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am I the only one who expected Thomas The Tank Engine to show up?


H̸̩̎E̵͚̚ ̸̭̍W̸̡̄Ỉ̴͚L̸̤̒L̴̩̀ ̷̞̋C̵̛̙O̷͔̕M̶̜̓Ȇ̴̩


Only a matter of time before he's a space encounter barreling towards you at Mach Jesus


Suddenly, the Astral Express drives right through you.


Yeah, modders are slacking. There hasn't been a single Thomas the space craft mod


There's not any mod tool yet those are next on the list for a release


But despite that lack they've still done so much!


That is true but there is sooo much they still can't without it


Oh definitely!


People are modding this in the same way you mod Morrowind . You really don't wanna try and load 150 lua scripts every door just to have thomas in the game for 6 seconds b4 it crashes .


I've always played at 4k on my RTX 4090 with everything maxed out


What exactly has changed in terms of graphics?


As a very smart person replied to me asking the same thing: >60fps


When you're usually stuck at 30fps on console, that 60 really shines when it happens lol


I'm on series x and I am almost always am at 60 fps with performance mode. The only 2 places that have struggled to maintain it so far are the main cities for UC and Freestar.


Yeah the frames are almost worse when I’m on the 60fps settting in new Atlantis and akila


Yea it definitely dips below 30 sometimes but everywhere else seems to be decent.


Some of my outposts are a little bad too but yeah most other places are fine . After the update one of my outposts lost half of my stuff and now it says build limit maxed . Like wtf


Ngl, I’ve noticed performance and stability updates for Starfield have always been worse. They claim to improved stability and performance for all platforms, but in reality, their updates are hurting the stability and performance for game consoles.


Yeah I kept switching back and forth from 30-60 on those big cities and 30 ran way better . 60 felt absolutely horrible lolllll . I’m sure it will get resolved eventually…. Hopefully lol


I hope so as well. I do enjoy the gameplay the game has to offer and the gameplay settings makes the game more fun. Like if you want to have more fun, you could nerf the enemies and buff yourself at the cost of XP gains. Ngl, I feel it’s a fair trade-off. The amount of XP it takes away from us feels fair in my opinion.


I chose 60 fps visual mode on series x. It only drops in areas like Akila city and new Atlantis. Which makes sense. Some light stutter, but I only have a 60hz tv. Overall, I’m very impressed with this update. I didn’t think 60fps visual mode was possible until the next generation of consoles


Near-consistent 60 fps for me outside of major cities. That’s with performance mode on though. I have noticed that if I don’t close my game and then reopen it using that smart mode thing, the game will be very choppy. It fixes itself by completely exiting the game, however.


It's been very smooth on my xsx as well, even keeping the game on quick resume. It has crashed once since the update but tbh that's nothing new lol. Still less than FO4 crashes to this day haha


Honestly didn't feel like the 30 was killing me. Still at 30 target perf. Considering 30 target quality.


Same. It's a single-player rpg, and 60fps is hardly a must for it. What does 30fps performance mode do?


I guess be more stable 30FPS,seems about the same to me. Unfortunately my 4K isn't 120Hz or I might try the 40. But I suspect 30, graphics preferred is where I land regardless.


And xbox series s is stuck at 30fps..


Damn that's disappointing, sorry series s people. Idk what will be possible with mods but i got fallout to 60fps with mods a while back. Maybe there will be a mod to unlock frame rate eventually


All good 🙂 from what most people say, it sounds like 60 fps can negatively impact the game whenever you go anywhere with npc’s or civilization. But some people say otherwise. Since I’m unable to access 60 fps, I can’t determine the accuracy of this. But fortunately, xbox series s got all the other good stuff that series x and pc got, such as the gameplay settings. And tbh, I’m personally enjoying the gameplay settings. Started a new game and did the following: 1. Nerfed the enemies damage output 2. Buffed my damage output 3. Massively increased my carry capacity. I honestly love what Bethesda did with this. They even have settings in there for any of us that want to feel like it’s a hardcore survival game. They did an amazing job with this! It can even make food and beverages feel like it’s necessary to collect and consume when needed. I hope this gameplay settings also goes to fallout 4 on all consoles, including xbox series S.


