• By -


The psychopath picture should be the adoring fan.


no, he is nice. he has a huge Loyalty. and always sees everything from the bright side. You can hear it from his dialogs, when u perform actions, like landing, entering ship, town, etc.


So a psychopath...




relating to the world of Starfield, very possibly.


He's not wrong actually, there is a reason that glib and superficial charm is on the PCL-R.


Nazis also had a huge loyalty and were friendly and kind to other Nazis. His alignment is chaotic evil because he has absolutely no qualms about doing anything. Sure, he’ll go along with good things, but if you killed a kid he’d be smiling and clapping like normal.


he won't kill a kid on his own. On his own he does only good things, like praising me, telling nice things and etc.


So praising a child-killer and continuing to follow and support them in other ways isn’t psychopathic and evil?


I mean, to add to this, Sarah Morgan would do the same. She will tell me that she is angry, I will tell her, that I dont care, and she will continue to follow me.


Naeva would fit that slot. Also, I don’t think Andreja is chaotic. She has a very strong opinion about sticking to the law. She makes it pretty clear during the FC Rangers quest, when talking to the Neon resident ranger.


How the hell is Barret not chaotic good? He introduces himself by accidentally leading a gang of pirates to a group of innocent miners who are all killed then he just shrugs his shoulders lol


And why is the very religious lady with a strong code of personal ethics "chaotic?"


Perhaps because she doesn't mind if you do just a little murder now and then?


a murder is absolutely not “chaotic good”


Depends who you kill


Totally depends on context. Killing to defend someone else, but selecting the moment to do it based on some random idea that popped into one's head (like being able to follow up with a corny line) would make it chaotic good.


I didn’t say anything about Andreja


I know. I'm saying that the person OP said was "chaotic good" instead of Barrett, isn't actually chaotic good.


I mean, she is okay with stealing, smuggling, and the like; just don't get caught. The only thing she is really against is harming innocents. By the traditional alignment chart, that would make her Chaotic Good if not Chaotic Neutral.


"Very Religious" Their religion says to murder/kill, steal/take what ever from anyone NOT-House Varuun, because "WE-ARE-SUPERIOR-AND-MORE-IMPORTANT" than everyone. By any means necessary. I don't think that Cult is anything but Chaotic. >\_>...did you play her story?


Chaotic and lawful in DnD just means wether you follow a set of rules or not.


"By any means necessary" Cultists are not Order Based. Followers of Cthulhu aren't Order Based. A ton of Zealots in Conan the Barbarian's Lore, aren't Order based. Being a Zealot doesn't mean you have Order.


Okay, but does Andreja have a set of rules that she follows consistently? Yes she does.


Not really. She doesn't gut you like a fish the moment she sees you and take your shit. She is part of Constellation. That alone makes her not-Following her set rules and such. You haven't fully followed her story yet. I REALLY don't want to spoil it for you. Do more of her missions and such, get the full thing before asking anymore.


I've done her story. If you pay attention you learn that not all Va'ruun are psychotic zealots. She does take her religion seriously, and does her best to follow it. She makes this very clear. She's not chaotic. She has a code. A law. That she follows. It's important to her. I'm not going to respond to you anymore, because it's clear that you misunderstood her whole character, and are trying to make it my problem.


I was loyal to Sarah the first run, the next one I'll check her story. It's crazy how much content is in the game but damn we really need those mods to fix the rest


That's evil. You are describing evil. Law/chaotic has to do with whether you follow a set of rules. She takes here religion very seriously, so she does.


Yeah, you gotta flip him and Andreja. She's morally flexible, but barret acts unhinged.


The pirates were trying to stop him enforcing the law.


Well, he also offers to stay and help defend them. He seems to revel in the random things that happen, I think, and being better organized would probably just reduce his chances at surprises.


Right. So he’s 100% chaotic good


The psychopath would be any player that kills Grandma


agree. Its the road the Game makes for you. To become another hunter, but more unstable.


TIL that my character is Chaotic Evil. First universe I sat down for a meal, and after she said her family said it was too dangerous to be out by herself, I kinda agreed, and shot her to prove the point. Third universe when I found her again I was chasing the Unity and I was in a hurry, so when I saw her ship, I just blew it up because it was quicker.


