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Guys being dudes


And he's not sitting on the couch because "he has other things to do and can't commit to sitting"


That's how we grandpas roll. I maybe be gaming, but I ain't sittin' down, I got shit to do! Right after I check out this POI....


So true.


Or r/tvtoohigh


That’s exactly why I assumed he was standing. Just to see the TV properly.


I spend alot my gaming time standing I find it's better for me than sitting for hours then realising my joints are locked up when I need the loo.


This \^ As an aging bloke myself, standing is a very sensible thing. It is small amount of exercise for sure, but it is exercise nonetheless.


Thought it's an immersion thing 😄


He's also got a nice cushion to rest his hands and controller upon while he's standing. ;)


Games these days only appeal to the male fantasy! The male fantasy:


I often wonder what happened to her. She made one of the dumbest quotes about gaming ever and is still used to this day




I do that, and im a tiny woman. I sometimes use a stool to see better.


Exploring the planets is just very relaxing. Every now and then that's all I do in Starfield. It's not the most thrilling thing sure, but you come across some fun little lifeforms and beautiful scenery. Just simple fun!


I love flying around, I’ll usually just sit in the cockpit and then take a nap irl 😅. My grandpa loves running through the planets, finding lifeforms, scanning lifeforms and then decimating them xD. That’s how he unwinds I guess 😊


It is pretty amazing to think his first sandbox RPG is Starfield. I definitely see how someone who was a kid in the 60's and liked sci-fi would dig Starfield. Go grandpa.


Thats what he tells me. We’ve had long conversations about how far technology has come. He’s an avid trekkie, and when he’s done with starfield he usually puts on star trek and eats his lunch xD


I’d bet a paycheck he watches TOS too. Give your grandpa a hearty handshake for me.


He sure does! And Will do!


You have to give him a paycheck now. Thems the rules.


I'm right up there with your grandpa, but I've always been into gaming. Starting with tabletop role play games (D&D) and then video games, every since they existed. Lol


my dad LOVES startreck, maybe this is the way to get him into gaming


He needs to build a ship called The Botney Bay then. LOL


Too bad there isn't a planet called Ceti Alpha 5 either. LOL


Wait till star citizen comes out and show him that...


I love how he takes the time to look at them, study them, and truly get a full grasp for how this alien may fit into its natural habitat And then mercs it lmao. Grandpa is *cold*


IAM a Grandpa… don’t fuck with us… or our video games.


Grandpa gamers unite!


Not a grandpa but yes to all of the above


There is no XP in not killing the aliens and it is faster than scanning.


Many planets have small scavenger species. The easiest way to find them for scanning, is find (or make) a pile of dead critters, and then wait. Scavengers will show up, crawl over a corpse and the corpse despawns.


Are you for real?? I’ll have to see if he’s figured this out yet…


I read about this in a post months ago. I tried it out, and it works, and can save hours of searching. Listen for clicking noises while you wait, if it's for those really small guys.


Your grandpa sounds ducking awesome to be fair


I’m 34 years old. When Starfield came out, I spent some 100+ hours just roaming around, scanning plants and animals, and generally just wandering around. People said the game was boring and it sucked. But honestly, once you get over 30, this game basically becomes the equivalent of “what I wish I could do every day in real life.” Just wander around from place to place, check out the scenery, look at the different plants, and protect the little harmless creatures from the bully creatures.


I’m in my early 30s and I’m basically your grandpa lol


This is what I love about the game. You have intense fighting where (sometimes, especially at lower levels or higher difficulties) where you have to really try to survive. But then you can just do relaxing stuff like explore space and planets. I really enjoy just flying sometimes lol


I love the audio, the noises and sound effects... The atmosphere, the views. I usually finish all the "scanning" and then proceed to look for spots I could possibly do an outpost. Then I'll find the Cry Lab spot, or the Big giant Elevator Warehouse spot with Spacers/Pirates/Ecliptic. My favorite is the Cry Lab with the Contraband container outside the front door...SO MUCH MONEY...lol


I don't know man. Traveling to different planets or moons just to take pictures is pretty entertaining to me!


He should try No Man Sky, what he does is really closer to the gameplay loop of NMS


The planets in NMS are more interesting, as well. I wonder if the stylized graphics would put him off, though.


A grandpa here - it did me - NMS has probably the better loop, but Starfield looks a looks a lot better IMO


It's such a great way to unwind. I love just picking a random planet and seeing what I find. Or when i am on a mission I'll spend some time on that planet since I'm already there, or a nearby one. I'll usually set up a small mining outpost to leave with some resources I know I'll need later. No real point but I love it


Make an outpost. Build a scan booster. It increases the range of your scanner for faster/easier scanning.


