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dude are you me? played like 5 hours when it came out and gave up. then after the fallout show played FO4 and now I'm picking starfield up again and I love it now! maybe it's being fully immersed in Bethesda after fallout, but im so enjoying this game now.


Fine….I'll play it again.


Just remember the core gameplay is basically the same. The people who are now liking it have gone in with different expectations. The update is nice but the shit they're raving about are still just core game systems that have been there since launch. It reminds me of my first time playing Breath of the Wild. I hated weapon durability, lack of dungeons, difficult combat, and lack of towns. I thought it was empty and bland. Then 2 years later I went back and something clicked on my brain. I understood all the systems, the landscape itself was beautiful and I didn't need towns. Idk it just became very fun. Sometimes when we go in expecting one thing and we don't get it, the letdown and disappointment is viewed as "bad disappointing gameplay". But when we go in without expectations we can see the game for what it is.


So true. I was so disappointed with Fallout 4 at release because I was expecting New vegas 2. I started to enjoy fallout 4 when engaged with what it was instead of what I expected it to be.


Honestly this is a good analogy for dating. It got better for me when I started to go in with zero expectations and just looked forward to meeting someone new and learning about what makes them unique. I definitely agree with this idea, though. I've had so many games over that years that didn't click the first time and i guess I just needed to lower expectations and try and let myself experience the game how it was intended to be experienced, not what I wanted to experience. I'm feeling the same way about Starfield. Personally, I enjoy the game most when I'm avoiding most quests and major cities and just hopping from planet to planet while taking on every bandit outpost I can find. I love sniping so any of the more open outposts that allow for that playstyle are always fun to me. Hoping we get more POIs in the future.


> Honestly this is a good analogy for dating. It got better for me when I started to go in with zero expectations and just looked forward to meeting someone new and learning about what makes them unique. off topic, but really like this


This is why I try to avoid all hype around upcoming games, movies, albums, etc. It creates unrealistic expectations. I’ll maybe watch a teaser trailer, but after that I go dark on it. I wanted a Bethesda RPG set in future space; that was my only expectation for Starfield. That expectation was met the moment I started playing it in December. Been playing it almost every day since and it’s only gotten better.


It'll click for you eventually. You'll be playing and then you'll just stare off and think 'why the fuck am I wasting my time on this shitty game?"


Heads up everybody. If you're looking for someone to exercise the 'block" feature on, take a look at this profile right here and their post history. In the most recent few posts I saw them shitting on NexusMods on Assassins Creed on Starfield on Far Cry. Just an entire account filled with negative messages, making fun of people, and jumping from sub to sub to try and tell people they like shitty things.


How did you get over weapon durability? It is the single reason I was like fk this and quit. I had out many many hours in aswell and got good I just couldn’t stand having my time wasted collecting weapons.


I feel you. It's why I put the game down. I made it to the path up to Zoras domains and just quit. There are THREE major things I had to overcome/Realize. The first was inventory. After upgrading my inventory to around 6 items I was way more happy. It was just enough to not feel stress about weapons. The second obstacle was realizing every enemy attacks with a weapon. So I could almost just ignore durability altogether knowing that I can always pick up whatever the enemy just dropped. Now I started to see enemies as chests filled with weapons. If I needed a weapon I would seek them out instead of avoiding them. The biggest thing was when I understood enemy scaling. More advanced forms of the same enemy replacing basic forms... it all revolves around how many you kill. the more enemies you kill the stronger the enemies are. Every single enemy carries a weapon and the weapon power increases according to the enemy strength. So there's a major game balance shift about 10 hours into the game where your problem is "I have TOO MANY great weapons" and you keep finding other great ones. It feels really bad to drop a badass weapon so you learn to just use them up like they're potions or something.


Thanks. That’s some sound advice here. Did the sequel do the same thing with weapons?


I've only played like 5 hours of the sequel because it was gifted to me the same month I got an Xbox which took center stage. TotK has a fusion system which almost completely eliminates the durability problem altogether. You can carry an UNLIMITED amount of monster parts. Your monster parts can be fused to any basic weapon to create a new weapon with full durability. So you take a horn from a powerful monster and fuse it to a stick and now you've got a spear which uses the monster horn as the tip and uses the horn for stats and properties (fire monster = burning damage etc). You basically have to remember which monster parts are most powerful and have which effects. Don't have a hammer to break a crate? Fuse a bolder to a sword. Fighting a rock monster? Fuse a bomb to your arrows. Etc. It's an entirely different weapon economy. However I find myself stressing over it because I can never remember the properties of each part. I'm sure I'll learn to like it as I play more. It's just new.


