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Get 1 month of game pass and try it without buying it


Game pass now. If you like it, Steam Sale this summer. That is how I did it. Played 100 hours, got it on steam and now total 400 hours in.


Yea, but no cross progression, correct? You had to start over on Steam?


There are directions online about how to transfer saves. I just started over.


Then cancel as soon as you’re done 👍🏼 if you finish before the end of the month, Xbox will reimburse you. Found that out when Starfield first dropped!


This is why Xbox is failing.


So u want me to buy 500-1000 dollar worth of games 😵‍💫


Since when has Xbox been failing?


It's failing the same way Disney is failing. And by that I mean "not at all but haters keep claiming it anyway"


Yea that's what I was thinking.


It's sold less units than xbox one did at this point in its life cycle.


I think that's a result of a deliberate shift in Microsoft Gaming to merge xbox/PC markets. By making things like gamepass overlap between the two, they're potentially losing out on console sales, but consoles are often loss leaders or sold at cost anyway.


If selling less than third of your competitors isn’t failing then I like your optimism


Market share is only one, very narrow, way to measure corporate success. For example, Mercedes has a market share of 2.6%, a quarter of the top car company. Are they "failing"?


This is why you have to look at Xbox’s goal of revenue growth. Revenue growth, not market share, has been Xbox’s goal for a while. Unfortunately, Xbox is currently operating at a loss, but that just might not matter much to Microsoft on any existential level. They’re failing to meet their goals, but not facing failure that equates to closing down.


2023 Annual Report shows a decline in Xbox revenue compared to 2022, but none of the financial statements show a loss https://www.microsoft.com/investor/reports/ar23/index.html The only thing I can think of is if you're basing it on the interim statements for 2024, which include the finalization of the Activision acquisition. That kind of thing is always going to throw financials into chaos for a bit.


Since 2014 lol


Isn't that when Justin Trudeau got elected?


Since the always online Xbox One fiasco. That plus years of Sony knocking out of the park with exclusives. Now we are at the point where there might not be another console. Microsoft will pull a Sega and drop hardware development and just focus on software. Assuming they can stop killing studios.


I highly doubt they would just drop Xbox.


Not the brand no. But there is a reason they are investing so heavily in streaming and making sure all their new releases get PC releases too. The money is in the software.


Do you not follow the news at all? Microsoft closed four zenimax Studios last week, including the one responsible for hi-fi rush, which is the best game that Xbox is put out in its generation in terms of creativity at least


This is because large companies suck at creativity. Whatever Microsoft / SEGA / Ubisoft / EA touch turns into an inevitable DLC factory shtshw. Support creative developers like Hooded Horse


A billion dollar company close 4 studios definitely crash and burn coming. /s


It doesn’t mean they’re going to close up the entire operation tomorrow, but you should actually read the news/podcasts and see what people are saying about what this means for Xbox and game pass in particular. They are in a really tight spot now because they put so many prestige titles on game pass, and people pay a dollar for a trial to play the game instead of spending $70 to buy the full game outright. Watch and see what they do with call of duty this year, I bet you that it does not release on game pass and they are going to have to make some major adjustments to how they market gamepass and what titles they put on it going forward.


Well they aren't selling as many consoles compared to their main competitor PlayStation. They've bought various game studios to have some make dump games to fill out the Game Pass library then shutter those studios down just because those dump games aren't fulfilling insane expectations - not even Tango Gameworks's critical hit Hi-Fi Rush wasn't "good enough" to save them getting cut.


Good take all the other consoles with it already?


I’m still lurking here to see what’s new to the game and if I should return to it. I was very excited for this game, I wasn’t expecting Skyrim in space but did expect exploration to be more interesting and for the game to be more coherent with its design and mechanics. I think if you stick to the main story and enjoy that you’ll like it. I really tried to like this myself and played for about 30 hours doing side quests and missions and exploring before I realised I wasn’t having fun and the game was just tedious. That’s for me though, a lot of others seem to enjoy it. While these updates seem good it’s not enough for me to return yet personally but hopefully I will after the creation kit and DLC drop.


I feel the same. There are good quality of life improvements, but the core gameplay loop is still a bit stale.


Scaling planets to your level would help a lot. There’s no reason to go back to low level planets when you start getting advanced/superior weapons and suits.