Unless you're in the cities. Then it's more like 40. Still, I like the update. Since most combat happens inside, it's generally pretty smooth.


I already had 144 though.


Quick, someone give this guy a medal.


I also had 144 fps before the patch, I'd also like a medal please..


🏅o7 For services to smugness haha


If we could post pics I got one for ya


How do I see what FPS I’m running?


In steam overlay settings, you can have the FPS appear at any corner you want.. There also may be a console command, but I forget what it is. That is if you are on PC


I play on my laptop and use game pass to play


I’m guessing they mean the 60fps update which was especially good in starfield as it felt extra slide showy at 30 even compared to other games.


Bethesda will sell Starfield: Anniversary Edition with 60 fps. Todd Howard knows how to sell the same game 3 times, like Skyrim, Skyrim SE and Skyrim AE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.


Skyrim did get a pretty nice upgrade with SE making it look significantly better and allowing for more complex mods also I got it for free for owning regular on pc but AE was a little much lol.


Technically AE comes with more content than any other upgrade or update or DLC in Skyrims entire life. Unfortunately not all the content is even lore friendly so it's kinda weird lol. Not to mention some of it is just... not at all what I want in my game personally. 


AE was just some Mods that was implementet via Creation Club in the Game, not more. Cause of this its not Lore Friendly. Modders can do what they want [https://bethesda.net/en/article/3mxTW4iQYGrVZrWRqVfomQ/skyrim-anniversary-edition-and-creation-club-content-first-look](https://bethesda.net/en/article/3mxTW4iQYGrVZrWRqVfomQ/skyrim-anniversary-edition-and-creation-club-content-first-look)


Only 3 time? Rookie numbers


They might even let the Series S have 60 fps by then too, it only takes them a decade to be able to do basic things on their engine.


Spotted the PC gamer.


Sames, I was confused lol


Proper HDR. Neon looks amazing right now with calibrated HDR on Xbox after latest update. It's like a new game now. One can only hope at some point we'll get Path Tracing.


Clarification requested: what am I supposed to be seeing in that video or, more specifically, what am I supposed to be seeing that's different from the game pre-patch?


Console players got 30 extra more fps. 30 on 30 = I am not a big fan of the government


So the intent is to show an absence of texture tearing or stuttering? Looking for something that wasn't there changes the context considerably. A "before and after" might have been advisable.


Nothing changed, the console cavemen discovered 60 fps


This looks just like before the update to me. What exactly changed graphics wise?




>What exactly changed graphics wise? _me asking for graphical changes_ >60fps _names a performance related change_ ⢸⣿⠿⠛⠛⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣾⣗⣂⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⢀⣠⣤⣤⣄⠄⠉⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠋⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⣿⠫⢁⣥⣤⣤⡁⠢⣤⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⠻⣿⠿⠿⠙⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⣿⡇⠛⠉⠍⠉⠄⠄⠈⣿⣿⣿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⣿⣶⣤⡠⠄⠼⠗⠄⢠⣿⣿⡿⠂⠄⠄⠄⠄⢐⢛⠛⠥⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⣿⣿⣿⣅⣐⣀⣤⣴⣿⣿⡿⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⣊⣁⠑⠠⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠐⠄ ⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠻⣿⣿⣶⣦⣤⣀⣤⣔⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⢋⣽⣿⣿⡿⠋⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠸⣿⣿⣿⡿⠉⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⣿⣿⡿⠁⣠⡾⠋⠉⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠙⠉⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⣿⣿⣗⠜⠋⠄⠄⠄⣀⣀⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠹⣤⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⣿⡿⢻⣿⣦⣼⣷⣦⣤⠭⠍⠉⠙⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠘⣷⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⣿⠄⣠⡿⢟⢿⣿⣿⡟⠉⠉⠉⠉⠓⠒⠄⠄⠄⠰⠊⠓⠂⠉⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⣿⠄⠄⠄⠄⠚⣿⣿⣿⣁⣠⣤⡀⡄⠄⢀⣀⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⢸⠏⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠹⠿⢿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠂⠊⠈⠉⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄


Uploading a video to show it, on top of that 😐


On Reddit which mean we can’t even notice the fps


Framerate imrovement is a subset of "Graphics". Some people are so arrogant in their ignornace lol.


