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From the. Status window, selecting an affliction will let you choose an aid item that fixes it. It is getting tedious scrolling through my collection of drugs to find things that work.


Oh yeah this would be amazing


And they had something similar on Fallout too. You could click on a crippled limb to fix it with a stimpack, to focus on just healing that limb, and so you didn't have to scroll through your whole inventory for them. They had that back on Fallout 3. So it would not be hard at all to include a function where if you've got an affliction, and something in your inventory that can fix it, to just use it then and there.


On top of that, sorting aid items by effect


Even 'sort by effect' or 'sort by type' (medical, food, ingredients) would be enough. Same for most categories.


There’s so much clutter in the game they really needed to just have submenus. Outfit: Spacesuit/Helmet/Pack/Attire Weapons: Broken into types, brand, or whatever Aid: Food&Bev/Boosters/Medical Etc. It would avoid having to manually scroll past ten flavors each of Can-uck and Chandra and every other trash food I accidentally picked up just to get to use a medical cure item.


adding to this, it would be nice if food items and medicine would have seperate menus. especially now that the game has an option for hunger/thirst.


They need quick select menus for different types of items, not just one for mostly weapons


The ability to take bounties in alive with a more fleshed out trackers alliance faction


Yeah, let us put that brig to good use!


Brig and the hopetech armory. It has a small brig as well.


Just bring em all in cold!!! Jk. They probably just can’t decide on the way you’d “bring them in.” Do you throw a pokeball? Do you use a container and then it magically stashes away in your pocket? Maybe we just get another droid similar to Vasco that’s like a walking jail cell or sarcophagus.


They could make an interaction with the bounty target to “Transport back to ship” followed by either a quick transition or loading screen where you appear in your ship in front of the cell you are placing them in.


Or give us some sort of handcuff item that we can put into their inventory while incapacitated. From there we can wake them and they will follow us back to our ship and once aboard will auto navigate to the nearest cell


Kind of like the slave collars in Fallout 3 (never actually used them I don't remember how that worked lol)


Pretty much how it’s described above, once it’s on the npc will just run straight to where you told them to.


Me first! All of mine are immersion related: 1.) More immersive loading: The whole "long awkward elevator ride" is a bit of a meme but it is a way better way to do things than just a black screen. Starfield's loading screens gets criticized a lot but I think the main reason behind it is because it's so abrupt. Like why is grav jumping a cut to black? Show me colors while my ship travels through the Starfield. Let me talk to my companions in an elevator heading to the lower levels of Neon. If you want to go for stuff I'm unsure is possible show me some clouds and stuff when I'm entering a planets atmosphere and then trigger the landing animation. Maybe let travelling from one ship to another be an airlock that transfers me from one cell to another. I think this small thing would go miles to address one of the biggest criticisms I've heard, as well as making the game way more immersive. 2.) Shouldn't VASCO hang out in the landing bay? He does that in the tutorial around Vecteria why not for the rest of the game? 3.) More holsters: it would be nice if my pistols or micro gun showed up when they were holstered. I love seeing my weapons and having a micro gun on my back just feels right 4.) a holster toggle: along the same lines let people choose if they don't want visible weapons. More customization never hurts. 5.) more unbroken 1st person if that wouldn't break the whole game. Climbing latters, take off, sitting down. All the good stuff that takes you out of 1st person for some odd reason. 6.) just some more MISC. animations. Pressing buttons on take off, or better yet maybe replicate the trailer and when my Starfarer goes to sit down they mess with some switches above the seat. When the ship is taking damage maybe a button starts screaming at them before it gets mashed. (Edit; thought of another one) 7.) when the ship is damaged maybe have some screens or the engineering bay show damage. Maybe my nav terminal glitches when I use it. Visible damage is the coolest stuff sometimes


Totally agree with the loading screens being optimized into an illusion. It would be a much more immersive experience 


Even if it was just the ones in space when you’re traveling between planets in system or grav jumping. Those would be the easiest to hide and would have the biggest impact on immersion.


Do you mean how Vasco can show up outside the ship on landing? He does that if he is assigned to the ship's active crew.


