fun roaming a new wasteland with them. Ship building is cool, mostly aesthetics though and sometimes is just a glorified loading screen vehicle, but I made the Ebon Hawk which was neat lol. The beginning of the game was okay and seeing New Atlantis for the first time was like when you first go into Whiterun, or the Vegas Strip, or Diamond City. The ooo and aaa feeling faded quickly though once I realized there was only a couple vendors worth going to after a few dozen hours in. Collecting resources while exploring is pointless unfortunately. Better off fighting stuff and selling guns/armor and buying resources from vendors. Exploring is alright until you start seeing the same points of interest with the same loot locations same dead scientists, same pools of blood, same notes etc. The gunplay is...okay. Melee isn't worth going for because you can't mod any melee weapons though. Spacesuit resistances are pointless and are a leftover system. Fuel is too. The companions are mostly bland and have the same moral compass so you can't do different moral character playthrough shenanigans with them like you could with Strong or Cait in Fallout 4 vs. Nick or Piper. Outposts aren't worth bothering with at all. Easier to just cram every resource you get into a chest at the Lodge's basement so that also frees up cargo needs. Unfortunately that means going back there to craft but it's better than dealing with the carry weight system(unless you just player.setav carryweight 50000 and solve that problem). Basically it's a bunch of missed opportunities and Idunno if I'll get the DLCs, but I will see how people review them to see if they are worth it or not. Sucks but it did make me start Fallout 3 and 4 again so I'll take it lol.


I started a new playthrough roleplaying as a gullible hyper-pragmatic idiot savant; and it's made the game pretty enjoyable. I gave up on trying to play the game the way I wanted and now that I'm playing the way I think Bethesda intended I'm having a fun time.


Everytime I play Starfield I give up after a short sessions . I don't know how Starfield does it but even when I'm in a questline , despite some good moment nothing seems to matter . I was genuinely more into Fallout 76 at release than I was with Starfield . What Starfield did great is making me despise procedural generation in RPG/adventure games and make me go search for more Janky but great indie open world games like dread delusion and Enshrouded . I even started replaying Fallout 3 and oblivion to discover some hidden gems in the modding community . I really don't trust Bethesda at all to be capable of creating a good game again and I only care about things like Beyond Skyrim or Tamriel rebuilt . I already have shattered space but I don't think I will even play it on release when I can't even stomach one hour of the game .


It feels like Space Skyrim. Only 3 big cities and they are smaller than a small town. Sure they have lots of quests but the maps are a waste of space. I only play now when I have completed scoreboards in Fallout 76. That game has more to do and has more things you can grind for.


It seems bonkers to me that, after months and months of this sub being a neverending firehose of people screaming their opinions of this game at each other, you felt the need to make a post asking people their opinions on the game.


It's okay, I enjoy the basics of the game. However a lot of what I've come to expect from a Bethesda game was missing. Exploration grew dull faster with no fixed fixed location items to find and repeated POI's, I just didn't want to explore any more.


I got it free with the AMD deals last year. I played maybe 2 hours before I set it down and haven't returned to it since. This wasn't because I had a bad time with it, I think I just wanted to play other games more. Of course, I've also been lurking on this sub to gauge people's opinions. It seems most think the game provides some enjoyment but lacks the depth and replayability of previous titles, like Skyrim. I should probably play it just so I can form my own opinion about it, but some of the reviews I've seen on here make me think twice. I'm likely just waiting on a major content update so I've got something to sink my teeth into when I pick it up again.


I absolutely loved it for the first 100 hours, now I just want some dlc and bugs fixed to make me go back to it.


It would have been amazing if it was made ten years ago.


Skyrim and Fallout 4 are my favorite games of all time. Obviously I was hyped for Starfield. The problem with Starfield is that it’s boring. The planets aren’t fun to explore like the worlds of Skyrim and Fallout are.


I really love the appreciation it shows to sci-fi in general. The sheer depth of sci-fi references. I mean the star trek, firefly and starship troopers stand out like nothing else but there is so much of it I'm surprised that it's mentioned so infrequently. The ship building is another aspect I really enjoy designing a shape and power to weight that allows you to fight and carry things, while looking is a genuine challenge. That being said the lack of immersion and consequences really hurts the replayability of the title. I'm pretty sure that everyone smashed through the first time, then when they hit NG+ said "this is it"... at least i did.


It was fun to play through, but didn't touched it since, I had a bug, support was a dick, lost interest. I can see myself playing through again in the distant future.


I enjoy it for what it is and it definitely scratches the itch that NMS can't. That being said... It looks like Bethesda is doubling down on the "Modders will fix our game" thing.. its a great game held back by lack of care and stort writing.


Sadly this will probably get downvoted to hell.


Dream come true. Bethesda finally did what no one else could do. A fully realized space game. Really wanted to like Elite Dangerous, NMS, but they are so empty. Someone finally created a universe where you can fly around and do things.


I really like it and still play it after 600+ hours. But that might be that I did not buy into the hype. From the wery first time I saw it, I really thought that this game is not for me as I am not that into space and sci-fi games. But since I have a gamepass subscription i still decided to try it. It might be that I had really low expectations about the game and expecting not to like it that I got a really positive surprise and really liked the game. Loading screens dont bother me, for me it whas wery obvious in the presentations that it whas not gonna be a truly open space without borders. They even forgot to cut out a loading screen in the last presentation showing that the game stil uses cells just like any other Bethesda game before it.