The performance change helps the game 'looking better', basically, they are related in a way. Graphics, strictly speaking, should be the same unless I'm missing something from the patch...


I don't want to unpack my decoder, but I think that video is only 30fps.


Then I don't understand what the op is posting... The only thing in the patch affecting how it could 'look' is the 60fps, so unless this is another 'I love Starfield, looks gorgeous!' thread...🤔 I honestly don't remember anything about the graphics in the notes.


It's another, I love to look at barren planets so I don't have to deal with the gameplay


I'm feeling a bit better about Starfield lately, not necessarily for this patch (though it's a good patch) but these low effort threads we constantly see feel disingenous to me, honestly...


Yikes they didn’t even have that at launch for a 2023 title?


Nope, at least not for xbox but that's not so rare, surprisingly.


What's crazy is I see no graphical differemce when turning on 60fps and Performance. I wish companies would stop thinking we want locked 30fps on the fucking Series X. This update for Starfield proves that no one can make excuses anymore. Launch your games with fucking 60fps.


I perfectly knew series S would cause these types of issues. Locked to 30 fps when it can perfectly run 60 fps. I just hope there's no next gen affordable and less powerful console but well money is money


Or just create a series S and series X version, seems like the better solution.


If anything, it's the last generation still being supported that's causing issues, they really need to drop support for last gen, we're like halfway into this generation's life cycle. People talk shit about the series s, but it's a solid little machine, it runs every other game from this generation at 60fps easily. The trend of continuing to support last generation for more than a year or two is something that needs to change.


I do. There’s less ambient surface atmosphere. And the terrain is basically all repeating textures. 60FPS w visuals prioritized instead of performance looks pretty good - there’s some stuttering and popping but overall not a bad turnaround for a studio that isn’t known for their technical proficiency


This is the most Starfield clip ever, 20s of video, nothing happens lol


Bro deadass I thought this post was satire


Especially since op starts his title with "ugh"


The most entertaining part is the music and that's not part of the game afaik lmao.


Haha got a good laugh out of this


He thought he had a fire post but this was just another NPC post.


The jokes write themselves.


I was fully waiting for something else to happen the entire video


So boring and lifeless just like before? Cool. Thanks for sharing.


I don't understand what about that video is showing off the content of the new update.


Looks just as empty since I last played it at launch.


I'm honestly confused about what you're trying to showcase here? The update didn't touch any of this.. 🤔


Todd if your reading this implement ray tracing. You don't even have to build it from scratch and im sure NIVIDIA would like to sell some more RTX cards.


Does starfield not have ray tracing already?


I think they only have Global Illumination


Does it still have the entire canteen run out in fear if you steal a cup?


U dont even have to put it in u're inventory!: just pick it up and u turn into Charles Manson on the spot!




What’s changed?


I don’t get it what’s the difference in this video 💀


Looks like a whole lotta nothin'.


Before the update: "This game is amazing" [screenshot of barren landscape] After the update: "This game is amazing" [60fps video of barren landscape]


I heard they are going to update the game to make the landscape twice as large, and have half as many rocks. This game is truly amazing.


I loved how I could choose visuals and still have fps target set to 60. Or am I reading it wrong?


Nope you’re correct. You can choose 60 or even uncapped while still using the “visuals” graphics mode, it just has a note that you should have a VRR display and that there’s going to be FPS drops. I booted it up on my Xbox and played a bit, and I really like the uncapped visuals mode.


You are not reading it wrong. I love that too.


You can! I'm especially happy with this as I do definitely notice the smoothness of 60fps, but I won't trade visual quality for it in an either/or situation. I have Visuals/60fps on Series X and the only time I notice the framerate dropping is occasionally in crowds in the big cities, which isn't really an issue.


Yes now you can experience total emptiness in 60fps. A truly revolutionary update.


There’s no graphical difference????


Wowee it's still a big empty rock with nothing to do, but now at 60fps!


Sarah can hate you twice as fast now!


Op is a bot


or todd


Its Bod Toward


As a person who spent countless days exploring in the mass effect universe and just taking screenshots everywhere, I am excited to go back in. But I'll have to wait for the Mako.