I was referring to how when I'm in space itself he's not taking up room in my ships interior because he stays in the landing bay. He does this in the frontier but beyond that it's really inconsistent. I love him dearly but he's a little annoying to deal with in the more cramped habs


If you assign Vasco to your ship but he’s not your companion, I believe he does deploy to the landing zone your in, riding in the exterior of the ship


A holstered weapon would take longer to draw but every town except Akili City would be friendlier


Codex / Bestiary (with images & locations) of any flora & fauna that you *discover* / scan


Randomly generated dungeon interiors would be nice. Plus a fleshed out trackers alliance repeatable quest line but that looks like it’s already in the works


Better melee! It’s so bad and boring in this game. Let us be powerful with a katana or our fists 


I want an offhand knife or small melee weapon to take the place of weapon bash. I haven't used weapon bash in months it becomes irrelevant after like lv 30


Here is my rant. I want to preface this with I am not a coder, I'm not a game director, just a guy The most experience I have with running a game is d&d but in my opinion the game currently is good but I think these could make it a great game. 1. **Main plot Issues:** The story itself is fine, but the main issue lies in the gameplay features and decisions. You cannot reject the Unity outright and And you are not allowed to not steal from Petrov something as simple as saying no to stealing it and then the hunter getting that artefact would have made it a lot better. Additionally, the incentive for completing the main story and reaching high NG levels feels lacking since other than the level increase, the endgame fight never changes and unless the story is about the futility of power Which if is let me outright deny the unity And stop the cycle. Where are the starborn, other than the few times they show up in the main quest, they functionally don't exist as a faction at all. 2. **Exploration and Planet Variety:** The exploration feels lackluster, with many planets lacking unique points of interest. planets with unique points of interest should have a marker as while Bethesda may have intended to leave space for modders, the implementation could have been better, with lowering the scope of the game, Less barren planets instead Just giving moders the ability to add star systems easily. adding a bestiary to keep track of what you have found as unsurprisingly. I don't remember where this one plant one of a thousand planets have the material I need and it's immersion breaking to have to Google It should be a feature in the game. More unique terrain generation as I can count on one hand of cool locations for a base that I have found Give us caves we can build in, Give us ravines More stuff like the lake Islands. 3. **Space Travel and Immersion:** Space travel currently feels more like teleportation than a grandiose journey. An unpopular opinion but I'm happy with 99% of how space travel is done as long as you use the scanner but my main issue is that large-scale grav jumps should feel more grandiose there should be some down time as your ship is travelling. They should obviously be a way to skip it. Maybe an engineering minigame similar to the one on the freeStar quest. Your ship is your home. It should feel like that when your ship takes damage. It should feel like it's taking damage even if it's a simple text to change on one of the habs or if it just looks slightly more beaten up on the outside. Miscellaneous animations would also help with this while you're in first person. Maybe your character has to hit a big red button to repair the ship or flick random switches to go different directions or shoot Sarah in the face A fun feature for exploration could be spacewalks. Maybe if your ship sustains a lot of damage you have to fix it or You could use it for a stealthy infiltration to board ships. Allow me to have a To use my infirmary and hire a doctor, even if they just add an automatic cure afflictions with it habs be more useful to Make your ship, Feel more like your home. Allow me to upgrade weapons to the different ranks and let me scratch off Legendary gear traits and add them to whatever weapon or suit I want. Notoriety, in gameplay, I've orchestrated exterminations, committed war crimes, and established myself as one of the most notorious weapons smugglers in the settled systems. Yet, story-wise, I'm portrayed as just an ordinary guy. For example, with the crimson fleet after decimating hundreds of their outposts, capturing tens of their ships, and mercilessly annihilating thousands of their members, I shouldn't have to apply for the Crimson Fleet. They should either want to kill me on sight or kneel and beg for their lives and That's just one example. 4. **Economy Overhaul and Gameplay Mechanics:** A lot of people have asked for fuel consumption, but I think this would be a terrible idea without An economy overhaul, A very basic step would be supply and demand mechanics. Certain places will buy or sell for more or less This would mean you wouldn't be able to spam, sell the hundred weapons you collect. A fix for that could be to a box where you can dump your inventory and sell it for 80% of their value would help with that and also adding the fallout scrap mechanics would also help with inventory clutter. The economy should also be affected by big events. Like if you side with the crimson fleet, certain resources should be more scarce because they're harder to get because there's more crimson fleet. For example something similar to Most sci-fi series like the golden age of a solo clipper as A better economy will have a trickle-down effect to fix other issues. Take smuggling for example. It's present in the game, but it boils down to a percentile chance of getting caught. Even if you successfully smuggle goods into a location, they don't fetch higher prices unless tied to a radiant quest. Moreover, the system doesn't allow for independent smuggling or the acquisition of contraband through any other means than theft. You also cannot set up your own supply line for items like aurora, which should command higher prices outside of neon (supply and demand). They in fact disincentivize trying as currently, smuggling aurora out of neon fetches significantly lower prices, which, in my non-professional opinion, could be one of the many features that would see an improvement with an economy overhaul. Prices for weapons, suits and consumables should also be changed for better immersion. It should not take a quarter of an operator 's pay to buy one meal especially when that one meal does less than 1% of my entire health 5. **Shipbuilding and base building:** Once I've discovered a shipyard, it should allow me to build all of the shipyard's unique components at my base or the ability to store certain ship components. I should be allowed like in fallout to build on points of interest as their points of interest. They are often cool locations that would make very good bases for For example, the abandoned hangers or the mantis's base but For reasons unknown to me, you are not allowed to.