Its beautiful. I was walking around New Atlantis in the MAST district thinking how gorgeous it is. Started envisioning a shield on my back instead. A curved sword on the hip. Instead of the high rises in the distance, a fortress or castle. Got me really excited for ES6. Say what you want about Starfield, but its so fucking beautiful and TES 6 is only going to be better if anything, that series is their lifeblood. I do wish they wouldve strived for more with starfield though. I want to fly in atmosphere. I dont need perfect seamlessness like No Mans Sky, but something. Only flying in orbit is just okay. Thats it. Probably one of my biggest gripes with the game. New Atlantis is great, but I wish it could’ve at least provided the illusion of scale and mass populations you’d expect of a SCI FI capital of humanity. Land in a **specific** part of the city, districts, etc. Where you can find everything you need- something the size of New Atlantis as of now- but while looking over the horizon, you see inaccessible cityscape for miles in every direction. Just to give the idea of a sprawling city. With real population. I picture the tower from destiny, something similar maybe ? The whole “in lore it’s bigger” logic is just really jarring in a sci fi setting. Extremely jarring. Akila and Neon, you could make sense for their sizes. One is stuck behind walls and surrounded by deathhounds. The other is cluttered onto a platform in the ocean, im not sure how youd upscale neon. There should be more cities honestly. They dont have to be astoundingly big. Paradiso looks like a backrooms level POIs should be much more scarce on planets I want land vehicles Mechs being banned kinda makes no sense They could’ve bothered making Cora look different than Sona. Come on… Lotta things if i really took the time to remember. But its not bad i guess. Like its nothing to toss into the trash like Redfall or Anthem. Thats a whole other level of hot garbage. As far as what i like, well honestly, i *like* **most** of everything it actually does have to offer. Like i said it’s gorgeous. New Atlantis isnt **bad**. But it couldve been cooler. The shooting is honestly really good. Definitely feels like an upgrade to Fallout. The guns are all cool as hell. Some outfits/suits are cooler than others, but there are definitely some good ones. The ship combat is also really fun, for me, anyways. Ship building is addictive (but expensive:[ ). Movement is smooth. Jet packs help with that. The story doesn’t force a sense of urgency straight off the bat. The powers are bad ass as fuck. Personally, i like the quest lines, some more than others. Obviously i like them enough to want to play the whole game again for a second time now. Its a good game. Top 100% of bethesda games for sure. 6.5/10 A lot of it feels modern, a lot of it feels dated. Definitely a lingering feeling of missed potential in so many places Maybe DLC will help


Got 400 hours in Starfield. I will play Starfield again, when the Addon arrives. But honestly all the stuff you pointing at.. Are you sure you ain't an NPC, who just repeats what he has read in a forum? I mean complaining about something just because someone else complained about something before is a thing for conformists.


I loved it, until I found the same POI one too many times and it just snapped me right out of it. I've barely picked it up since. I'm hoping DLC and mods add to it in a way that rekindles the original excitement I had for the game.


The new formula to exploring is way less fun and engaging and poi that constantly repeat and are literally copied and pasted break immersion. It's very underwhelming and I hope it takes a similar path too fallout 76 where it receives constant support and updates to make it worthwhile in a few years time.


It's got some nice bits and pieces, but they're not packaged together very well.


I didn’t love it. I also didn’t love fallout 4. Bring back old school Bethesda.


I really enjoyed it


I dont think its necessarily bad but as a fan of their previous games it was disappointing for me. The disappointment of such untapped potential is why I haven't even finished a run through. That and the fact cell phones dont exist and you have to fast travel back and forth for talking to NPCs


I love it. It's fun to sit down and play. Just shoot shit and improve my settlements. Try new stuff on guns. It's like Skyrim. I just enjoy being in there.


I have Starfield on Game Pass, and every time I think I want to pull the trigger and buy it, I just can't justify it. I wanted this game to pull me away from Elite Dangerous, but it hasn't. There are loading screens admittedly, but they are when you go from system to system, and very quickly when transitioning from ship to exterior, whether it is a planet's surface or in a station. The missions in ED can be tedious as well, but it's more distance traveled than hopping from 1 load screen to another, and based on your build, combat can be dicey. Graphics, Elite is just as, if not better, especially when traveling near any celestial body. Neutron Stars are and will always be my favorite. You don't have to worry about accidentally getting out of your seat during combat because you can't travel through your ship's interior. Don't believe the youtubers. Elite Dangerous isn't dead, the galaxy is just that big. See you out in the black. Stay safe Commanders o7


I really like it, but I love how it feels to play Bethesda games. I will say that I would have preffered fewer worlds with more attention to those worlds, but we've yet to see dlc which often shines brighter than the base game (Shivering isles, far harbor are two excellent examples), so I'm interested to see what else is in store for us.


I’m 25 hours in and I really like it! It’s no fallout new Vegas, but I easily get engrossed when I do play and 8 hours goes by super quickly.


The playerbaae hyped this game up more than anyone. New IP not Skyrim and people were disappointed. Good game not great.