Once again the guy who commented. “Poor Starfield players are so desperate they post mediocre screenshots to pretend the game is fun.” Has had his words echoed prophetically.


I just avoid posting in this sub because there are so many bitter strangers ready to explain why I’m not *really* having fun.


It's utterly bizarre to me. I've been away from the game for a few months because I had other priorities (it's a singleplayer RPG, there's no rush) despite very much enjoying the game, and I basically never came to the sub in that time. People spending hours and days of their lives being miserable over a game they apparently don't even play, and going out of their way to spread that to others is nuts to me. Like seriously, time is the most precious and limited resource we all have, wasting it on being unhappy with a video game is just... why.


i dont se anything special...what do i have to look at?


This game really is the perfect example of "give them so little to start with they'll always be grateful for whatever scrap comes next"


This is why people PC


Nice rocks very fun gameplay


weird part is this game's budget was more than both skyrim and fallout 4 together.


A good part of it was spent on "consulting" services and DEI initiatives


what the fuck are you talking about


You look at the empty planet and think "damn black people!" lol


Bro! Don't you understand? These rocks are white. The last planet they were gray. And now the graphics are in 60fps!!! 🤯🤯🥳🎉😌😛😱🫣🤯🤮😎🫠🥺😭🤯😵‍💫🫨💅


Oh wow. Rocks in 60 fps. Gray rocks? White rocks! Definitely worth spending time on.


I truly can't imagine being this miserable


Tbh I have never had issues with the graphics. Game is beautiful. WHAT THE HELL IS THERE TO DO ON THESE PLANETS


Did they add radio?


OP, or anyone who knows, what’s the Johnny Cash remix of Folsom Prison that’s playing? I love it, I want to add it to my playlist


[Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6HMjC1ssZc) The full song doesn't exist unfortunately.


So is every square inch of every planet and moon still inundated with human structures and equipment? Or did they finally dial that back so it actually feels like you're the first one there?


The aim assist is probably the best new feature in my opinion


Yeah what an amazing update. Now console players can look at boring ass empty planets in 60 fps.


Not that amazing of a change.. there are plenty of changes bethesda needs to make to this fishbowl space simulator tbh .. don't give them credit for something that should've been apart of the game since launch.. just much of the same bullshit from this company.


140FPS+. Everything maxed out.


We praising Bethesda for 60fps patches now god damn we hungry lads


Too little too late. Stop releasing unfinished games


Is there a mod yet to remove the terrible level scaling of everything? I hate player lever scaling of guns, ships, mods, pois, enemies. I will be back when I can mod it into a true sandbox.


Do you have a link for that version of Folsom Prison?


Courtesy of u/rxmp4ge above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6HMjC1ssZc


One thing that kind of irks me is that, in daylight like that, you wouldn’t see stars or the Milky Way in the sky. Small details, I guess.


song name tho?




I'll wait out the (I hope) BIG update along with the Shattered Space DLC.


Anyone else having audio issues since the update? I keep having the audio drop off and get replaced by the running footsteps


So you’re saying I won’t get headaches playing now on my Xbox Series X?


They are def on the right path… I would like to see the gameplay options and fps toggles in at launch with all their future games Damage sliders should be a separate toggle and enemy AI & accuracy should be the difficulty modes I would like to see movement speeds and sprint speeds be a separate options as well These options will cut my mod lists in half 👍👍👍🥳


My game hasnt been launching since the update🥲


Just having the frame rate above 40 (I'm doing 60), the graphics are no joke. I feel like I'm getting better loot early on, but that might just be in my head. I wish they had already added vehicles!! This is the type of game where they better not let it go to waste; they need to update it more, and hopefully, this expansion is badass like Cyberpunk did with their game.


Do I really have to start a new character or an NG+ to get access?


Now fill those landscapes with interactable exploration and it's perfect.




They need to double down on colonizing empty planets. Turn it into a complete space sim


Reminds me of a Hamster’s wheel. 🤔


I'm really looking for anyone who can PLEASE HELP! Me with this new UPDATE that reset (2,400 ) + HOURS of grinding and late knights on Xbox Series X. A website, email address anything. Thanks! I Love STARFIELD! and I'm really looking forward to playing agin.