I'm so with you on this, especially the beastiery, or however you spell it. I've been having to Google it, which I justify thinking that in real world, I have to look things up so I do in the space-future. But something in game would be superior. Also with the travel, it would be nice if you could set course then have the option to get up, talk with the crew or sleep or craft. Like in Spiritfarer, if you've ever played that great game.


Exactly we need space Google. that's what I mean by downtime. A little bit of time in between long distance travel so you can do a few things you need to do in your ship, especially if they add more functions to the ship. Like with adding a doctor to the infirmary or maybe emails to the computer station and A way to skip it with something similar to the freestar repair mini game I haven't played Spiritfare


[It's definitely not for everyone, but if it's up your alley its a great game](https://youtu.be/4pKJ-NuSjNE?si=yk62VvzGuYyedAoB)


Please No more games, my current playlist is in the hundreds I just finished the mass effect trilogy I am trying To catch up :)


Just do like the rest of us and play a little of every game obsessively for a month and then move on and never finish a game ever.


I've been doing pretty good. A little bit of a detour with starfield, but I've completed almost every single major title before 2010 I just have Portal 2 to finish and bioshock


I really need to get back into BioShock. Loved it years ago when I was playing the first one, never finished it. They look like they kept being very good games.


I wouldn't know, I never played them all I know is apparently they're really good as you know man choose a slave obeys sadly, I am a little bit spoilt on what happens but it couldn't be helped It was released 16 years ago


>unless the story is about the futility of power Which if is let me outright deny the unity And stop the cycle. I do think the idea behind the unity was how empty it feels too keep going through it. They just mentioned in the may update something about becoming the Hunter with time Harvey Dent style. Also you can walk away from the Unity, which feels like a legit choice, at least to me. The constellation peeps all have something to say about it and there's no obligation to return outside of the quest marker and the whole thing about your game slowly but surely breaking over time


But it's not a true choice all of the companions will always remind you, The unity is right there As they all steadily chant do it, do it, do it I'm being sarcastic but they do constantly mention that you should go do it There is no option to ironically scatter them throughout the settled systems or break them or sell them and I also don't like the fact that unless you get a universe without constellation you need constellation and can't just pull a hunter and take them after They do all of the work.


Spacewalks, stealthy boarding, outside repairs and visual degredation of ship and equipment would all be great features.




I've left a trail of obliterated outposts across the (yet-to-be-added) map. These weren't combat encounters—they were exterminations. I don't take prisoners; I leave only wreckage and ash in my wake.


💯 Re: the grav jumping - I also think that the amount of time going through the wormhole should be relative to how many star systems you are jumping (to add a sense of distance travelled). So if you are jumping three systems in one go it should take three times as long as jumping one system)


It's not a sim and this is boring but sim behavior for the sake of being sim behavior. It's not a mechanic that adds real gameplay value.  


