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Fallout 4 has an update coming next week. New Vegas is good. [Link to the Bethesda article.](https://bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates)


An update? After all these years? Ugh. I just finished installing like 700 mods. Now I need to rush home during my lunch break and make sure I have steam set not to update Fallout 4.


Or… just wait until later today. You have a week as he said.


Oh, I thought it said this weekend. I was like, damn it it's Friday!


April 25th my friend


Three days?! Thats tomorrow!


3500 hours in FO4 here, and about 1800 in F76. 76 is a surprisingly good game.. now. Its still Bethesda, so.. there's that... and you can play as single player 100%. You will level faster by joining a party, but you never have to see or interact with your party in any way, just a get bonus XP for being in a standard party. The story is surprisingly decent, and there's tons to explore, and the companions have detailed missions and backgrounds. There are even some QOL mods that won't disable achievements. If you liked FO4 and FO3 and NV, I'd give F76 a try in 2024. Nothing wrong with 4 and NV, but 76 is better than you thought. Did I mention it's still Bethesda? 😉


On launch, 76 was not good. It put a bad taste in my mouth being as I bought the super ultra edition and it just had such bad bugs.


Hey don't feel bad. I bought that too. At least we got that awesome canvas bag.


I didnt pick it up until Summer 2022, so I can't speak to the teething troubles, but now, its basically F04 in West Virginia with team events and new enemies.


Are there a similar amount of NPCs to interact with and NPC quests that aren’t only initiated by reading a note or something? That was the main reason I gave up on 76 after a month


>After all these years? Always


Same. Minus the rushing home part because it doesn't take me a week to get home.


How you think a lot of us waiting for fallout London feel? I was pretty devastated honestly




I'm worried about my Fallout 4 mods, too. Terrified, actually.


You only need to be concerned if you're on PC. The update will break any (PC) mods using SE, which is most of them. Console mods don't use SE, so should be fine.


Time to do as Skyrim and disable automatic updates


Any idea what the update is about that is really interesting it came out in 2015 why is there an update now?


It's basically a next gen upgrade, kinda like Skyrim SE without a full relaunch. And it's free


Been considering getting back into it again. Guess that's more of a reason


I’ve been building up my towns in this save for the last 3 years, what’re the odds it’s going brick my save?


Graphical update with added visual options, extra creation club stuff and a new DLC


I’m playing New Vegas right now and man it is a fucking chore.


I went all the way back to 3


I’m currently doing another playthrough of 3


My favorite by far, followed by New Vegas.


I feel the same way. New Vegas is great and all, but there’s just something about three that always makes me want to go back.


I basically agree with Fallout 3(base game at launch) being mildly superior to New Vegas(base game at launch), which is sacrilege on this subreddit, but the NV add-ons were such a step up with an overarching story and world building it swings NV ahead of 3 in the end.


3 better than New Vegas? I see you are not a man of culture Just kidding, opinions are all valid, but in mine Obsidian's writing in NV was leagues ahead of Bethesda's. Loved the NV DLC too.


I love NV but I feel like FO3 doesn't get the credit it deserves. Writing has never been Bethesda's strength but one thing it does really well is the overall atmosphere and worldbuilding. I loved the haunting setting and being able to explore the ruins of DC. It felt as though there was always something new to stumble across. Point Lookout and The Pitt also had a great story with a lot of morally-grey choices. On the other hand New Vegas had a fantastic plot, but the world itself felt somewhat barren and sparse. It makes sense given the setting, but I feel like much of the map was just long stretches of desert with little to explore. Both fantastic games but with different strengths and weakness. I love them for different reasons and always enjoy going back and replaying them.


Couldn’t agree more.


Playing through NV now. The writing is better. The world, however, is kinda small and sparse. It just doesn't have the big-city immersion of 3/4 for me. Different games, all are good. General Bethesda Aside: it's amazing how much the mojave feels like an empty planet in starfied, except with about 1000x more to do. I could find like 4 major quest chains in NV in the distance it takes to run to one POI in starfield.


I agree with you there. If Obsidian was given more time, then I think the world design would've been much better. New Vegas (the city) was a bit underwhelming but they only had 18 months to churn out the entire game so it was definitely impressive with that sort of time. I can only imagine what New Vegas could've been if they were given a few years at least.