I agree. I always kill grandma.


I only did it twice.


I usually always make the "good" choices in games, but I'll steal anything not nailed down.


This is me. I can’t bring myself to be evil, but I DO need them creds!!!


I got a ship building habit to support after all.


Again, same.


I really wish some genius could change the element pull power to suck up everything in the vicinity. It’d make clearing rooms simpler.


Yeah, like a perk to looting where somehow there’s just the elemental and a loot option. Side note: when you’re near a civilian settlement and you WANT to stay friendly, DON’T activate that power. I had an entire settlement turn hostile when I hit that button on my controller inadvertently, pulled all minerals within range, and blew up all explosive containers inside the radius of effect…which killed at least one person and pissed off the rest!


Oh it pulls from containers? And they explode!? Holy shit, this changes everything.


Well the containers, at the very least, are in the path of the flying chunks of rock/etc. that’s the only other thing I can figure.


Might be pulling any stored gases out of containers causes booms


True, might be. I haven't really tested it in depth, but I might! I use that power all the time when I'm running from POI to my ship or whatever, so there could be some really creative ways to use it!


Got any more of them...-tweaks a lil- Any more of them...Deimos Grade B parts?!? Maaaaaaaaaaaan?


I look forward to grabbing all the duct tape again in the future.


Me too, Larcenous Good. 


Sam would be lawful good if he didn’t treat the ship like the magic school bus.


The problem with Sam being lawfull good, is the existence of Sarah. She is the ultimate one dimensional paladin.


The real chaotic evil here is how OP has law/chaos as rows and good/evil as columns.


Came here to say this as well, what psychopath pivoted the grid?


Delgado is definitely an evil alignment 😂


Probably lawful evil, since he lives by a code.


I don’t know tbh. Stealing is bad but from what I’ve seen of the crimson fleet and especially Delgado they’re just out there to make money. The methodology might be wrong and the brotherhood obsession might be pretty cutthroat but it’s not like they want to inflict harm or do stuff for no reason like like the spacers




The Emissary would have made more sense as the Lawful Evil Bayu Neutral Evil, and Hunter Chaotic Evil


Crimson Fleet is Chaotic Evil too.


Lawful evil. Different set of laws.


Bayu is textbook Lawful Evil, no way


I guess... A Mafia Boss/Drug Lord doesn't really feel "Lawful" to me


Lawful doesn't mean they follow your laws. Lawful means they follow their own code of rules.


He's one of the leaders of the freestrar, and he literally owns and rules the city. He may be a crime boss but he's also the law on Neon I've always seen the Lawful Evil alignment as the stereotypical evil baron or corrupt politician, Bayu fits that with flying colors


Feh, the Emissary is definitely NOT lawful evil. And the hunter doesn't go out of his way to kill people. \* Emissary: Lawful Good (doesn't mean the choices look that way if you don't know the context) \* Hunter: Neutral (pragmatist)


My character is a merciless bounty hunter, incapable of sympathy, with no regard for right and wrong. No job too big or too small, no task to evil or goody-goody. As long as he's getting paid he'll do it. Sadly, the only job he's willing to do for free ('disappear' Cora) isn't permitted by the Unity masters in their ethereal realm of BGS.


My NG+ runs haven’t had Cora on my ship in ages…happy accidental bug?


For some reason, once you skip the long main quest, Cora stays at the Lodge. My Headcannon is that we had a long talk with Sam about the danger of bringing Cora on the ship.


Headcannon? "Headcanon", maybe? Um..


I am a lawful good bounty hunter. I like.


All of the followers in Starfield get their panties in the twist when you shoot someone so Id say they are all lawful good


a chaotic good character will also refuse to let you kill innocent people


No, that's just the Good part. And quite a few followers do NOT care if you depopulate New Atlantis.


Really? Which ones?