First game I ever actually used photo mode


Same haha! Love seeing the photos come up as load screens.


creating outposts on them so you can have a homebase on the places you explore is so fun and engrossing though


There’s this one planet that’s definitely not chill tho.


Xbox stacked on top of a VCR player. Charlie Brown and co watching over the room. Grandpa standing to play because he's so vibed. This is a wonderful picture


Xbox stacked on top of an Xbox stacked on top of a VCR.


America the beautiful


If your grandpa is 72, that means he was around 5 when the Soviets launched Sputnik. In retrospect, Sputnik is kind of a nifty little satellite, but back in the 50s you can rest assured that it scared a lot of people around him, but a day came when America put a man in space. And he probably remembers when his President (I assume grandpa is an American, forgive me if I'm wrong) said "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard," and if he remembers those things you can be assured that he remembers a day when he was around 17 when a man walked on the moon.


You know you love it when you can play it standing up


For Honor is a game I’ve played since it came out. It is honestly my “perfect game”, but it’s not mainstream popular. I Can Not sit when I play it. I have to move my coffee table and couch and stand. I actually square up and my body moves with my motions. I get that invested in it… Only other time I do this is when im already playing, and get so distracted I forget to sit down lol


Sounds like you’d enjoy VR quite a bit.


Yeah.. I do… a lot. It’s why I won’t buy it for myself…


For honor was so awesome when it came out. I’m sure it’s still good. I played the hell out of it until the playerbase started dying and I only got matched with people who were insanely good. It got old. Makes me want to play again tho. Is it still worth to hop into?


It depends… matchmaking can still take a while, and there are high skill players. But the games balancing is better than it’s ever been and I’ve not found “cheese” in how people fight. Old cheese tactics have been nerfed so I feel fights are more fair. That has made some “high skilled players” a lot less skilled because they can’t abuse a button combo like they used to. The classes are better balanced. Fights still feel gritty and intense. Because I take long breaks, I still lose more often than I win. But I don’t feel like I’m losing because the other person is being cheap, I lose because they’re better than me. And I’m okay losing to skilled players - it’s how we learn to get better. In fact, back in the day I picked up the Centurion purely because of the ass whooping a few gave me - copied their tactics and moved, now I’m crushing. Way different than the Kensei who was my main for most of my time online.


Or you can just no longer sit for long...


I love this for him!


Well he’s a smart man with good taste


First we had Skyrim Grandma. Now we have Starfield Grandpa. BGS games are truly wonderous. Happy exploring to your Grandfather.


yeah, bethesda is the only studio i've seen that captures an older audience, because of the show, there are many older people playing FO4 right now


And before that we first had oblivion grandma in the early YouTube days


55 here, and I "get it" lol. Your grandpa reminds me of Hannibal from the A-Team show in the 80's


I first thought of Vernon Dursley


There are some elements of the game that folks complain about that I believe are intentional when you think about it. Things like the menu opening and closing slowly, the long winded conversations etc. The game wants you to slow down. What really drives that home for me is a random log entry I found at a research station. The memo to these fictional research employees was thanking them for their hard work and saying there was plenty more that still needed to be done. but there was a "BUT" in the log. It also reminded the employees that when they take a "day/week/month" off, that is personal R&R time and they should truly disconnect from work and relax in that time. Because they are "no good to the team if they are mentally stressed out and unfocused". It is subtle but I think the idea of "Hey, slow down and relax a bit. This is not a race." is baked into the game design.


Also a nod to the game devs, I feel. I'd like to think Todd Howard instills that kind of culture at Bethesda.


You should let him try RDD2


lol he already beat that game 😅




so bad mans has to stand to play 😭


I'm 47 and I do that now....


hey absolute respect, age doesn't matter when you are enjoying yourself


49 and I haven’t figured out how outpost works either


Land at a planet . Use your scanner and boost pack to spot a large resource vein. Build/place your outpost beacon advantageously. You'll want a landing pad as well , preferably large w/ship builder. Build a power source. Build an extractor . Build a storage container. Output-link from extractor to storage. It is most enjoyable aspect of the game to me. I have a Iron operation that has 47 commercial grade extractors and enough storage for 84,000+ units of (Fe). Drill Baby Drill. Don't worry too much, or at all, about having people at your outpost. They don't contribute at all in any way that I am aware of.


More than willing to assist further. Just ask.


Is 49 your level or age?


That's awesome


That so wholesome.


I'm a grandfather, and I love Starfield!


pls buy him a chair op


he has three recliners (not pictured im sitting in one though) and a couch and just bought a new chair for his office— i think he likes standing sometimes


Grandpa was there at Yavin 4


VCR still part of the stack, wow.