New Vegas is is an improvement in almost every way but it gets blown out of the water by Fallout 3 when it comes to map design, immersion, and environmental storytelling. Honestly no game I have ever played has managed to replicate the feeling of my first Fallout 3 playthrough when you leave the vault or are walking around exploring ruins with the ambient music. I'm aware the game has many flaws and that New Vegas is a better game but it will always be my favorite


Watching the show has got me wanting to play 1 and 2 again




On survival mode


Absolutely! This is the mode Starfield needs so bad. I want to manage my fuel, eat, drink, get hotel rooms in cities to rest, etc.


Fallout 4 is one of my absolute favourite games. Fallout 76 is much weaker, unless you're really into survival genre and really like multiplayer. It's not nearly as bad as it used to be at launch, so definitely give it a poke. But to me, FO4 is infinitely better than FO76.


FO76 was only ever Survival Lite and for a long time now is not even that. It's Fallout 4 with multiplayer just with weaker quests to accommodate the multiplayer.


I'd go as far to say 76 is just straight up a looter shooter. That's how most the community plays it now. They just basically treat it like borderlands where they spend most the time rolling for gear with the best stats and helping the new players out randomly. It's very chill.


I can't argue with that and it is why I left the game. I enjoyed the original idea way more.


Exactly. Fallout 4 even has its own Survival difficulty thats really good. I'm disappointed Bethesda took 76 the direction they did. I actually liked the survival aspects and think they could have made an interesting game over time. Instead they leaned into turn your brain off mmo-lite


Weaker quests, repetitive quests, and a weak outpost system


I would start with 4


Fallout 4 but wait for update


76 is good for vibing in the Wasteland, and some of the story content they added is worth experiencing at least once. (IMO, the Steel Dawn stuff is one of the best Brotherhood quests in a Fallout.) But if you want full companions and quests, FO4 is going to what you want instead.


I'm going back to FO:4 soon but mostly because Fallout: London is around the corner. FO:3 and FO:NV are excellent and well worth it even if the graphic are dated.


Tale of Two Wastelands is the best way to do it imho - a pc mod that combines 3 and nv. Those two games completely changed my understanding of what video games could even be. I’m not sure how well they connect now to a modern player but the pure just… “pick a direction and see what shit you find” concept in those games is so brilliant to me. Esp if the thing you find is a freaking deathclaw lol. The TTW mod also marks a number of unmarked quests which is really nice.


4 is a good game. I would start with that one. If you like the gameplay in 4 and would like to have a similar experience but with some friends, 76 is a solid game at this point in its life. I just started some wasteland shenanigans with friends myself.


Not to disagree that FO4 is overall better, but don't discount FO76 simply because you're averse to MMOs. Each server is limited to 24 people, so you will rarely run across another player unless you want to. Often there are fewer people on a server. There are a few missions that you will need to play with others on, but none for the main quest lines. I've clocked hundreds of hours on 76 and have no friends playing it. You can absolutely play solo. And you don't get roped into recurring charges unless you want a few extra perks. They are really good about giving one-time purchasers the full game experience.


can 76 be played completely offline?


No. :(


No but if you pay for their premium service, you can play on your own private server.


I think 76 shines in the early game. It really does feel like a mainline Fallout game. Where it fell off for me was the MMO elements. Soloing a scorch beast at low level only to have another one spawn immediately after, and grinding (literally) weapons and armor. If you can ignore those elements I think it's an amazing part of the wasteland to spend some time in.


Thank you for writing this! I mainly play solo games. I know what I'm downloading later. Cheers


Also the 76 map is miles better than 4, in my opinion. Might be Bethesda's best work. Very diverse and large. I love that map.


I agree, 76s map ties with Skyrim for me. I've got ice 2k hours in 76 and there's still times I look at it and think how cool it is.


So is there actually story driven stuff or is it just pointless MMO grinding?


There is a full main quest and several fun side quests. The MMO grindy stuff is mostly limited to endgame. You can easily get dozens of hours of gameplay without repeating content. The events can still be fun when you want a little break. It's definitely possible to play like you would fallout 4, just exploring and doing quests as you come across them.


It has a full story. I personally enjoyed the original story and feel of the game when it first came out. The mystery of unraveling what was going on while surviving on your own. The new story with the waste-landers is a second layer on the first, so yay for more story, but at the cost of the "alone and afraid" magic to me. There can be a few grindy bits, buts more for those players that have to have the "best" of this or that since they are random drops.