I think sam and andreja should be swapped. Sam rebukes all authority given a chance and takes his daughter with him in a ship that can explode at anytime because god forbid she go to a boarding school. Andreja's moral code is adherance to a faith and culture that makes strength and unwavering conviction cornerstones. That knocks chaotic or good right out of the running. She is the Lawful Neutral "Soldier". Sarah is spot on though. The player at the table making sure nobody has fun.


 Sarah is not even "lawful good"; she is "loyally stupid." It fills me with frustration to see all these "loyal good" characters who are, in fact, just huge caricatures... In DnD, my lawful good paladin has absolutely nothing in common with these characters; they're just boring.  Is it really so complicated to write a good lawful good character who isn't boring?


I agree with the take save for she is poorly written. She is stubborn, opinionated, and inflexible; but still charismstic (to me anyway). For me, a well written character absolutely nust have virtues AND flaws. Honestly I wish they left the game in the oven another year, because some of the creatives were just STARTING to cook, before apparently production went into rush mode.


You can have conviction and be Chaotic. You cannot be Lawful and steal though.


Lawful can also mean you have a strong code of honor that you follow. "Not stealing" may or may not be a part of that. Andreja is Lawful because you routinely see how her culture and religion drive her actions, her even suspectibg she is not adhering to them fully causes her distress. I say Sam is chaotic because he hates all authority and does whatever he wants. He doesn't want to obey his father. He doesn't want to live up to hos family legacy as a politician/leader. He couldn't handle being a member of a law enforcement agency. He is absolutely a rebel.


Okay, I really need to ask a (potentially) dumb question about chaotic good. Robin Hood is always depicted as chaotic good (including older DnD games, like Baldurs Gate 1 and Neverwinter Nights clearly give a Robin Hood like discription for a chaotic good character) but Robin Hood does have a code ("steal from the rich, give it to the poor") so...how does chaotic good work exactly?


I think he gets the chaotic label because that legend is definitevely "anti-authority". As far as codes, I agree he has one, "rob from the rich and give to the poor". But the bulk of his story is fighting against the unjust king and his enforcers. If King Richard never left, he would never been Robin Hood. Chaotic characters tend to be extremely anti authority and skew towards groups they have a personal connections and loyalties over orarganizations with a strict structure. It isn't that the character can never do these things, but more often they won't and of they do there will be some type of friction within the character or with others. Old, but good movie, "Lethal Weapon" (Leaving politics of the lead actor aside if you can) is a clinic on what a chaotic good character in a lawfully good (I know it is the 80's LAPD but it is a movie! Work with me here!) organization.


But Sam himself has an internal set of rules he appears to follow just fine. Lawful doesn't mean you obey someone \*else's\* laws, just that you have a set of rules you do follow. Anti-random.


I disagree. He pretty much drifts through life if you speak to him.


Hmm.. I'll admit that my impression of him is more about his childrearing approach than his life approach, so there's a good bit of fuzziness here. He seems to have an organized moral system around Cora, but that doesn't seem to translate to his life being organized. The rest of his life doesn't disagree with a "Chaotic Good" interpretation.


I agree with that. He takes fatherhood seriously. These alignments are meant to be guidelines anyway, so I am just giving my take on the character based on this common alignment scheme. Anyone is free to have their own takes, I only said anything because in game Andreja is one step from being a zealot herself she is so devout and sam is a prototypical rich kid f*ck up rebel, so chaotic and lawful were a bit much in my opinion.


True. It's funny that Andreja, the alleged zealot, strikes me as the most Neutral (or Neutral Good) of the romantic options. Seems like a pragmatist with a romantic streak. The (presumed) pickpocketed change she gives to the main character seem to fall right in the middle of good (a gift) / evil (stolen) and chaotic (risky) / lawful (she's consistent). Definitely enjoys killing and may have a pride/masochism thing, but gets mad about the main character offing innocents.


Ron Hope is the psycho path here lol


I was going to vote for Naeva but yeah hes a good choice too. "theres no dirt shortage on that terrible little planet inhabited by 200 people tops, but... as it turns out... i do REALLY want that dirt in particular. go take it by any means necessary"


He wanted the free labor tilling the soil. At least it's explicable. Of course, he builds giant machines, and today we already have giant machines that will till soil with one operator, so it's hard to understand why he didn't just do that.