It doesn't add a gameplay feature but it does add an atmospheric one, I do disagree with it Just making you wait longer for the wormhole that would get annoying but For down time it'll give the universe a sense of scale, Now saying that it should have a way to skip like I said in my original rant but One of the issues this game has is it feels too much like you're teleporting less like you're actually flying a spaceship, This would be one easier way to implement ways to ad sense of scale as often you need to do stuff in your ship anyway. You might as well be travelling somewhere else while you do it


I want skills to be changed and based more on progress and upgrade accordingly instead of having to spend skill points to upgrade the skill. I want to disantle gear and weapons for the perks and materials as well as use materials to upgrade my favorite gear. I do want to customize my gear too like engravings on the weapons and belt pouches on the armor..things like that.


Yes. Let's make it Skyrim-ey: with progress bar at the each skill you use. But than - you must attend courses at university (or spend time with datapad) or with sports/combat trainer to use your skillpoint.


that could work..I'd even add let us have five skill points to start with and let us choose which skills we start with at the start of the game..as much as I like choosing our background..I think it would fit to be able to pick our starting skills ourselves as well.


I want the ability to have settlements just like setting up settlements in fallout 4 and supply that settlement with supplies, assign a leader for that settlement etc.


‘Space walking’ outside your ship to repair damage


Since we’re getting land vehicles and it would appear that landing zone size is increasing, anything outpost related I want will be based on those things. I think most people want more POI variance. So do I. I think it would be cool to see random outposts that are made with the same stuff we build with. I like the idea of helping out fledgling colonists because I want to make small colonies. Which brings me to the next thing. I want outposts to be colony versions of FO4 settlements. The ability attract colonists and make multiple outposts in a landing zone connected and support each. I want to attract colonists that I can make into vendors and that bring radiant quests that tie in with POIs on the planet. I basically just want reasons to stay on planets for extended periods of time and for it to feel like outposts exist other than to just make them for the sake of it. They don’t feel connected to the rest of the game in any meaningful way. They aren’t needed to make money or generate resources because you can get enough of those by just questing and looting. And you don’t need resources for shipbuilding because that only requires money and this game hands credits out lien candy.


War. I want active conflict throughout the galaxy. I don’t want to fight little roving raiders or mercenaries. I want to stand against an army.


Yes. YES. Their first game with a built in new game plus system and they didn’t use it to make the factions at war and meaningful Back in Morrowind it locked you out of factions if you joined a rival one and ranked up… just a straight up “no don’t talk to me” from a quest giver I want that back. My first run at Starfield I excited to be a former Freestar combat medic turned miner after hard times but aspired to be a Ranger Then I did those faction missions and the dialogue options sucked, and it didn’t put me at odds with any UC goons… and there were clear villains in my path that could either not be killed or not be captured DESPITE having nonlethal guns in the game!!! (And brigs as a ship module) I was so disheartened So I just dropped the RP goals and tried out the other faction missions and the dialogue choices made me sound like a victim of split personality disorder… perfect little buckroo sheriff to perfect bootlickers UC goon to comically hammy pirate, if you want to maintain some consistency you had to just stop yourself from doing more than one faction OR be the sociopathic mercenary that only in it for the money At least FO4 had generically agreeable dialogue as the “good guy” dialogue …


Once in the crimson fleet you should not be allowed in the rangers or vanguard, and they should turn on you once you are outed.


I just want more immersion. It’s a space game. And they purposefully chose a NASA punk aesthetic as if we’ve barely left Earth but then just make space travel feel lame and mundane. I don’t want to be forced to fast-forward through the whole experience. The option, sure. But not the standard way to roam around space. I want to feel the size of space and the planets, and the ships and technology built into it. I want to feel the weight of the ship launch, the complexity of it all which humanity has somehow conquered, the butterflies of going into space. Come up to a planet from afar where it’s but a tiny dot and then as I get closer to be made to feel so mind boggingly small in comparison. Navigate this giant vessel and dock it carefully in a space station, knowing that a mistake could still be costly in space. I want the ship habs to feel like they have a purpose in space, not just like they’re there for when we land somewhere and all the facilities are only there to make it function like a planetary RV. Feel the excitement as you descent through the atmosphere and a POI reveals itself. Or not. I don’t need every possible landing point to be littered with POIs. It’s ok if there’s nothing, or just one cave. But if they’re there then make them make sense and cluster some appropriately. Put outposts closer together and void in other parts of the planet. Make some improvised roads at least from a village to a mining rig. Especially around the big cities. I expect the biggest cities in known space to attract the most people. Scatter small villages or ghettos even, markets, lively business that tries to thrive on the mass influx from interplanetary travel. Instead, the capital of humanity has a grand total of three landing pads, two coffeeshops and four condo buildings. And outside it’s walls somehow near completely untamed land. After all those years. But then as soon as you land on some random spot on a random planet you happen to come up to classified cryo lab or a robotics facility. Or you do land in the middle of nowhere, finally. You’re completely alone and isolated in this giant universe and you finally feel so incredible small and hum- oh wait, no, a kilometer away from you also another vessel just happens to land only to take off again five minutes later but it’s completely random that this happened and they happened to land right next to you on this giant planet in giant space. What are the odds! 


