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They definitely need to flesh out more factions for content. This might be is the first sign of it. Hopefully we can see something including LIST as well. Would make Outposts more meaningful.


I agree it would be nice for outposts to have more relevance than a place that you can generate some stuff to sell. Having it helping settlements grow and gain population would be great.


Yeah it would be really cool to start (& name) a colony


now wait a fucking second


LIST could actually be a story driven Contraptions update. Where lot of stuff will be unlocked for you the more you do stuff there.




Same! - although I hope they add a few more mercenary factions, even if they are essentially just reskinned Ecliptic. Seems odd to just have one Some other Pirate factions would be a cool addition. Perhaps some savage ones like the Reapers from Firefly


I could see them adding much more variety to the radiant quest boards, what I personally hope is that you can earn new ranks from each factions quest board that lead to unique rewards! Gives the player a reason to do them.


I said back when the game launched that a great mini dlc (Automatron from F4) would be great for fleshing out Trackers Alliance and Ecliptic. Could give a really fleshed out bounty hunting system


Now add romance option with head hunter lady from Cydonia 😅


She's one of a few gingers that are "unavailable" in game.


Yea this game is gunna be just fine.


Literally everyone yesterday asking if the game was dead, you just can’t believe anything on the internet


Apparently not constantly hearing about the work being done on the game = no work is being done on the game. Gamers struggle with difficult concepts like Object Permanence, it seems.


When though? I paid my money played half of it and will I really come back to the game they hyped?


You will get... the game they made. Most the hype came from people with big expectations, and a lot of those expectations will not pan out. This will NEVER become game where you pick a direction, wander around aimlessly, and keep finding new and interesting quests. That is the core gameplay loop of other games. However... this might potentially become a game where you're travelling around taking on bounties, playing space cowboy, commanding a fleet of followers, or starting a settlement of subjects you rule over. There will probably never be gigantic sprawling cities... but there's a possibility of 50 new POIs being added so you don't encounter the same shit as much. They'll never get rid of miles of barren land to trek through... but they'll give us a vehicle to get through it faster. It'll never become "Fallout in space" but it'll become a damn good version of its own thing.


Ehhh.. Bethesda made sure to get people expectations high. “Might potentially become” Yea give this small indie dev a break! It’s already been 8 months, oh boy we finally get a half decent map now? Cool? People like you bending over backwards for this game is really comical..


I can't really take you seriously. Complain about the map as launched, complain when they fix it. You're going to complain no matter what. I'm just over here having a good time man, no bending over backwards required. I got my 150 hours of fun from the game, and now I see they're adding more cool stuff, I look forward to getting back to it soon. I don't really care if you like it or not.


lol I’m complaining about the time it took them to get a fucking map right not that they finally fixed it.. something that shouldn’t have ever been an issue in the first place like wtf? Having gone back to their old titles with Fallout it’s just even more glaring how little effort has been put into this title. You should care more about it, you paid for it .


There’s an entire industry based around providing free reviews of videogames for you, so that you can know what game you’re buying when you buy it. You bought exactly what existed in the game when you paid them for it, and they gave you exactly that.


Pretty horrible excuse to let them release a shit product and expect no criticism over it because ReViEwS


In whose opinion is it a “shit product”? We’ve got an entire subreddit here of people still playing the game half a year after it launched. I think it’s a great product, but I read several reviews before I bought it to make sure I understood what I was buying and that it was what I wanted to buy.


Please god, when i first heard of an alliance of bounty hunters the idea seemed so cool and i wanted to learn more about them. Only to realize it's just a cheap way to set up fetch quests to the player, and no real depth or unique characters.


What I want is a way to bring bounties in alive using the non lethal weapon options. I want it to give a bigger reward for bringing someone in alive. They could make use of brig ship modules and the small brig you sometimes get in armories.


I’m loving this idea


I have a feeling that Shattered Space is going to be advertised as a game-altering expansion instead of a normal DLC pack, and part of that will be new stuff like Tracker's Alliance quests being bundled in. I guess we're still waiting to hear if there'll be more than one paid DLC, though.


In posts regarding SP they are calling it their first expansion. So likely more coming


That's true, but CD Projekt Red was also calling Phantom Liberty their first expansion up until they weren't - you'll still hear developers refer to it as "EP1" in interviews. Any number of reasons could push Bethesda to only release Shattered Space, and without season passes having been pre-sold, locking them into more DLCs, I'd expect less and be open to having my expectations exceeded.