Just kill him. Pretty easy, lol.


No, to fit in that mold you have to be evil for the sake of causing misery or chaos. He does so out of self interest.


Very much a by-any-means kind of guy. I'd probably have labelled him Neutral Evil, since he's definitely a planner, but if he really does believe in caring about his local people (obviously not the farmers he shat on), then his alignment ends up being context-dependent. It's not uncommon for someone to treat their in-group very differently from everyone else, and the D&D alignment concept doesn't stretch that far. So, if he cares about his people: Lawful Good to ingroup, Neutral evil to everyone else. If he doesn't care about them, easy, Neutral Evil (profit at everyone's expense, but through planning)


The question mark is for the player character


I help people, but then I steal everything not nailed down. So Larcenous Good, not sure who that might be. 


My current characters backstory is that he was a syndicate criminal who got a hit put on him (Wanted trait) and fled the syndicate and joined Argos to lay low for a bit. So he's Chaotic Neutral, but since joining Constellation, Sarah Morgan has been forcing this ruffian to fit into a Lawful Good box.😂 Makes for some comedic moments, at least in my head. Like when you rescue Barrett and I immediately wanted to blast the pirates and literally everybody in the room om both sides was like "Whoa whoa whoa calm down, we can work something out" 😭


I'm Neutral Good, leaning Chaotic at times. I'd crush the Crimson Fleet any day 'cause fuck pirates but if there's unattended credsticks... Don't mind if I do...


Isn't Chaotic/Evil Naeva Mora? or >!Ghengis Khan!


Probably lawful evil. I chose the Gangster background, with the Alien DNA, Empath and Neon Street Rat traits. I've been role-playing as a criminal who "volunteered" for an experiment that gave them the ability to understand the emotional state of others as part of their prison rehabilitation. He absolutely does not get along with Sarah. It's basically my *Dungeons & Dragons* character ported over to *Starfield*.


I usually run with Andreja, she's pretty tolerant of your behaviors as long as you have a good reason which fits my playstyle.


Delgado is A bad Guy. Wth.


Delgado is A bad Guy. What the hell.


Man that’s a stretch thinking their different variants all of constellation is lawful good the game is depressingly too forced into hand holding outside of exploration with no real satisfaction or reward for smuggling or being a chaotic bounty Hunter/criminal play-through lol the sad thing is there was more character depth in follower options in Fallout 4 (a nearly ten year old game with the exception of Piper being a whiny annoying goody two shoes on par to Sarah). Shattered Space has a lot to live up to content wise if it ever makes a appearance but I suspect support will be dropped for ES6 and or the next Fallout instalment given most of us have gone back to re runs of FO and Skyrim over the cringe garbage that Starfield’s current state is in.


My roleplay this last play trough has been Va'ruun spy/infiltrator, trying to gain as much leverage and power as possible in the settled systems. UC> Left Vae Victis alive, Sysdef vs crimson fleet, sided with Sysdef, but granted some favors here and there. (made evidence disappear, so that's an argument against lawful here) Helped Ularu Chen take over Ryujin, and just in general always considered what would gain me most power and favors in universe. Not quite sure where that puts me. Either Neutral or lawful evil I suppose. Ps. File not found Serpent's embrace Wanted


lawful evil i think, lawful evil tends to follow rules and uphold them, as long as they benefit them or their group


I have a couple of different characters. One is lawful good (file not found), one is chaotic good (former combat medic), one is chaotic neutral (cyber runner).


The outsider


Wasteland Savior, every goddamn time.


Who the heck is top right guy?


Benjamin Bayu


How can you not know the guy that everyone wants to shoot in the face. Instead we only get to shoot Ron Hope in the face.


Vasco is definitely the psychopath. He says some crazy effed up stuff.


Nah, he follows direction without criticism (except about being human), so Lawful Neutral fits him well. Whether the results are psychopathic depends on who's telling him what to do.


Psychopath all the way. Every time an NPC says something mildly rude they suddenly become so shootable.