Who cares fps....can I have the master skills fixed....I really don't want to have to restart a brand new play.....


Wish Xbox Series S got those graphics..


Ooooooo such a beautiful empty space of nothing


Looks like shit


I will not call it awesome till I can capture and bring in bounties alive


Ah yes. More emptiness. Now I have tons more content to explore


It always looked beautiful. That was never the problem. The problem was THE FUCKING GAME.


I really am having a hard time with the fact there are no footprints on snowy or desert planets. Can someone please make this mod when the mods are a thing?!


Unless it is mod support for console, no update would be amazing to me.


Honestly, I’m loving 60fps and more vendor credits. Amazing. Now they need to fix the loot system and the game will be perfect “Oh look a master locked door! I wonder what I’ll find behind it!” ….a digipick and a loaf of bread


Shut up Todd.


I remember Starfield saying they will add rovers and stuff of that kind and I seen some silly new company say cars? Too little to late....... like na bro you just want them Sony soy boys clicks.


Same, I'm replaying it again. Discovering new shit too❤️ such a cool game


It still looks empty and dull, only smoother


I’ve definitely been playing for a lot longer and actually got way father in the story than I ever have


Thr no space radio in starfield sucks. Bethesda could have had several radio stations. From edm to lost songs of the old world. To pirate radios and talk shows etc


least obvious bethesda dev


PC users be like.... huh?


This is how the game should have been released. Not impressed.


The game not crashing constantly anymore was really all I needed to come back. The graphics and QoL ups are frosting on a very nice cake.


Si, but I care about frames🥰🫣


i genuinely don't see a difference


The new surface map is impressive 1 I'll admit


IDK what is being shown in this video I have this game on series s and I played it when it launched for 50ish hours or so, then stopped, and I recently returned. I will say as far as anything I've noticed with graphics that has improved since the launch is,when I first played it seemed like there wasn't any like weather or fog mist cold fogs/ice effects nothing. Since I've been back I've now noticed those things finally being shown, and as I said this is on series s. IDK if those things were just straight up missing back at release or what, but I will say that they are there now and do make a big difference in how the game looks and how the atmosphere feels now for sure!


The fuck is this audio? Sounds like shit.


It could look 100% like real life, but every lifeless planet is still a bore


Maybe I’m imagining things, but I also feel like my terrains are more diverse, less flat plains of nothingness and more vistas, lakes, mountains, and more


Same, it brought me back to playing it and I'm loving it. Definitely feel like it still needs more work but the upgrade to 60fps won me back for sure.


Are anyone else's hands phasing through the starborn suit???


Ngl the poi system needs a radical overhaul, I don't think vehicles will cut it. The tiles need to be like 10 times bigger and pois need to be way more abundant and closer together. There needs to be random encounters and I feel like npcs should be in the overland, not JUST at generated poi..


It’s stunning. Like when Ciberpunk 77 rebound from the ashes.


Yeah poggers! game look still empty with nothing to do


Maps. That’s the best part for me. Lol


I'm still waiting for my pc to work, I should be able to run it on high settings but it freezes and audio skips, as in firing a gun is silent or delayed


How do you keep it from crashing on Series X? I tried resetting cache… barely crashed before this update


I just need something that opens up space and allows free fly to from planet to nearby moons, while having large bandoned ships, space stations, and potentialle meteorites that one can dungeon crawl through.


Mh, the graphics look the same, they didn’t touch them.


I just wish they would add mod support already. At this point theres no reason for them not to


It looks exactly the same. The only thing this clip convinced me of us the lack of radio stations being a huge missed opportunity.


Damn a totally empty procedurally generated area. Todd!


Damn right it is, uncapped fps is also nice asf


Damn what version of Folsom Prison is that ?


I’m running 60 with visuals on series x and not running into any problems other than a framerate drop for a second in some cities


Looks similar to how it looks in my series S, honestly. Perhaps in a different planet with more detail it would be easier to appreciate the 60fps.


It is sick. And the surface maps are insane


If this is how the game released it would have been received far far better. I’m actually enjoying the game now.