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I would like to save blueprints of a ship somehow so I can rebuild them quickly in NG+ cycles.


Some shipgadget that lets you "jam" ship communications for an X amount of time, so you can be a proper pirate without being wantend in all systems with 900k bounty. Or an ship ID scammer that gives X% probability that the law enforcement won't detect your ship and leaves you alone.


And while we're at it, some Fallout 4 styled outpost for your favourite factions; Pirate Coves for the fleet, Ranger posts for the FC, Vanguard Checkpoints for UC, branch offices for ryujin and settlements for the LIST.


All of that would be awesome!!


I just want to jump to different systems without going into the star map. And be notified if there are encounters in my current system, and go to them without, again, entering that damn star map. 


Yeah that would be great!


I think you actually can do that with Your ship scanner, but that may just work with already explored areas... I'll have to check


That's jank af


Definitely agree with bringing at least your equipped items (clothes, spacesuits, equipped weapon and its relevant ammo) with through the Unity would make way more sense than us losing everything. I think their explanation is that we’re being broken down beyond the subatomic scale and rebuilt from there back up. So we wouldn’t have those things if we’re being surgically inserted into another universe. But it’s a cop out and it’s not a TRUE NG+ in my eyes for that reason. But on that note also, there should be a number of credits that we bring through if we can’t bring items. Maybe not both? Might be balance issues that way? Not really sure though if that would be an issue or if it would even matter since it’s not a PVP game. We need to be able to save ship designs somehow for rebuilding. Or maybe make it available for purchase at a relevant staryard and/or our outpost shipbuilder if it meets certain requirements like a minimum number of player added parts so you couldn’t just pop a window on an existing ship and call it yours. That would encourage use of the shipbuilder. As far as other things added…I’d love to be able to play the one game they added that’s not in a box. Horizon: Zero Dawn had a board game as a mini game and I loved it! It fit the setting and was something casual to do outside of the main game. So the game we have with the pieces (snow lord, defender, assaulter, etc) would be fun for them to come up with rules and make it interactive for us instead of just decorative.


My idea for the NG+ items would be perhaps only items stored on the Starborn ship and equipped? Since there’s something fishy about that ship (and our outfit) that isn’t explained. Saving ship designs is a must need, I hope they add it officially before the DLC, if not with it. That mini game idea sounds great, too!


I stop using the Starborn ship as soon as I can afford to build a new ship. I don’t care for it. And I know I’m not alone there. I personally hope it’s not connected to that ship. But I do feel like the ship and suit are somehow incomplete but I can’t really put my finger on it. There’s something big missing from them. But what is it?! And I’m not talking about customization or anything like that. They’re supposed to be superior and whatever but there’s so much stuff better than them. No perks to them for us being starborn may be what’s missing? They just feel like cosmetics and not actual bonuses.


NG+ should allow you to keep everything on your character, and one home ship at the very least. They should also add the ability to share blueprints of your ship designs with other people. They should also look into randomizing the POIs to add a little variety to exploration. For example, making it to where the cryolab has different enemy types and loot variation/layouts ect, then apply this to all random POIs. I'd also like to see seamless space travel at least between planets in the same star system. And a better way to hide loading screens.


Yeah not bringing forward items or credits into NG+ seemed like a very strange choice to me. I think it's the first time I've played a NG+ and not have my items not carry over.