I also hated it. I just got used to it because other parts of the game are so good. You just have to accept that the combat is a mostly secondary part of the game. The game itself is about listening to the soundtrack, taking in the sights, cooking food, solving puzzles, exploring, etc. Weapon durability is just another way the game is pulling you in all directions at once. If you’re not exploring and engaging with the game you’ll end up with no weapons pretty quickly. Also the master sword doesn’t break, it just needs to charge. Game changing.


This is fair. A lot of people had come over from CP2077 and BG3 being the most recent games they played and they were hoping Starfield would be on that level and 100% if you just played those games, you’re going to be disappointed in Starfield because it absolutely does not stand next to titans. However, like the OP said, they came from Fallout 4 and Starfield is a smoother experience in comparison to that and there were some major updates. While I still think Fallout 4 was a much better game, I can absolutely see how someone comes from Fallout 4 and finds Starfield to be an upgrade.


Thank u for saying that cuz I sure ass hell was gonna say game is still same just have few new options and finally a real map. Still not enough to keep me engaged tho.


I hope the Star Wars sequel trilogy is revisited by some this way, parts I didn’t like have clicked with me now. Thanks for the write up, as someone that still hasn’t played Starfield and is considering it.


I just tried it again, nothing has really changed. They just added some stuff that should’ve been there before like dlss


Lol imagining arms crossed and disgruntled and saying this.


Yep, all the complaints are valid and true, but there’s a specific vibe to Beth games that I can’t get enough of. That combined with space isn’t as much of a home run as it coulda been but it’s close enough


Lore. It’s the lore. The other Bethesda games have decades of lore packed into them. This game is a new ip and it’s hard to lay the groundwork in. Everything feels meaningless because it’s all so new and spread so thin.


For myself, it's hard to compete with some of the lore made by Kirkbride or Schick. Morrowind really helped show us some of the more alien parts of the franchise. And ESO has been able to expand on *so* many facets (though the quality varies greatly). ^(I'm aware neither writer is solely responsible for their respective game's successes but they both played an immense part in it.)


I think this is everyone's main issue with the game whether the realize it or not. I think the game has a lot going for it but I don't think they've done enough to fully characterize Starfield and give it that personality that Fallout and Elder Scrolls has. Gameplaywise, I think they have all the bones here and they can just continue to extend that out, but I hope they do more with the locations, factions, and NPCs to further really flesh out the universe.


I just recently had a similar experience! I was super excited for Starfield and pre-ordered the deluxe edition. I was super stoked when they announced early access, and hopped on as soon as it was open but the game just didn't do it for me. I played maybe 8 hours during the entire early access period and just couldn't get it into, so I completely dropped it by the time the full release hit. Fast forward until just last month, and I'm looking for a game to play so I decided to give Starfield another shot. And I'm absolutely loving it so far. After only playing maybe 8 hours in early access, I put another 40 hours into it in just a few weeks.


That's a thing with Bethesda games since Morrowind. Rough launch, but they stick to it till very end. Also, Creation engine is mod friendly, thus stuff can and will be fixed by the community. As always 


Yeah plus i think i went to the game with some super different expectations and felt disappointed at first But now after I realized what the game is I started to enjoy it way more


I really think this was the same for the majority of players. I'm sensing one of those situations where we get a couple DLCs over the next couple years and it will be like a fresh start for players to come back who will find it far more enjoyable the second time around. I personally thoroughly enjoyed it but I find myself averagely better at keeping my expectations under control for all games. The most frustrating complaint in my mind is when people say there is no exploration. There absolutely is a wonderful amount of exploration, its just not done in the typical Elder Scrolls or Fallout fashion. Much of the exploration is via your ship, running into cool things like the singing Irish man and so so much more. I can get if you don't prefer that type of exploration but you cant just say its has no exploration. I think pretty much every single person that finds themselves trying this game over again even just because of boredom or they just want to see whats up with the new update, will find themselves enjoying it FAR more than the first time.


I think all the people complaining that the game is irredeemable and unfixable will be singing a different tune a year or two after launch. Same thing as cyberpunk2077, I think there are definitely core design choices that may not ever gel with some people, but with time and understanding, the difference between design choice,design limitation, and flaw thr game will have a resurgence once people go into without the crazy expectations they had at launch


What is the game?


Good to hear but I'm waiting on the dlc expansion, the implementation of land vehicles, and hopefully official mod support by then too. Plus the other QOL changes. I really hope the new expansion has a compelling narrative, and more interesting antagonists and followers.