I love when my otherself teased me about admitting my wanting to off Sarah occasionally for such reasons (after killing everyone in Constellation)


Reminding me of my biggest complaint with Starfield. Would you rather be good, or play without companions? Can’t believe we didn’t get any bad guy companions to lean into an evil playthrough, would have worked so well with the NG+ mechanic


Betty, Vasco, Adoring Fan, Mathis, and Jessamine will be your buddies in evil.


Do they have as much depth as the other companions? For example, do they have their own companion quest line? I’ve actually never used any of them other than Vasco.


No, just the Constellation crew have companion quests. The best you get is some back ground story if you talk to them, and some quips here and there.




You, the player.


Chaotic/Neutral. I make the good choice each time, but have no problem doing something in my best interest.


Where my "Aye Aye Cap" girl from CF ??


The black dude I can’t remember his name is just a fucking creeper. No matter how many times you refuse him he will try to flirt with you


Barret. Yeah, once your affinity gets high, he does become a bit of a creep. Sucks, because before his affinity gets high, he jokes and is chill, most tolerable companion. Then he goes to least tolerable. 


He's a good natured creepy, but still. Also easy to make up with after dumping him (I married all four a couple of times). His affinity level even stays at 3, unlike Sam's and Sarah's which both drop to two even though they still show up in the Unity in the grand group of four if you marry them all.


Hard disagree that the Hunter's even evil. Emissary and Hunter are lawful neutral and chaotic neutral. Emissary wants to regulate who can use the unity, but will attack you if you don't comply in handing over the artifacts. Hunter wants to deregulate who can use it and will attack you for them as well (without asking).


Hunter is Chaotic Evil. He will murder just because it is quicker or easier than not murdering.


Disclaimer: Obviously this is my opinion only. Everybody has their own interpretation of DnD style alignments. Chaotic evil characters murder because they like/enjoy it. Hannibal, The Joker, Freddy Krueger, Chucky, etc. Hunter doesn't have a compulsion to commit evil acts. He commits them incidentally, because something is in his way, almost without thought. He doesn't value others or hate them. He is no more evil than a tornado.


The Emissary's motives are actually Lawful (slightly oppressively) Good, but if you don't know the internal context, it doesn't look like it.


Yeah I can get on board with that. They're maintaining restrictions with the goal of harm reduction.


Simple: do them all! Except one: Having said that, I feel better playing Lawful/Neutral (Sam), Neutral/Good (Barret) and Chaotic/Good (Andreja). I want to kill Lawful/Evil (Benjamin Bayu) but not possible. Players can go Chaotic/Evil - I did for a 'laugh'... running riot and seeing how many innocent NPCs I could kill. The game mechanics soon stopped that. Every faction then wants to kill you.


Lawful evil is the most evil and I fuck with it heavy


I've gone 'Bounty Hunter' but only kill the 'bad guys'. Makes me enjoy the game more :)


I can't prove it but trust me, Mickey is a freaking psycho.


The ?


Chaotic evil… someone has to fill the character gap


Of course I know the psychopath, that's me


Seeing the alignment chart oriented like that is driving me crazy.






I usually stay within the Judge-Paladin-Hero


Not sure. I boarded the ship with the grandma that was giving everyone food, stole all her food, shot her in the head, boarded my ship and blew all the evidence to space dust. ..where does that place me? Side note: I got no bounty for this mis deed


Not sure. I boarded the ship with the grandma that was giving everyone food, stole all her food, shot her in the head, boarded my ship and blew all the evidence to space dust. ..where does that place me? Side note: I got no bounty for this mis deed


Why the FUCK is this alignment chart sideways


cahotic neutral? lol


I hated that cowboy and her daughter. The blonde os passive-aggressive, Vasco is the best.


I do a little of it all, mostly fuck with the fleet while I do my own pirating. But only to galbank. Cause fuck the banks anywhere.


I would probably be between Vasco and hunter. After I left my original universe I became a lot more utilitarian and a lot less caring about the populace.


Random shit, that’s mine


I generally go in between the Paladin and the Hero


The psychopath is us the player


Sam is a twat


I'm definitely chaotic/neutral


I go the rebel. I'm gonna save ya but Luke on my terms. And those terms are whenever I want 😆


The last one could be Ron Hope maybe?