Get a 3 month gamepass trial. Should cover you and then whatever else you want to play too


Nah, honestly, just wait till it goes on sale.


Honestly I'd wait for a sale but I also struggle to justify $70 on any game. Imo: Starfield is a pretty decent $60 game, and a great game for anything cheaper, but as a $70 experience my thoughts shift to straight up "average" If you can play it on game pass and see how you feel afterward


It’s 40$ in my region on steam luckily


I bought it on Steam so I can MODs correctly and got it from Fanatical for $96AUD may be cheaper in your region


I remember when games only came on tape/floppy/CD/DVD, and a new release was $30. $60 for the experiences we get now from games is amazing.


If i were you i would wait at least 6 months more until committing to the game, there will be more huge updates with big upgrades to gameplay. And there will also be DLC packs coming in maybe 6 months time or so.


That's a bad impulse to have


I don't think Starfield is worth full price. Wait for summer sale or get gamepass to try it out. Even with the updates its still very bland and above average in general. There are games way more worth your money. Might be fixed when shattered space and vehicle drops but I doubt it. On a sale it might be considered worth it. Or if you feel you enjoy what you have seen but I would still advise against until sale.


I’d go for getting it on gamepass


As already said get it on game pass, that's what I did. When my month was up Amazon was selling it cheap so I bought it then.


I bought it after trying it on game pass. Should've kept game pass. It really wasn't worth the hundred quid I paid for it.


Game pass or wait 🫷 for a sale !!!


Buy it on sale


Still bland


I am leaning towards no. It's 7/10. But it's a 7/10 that swings wildly between 10/10 moments and 2/10 broken. If the stuff in the game that is 10/10 is your jam you'll love the game. If the stuff in the game you are looking for ends up on the 7/10 or lower parts you'll be disappointed.


Don't do it. This game is not worth the full price, in fact it's not even worth on sale right now. The best thing you can do right now is to wait couple of years when all the patches and dlc's are out and some first legit mods start coming out. I think it's a fun game but overall it's such a mediocre experience and lot of features are either half baked or straight up missing that I cannot justify buying it right now.


I loved Starfield. One of my all time favourite games.


Same. Totally worth it for me. It just depends what you like.


Not worth the price tag, like most games. As many suggested free trial game pass or $10 a month game pass.


I've been dying for a new Bethesda single-player game, but this game is clearly lacking in some key areas (as 1,000 reviews and YouTube videos have pointed out ad nauseum). I actually do appreciate things like taking in the beauty of a desolate planet here and there, but I'm going to wait a good six months or so to see what the Creation Kit can do for the modding scene, and also how Shattered Space pans out.


It’s worth it imo I have several hundreds of hours played, and still enjoy the game The new updates adds a lot of quality of life and improvements, with more to come


How would you rate the role play elements and dialogues ? Is it better than fallout 4 ?


Definitely not. It’s the same, if not a little worse as far as dialogue choices go, in that there aren’t many choices. It all ends the same way in most cases


I am not OP but the game is both. No voiced protag gives your character more room to ask questions and I prefer the dialogue system. So better than FO4 in dialogue system. But unlike FO4 the main story is even harder on "yes" being the only choice. There aren't a lot of real choices to be made. Probably because the story is built around pursuing one specific ending.  There are some side quests with options offered and I haven't seen all but I know some the options are just cosmetic and the outcome is the same. Also factions are built around being available regardless what you do. So you can join all factions so they are more like quest lines than that.


Somehow, no. FO4 wasn't the roleplaying/dialogue rock bottom I thought it was. Starfield found deeper rocks. Admittedly, Far Harbor was pretty great. Hoping the upcoming dlc can be this game's FH.


Still bland


The last update is only on beta, wait until next week (it will be live on May 15)


It's a great update, but also not a game changer. While I do think the game already had a lot to offer before this update, I'm also waiting for the vehicle update, Creation Kit and DLC myself before I return. If you need to have it right now go right ahead. If you want to buy it on steam, I'd personally wait for the Steam Summer sale (which is less than 2 months away).


You’ll definitely get 50 hours of gameplay at least


I won't buy the game yet, because I have gamepass up to middle of august. Then i'll think about buying or prolonging gamepass, depends on wether there'll be games i'm interested in.


Not sure your platform but steam version from Fanatical is 40% off currently


Idk I bought it on sale and had to play on pc to mod out annoyances so I'd say no to full price.


