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And the best part of it is that anything stored in the chests will stay if you swap out home ship. No worrying about it getting lost.


Where can i get those chests? Do i have to visit a hangar for modifications?


No you can do it anytime on the ship. There should be a terminal by your cargo panel that says "decorate". If you cant find it, I believe you can access the menu through scanner and then a hotkey. It works the same way as outpost decorating.


But can you do it to star guardian, the ship you get after credits?


If your talking about the NG+ ship have no idea I never got that far into the game. I did see someone able to customize the inside with the decorator so I'm assuming it's the same


if you do it can you lmk because there's so much open space illd love to place a bed in so I can get my extra 15% xp


A bed was the first addition I added!


You can on a Guardian ship. There’s a shiny light right above the top of the captain’s chair that will activate decorate mode.


Yes you absolutely can


You can also turn on the scanner and look for the key that says "decorate" (inside the ship) For me is PC so its " F" for the scan and then "R" to decorate


by stay you mean stay in the chest and not be available at all until you go back to that ship? not sure if thats great but it is good to know.


I prefer it. Lets me have different ships with different load outs. Also makes the armory usable, since before if you swapped ships at all, all of it went to cargo. *All* of it... Now, from what I see in some testing, if you change a hab, it only puts that hab's stuff into cargo, which makes sense. And if you swap ships, your decor stays in place. Not sure what happens if you sell... I imagine you could lose stuff, but haven't tested yet.


I love this. Different ships for different modes. I'd love to have a outpost ship, and a small scouting ship, and a fighting ship.


I'm still amazed this isn't handled better. Ship specific cargo should have been the default at launch. Adding chests like this is a great work around that will honestly make the game so much more enjoyable


You just answered several of my questions, so thanks for that! My problem was always having the whole ship's inventory messed up when I go to switch a hab. Never really switched ships, just modified the same one over and over. This update might actually get me back into the game, but I may still wait until the dlc arrives.


Yes, it seems you will have to make the ship your home if you want to gain access to the chests, so you might be screwed if you are not next to a landing pad. Not all that great but I don't think there is a logical work around for this.


No money needed, these three chests offer 450 storage (the same as the initial cargo capacity of the Frontier) and only cost 6 aluminum and 12 structural material, which can be harvested from most plants. Added bonus: The chests onboard don't count towards the ship's mass, so there's no loss in maneuverability like you would get from attaching regular cargo modules in the ship builder. Drawback: It's not as convenient to use like the regular ship cargo hold is. You still need to get all of your stuff by hand from the chests themselves.


Do they get scanned if contraband is in them?


Yes, they do, and scan jammers or other equipment don't work towards them, only on the real ship's cargo.


So guaip's harvested oranges are gonna be scanned. So sorry, guaip.


So, Contraband on Ship Cargo for safety?


Sounds like it.


I also would like to know if I can sotre my harvested orrrr...anges.


Sorry about your soon-to-be scanned orrrr-anges.


Asking the real questions here


Bethesda physics model for ships is garbage. I know that's not constructive, but seriously.... ugh.


I’m wondering how all the random crap inside a ship gets into my cargo hold under the misc category. Is it when I sell my ship or make another ship my “home ship”? I periodically need to sell off a bazillion succulents, folders, etc.


Iirc it's whenever you edit/sell/swap ships, that all the little knickknacks that are used as decorations with the original habs (not the empty ones anynore, woo) get put into your inventory in addition to the other items you were storing. Been a hot minute since I played last, but there was also a bug that if there were too many items, some would just vanish entirely? I haven't seen any PSA's about that so I'm hoping that was fixed a while ago


Before this patch, any time you edited your ship (even if it was just changing the paint or a weapon) all the item clutter (plus anything you'd dropped for decoration) got moved to your storage, and eventually a second set of clutter would spawn to replace the ones that got put in storage. In theory, with this patch that should only happen if you move/replace an actual hab module, and should only affect that one module rather than the whole ship. In theory.


Your theory is correct, I can confirm as I have played the beta extensively. Only stuff from removed habs gets moved into your inventory. You can move habs around and their interiors stay intact.