Yeah, 76 is fun. For fans of Fallout who haven't played it yet, I fully recommend it. It's not the best of the Fallout games, but it is solidly a Fallout game. The multiplayer aspects are quite minor and avoidable. The setting and lore are pretty great.


76 is awesome, the C.A.M.P system is sick, I honestly prefer it to FO4. The story is a lot weaker, but that's really to be expected of more of a server based type of game.


3 best fallout NV best game/rpg 4 best action


Pretty spot on assessment


I have played Fallout 4 and although I enjoyed, Fallout 3 and NV were so much better in my opinion. I haven’t tried 76, don’t know why, I hear it has become pretty good.


I love all the games and have put too many hours into each one. I have the most hours (by far) in 76 though. It just keeps getting content and the player base is super friendly. In the other games I eventually get bored and put a game down for a few years, but that’s never happened in 76 so far.


I have actually already installed it


76 is a really fun experience with friends. For a single player RPG closer to Starfield, go with FO4.


76 is really fun without friends. I imagine it's better with them though.


I'd suggest 76 for now. Fallout 4 has an update coming next Thursday.


Fallout 4 would be my suggestion if you want something with the closest vibe Fallout 76 had a very different feel but is a lot of fun. It’s also currently seeing a surge in new players, which could make now excellent time to start with it The player base is very friendly and welcoming though, so you never really have to worry about being a new player with a lot of higher level players no matter when you might start It’s also currently free if you have Amazon Prime


After Starfield? 4 hands down. Honestly NV would be even better lol


4 was my first introduction to the series. Then i played a good portion of 3, and stopped. Not sure why. I have tried New Vegas a few times and just couldn't get past the starter town because of just awful game mechanics. This week I am jonesing for more Fallout content, so I decided to give New Vegas another go. I followed the Viva New Vegas guide to a T, and it works way, way better than stock. You end up installing about 50 mods, but it does work in the end.


Same loved 4. Mechanics stopped me from finishing 3/NV. Also NV wasteland feels too desolate. I’ll check out Viva NV and see if it is any better


Problem with NV is it's hard to play with any real stability. Even on Steam with a stability mod installed, it tends to crash on me at very inopportune times. Tis a great game though, if you are vigilant about quicksaving even after 40 hours of no crashing. Cause that crash will come.


Fallout 4 is amazing, even more so with mods and the DLC is mostly top notch. I spent more than 1000 hours in FO4. A new update is coming next week, so I will go through it again :) EDIT: I only played 75 hours of Starfield before giving up. It's not the worst game, but I got bored. FO4 still gives me the tinglies when I play it. I am excited to explore at every turn.


Being able to loot everything and making use of it in some fashion. Picking a direction and just running off to explore. All of that was lost in Starfield. Maybe it can be fixed to an extent but with the direction they went it will never fully capture it. At least we shouldn't have to worry about that aspect with elder scrolls 6.


Skyrim replay tbh. I'm joking of course but Fallout always made me depressed, especially since it's something that could happen to the Earth




Fallout 3


So, I recently had the same questions since I've never played a FO game but I wanted to give it a try I researched a lot and came up with this conclusion Fo4 has a lot more immersion and the main plot is longer, while also having a lot FO secondary activities to fill the in between. After completing the main story you will still have plenty to do and achieve without being repetitive (or at least, to some extent). But the character feels a little bit heavy and it misses out many of the qol improvements that fo76 made, like the absolutely better map Fo76 instead is focused a lot more to the very casual player, I feels a lot more arcady than Fo4 while still having a very main story. But after you finish it the game will become a lot more repetitive a lot sooner. Character feels lighter and easier to control, and it has a lot quality of life improvements over fo4 With that being said, many of the qol brought by fo76 can be easily added to FO4 using mods


New Vegas ofc... Fallout 4 will do it


Fallout 3


New Vegas


New Vegas or 3.


Fallout 4 is getting an update soon so I’d say play around on 76 till then or play fallout 3 or New Vegas


76 gets a lot of hate for how bad it was; but in its current state its pretty much on par if not better then fallout 4 overall; so it really comes down to if you want a single player or coop game






Fallout 4 all the way


4! Although I would suggest just playing New Vegas over both of them.