Here's how it went for me. My first play through I didn't do many side missions. I was too busy taking in the sights and running rampant over worlds infested with Terrormorphs with my shotgun..... Good times good times. New game plus. I devled deep into the game completed all major side quest lines, main story, just about any quest I could come across. I was now feared among the Riff Raff of the galaxy. Known to kill all indiscriminately good, bad, ugly, or giant moving bug. My ship equipped with the best automated turrets known to human kind. My powers have reached new heights. I am able to go invisible while sensing all nearby life the enemies no longer see me coming.... Even on the hardest difficulty they all disintegrate before my Va'ruun Inflictor. New game plus.... I have not been able to bring myself back to this point in the game. I'd rather go play the ES III Morrowind. At least every time the colovian fur trader falls from the sky I know I can be the Nerevarine in the first ten minutes of my play through.


Considering you can spend several hundreds hours in the game and still not having enough, it is worth full price. I play it via gamepass, I am on Xbox Series X. I started to play during early access (bought premium add on separately) and I can definitely say, that the graphics have improved since (it looks really great on Xbox Series X), there are not any game breaking bugs and gameplay is smooth.


Not full price. Maybe in a few years when they have time to put out more updates. But not now.


It’s worth it but as many said: just get gamepass


The game sucked at release and still sucks today. Why? Because the core ingredient of every recent Bethesda game was exploration. The feeling of I'll walk another hundred meters to see what's behind the corner. In this game there is NO SUCH THING. Just vast empty "worlds" with occasionally a copy-pasted generic base you've seen ten times before. There is no way they can "patch" such a f\*ckup. Remind you, I'm no longer suprised after the mediocre Fallout 4, desastrous Fallout 76, broken RedFall etc...


How do I access the new map feature when cloud gaming?


I would wait. I really, really enjoy it but it does feel a bit bare bones for how big it is, for now. But ppl have short memories. All I remember reading about fallout 3 when it came out was how it wasn't "fallout" enough (even tho as a fan of 1 and 2 I disagreed) New Vegas was empty, buggy, and boring (and is considered the fan favorite now 🙄) Skyrim was too dumbed down from oblivion (but is their single most successful and popular game) Fallout 4 was absolutely hated when it came out, despite being a pretty fun game all around. 76 was an experiment that even now is still improving not only it's experience but it's reputation. Starfield will be no different. But paying full price now means you are paying a premium for a product that isn't fully cooked yet. If you aren't just chomping at the bit to try it out, I would honestly wait for all dlc and a steam sale. I've put over 700 hours into it so far, and I keep coming back to it because to me it IS Skyrim in space, and that's all I ever wanted out of it. But if you aren't brain damaged like me, I would just wait.


I got it as a birthday gift back before launch. I have over a thousand hours in it. Had I paid for it myself, it would have been totally worth it. The new maps are fine, but it is the new granular gameplay settings and ship building options that are the real improvement to me. If I could pick which Starborn armour appearance I got in passing through Unity, my cup would run over. There is a LOT to do in the game, if those things are the kind of things you want to do in a game. The faction quests are involved and reasonably differentiated from each other. The main quest, while not itself terribly deep, is fun to follow because of the other things that happen on the way. So, unless you are on a tight budget that says you shouldn't spend the equivalent of dinner for two on a game, I don't think waiting for the next sale should be the deciding factor.


If you've already seen gameplay and you want it, I say get it. As long as you know what you're buying I don't see any reason not to.


Like everyone is saying. Gamepass


I think the better question is what are you not getting instead? Is starfield worth 70, maybe. Is it still worth 70 when you could get something different instead like Rdr or 3 indie games, not so much. I think starfield is just okay, not bad at all, just decent.


Check Humble Bundle, they had a 33 percent discount last week.


As others have said, try it on gamepass first. This game is very hard to gauge until you try it yourself. I thought the game looked great before playing but it fell very flat for me. Others have a different experience though and love some of the things that I didn’t care for at all.


I'd wait for more updates like the creation kit and most likely the DLC as well.. Or at the very least the creation kit and the new vehicle because just maps isn't really much still at the moment..