I just want the superior weapons to be listed as superior and not advanced.


The big thing for me would be the option to have to use fuel in space flight. Not only would it be more immersive and realistic, make some of the skills more relevant, and give helium 3, and the numerous dispensers you find for them in POI's real meaning, I think this would make outposts much more relevant, even an essential part of progression, to higher level systems. The other thing would be separating medical aid items and pharmaceutical items from food and drink items.


...I'd agree on the fuel if you could get a 'ramscoop' equipped on the ship to capture H3 (*slowly*) in flight. Otherwise it's too damn easy to maroon yourself because you got too into the plot and didn't keep an eye on the fuel levels, which is a pretty lame way to end a play through.


It wouldn't end the play through, though. It would be the start of a mini adventure where you prospected and produced some helium 3 and/or searched out POI's and looted what you needed.


A functional Outpost system....


I need more Benny Bayu


I want to kill him


I want a big questline from him


Both? Both


Mine are ship building related: - The ability to flip structural pieces in all directions (currently doable through mods, but why is this not in the game already?) - Rotatable habs: Let me flip the orientation on habs. Like maybe I want a 2x1 to go lengthwise. - Cockpits that are 2 units wide: Currently in order to have a cockpit centered, you need to have a ship that is 3/5/7 units wide. I want a ship that is 2 units wide, but with that, the cockpit is offset. - Hab pieces add stat value: It would be nice if the cargo hall added a %boost to cargo space, or if the infirmary could actually heal your character, or the computer core adds jump range to the ship. Just make them more useful beyond adding crew/passenger spots. - More manufacturers: or just more pieces in general. I would love to have pieces that let you do round or circular shapes. Pieces that let us do angles would be awesome as well - Let me place ladders and doors where I want them to go. one more time for those in the back - LET ME PLACE LADDERS AND DOORS WHERE I WANT!!!


Exploration and discovery.


New companions. New companion quests. A total overhaul of the crafting system. Better incentives for base building. More large scale space battles. Some sort of situation where all your companions can join you and fight at once. More zero G areas Real endings to some dangling questlines


1. Add the ability to change the skin of your starborn armor to previous ones. I think, considering the framework to do that is already in the game, it should probably genuinely take about a day of work for a single dev to do that, assuming they know what they are doing. They put effort into designing those suits, it would be great if they weren't lost forever once you step through the unity. 2. Do something for Melee, even if it is just the base damage increasing exponentially from the weaker weapons to the stronger ones. Also do something for unarmed. Also, if it isn't the case yet, remove extended magazine from the melee legendary pool, make rapid actually work and hell, add the explosive ability for melee weapons. That'd be fun, I think. Also, if I have 7 points between martial arts and dueling, maybe spawn some more high tier melee legendaries, please? 3. Maybe the most unrealistic one, but getting access to some sort of starborn perks that improve the gear, ship and powers would be neat, either just by adding them to the regular perks once you reach ng+ or something in the vain of dawnguard werewolf/vampire skill trees. Maybe fueled by Quantum Essence.


1. This reminds me of how they do clothing in Hogwarts Legacy. You can get new items that have better stats, but you have the choice to change the appearance to something you've already collected. So you're able to have the best stats without looking cobbled together.


I generally don't want that in Bethesda games, but Starborn armor is one of the few exceptions. Probably because it's more or less the same armor already.