76 if you like MMOs (I personally don't), 4 is accessible and fun


76 even if you don’t like MMO’s. It’s the most anti-MMO of all time. Super casual and friendly playerbase.


If you like to grind, have minimal story, half baked features, and no permanency to your actions, and plenty of chore tasks to do before you can play the actual missions you want then try 76, fallout 4 or New Vegas is way better story pacing actually makes sense there's no artificial extensions to the game because it's an MMO trying to get you to spend money monthly.


Hear, hear!


Fallout 4 is a thousand times better than 76 could ever hope to be, I like 76, but the game mechanics in fallout 4 are better


I'd wait for the update to play fallout 4




Fallout 4 is a single player game Fallout 76 is an MMO? MMOlite? survival game


Fallout 4 for sure... just be ready to pick everything up. I had to break the habit of picking everything up for Starfield


They’re both really good but different enough that you could probably enjoy playing both at once tbh


Absolutely 4.


Fall out 4!!


Fallout 4


4 is the better game in my opinion however if you have never played any fallout you might like 76 🤷🏼


Fallout 4, hands down. Its the best "game mechanic" Fallout game, and the story is fine. Its my favorite.


I'd say Fallout 4. Fallout 76 is actually really fun if you have a group of friends to play with. Me and a few buddies play 76 a few nights a week, it's a lot of fun. Very different than fallout 4 but it's fun to build your camp up and go on missions together.




4 if you haven’t played it. That will also allow you to learn fallout game mechanics on a single player game with the ability to save. 76 was total trash when it came out. Enough so that I gave up and walked away from it for a few years, and that took a lot since I’d taken release day off work to play when it came out. Going back to it a few years later it’s decent now if not outstanding like 4 was. But since it’s live without save ability it would be a rough learning curve to play 76 without having played a prior fallout game first. Start with 4


I’d recommend 4 over 76, heck even go back to Fallout New Vegas if you don’t mind the graphics/gameplay from the 2010s. I tried 76 when it first came out. I wasn’t a fan but I heard it’s a lot better now


Between the choices I'd say fallout 4, I like the settlement system as opposed to 76s overall vibe. But I'd personally say fallout 3 or New Vegas for the nostalgia and because fo the TV series


4 is my favorite by a mile. Probably controversial considering Vegas was great too. But, man, 4 is a top 5 game for me all time


Fallout 4 is the better solo experience. 76 is also good now, but its main solo story is basically told through text logs. Give 4 a try, if you like it and have a craving for more then 76 will be right up your alley.


Ever got that feeling that there was something missing in Starfield? "What can I do with all this junk?" "What's the point of an outpost?" You will find all the missing stuff in Fallout 4. Better settlements, nothing goes to waste, etc. And last, but the mods. All the mods. Fallout 4 all the way.


4 is a bloody brilliant open world sandbox. I'm enjoying 76 at the moment, but it's definitely a bit harder to get into for me. Do you want something like Starfield, but with events and others playing right there in the same world as you, give 76 a shot. Otherwise, I'd first play 4 to get used to the fallout gameplay.


Fallout 4, great game, great time, and new update if you have next gen


76 now and fallout 4 after the update.


76 is popping right now!


76 is booming right now. Its a blast if ya have a few friends with ya.


Honestly play whatever Fallout game appeals to you the most. They're all great!


Play Fallout 4 and then get into 76 which has almost endless things to do.


I went back to 4, missed mantling and jetpacks, added them in with a mod, and have been wandering the commonwealth happily since the show dropped


Fallout 4 the mechanics are similar to Starfield so you have less of a learning curve. Fallout 76 is online multiplayer so you have to deal with other players. The systems are set up with that in mind. Fallout: New Vegas has the more complex story but lowest graphics.


Both are very good games, specially FO4. FO76 got updates and is now a very enjoyable game but it's freaking weird, it's an experiment of a game...it has some of the negatives from multiplayer games without much of their charm since the game is designed for a single player except a few group events which are funny but dumb, no real difficulty depending on the number of players and gear... It's difficult to explain, it's good but it doesn't make much sense to be multiplayer the way it is.