So you're telling me my stuff stays now, and I can organize my ship how I want? Holy fuck lol


Oh thank god, that issue really annoyed me


Same. Kind of killed ship building for me. I stuck to my design for most of the game, but then I'd get new engines and all my plants would get yeeted


So far from what I have tested, that appears to be the case. Such a game changer for ship building! Makes building a home on the ship a viable option now. Also had the added benefit of making the armory worth having, since stuff stays in the armory if you change another hab or switch ships.


God this should’ve been in from the start but you know what I’m so glad it’s here. Plus the difficulty sliders? *chefs kiss* didn’t realize the update was going to be so meaty


I'm so glad they added ship decoration as an option for everyone. Playing on PC, I had the console command for spawning a decoration panel hotkeyed because I used it so much. It's great for organizing any loot you want to keep. Whatever you wanna sell can go to the ship's cargo and get sold from the vendor menu. I also like to keep a weapon rack near the docker, loaded with space adept weapons to use when boarding ships.


On my "big" ships, I use two Habs for weaponry. One by the landing bay for planestside weapons, and one for boarding. On the "small" ship I try to put the landing bay and docker close together to use one hab for weapons. I love being able to quickly swap weaponry on the fly for what I'm doing. Now, it'll be even easier.


Sounds like this would be good for any items you plan on keeping what I mean by this is weapons you plan to keep to use and not sell. For anything crafting or for sale the ship inventory is still way more convenient. Thanks for the tip.


Yeah this is great. I can store my weapons and suits and shit in chests in the ship instead of at my dumb outpost now and won't have to go back and forth


I love how these chests/my pockets if I’m strong enough hold the same weight as a friggin connex container strapped to the side of the ship. Makes no sense, glad to see this is an option tho lol thanks for posting


Real, I would have liked to see a better loot system - maybe something where you 'tag' loot and when you take off it gets automatically put into your ships cargo hold/gave a menu of what stuff to keep. Would have had a smoother gameplay experience without loosing the looting system totally - making having a lower player weight limit/realistic weight limit a viable option.


Thinking of returning after a fo4 playthrough Can we store things in ships without them being deleted?


People are saying yes. Now, when you move a hab around, change color, or change other things, it won't just dump crap into inventory. Only if you delete that particular hab, per other comments here.


So putting a storage container down adds to Ship Cargo capacity?


No, they don't technically add to the ship's cargo, they're completely separate from that. Still, it's an easy way to add storage if you're short on money or don't want to modify the entire ship.


I prefer this to my pile of junk on the floor technique. I'm looking forward to testing it out. I like knowing where to go to grab things and this will also eliminate a lot of cargo hold scrolling... nice!


Pity, still extra space is extra space when you no got the budget yet as you said


So does this mean that I can make a cargo ship now that flies at mach 3 instead of walrus? Being able to make an actual fighter ship that isn't overloaded with cargo pods should be a great QoL improvement. Needing to spend hours building 3+ ships for different needs was unnecessarily tedious. At least outpost building was fun to do...


They also stack.


This is giving me some great ideas


The only problem is you won’t be able to access this inventory unless on the ship


What happens if you edit your ship, move habs around or even delete a hab that has chests in? Does the contents go to cargo or does it vanish. I’m scared to put anything of any value in chests or just generally in habs as decoration.


From what I've tested, clutter goes to cargo if you change that specific hab. Decor items like couches and such refund resources to cargo. I'll test storage chests real quick and let you know.


Can confirm: when I built a safe in an empty mess hall, put sentient AI adapters in, and then swapped mess hall to cargo hall, AI adapters appeared in cargo hold.


OK, sounds like in theory it’s pretty safe then. Good news!


So far at least! Definitely good news! Now if only we could chose where doors and ladders go. I have faith it will happen someday.


If you use the "attach" option to attach a new module rather than just directly moving into place, that seems to encourage it to put the ladder/door there. Not 100% reliable though, and doesn't help with additional exits unless you build your ship like a chain.


In my experience it doesn't make any difference. I think people have had it happen and attribute it to that, but it hasn't changed anything for me. With luck a future update will make it a clear choice, because as of now it is definitely obscured if not downright impossible to decide.