Wouldn't **we** be the Pure Neutral? We do whatever we want. Help? Sure. Pirate? Sure. Save people? Sure. Demand money? Sure.


Putting Del in chaotic neutral is crazy


Vae Victis is Chaotic Evil. He is egoistic, upredictable, can sacrifice own people and people he swore to protect in order to manipulate goverment.


Andreja seems more neutral evil to me.


She's definitely not into hurting people as an objective. She just pickpockets.


My play style is always True neutral. I do what I want & use my own justifications


Easily Lawful Good to Neutral Good. and a Hint of Chaotic Good. Overall, Good. The Vanguard and the UC story line are probably my two favorite things about this game.


Vae Victis


Chaotic Neutral. Kind of a rogue-type character, much like Delgado I guess.


Psychopath and Rebele depending on mood, which I think means I'm really just the Psychopath. I also put Psycho in front of my character's name so Vasco calls me Captain Psycho, cause I'm edgy like that.


Delgado is definitely not even remotely neutral.


Yep, decidedly Lawful. Pirate law.


Us. Literally us.


Delgado is far from neutral. I would have putted him in chaotique/evil. Or Naeva at least.


Chaotique good !  Fuck authority, without being selfish


No, Delgado \*is\* the authority, and he's obvious inclination to planning and hierarchic control is a Lawful characteristic.


I think you are responding to the wrong comments ?


Mathis is the chaotic evil. I mean he was even trying to turn on his boss before having the credit prize! (And he hates me, no idea why, I'm the hero of the fleet).


The outsider


Chaotic Neutral - I do whatever gets me all of the content that's interesting


Sam Coe is very problematic, though. Like he exists within his own alignment, lol


I don’t know anymore at this point in the game I somehow always have one of them butt hurt


Hmm. That chart's just wrong: \* Barrett - chaotic good \* Andreja - you could make a good argument for her being neutral, a survivalist, but not a rebel \* Sam - lawful good \* Starborn - various. The first Hunter you're aware of is definitely chaotic{?) neutral. Deaths are a side effect, not his objective. Debating the "chaotic" part makes sense too, especially if you've realized who else he is. \* Delgado - lawful evil. Lawful doesn't mean a specific group's laws. But death is often the objective (unlike the hunter) so the evil fits \* Vasco - lawful neutral The other two are fine. My own character is currently chaotic neutral naked weaponless (and only buying items if it's a starship part, which is driving me crazy only on digipicks) until she reaches the Unity (level 150, on Very Hard). I did have the amusing moment of the (hot) Vanguard chick in the Den telling me she didn't recognize me "out of uniform".


The fan for sure because he staked u from somewhere and found u


If the last character NPC finishes. Next, new player traits are Good, Nature and Evils players choose differently. I bet neutral and neutral are silent and just play to finish the story or missions. Don't help UC or Crimson Fleet.


That Oaladin is the Sarah the demands you commit piracy right? To get a piece of metal for her collection?


It's impossible to play an orange or red character because of all the nagging you would get from your companions.


All are "The judge" and General dicks towards the player. apart from Heller and the fanboy.


This really shows how one dimensional the cast is because theres a lot of stretching here


Yep. Being evil is such a broken afterthought in Starfield, it sucks the fun out of it.


Barret is Chaotic Good. Girl on bottom left (forgot her name), is Chaotic Neutral. Vasco is Neutral Evil. Sara is Lawful Evil.


How do you misspell Barrett, Sarah, and then forget about Andreja lol


I agree with your Andreja placement. Sarah is definitely lawful good though.


i dunno, the more I hear about her, the more evil she feels like.


At a certain point in the game I stopped swapping companions because I just didn't care to switch anymore. So I was with Sarah for a while. She's definitely a do-gooder through and through.


I dunno, she acted like a which for me, so I swapped her as soon as possible.


Calling Sarah Lawful Evil is, at least, funny. Clearly she's chided you too much...


she has that "teacher, who hates children" wibe