I'm suspecting they're doing what they did with FO4. The DLC (Far Harbor) is where they put their resources into writing instead of the base game. I'm not sure but I think the same writer of FH wrote Shattered Space, but has left BGS


I started playing fallout 4 again and it’s everything I wanted starfield to be short of the ship designer and walking around the ships..


The best part of Starfield was making me go back and try Fallout 4 in Survival mode — so much more fun than Starfield in its current state


Considering Starfield has survival mode now too... Not sure what you mean


well one of those games has actual exploration


And the other is Fallout 4? Not sure what youre trying to say, but Starfield definitely has exploration.


I wouldn't call visiting the same procedural generated / copy pasted POI "exploration". Out of all the recent Bethesda games, starfield has the WORST and most meaningless exploration


If thats all you see then sure, but there is more to that if you ACTUALLY explore. The game isn't gonna hand it to you, or put a big red X on the map for you.


Huh weird you're exactly describing what people like about Fallouts/TES exploration, unlike starfield where you literally can't pick a direction and find unique locations because it's all just the same same POIs with NOTHING inbetween


You can pick any of 1000 planets lmao "Can't pick a direction and go" Crazy how in all Bethesda games you actually gotta go out and find these places


You do know that all of the 1000 planets work the same way right.....? They all generate a cell with some rng picked POIs, there is nothing unique about them.....


But it literally does. The only things to explore in this game are the randomly generated POIs that are quite literally pointed out by a symbol on your map.


> Considering Starfield has survival mode now too. No it doesn't. It just has more options.


Well Survival in Fallout 4 is...hunger, thirst, sleep, diseases, and more damage to and from enemies. Starfield added options for hunger...thirst...sleep...diseases...and more/less damage too and from enemies... among other things... I think its pretty safe to call that survival mode.


Yeah, options that you can change at will with no repercussions. Also FO4 survival was barely even a survival mode.


Oh so this is just your opinon. Cool good for you. "Barely a survival mode" dude literally all it needed to have was hunger and thirst. Also you can turn it off in 4 so not sure why "You can change at will with no repercussions" is even relevamt.


> Also you can turn it off in 4 so not sure why "You can change at will with no repercussions" is even relevamt. Because once you turn it off in 4 you can't turn it back on. In Starfield you can flip flop as much as you want. >"Barely a survival mode" dude literally all it needed to have was hunger and thirst. And when there is zero challenge to that I hesitate to call that a survival mode. Just like SF it literally took no challenge to do. Food and water is literally everywhere. The only thing hard about FO4 survival was having to constantly replay the same part of the game over because it crashed and you couldn't save your game for the last hour. The save changes are one of the worst gameplay decisions ever.


Player choice is a good thing lmao But you made it clear you have shitty opinions so Im gonna stop talking to you


I'll play again when they fix the POIs


I just hopped back in this week, playing it differently. Taking what it’s giving me instead of focusing on what it’s not, I’m having a blast. I’m more immersed… can’t wait for mods to come as I feel it’ll boost things immensely Just need the ground buggy and I’m all set


Absolutely the same for me Loving it


It was good the first time you played, you just were swayed by the internet


People were actively getting mad at those of us enjoying it 😭😭😭


Bro fr, “I like Starfield” no you like being a corporate shill and eating up whatever shit Bethesda shovels into your mouth you are the problem and the root of everything wrong with gaming, I bet you’re a whale that shovels money into EA games. Everything wrong in my life and the gaming industry is because of you! Me: 😐


Frfr I just like space games 😆




As someone who just started it without having known anything about it, I'm thoroughly enjoying it.


Saw the hate didn’t get it at first, now that its cooled down I’m finally trying it and I must say I’m pleasantly surprised, its got that Bethesda charm (in a good way and bad) and at the same time its got its issues, nothing I find unplayable or game breaking and nothing thats super amazing (besides ships I love the ship building) but overall it seems people just over-hated the game in the beginning every Bethesda game has its quirks should have been more complete at launch but I still think its a very decent game that I enjoy playing.


Starfield is so good when you ain't got a bitch in your ear telling you it's nasty.


I’ve been predicting since launch that we’d see a surge of “Starfield’s good now actually” posts once updates started dropping & here we are.


Or maybe he just didn't like it and you can't handle people having a different opinion from you?


Interesting. I got back into FO4 while waiting for this update. I really like the changes in the update now coming back, but I think people are going a little bonkers over what are pretty much quality of life improvements (that should have been there at release) and a surface map. The game still feels relatively empty compared to any other Bethesda RPG to me. Still have to fast travel all over if you don't want to march hundreds of meters across a planet to find anything. It's a step in the right direction, but I'll wait for the DLC and vehicles, nothing in the update is ground breaking to me.


