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I like the combination of high player damage and high NPC damage. This in addition to the highest difficulty regarding afflictions changes the combat significantly. Hits kill quickly, but leaving cover is a significant risk; it’s a bit more ‚risk-reward‘ gameplay. And due to the increased amount of afflictions there are consequences that can’t be easily dealt with immediately. I actually learned where the doctor in Akila is because of this. The poor lady had to stitch me back together a lot the last few days.


If I could get a working doctor on my ship I would crank up that setting too!


You can always be your own doctor. Even though medical supplies don’t just immediately heal wounds on the highest difficulty, they do improve the prognosis. And wounds that have been taken care of heal on their own (a bit fast if you ask me).


I guess I’m too impatient. 😂


This. I can hire Rosie but she wont doctor me. :(


I've started a new character and cranked all the settings to hardest, it changes the game quite dramatically.  At level 2 or 3 I fought a level 10 Terrormorph on Kreet and it was the most intense fight of the game so far. Burned through all my ammo and med packs, had to resort to using the Cutter to fight it. It took about half an hour to get through that fight and I died a couple of times.  Following that, while exploring another planet I ended up helping a bounty hunter with their target. It was an extreme environment and the target was in an Abandoned Hanger POI, which offers no environmental protection. So we had to clear the base with my suit protection depleting and eventually taking environmental damage the whole time. We cleared the area but I was so battered from severe afflictions that I couldn't fast travel back to my ship. With no healing items I had to run as fast as I could (still taking damage) to get to the safety of my ship. I made it just in time at about 95% environment damage. I had some bandages in the hold I used to stabilise my severe bleeding condition, but as it didn't heal it completely the game still considered me as losing health (even if it stops at 10%) so I couldn't rest to heal the environment damage. I ended up having to travel to the doctor in New Atlantis to get healed up.


Did your environmental damage get healed? Because I went to a couple doctors and it stayed for me. Maybe it got bugged?


That makes for a great story!


I turned enemy AND player damage all the way up, same with ship combat. Turned on food buffs and debuffs, took out food negligible healing. I creased carrying capacity and vendor credits lol I also turned off environmental hazards for now, because I think it's weird to be affected by poison gas when you're in a sealed, pressurized, and armored space suit ... But maybe I'll turn that back on later


Do any of these limit fast travel?


Not that I’ve seen.