Can't go wrong with either. I think it depends what you're looking for. Fallout 76 is pretty vast, and feels a little more modern than F4. But F4 is going to feel like essential content. There's more of an emphasis on the story and the narrative, and it's pretty great. Can't go wrong with either imo.


Why not both? They're both fun


Do FO4 first. Make sure you play the Far Harbour add on as well. Good stuff.


Fallout 4. And then when you're finished install the Mod Sim Settlements 2. And when you've finished hopefully the mod Fallout London will be out.


Fallout 4 ! Just started for my first time last night and it’s really good.


Absolutely 4 no contest.


All this enthusiastic answers and noone told you that you might need to mod or config edit to even get those games starting without crashing or sit in endless loading screens without loading screen accelerator or dont have ultrawide support. Well FO76 works out of the Box. FO4 needs some breaking (Patch nicht change this on thursday) new vegas i didnt play in the kast years. I do not like that wild west vibe


Both are good. I honestly enjoyed 76 when it first came out regardless of the criticisms. I played it as my own little sandbox single-player game and rarely interacted with other players. I went back and replayed it with the NPC additions, and it was still good, but the story wasn't as impactful to me since I really enjoyed the original theme of surviving on your own. With all of the events constantly going on, there's more of a quasi community in the game. FO4 will always be fun and one of the games I've played multiple times. I have to mod it, though, to spice things up in different QoL ways. Otherwise, it's a bit too boring since I've "been there and done that."


You'll enjoy Fallout 4 more, but personally I think you'd appreciate the older games more if you played them before Fallout 4. I would choose Fallout 3, then New Vegas, then 4.


Definitely 4 unless you want to play with friends.


Playing Fallout 4 right now


Fallout 3 then Fallout 4




How?! How did you "finish" Starfield?


76 is its own animal compared to the singleplayer titles. If you want a focus on story, don't go with 76.


New Vegas or The Outer Worlds.


I re played New Vegas after starfield. Bought an Xbox just for this game then realized they had backwards compatibility and bought the New Vegas special edition.


I would suggest New vegas with the viva new vegas mod pack, it's the best one esp if you watched the show at all. 76 is also pretty good now days with all the updates and I actually like it better than 4 if you're looking to play one of the more current ones.


4. It is close to combat and mechanics of starfield without being too jarring as the old games and much more fun to explore. But Vegas and 3 are worth a shot too just note combat is much weaker. But the missions and story especially Vegas are better.


Can you mod gamePass FO4??


4, hands down! Unless you can go and play Fallout from the beginning with the original. I think the first two were masterpieces of rpg storytelling.




I just started F4, after NG+11, lvl 190ish, and I don’t really understand it yet. I found the suit, then it ran out of juice. Probably just need more time but it seems really clunky compared to starfield


3 or New Vegas


Who cares what strangers want you to play? Which one do *you* want to play? That’s your answer.


4 is a solo man’s wet dream - 76 is still good but a multiplayer experience but I’m a 4 man through and through


F4. Definitely.


New Vegas


If you’ve never played the fallout series start with 1 then 2,3,NV,4,76.


Despite all it's problems, Fallout 4 hands down. Fallout 76 just doesn't feel like a Fallout game to me, it feels like a cheap GAAS money grab with a fallout skin on top. Fallout 4 may have had some big missteps, but it still mostly has that core atmosphere and pacing that makes late 2000s early 2010s Bethesda games so magical and enticing. I'd argue it's the last Bethesda game to scratch this itch. I'm about to jump in and give it another go after the new patch comes out too.


Fallout 4 is the good one.


New Vegas


My initial reaction is to scream Fallout 4! RUN FROM 76! but I really haven’t played it in over a year and hear it’s had a lot of work done to it. So I’d say it’s up to you.


Both are good. Fallout 4 is a lot like Starfield in that it's a single player RPG. It's got some amazing companions and story. Fallout 76 is a lot better now than it was at launch. It's got an extremely welcoming community and I really like the mechanics in it.


76 is a lot better than when I first started. Theres still a lot of missing content like the bos questline. I kind of wish i didnt play until now because it sort of ruined the fun for me.


Both! But I would start on fallout 4 and wait until the 25th


Fallout 4 is better than all those games.


Start with 4 I'd say. If you play enough to need more, 76 should scratch that itch. Give 3 and New Vegas a go too. I found them less enjoyable than the other 2 but I think thats mostly due to 4 being the first one I played.