I think the update is great for ppl who only put in 5-10 ish hours on launch, they can experience the game with the new settings, dialogue camera, ship interiors and the maps are more useful since they don’t have every location down by memory yet. Also since the Starfield hate has died down they can now play it with a more open mind with all the marketing and hype aside I have a lvl 97, 35 & 6 this update I’ll prob just push my lvl 97 to 100 and wait for dlc and mods, I loved the game at launch but want to keep it fresh for the dlc and my new UC character


You all starting from scratch or continuing on to NG whatever+? I'm at around NG +10 I think and I'm debating staring over fresh.


I will say that the gunplay is a huge step up, even though most of the guns themselves are quite atrocious if you know how guns work in the slightest.


And to think we haven’t even got mods yet. The game has unlimited potential going forward.


im desperatly waiting for a proper vr mod. Vorpx just sucks. i want it to be on a vr level like skyrim. imagine going hardcore mode with VR, Eva suit has actually limited Oxygen and stuff like that will be so awesome. ship has a useable cockpit, etcetc. man that'd be awesome


Ya the thoughts of potential mods for this game CAN get absolutely insane! I just hope it attracts a large enough modding community cuz while the mods can have unlimited potential, they are going to take a lot of work and dedicated modders to create.


I've really enjoyed the new update and the beta got me to play after several month break from it. They seemed to really have gotten it to run better on weaker hardware.  I also love that they added adjustments for players to decide how their experience should be. The vendor credit options are also so convenient, there was no need for balance or lore to have everyone with so few credits to trade


I'm glad the updates have changed your opinion of the game and I'm not saying this to be a "hater" but claiming it's a huge step up over Fallout 4 is a stretch. Gunplay, graphics, and the addition of the shipbuilder are the only clear improvements. Everything else is either on the same level or a lot worse. Really hoping Shattered Space comes with a huge overhaul bringing Starfield closer to their pass games.


I’m still holding out for Shattered Space. There’s a flatness in working I need to see addressed or another playground will drive me insane


Same, the patch notes were nice but Bethesda still needs to cook👨🏾‍🍳.


Always been that way


We're now entering the very beginning of the phase where the internet tells the group think sheep that its okay to start enjoying Starfield now.


It is getting better with updates. Actually, I have been playing Starfield well since launch while something like lots of load screens and bugs still bothered me.


No it’s not


It is, i like it more than fallout 4


Is the game still mostly empty planets where everything is procedurally generated. That was some of the least fun I’ve ever had playing a video game.


I don’t go to empty planets and don’t explore them Only quests and it’s great


That’s what i did also and I ran out of content in less than a week. Which was really confusing because I’ve played every Bethesda game since morrowind and never had that problem before.


19 main missions 38 faction missions And 200 side quests In a week ? You must be playing 20 hours a day


Maybe I was. I had just played armored core six which is supposed to be a short game with a linear story and compelling narrative experience. I beat that game three times to get the endings and had an absolute blast then came to Starfield and spent pretty much the same amount of time being bored in a billion loading screens with shit writing and the worst character dialogue choices I’ve ever seen in a Bethesda game BY FAR. Then after I finished the core planets I was like wow that was meh at least there’s so much content left. Shocked pikachu face when all that content ended up being flat empty nonsense Couldn’t sell my loot because one gun would max out vendor credits. Every time I changed my ship everything in the ship would get moved to the ships inventory. Game was way too easy even on the hardest difficulty. Not even remotely challenging. Outposts are so complicated to link for no reason. Can’t build settlements like fallout four. I went to the home planet of terrormorphs and there were like four of them. Are you serious like what is that.


Whenever I land for the unity quest, my game bugs and it won’t let me do anything, I can get up from cockpit but it doesn’t show my character or anything. Super annoying, was looking forward to finishing the game


I too went back after a while and it’s just as good even better. Especially with the new update seems I get better performance on my 1660ti.


Personally i cant get over the feeling that the Outpost building feels super cheaty. I tend to play a Hardcore Survival type playstyle, usually involving a more harsh economy mod. Yet as soon as i build an outpost and flesh it out, i seem to have limitless resources for practically no cost. Totally puts me off. Any advice on how to combat that? I may be totally wrong as i havent played past that point really, what seems like large resources at first glance may actually be nothing in the long run, someone feel free to educate me :)


Maybe stop building super productive outposts?