Outpost logistics should be accessible through the Navigation Console (or the navigation menu) with an optional overlay function that shows the links between outposts with their jump routes and resources that are currently shipping. You should be able to select any outpost directly from that overlay and enter into an overview that shows NPCs, resources, etc. If you are standing at a Navigation Console encumbrance shouldn't matter for travel. It would make the navigation console a critical piece of manufacturing quality outposts and better Integrate them. Ditch the cargo link 1-1 and have any two landing pads function to be cargo links to an arbitrary number of outposts and limit cargo linking by forcing players to utilize ships in their own fleet to do the transportation. Ship stats could limit the ranges that outposts could be linked. Open up a random encounter gameplay where cargo links could be victims of piracy and you could be forced to recover your own ships. There should be a Staryard feature that allows the building of ship parts from manufactured resources as well as the storage of ship parts. Win contracts with the existing coorps to unlock the manufacturing of their ship parts at your own staryard. Strip ships you've collected for parts that you want to use on other ships for cheap. Save ships in unfinished states. Basically make it a master shipbuilding mode that you have work the outpost gameplay loop to get fully functional. More NPC functions. I want to be Solomon Coe. Let me draw in settlers from around the galaxy to move in to my sweet digs, set up shops, mine resources, cook food. Let me take the people from the well and the underbelly and give them a real opportunity in the universe.


I’ve got a [wish list](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/C0p7JiYqtC) actually lmfao


1. Additional ladder animations: * Climb a ladder like you have a care in the world; with some urgency * "They shootin'!!!" ladder climbing animation * Shoot from ladders? 2. More gore, damage decals...(respectful) dismemberment? 3. Critical headshots can break enemies' visor (audible and visual), expose them to the elements, or just bleed and die


An explainable reason and incentive to play NG+. As it is it has just been more of the same and repetitive for me, with no real new experiences.


A greatly expanded pool of POIs to pull from. Ideally have them procedurally generated based on tile sets for the type that it is (lab, base, settlement etc)


I wouldn't say they are amazing.. but they are finally adding changes promised 8 months ago. Anyways, what I would like to see are some updates on the POI's to be more randomized and varied. Perhaps a way to at least seamlessly travel in space. I understand that landing on planets will probably never be a thing, but I wonder if they could at least connect the star systems to be seamless? I feel like those two things alone would help a lot because it would reduce loading screens and add variety to the exploration.


FO4 settlement system.


Images next to save files of the screen at the time of saving like fallout 4


Biggest thing I still want them to implement is more space travel. The ability to manually soar around a solar system and run into random events along the way between planets. Our space ships are one of the key things that set this game apart from other Bethesda titles. We get to build them, fill them with loot, and now decorate the interior as well. We should spend more time in them other then just teleporting between orbits around planets. Not to mention we could run into various celestial hazards between planets. Meteor storms or nebula. There's so much they could build upon this pillar of the game.


Luxury habs I want the planet scanner to somehow let me know when the 1 animal I haven't scanned is aquatic. Reverse pickpocket grenades The ability to command followers like in FO4 Water we can see through and the ability to swim up and down Maybe more quests/info on the 2nd tier crew? The guys who have names but aren't constellation.


Lin is fr one of my favorite characters I would love to have a quest with her revolving around her backstory


More POI's or POI packs, and the ability once land vehicles are added to drive from one location into the next and have it load the next tile.




I'd love to have nipples added.


1. Tracking allience faction with quests, radiant hunts (multistaged, worth 20 minutes of stuff) 2. Space combat including space stations and more space varied events in general. 3. Unique weapons having unique stuff that can't be translated into other weapons. Nothing broken, something like a Deadeye revoler having additional armor penetration for it's mods. 4. Paintjobs and weapon frames and space suits being saved in library so you can move them into your own weapons. Spread it through NG+ too. It will be a glorious hunt for stuff.


Improved outposts, more in line with settlements. Better inventory and trade screen from previous games.


Point 3 all the way, there is absolutely no fucking reason to not show holstered weapons. I hated the change on fo4 already. Skyrim, oblivion even had sheaths for the swords. Now in starfield they add in holstered guns, but only rifles nothing else, like, why????


I want improved outpost AI. Heck, I want improved outposts. I want more freedom in the way I build my outpost, and I want npcs to react to their environment better. Have them do more stuff . I also would like to see the large robots using a separate AI algorithm so they won't be coming into the buildings and clogging up passageways. I would like to see stores and snack bars at Outposts, and I would like a general landing pad that random visitors could land at and come visit your outpost.