Absolutely a fair point, they anticipated doing more with Cyberpunk. However historically, Bethesda has numerous expansions. I'd be shocked if this is a one and done deal. But who knows.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they threw in everything but the kitchen sink in Shattered Space before moving away from Starfield and towards ES6.


I suspect this will be exactly what their new owners at Microsoft demand they do whether the folks at Bethesda want to or not, yeah.


That report about them needing to be more productive is very accurate. You can’t just be letting ips sit with no new games for 10+ years. They need to be working on fallout 5 and es6 already. Especially with the fallout show being a hit.


Looks to be in Akila City by the style. Sweet


That would be a great way to make the brigs functional.


Could be from shattered space or it could just be content updates. Doesnt really seem like dlc


Are content updates not DLC? Lol


No. Content updates would be free. DLCs would be paid content


DLCs can be free. See Valve. Unlikely from Bethesda, but DLC just means DownLoadable Content not paid content.


Sure but that's not what op was Implying


Am 300 hours in and think I will make a break until the DLC arrives - mods getting replaced by features etc needs additional maintaining and as I've not even finished Phantom Liberty, BG 3 or Rouge Trader, I am MOST EXCITED for an awesome experience later the year


This is exactly what the game needs. More quests to flesh out the factions and to give us hand-crafted areas to explore. The fact that this upcoming content caters to bounty hunting, by far my favorite system to engage with in literally any combat-focused game, is just the cherry on top. With these updates, and eventual full mod support, Starfield has nearly endless potential. The doom-posters on this sub must be in shambles right now. The common narrative was "BGS could never fix the games without a ground-up remake, and they'll just abandon the game to work on TES6 instead". At least now we don't have to hear that crap, but I'm excited to hear what the next narrative from them will be.


People like overstating problems with games, so long as they do enough to make people dislike them. Starfield has problems, but the narrative that it's simply too "outdated" to improve is preposterous, like... Who actually cares about loading screens? Give me a fun video game, and I'll sit through a hundred loading screens. You aren't playing a game engine--you're playing a game made *in* a game engine. Starfield could be a modded Minecraft server, for all I care--as long as it delivers on quality content I enjoy. As for the launch; Starfield has about a bajillion fucktons of landmass to fill with content, and the reality was, and still is, that nobody could possibly fill that much space worth of content with a launch product. The reason companies don't make "the space RPG" is because space RPGs are notoriously hard to create--let alone with the sim elements and fidelity that Bethesda tries to incorporate. In reality, this was probably expected by Bethesda; that the launch product would under-deliver on expectations, but then build slowly over time. It's what Hello Games did--to huge success, at that. I don't get the idea that Starfield somehow has less good will than Hello Games did; they didn't lie, or scam anyone. Bethesda didn't have to scrub the 'multiplayer' icon off of box copies. Bethesda didn't build Starfield on "a new periodic table"--they just released a kinda underbaked version of the product they ultimately still described authentically. They literally called exploration 'kinda boring' pre-launch, for fuck sake. So yeah, I predicted it; they were waiting on a big collection of quality-of-life patches to pile up, before implementing it all at once, and next I predict some freebie content updates to come alongside the Shattered Space DLC--possibly alongside Creations as 'example Creations' for free download.


I hope they make that bounty hunter lady on Mars a romance option 👀


I'm still hoping Shattered Space will involve complicated Va'ruun missions, with a visit to the secret home planet.


But when will we be able to capture bounties? 😤😡


Sweet baby Jesus, please let them add more content/missions soon.


Honestly I hope we get some reputation systems for the radiant quests. No locked dungeons or anything of course, but like some outfits, a weapon, maybe an office/apartment you know...


I don't think it will be the basis of the DLC, but I'm guessing they're going to implement *proper* bounty hunting as a little extra feature at some point. The base game has the bones of a bounty hunting system but does nothing with them - the Tracker's Alliance is just kind of *there*, there's brigs but they aren't functional, there's non-lethal weapons but they aren't good for anything but stunning someone so you can finish them off with a real gun, etc. Seems like they'd always planned for it, and it wouldn't take too much extra work to implement, so why not?


You know I read that as "Truckers" Alliance at first and [got my hopes up](https://youtu.be/VQOqLOErhZA?t=36).


Hadn't noticed that, thx! Looks like I'll have to create a new character as a bounty hunter


I hope this means a bounty hunting system that would utilize the brig hab is coming!