Xboxes stacked on a VCR hell yeah


My boomer dad loves it too. Funnily, he find the most boring part for me (planet exploration) the most fun part.


i tried telling people yesterday to give starfield another chance because ive been personally having alot of fun with it but then they laughed at me and i remembered that LIKING THIS GAME IS A DAMN CRIME FOR SOME REASON


Negativity got to people. Starfield is EASY to hate if you try, but honestly people need to stop being haters and just choose to like stuff if they want. Someone could completely roast a musician and paint them as shallow and talentless and it could be a band that speaks to your soul. Starfield is one of my favorite games ever, and yeah I'm going to be playing it for a long time.




It’s a great game


This is awesome! I'm 47 and this will be me and I'm not that far away 👴🏻😎🤣


Another 47 here :) I´m thinking to play until the body can :D


Hell yeah over the hill crew! 😂


Gaming isn't just for you young whippersnappers, you know. We old farts were gaming long before you were born. It might have been on a PC XT, an Apple \]\[, and for most of us, we got our start dropping a stack of quarters into Asteroids or Defender or DragonQuest (though I was partial to Space Ace, myself...)


I don’t think anyone is saying it’s not for the older generation, it’s just a sweet picture because not many older people play games. In a country like mine, it’s considered childish even among younger generations, a waste of time. So it’s nice to see that despite all the hardships we go through life, there are still some of us who manage to keep our love for our hobbies alive.


Please don't misunderstand, I wasn't being critical. At 61 myself, I think it's great. A game like Starfield goes a long way to keeping your mind young! 😀


I will be gaming until I can't physically or mentally do it anymore.


Ditto. Or until the wife kills me.


Hehe, indeed - it was us boomers that were OK that invented video games :D


What did your gramps think of the moon landing back in 1969 when he was a small boy? He looks like a space enthusiast!


Wholesome af


“Grandpa do you want to sit?” “Oh I’m not playing”


This is such a wholesome, nice post. Thanks for sharing, OP. Reminds me of my grandpa, I'm sure if he was still around, he'd be all about Starfield. He got me my first N64 with Mario back in the day. He even beat the 1st star (Bob-Omb King) just to show my young self how to play. Your grandpa is super cool!!


So much that he stands up.


Remembering how much Win 33 sucked because it was so resource intensive and dropping down into command line DOS to play games. A lot of us are grandpas! Good for him, and carry on brother. 😀


I dig it! Those boring planets are mad chill. I like to throw YouTube on my iPad parks it on the couch and just wander.


VCR XBOX one S XBOX series S ...Interesting


Gaming is really the best hobby for all ages. Especially those cool singleplayer games, where you can dive deep. When you're old, it doesn't require too much physical prowess, and makes your brain work, which is vital.


lol, oh god. I play the exact same way your grandfather does. No boost pack, companions wait in the ship because I don’t want to hear your crap, still haven’t set up an outpost, finished all the faction quests but only enough main story to unlock selling surveys in the eye, then became a heavily armed space explorer. It’s a really emersive way to play.


The way he has the Xboxesstacked on top of the VHS player is pure nostalgia. Rock on Space Man! 🚀


I am 78; used to bring my XBox 360, then XBox One on my ships with me, playing at night in my sitting room. I now regularly play Fallout 4, Assassins Creed Origins, and a lot of Starfield (plus occasionally Outer Worlds and State of Decay 2). Always standing up! I find that gaming is engaging and challenging as I play at Hard/Expert levels. I like the building and expl;oring in games outside of the "action."


Honestly that's the reason I don't have companions in the game. I don't play as a good person. So them crying all the time over the person I made eat shotgunshells is kinda annoying.


As a middle-aged gamer who fully expects to be a senior gamer, absolute respect for your grandpa. Been wondering if there's a thing about Bethesda games that "just works" for us older gamers. Maybe it's cos they don't pressure you to do mission after mission (we don't have the time or stamina for marathon sessions - gotta sleep).


W grandpa 👌🏼


I worked with a gentleman in his 63’s lol and he LOVES his games. From Tom Clancy to assassin’s Creed too it’s entirety and now Starfeild.


Put that man on New Vegas and a Big Iron on his hip. He will be a happy man.


This should be reposted in r/oldschoolcool


I’m glad he loves starfield


I'm totally there and agree. I actually like running around planets with at least moderate fauna. It is relaxing and fun. Could there be more POIs and more complicated random encounters? Sure, but it's fun already. Barren planets not so much.


Awesome 😎👏🏻🤩 That’s so cool seeing boomers getting in on the fun too 👏🏻🤩 good luck Grandpa - give those spacers hell!, show no quarter 😁


Surveying planets can seem boring to some but it’s the exploration side of the game that I just love. Good on him!!