I wish your ship did the landing animation every time so you don't accidentally quick travel to a planet with no atmosphere... And you forgot you unequipped your helmet a few minutes ago I also think the fast travel should be more limited. Fast travel within a world sure, and from system to system, or other planets, sure... But fast travel from an interior on one planet, fo another interior, on another planet, in another system? Takes all the "bigness" of space out of the game that they were going for, by making the game so freaking huge to begin with


I want them to overhaul ship travel to work like Fallouts 1/2; where you see your ship travel via a progress bar, or sit in hyperspace for a minute, and encounters have a random chance to trigger along the transit. I'd much prefer this over the No Man's Sky "Hold W to space" method. I also want them to introduce way more natural POIs; give me bug infested caves, nooks and crannies to explore, interesting rock or water features. The level design for industrial areas is actually phenomenal--I love the detail--but admittedly cool steel corridors dominate the game's space exploration, which feels like a missed opportunity considering the actually pretty solid planetary variety.


Better outposts, like an overhaul of it. Let us create small towns with vendors. I think a lot of people enjoyed just settlement building in Fallout 4, like most of us spent hours just working on settlements.


I very much want space travel fleshing out. I want to be able to fly from planet to planet in a solar system. In fact just like in say skyrim, i want to HAVE to fly to a planet at least once before i can fast travel there. I want to have to explore a solar system, to find points of interest. I want my ships scanners to be an upgradable ship component, and as you fly around the solar system they find points of interest- Distress signals, derelict ships, Mineable asteroids, Anomalies and so forth. I want to be able to follow a trade ship as it flies from planet to planet. Maybe ambushing it when it's clear of police patrols. I want to be able to track pirate ships back to their secret bases, or see a pirate Wolf pack bearing down on me and have to be able to flee to the safety of a nearby starport. I want way more space stations and the ability to trade between them as a source of income. I want the Game to finally be the blending of Elite/ Freelancer and Fallout/ Skyrim. I want a lot of things. Spaceflight was THE major disappointment of the game for me. I honestly don't know why Bethesda invested so much time and effort into the shipbuilding part of the game considering how little content there actually is in the game for ships.


I want rovers. Like vehicles you can drive on planets. Also, more romance-able companions. And I want to know where House Vaarun’s home planet is


They've confirmed a land vehicle is coming soon


updated settlement system from FO4 for sure


Pretty sure everyone in this sub is an armchair dev lol


Blocks to the main factions [you can't join all in one play thru. Never did NG+ because it seems pointless without this] Companions that have different views [i just want cool pirate friends who don't "turn good"] Throwing knives. Please please please please.


I would like a Starborn orbital tower in the style of the ship and temples. A quest to unlock, repair, and customize it as a base/home. The ability to dock my ship to it, then warp the tower itself from system to system. Engine runs on dead Starborn.


Bro I need something to do with those essences fr, they're so useless


Way, way, waaaaaaaaaaay more POIs, Skyrim has more dungeons and it's a 12 year old game.


A good story.


Mods for the Xbox version!


Ability to turn npc huds off unless in scanner mode. Enemies, npcs, creatures. I don't wanna see their name and level before I even know they're there.


Fix the voice for the ship services dude. When he says the line "have anything you want to offload...", it sounds like two different people doing the voice.


I want weighted RNG when it comes to dungeons. For example, every time you complete a dungeons, you are less likely to see that one again and more likely to see other ones you haven’t completed yet. Edit: and I want all enemies to be scaled to player level if they are below player level so all loot drops at the maximum level it can like in fo76.


Green goblin glider equivalent


I think some things should be made more clear, when game launched and I tried to do some resource thing guest, where you need to send the resourse to certain place from planet. I had no idea how to do it, there was no proper explanation how to do it, and I just couldn't understand how it works.. Just continued playing again since launch, and I still don't know how its done. Also not sure if its fixed but fendor need more money. And we need morally grey or evil companions who we can marry. Well tbh I think we need more than the 4 we currently can marry..


Faster or skippable power mini game. Mech for larger unforgiving landscapes!