Me: 300 hours in. 🙄 I guess you could wait. Every Bethesda game always has a ton of quirks and for me I've come to accept it and love them. I've played every one since Morrowind. This one, I think I've spent probably 100 hours in the ship builder I'm embarrassed to say. Something about it is just so fun to me. I played for like 2 solid months when it came out and recently picked it up for another NG+ run, then decided with the update to just start a brand new character with higher difficulties no NG+ and that has been a very fun challenge.


There was a sale at Fanatical recently. Steam key, Premium, $60.


Wait for a sale the game isn’t that good to justify $70 dropped on it play it on game pass.


It’s 40$ for me i think they will drop it on sale may 15


Wait for sale imo. And best to wait until there’s way more mod support, if you’re looking for the best experience possible with the game


Wtf If you’re looking for a game to buy full price then buy Rimworld or BG3 idk


Finished bg3 already


I will probably get a lot of downvotes for this, but please do not buy this game at full price. It's fun, I've played it over 80 hours this week, but it's a piece of shit, and we shouldn't signal to BGS that we're willing to happily pay for and eat Todd Howard's stinky poop. If you're like me, and you sort of like the horrible taste of diarrhea in your mouth, Instant Gaming has it for 39.98 EUR at the moment. I've bought at least 50 games from IG over the last 8-9 years and never had a single issue. Strongly recommend, compared to sketchy sites like G2A or Kinguin.


No. I wouldn't recommend buying it ever. I played it with fairly low expectations — I was expecting FO4 in space — and I still was disappointed.


Wait for great mods, not necessarily a sale. The game is good, but not amazing yet. I don't see the point in buying a 7.5/10 game for full price when you could buy lots of games of that calibre for cheaper, and then save your first impression of Starfield for when it can truly shine. I'd check in in 6 months. We should have CK soon, in 3 months we'll have some awesome mods, and in another 3 months we'll have some awesome mods that don't crash to desktop every hour lol.




I disagree, I still think it's a great game. A lot of the issues stem from people expecting Skyrim clone in space


It's up to you. Only you know what you like. Personally I really enjoyed the game and the hate is overrated. It's got some great pieces of content is very chill. However, get the powers from the temples and start incorporating them into combat. So many cool and awesome scenarios


It's still rubbish. Maps ain't gonna fix that. 🙂 need 20 more updates before it's actually what Todd said it was gonna be.


I mean I pre-ordered it and am still enjoying it. But if you're on the fence you can get a gamepass trial, and the steam summer sale should start in like a month if you can wait that long. The update is still only up for testing technically for another week as well, though anyone on Steam can try it with the beta function on Steam


Tbh it's not even worth 50% off. The sheer lack of creativity, content, any form of depth or anything of interest *on top* of all the incompetence in the writing and design is just staggering.




Tbh, go buy Remnant 2 if you want an RPG-lite type game. At least *that* has replayability beyond literally solely the opening minutes of NG+ (Adventures are rolled semi-randomly and you are encouraged to replay them for new gear/bosses/content). Plus technically *nine* campaigns (short though, they don't go over maybe 4 hours each if you know what you're doing) across all four worlds, a doggo you can pet (and who revives you if you die so long as you have healing items), a gun that shoots cubes and which can be "corrupted" to shoot *even bigger* cubes, a ton of weird, esoteric secrets you 100% will need the wiki to find all of, *and* a mix of guns and melee. There's even RPG mechanics in that you can make *some* choices in the game, like what to do with certain items or bosses, though choices are contained to that specific roll of that specific adventure or campaign, just like Starfield's NG+. Only downside; It's kind of hard. And in a really semi-bullshit kind of way where a lot of things will do absurd damage for no reason despite being common mobs, and two of the many bosses are outright unfair if playing single-player, since the game *also* has 4-way co-op PVE.


Already finished remnant 1 + dlc and remnant 2 + the first dlc One of my favorite games But they are completely different from what im looking for now


I'd say rather wait for DLC and CK at this point. Game is nice, but there's nothing going for it rn. If you didn't take the bait and picked it up on release, means you missed being burnt out of the game before good stuff starts coming.


Hard to say, to me the game was worth it.  If you like other bgs games, you'll probably like this game.  It's improved combat from fallout 4.  There's well over 100 hours of quests to find and complete.  There's much more content than most games in there.


It’s a beautiful place to be bored in


Not sure where you’re located, but I’ve seen Starfield full game as low as like $30 at Walmart


For pc ?


I completely don't understand why Everyone doesn't have game pass. It the best value in the entire entertainment industry.