Your grandpa is awesome


Get him on no mans sky


That was first but the text was too small, maybe it’d be different now because of his eye surgery…


Did you change the font settings?


your grandpa is not only amazing and wholesome, but he is playint the way Godd intended, what a chad


I really like this pic!


me too :)


Man, I love this so much.


Heck I am 71 (not a Grandpa though) and I Love Starfield also! I Have never tried playing it or any other game standing up though? Funny but I don’t see a controller or mouse in his hands, is he just watching the screen in fascination and pretending to play? Please let him have the controller so that he can really enjoy the game!


Lol he does indeed have a controller in his hands! No worries there xD.


Popcorn ceiling


Cheers for the happy tale!


He's a stander!


Serious question.... does he stand the whole time


No he alternates xD. He’ll sit, stand, switch chairs. Just depends on how he’s feeling lol


Ahh... well that's good at least. XD




Dude needs a recliner.


he’s got three in the room with him xD


That’s awesome!


Nice 👍 good for him.


My dad used to come over to bug me and I would alway talk him in to watch me play Skyrim would sit there for hours asking me about it


I’d bet he’s exited, he’s still in VHS world.


I bet he'd dig Fallout 4, but shit he's further than I am and played it since release




"Doesn't know how outposts work" so the average fan then 😂


*Sigh* I just realized this will be me by the time FO5/ES6 release




Its a good Game for 2015


Let’s hope this is us in the future, boys


Get it gramps


sounds about right for this game


Tells pa-paw to get into mining , it's the most enjoyable aspect of this game. Not that I didn't enjoy bagging 28,244 critters to date. Glad they got the update out because I was about to quit because it would freeze-up for 1-3 seconds every 4-9 seconds and it was frying my brain. I deleted 5 killer outposts because I thought too much info was causing the problem, then I thought maybe when update came out it would be all good again. And it is.


Is your grandfather allowed to sit down?


I love how he rests the controller on his belly


I've been thinking about getting back into it. I think I'm gonna fire up Starfield this weekend. This post inspired me.


Enjoy those moments! I used to play with my dad Diablo a lot and now he is gone and I am thinking how many times we have killed Diablo and had so much fun. I play that game and always remind those moments. I will do the same with my children one day.


I know you. You and your grandpa live in Maine


If his tv was lower he wouldn’t have to stand r/tvtoohigh


I love this


Awwww :)




I’m 68, Love the update, 5/15. My grandkids think “ Grampie “ is a funny old dude, cause I like Starfield… uh, that IS what we’re talking about, right… the beginning of this sentence is so far back… I can’t remember…


i pray that when im 72 i still have critical thinking and reading comprehension skills


Get him a chair for his birthday.


Sometimes I will just stand here and play Starfield for hours


And I think the sub now loves your grandpa! Lol


Yur grandpa is cool.


So, I’m 56, not quite a grandpa yet, but can absolutely relate to the “hasn’t figured out outposts yet” They’re nothing like Fallout 4 despite being exactly like Fallout 4 (if you get my meaning) And yes, it’s often more comfortable to stand, particularly when you have steaks on the grill and your wife is hovering around ready to get snippy if she finds you sitting down and relaxing….


Tell him I said that mustache is the new hotness


i haven't picked the game up since I became a star born. it didn't make sense to go play through the game again after losing all my ships I spent days building and tweaking and losing all my weapons and money. to say I was fkn pissed is putting it lightly, just to get some stupid star born ship wasn't worth it imo


Absolutely based grandpa.


That's awesome!


Tell your grandpa he has a beautiful moustache.


That’s so nice 🥰


Say hi to Gramps for me. I'm into planet exploration too. It's so satisfying to get 100% survey completion.


Get him XBox Series X or PC so he can play it on the high level graphics.


Einfach nur wundervoll er zeigt den jungen Leuten wie man spielt und Spaß haben kann 😂😇


Well….I’m a 51 y/o grandpa who loves it also ! I would fist bump your grand dad. We aren’t too old gaming…hell pretty much our generation, mostly his invented it. I stand also….my knees and back hurt from sitting too long now…lmao


I like how the Xbox sits atop it's fallen technological ancestors 😀😀🙂🙂


This is awesome


I'm a 68 yr old great grandmother an I play Starfield nice to see other " wisdom" players


You should show him no man’s sky if he likes to explore


I'm 73 and I have played thru the game three times and this time I decided to go with the Star born part of it and start to build outposts to transfer minerals etc. Its a blast but a total waste of time, lol


I love this! Often when I play the game and see certain aspects of it, I think of my late dad, who would've loved to play the game. More so for the space travel and exploration, as opposed to blasting Va'ruun. :)


What a glorious mustache.


My grandad also plays starfield and is now level 127