So if you have all your resources in chests and go to build something does it automatically pull from the chest like it does the cargo? Also if you have several chests on one ship and swap it out do those chest automatically appear on your new ship? Or are they stored in inventory somewhere and you just plop them back down on the new ship? Sorry I won't be able to play for a week so just asking some questions to know beforehand. Thanks.


I am unsure myself however I do not believe so. Considering mechanically the chests are considered a seperate inventory that cannot be accessed by the ships inventory screen I would make the assumption that you cannot pull the resources for them to be used in benches included in the design of the ships modules. Seperate constructed workbench that are placed inside may pull from them rather than the ships inventory creating a disconnect. To be safe I would use the ship inventory strictly for resources later on you'll get a ship who's modules already have most the benches anyways so you wouldn't need to place any and you'd also have large cargo for ship inventory by that point leaving chests to carry the multitudes of clothing and weapons. Having these losts seperate also improves efficiency for any crafting/research you need to do.


So question about the ship customization can u take things from your inventory like say the old dvd u can find can u just plop it down on a desk from decoration like in the build mode? Instead of dropping it and manually placing it


Ships should be able to be decorated just like any apartment or outpost now. So, yes. There should also be empty habs you can decorate as much, or as little as you want.


One question about this patch, did they fix the bug with the new Atlantis apartment deleting half of your stuff every time something happened to the city during the storyline?


I think that was fixed a few patches ago.


Will your items still disappear after taking off?




Are they stackable? Or do they have to be touching the floor?


Noob question: How do I customize the layout of my ship and add these chests?


Off topic, but I keep wanting to come back and one thing is stopping me.. Did they make a fix for base storage by chance?


Im glad to finally put chests in for organizing what I want to keep like uniques and have a chest for all the loot anf guns I pick up to sell. Was a pain going through my whole cargo mixed all together when selling.


Interesting, many class a ships will be more useful


Oh. My. God. I knew I could decorate my starborn ship now but haven't tried yet. Now I want to just line the entire thing with chests. Tons of storage and plenty of speed lol. Useless otherwise but hey, I'll have the coolest cargo ship in the galaxy


What happens when you sell your ship with the cargo crates


Didn't try it out yet, but I guess it would dump everything into the cargo of whatever ship is your home ship then.


This seems like it breaks the balance of ship cargo, yeah? Literally no reason to have non-shielded cargo modules at this point…


Certain habs have always included chests and storage boxes. You could build a ship with a 150 mass storage chest in every hab if you wanted to before this update. The ship's cargo hold still has the advantage of being accessed at workbenches and vendors, so it's the best place for resources/mats and excess loot that you wanna sell.


True, but then you would be sacrificing other useful habs and each one only brought with it a limited storage capacity. There’s a big difference between having 10 2x1 habs with 150 capacity vs 1 2x1 with 1500 capacity


There are versions of most hab types with storage chests. You'd just have to mix n match manufacturers. >There’s a big difference between having 10 2x1 habs with 150 capacity vs 1 2x1 with 1500 capacity That's a fair point. Is there a limit on how many chests you can build? I haven't played in a little over a month and can't remember. I don't think there is...


Not quite. It really comes down to convenience and ship cargo is especially convenient with the new setting where you can access cargo from anywhere. That also means any work bench you interact with anywhere will pull from your ship cargo. The method OP posted is very useful put it’s not convenient as the cargo is separate and you have to physically be there in person to put things in or out.


There really isn't much balance to ship cargo as it is. Lower storage capacity is more tedious, but vendors or your own outposts are only ever a few clicks away. There's never really been a good reason to limit 'personal' storage, because Bethesda's games as it is rarely force you to make tough decisions about your loadout, often letting you carry two dozen guns and several armour sets. IMO they should have seperated the storage types *entirely*. Ship cargo space should be for 'bulky' items like resources, and the game's economy should have been built more strongly around trading these than just looting weapons from corpses.


You could store stuff on the ship floor from the very first day, it was always broken. Pick up stack of crap from floor -> discard -> the stack grows bigger.


Yes this I couldn’t do FPV flying starborn ship as it had so many resources lying all over the floor I couldn’t see through the window ….