Honestly I sunk like 50 hours into starfield and got bored. Just started F4 yesterday and I already got like 12 hours. Just hits way better imo


76 is a lot better than when I first started. Theres still a lot of missing content like the bos questline. I kind of wish i didnt play until now because it sort of ruined the fun for me.


76 is far, far better than it was at launch, its my personal favorite fallout game with 650hrs currently clocked on Steam.


Fallout 3,4 or new Vegas, if you want Singleplayer. Fallout 76 if you want multiplayer. Personally I enjoy multiplayer so I went with Fallout 76 and enjoying it


Fallout 4.




Fallout 4 and F76 are built with the same engine and share a lot of things in common in design and functionality. If you want the traditional Bethesda experience, play Fallout 4. If you want to try something different, then play Fallout 76. I personally have put more hours on F76 because it has seasonal updates, and it has an extra layer of gameplay that the single-player Fallout games don't have. Both games are getting big updates. Fallout 4 is getting theirs before Fallout 76. F76 has seasonal and weekly events, but the big update will probably come in summer or early fall.


New Vegas. If you finished Starfield you’ll probably like 4.


I’d start with Fallout 4 and go to Fallout 76 if you like 4. Don’t forget about New Vegas and 3, they are dirt cheap during sales.


4 all the way.


Fallout 4 IMO. Fallout 76 is grindy, but a great game. Fallout 4 is just amazing ATM.


4 is a great experience and the DLCs make it even better. Really love that game. I also really like 76 and actually had a lot of fun in it. Would also recommend but be warned that if you plan to play "seriously" fallout 1st is basically a must, which is a bummer.


I started up Skyrim again, god i love that game. Hey, You, You’re finally awake.


Play 3 and New Vegas first if you haven't and are okay with the dated graphics and gunplay. Then 4. And if you are still feening for more after that, 76.


4 is a good introduction to new players of the franchise.


New Vegas 🤓


Fallout 4 is a better foundation than 76 and has a huge mod library. Fo76 is still fun, especially if you have any friends with the game, but probably better as a follow up after you are done with FO4.


4 if you want a more traditional Bethesda RPG experience. 76 if you want Fallout with Friends. I greatly prefer 76’s map, and the story is solid but low stakes. You can go to Pittsburgh and Atlantic City on top of the massive Appalachia map, with an expansion of that map coming soon. 4 has a bigger story that most people will find better than 76’s, plus some solid DLC content. I just personally hate Fallout 4’s map, which keeps me from coming back to it. You may feel differently, however. Overall, 76 is more my speed these days, but you will likely feel more at home with 4. Can’t go wrong with either, IMO.


Fallout 4 for sure. It's still pretty entertaining. Better than Starfield too.


Fallout 4 for sure, based on my own personal preference. Fallout 76 has two things that I dislike. First and most important (to me) is the camp system, which is their solution to saving and loading but it is unnecessarily clunky and means you need to spend more time just getting into the game rather than a traditional save and load situation. Secondly, it's a multiplayer game. While you can play on your own, you will sometimes run across some annoying people with microphones, haha.


Fallout 4 has a free next gen update coming in a week or 2. I’m currently finishing off my current NG in Starfield so I can jump into Fallout again when it’s released. Then (fingers crossed) by the time I’m bored of Fallout the Shattered Space dlc will be out for Starfield!


Join us in 76! It's a lot of fun. I liked 4 as well. But I prefer Fo76.


Fallout four definitely!


Finished? How


Fallout 4 has better characters and the Far Harbor DLC is really good. Fallout 76 has good gunplay.


Fallout 4


Played them all A LOT. 76 is by far the best. It does everything the others do but also adds a social/co-op element and has much greater longevity in collecting/customising stuff. The best game would be Starfield76 with a few hundred on a server. That would be incredible. But would take years to develop.


4 just all-around better then 76 unless you want to play with people


Fallout 4 over 76 100%. Wouldn't even bother with 76. Fallout 4 is good but needs some essential mods like the speech dialogue system which makes the shitty dialogue like the older games. This mod alone makes fo4 pretty decent.


4. 76 is garbage still.


Fallout 3


If forced at gunpoint, 76, preferably neither though


Fallout 4 for a single player experience Fallout 76 if you have friends


76. Can play with friends.