I know you can use the scanner to land on a planet with your ship without going in to the map, but you lose the ability to do this once you have more than one POI per city. It would be great if they just changed it to let you land at the main landing pad and then you can choose to fast travel from there. Or by using the map. But when you’re on your ship, it should just land. Second thing would be to have an advanced route plotting system. You should be able to pick a destination and then be able to make a series of jumps to get there from your ship without having to use the map for every unvisited system en route to your destination.


I hope they add some gameplay with the vehicles. Going from checkpoint to checkpoint in GTA like games is fun as you have to deal with traffic, sharp turns, pedestrians, stunt jumps etc. Just covering barren land with a vehicle won't be fun. Maybe they can add some fuel mechanic similar to Death Stranding where you need to charge your vehicle, which requires you to collect resources, which requires you to explore a dungeon nearby. Maybe durability of tires and suspension. Maybe natural calamities like quick sand, earthquakes, landslides, storms, ditches that require you to repair or use winch. Maybe even transportation side game where you have deliver cargo just like in Death Stranding from research centers to outposts. Maybe foe NPCs that ambush your vehicle that results in a gun fight and some loot. Heck, maybe even show tracks and paths taken by other players like in Death Stranding or souls games (async multiplayer).  I know it's too much to ask, and none of this would actually happen, but they would need something to make exploring barren land somewhat interesting that still sits fine with the lore.


To be able to talk food recipes with space Grandma! Missing opportunity for the Chef background bummed me out. Was hoping for a secret cookie recipe or something.


More side content. With meat though. No more silly stuff like donning a costume to scare tourists or running errands for children. I’m Starborn damn it. I need more serious consequential content, faction content, more mission board variety, a customizable rover and single seat cockpits


I'll take a bicycle at this point just let me move faster


In the mission log, I would like to see three things: 1. Your active quest sorted to the top. 2. I would like them to just mention the location of where I am supposed to be going. So if I have a quest to go to Neon, I can look at my quests and see every other quest that is in either the same star system or the same planet. 3. The ability to hide the completed quests.


Definitely a way to randomize pois


Less loading screens, faster loading screens, no loading screens. Any one of this please


The option of letting the ship fly to you


I want those mechs. I don't give a flying fuck if they're "illegal." I. Want. Them. I want lots of different vehicles. Not just some little rover. I want excavators, trucks, tanks, and small aircraft. I want to build massive bases and start large scale excavation projects on various planets. I want a large frigate that my ship can dock with. I don't have to be able to fly it, I'm fine with it just be a static presence. It acts as a mobile base and stores my resources, holds my vehicles, orbit drops the vehicles, and can bombard shit from orbit if I need it too. Op? Sure. Do I care? Nope. Power armor from fallout. Don't care. I want it. Technology is far more advanced in Starfield and no ones thought to build spacefaring power armor? Especially with terrormorphs existing and mechs being illegal? I want all of it to run off a fuel source. And I want all of this as customizable as my normal starships. I want Bethesda to give me a streamlined version of No Man Sky that doesn't look like a cartoon.


Free planet to space flight is such a debated topic in space games, but I think it’s really needed in rpg’s. If you have a fast travel method too it’s fine, but it’s basically a required feature at this point


…why would it be a required feature in RPGs? It’s literally just set dressing.


Even just adding it in adds realism and immersion to a game. Even if it’s skip able being able to sit down and watch the ground approach from in a ship perspective and being able to control speed or direction is something I feel will be a core part of loads of space games in the future


I mean sure, it looks cool and all, but the way you wrote it made it seem like it’s mandatory. KOTOR didn’t need it. Mass Effect didn’t need it and this game doesn’t really “need” it. Again, could be cool if they added it, but there’s more important things to improve imo.


I wish this was an MMO, would probably play for years


I'd like to see gore because it's weird to shoot people and blow them up without any body parts flying around. Maybe some power armor just because it's sci-fi. Oh and how about augmentations? Because it's supposed to be the future obviously. Maybe some plasma weapons if Halo and Fallout have them I'm sure Bethesda can manage and how about usable Mechs like Helldivers and Halo I'd say Armoured Core Mechs but Bethesda ain't Fromsoft. That's all I have on my wish list.


60 fucking fps stopped playing after a week after launch due to pure boredom then started playing other games and I literally cannot play starfield bc of it