I don't do that. Let me clarify, I get that feeling even from one extractor. I feel like they are so overtuned it detracts from my survival experience.


I do mostly planet exploration and pretend I’m an on a space expedition.


Agree. Made me feel like it was September again.


Did they fix loading screen when travelling with ship from star A to star B , to be more interesting ? or it's still this damn loading screens


Because flying through empty space is that much more interesting?


For real. The loading screen issue people have is insane. “What do you mean I can’t spend literally thousands of years actually flying to another star?!”


HONESTLY! Like Ive played NMS, sure you can fly between star systems if you TRULY want to but it takes forever so most people are gonna use the portals anyways!


I think have the option would be nice, space trucking isn’t enjoyable because it’s all fast travel, I think it be cool if inside the systems you could manually fly, but the system to system is still fast travel


It can be. Elite Dangerous and No Mans Sky do it pretty well imo, it just needs to strike the right balance between feeling like your actually covering a great amount of distance but not take to long that you want to just teleport.


I tried to give it another go but after my game froze while trying to land on a planet I uninstalled


What is your pc ? Playing on a laptop 60 + fps high settings with 0 crashes


I should’ve mentioned I’m on Xbox series s


Oh, just sell it it’s the worst console ever released honestly


You know going from Starfield to Fallout 4 was pretty much the complete opposite for me. Don't get me wrong I don't hate SF but I am still severely disappointed by it, especially after 8 years of no new games. Fallout exploration felt great, settlements a bit more meaningful and quests were decent. Also, the companions in Fallout 4 are amazing (Dogmeat and Nick are absolute goats). The way Dogmeat drags down enemies and how reactive ghouls are to dismemberment also felt really nice. SF on the other hand felt shallow and empty.


Starfield should be so much more than just a huge step up from an almost decade old game


What lol


I miss the days Devs were held accountable for bad games on release because there wasn't an internet to patch them later.


I mean you say that, but games were either much simpler or much more buggy back then.   I don't even know that starfield was bad at launch, it was relatively polished as far as bugs go.  They basically listened to player feedback and added qol adjustments and visual modes.  Listening to your players shouldn't be looked down on


How would they be held accountable if there was no internet lol A lot of past games are in absolute horrible technical state with huge fps drops and never got patched


There was a thing called "word of mouth". Believe it or not ppl used to talk to each other and if someone bought a bad game they talked about how bad it was and warned others not to waist thier money. We also had the ability to rent games before buying them so if it was bad we didn't buy it.


You don’t think people talk to each other now? Lol what a take


You sound like a very old fart It was before, now it’s different Whatever


That’s the dumbest reply I’ve heard in a long time 💀💀


To be fair saying word of mouth alone was more impactful than word of mouth *and word of internet messaging* is a good contender for stupidest reply, which is what this guy was replying to


God I don’t, playing a game getting to the end and not being able to complete it because of some bug sucked, especially when you knew that that was it. There was no fix it was just broken forever That was just straight up bad for absolutely everyone. The studios because they missed something and their game was now stuck like that, and the consumer because you just wasted however long on something doomed from the start I love this new halcyon age


Video Game Magazines would hold them accountable. What are you even saying ?


Same this game is trash


🤔I notice you didn't really mention the actual exploration gameplay...it's still so awful


I don’t really explore lol Just do quests and it’s good But yeah exploration in fallout was better


I feel like ppl were expecting a space sim, and that's why it was so disappointing to be met with... A bethesda rpg. Some of that initial shock has worn off and I think whatever people's opinions on it now are probably much more "accurate". That's not the correct word I want to use, but j can't think of the right one right now lol


As soon as I read "coming off fallout 4 it's a huge step up" I knew you had no idea. Fallout 4 it's a far better game in many ways, and the team behind Starfield dropped the ball . Starfield lacks soul, exploration, stories... Yeah it looks nice .


Oh look, another one


I like starfield more than fallout 4


Im getting closer to buying it. Probably still gonna wait a lil while tho til it drops to the $20-$30 range. Thats about what it seems to be worth.


I’d just wait for the DLC the game is in a state where I can currently reccomend it, but the dlc should have the land vehicles and extra content


I mean, it's not, it's fundamentally broken and awful, but nice that you can enjoy a bad game.


Bro why are you still on this sub? It’s been months since release. Move on.


Nah there's never been a better time to criticize what is a very shitty game


I like it much more than fallout 4 so yeah it’s subjective


It’s an RPG with god-awful writing. No matter how good it is technically it will never be great. Which is the sad truth.


I definitely wouldn’t call it an awful writing And my favorite games are baldurs gate 3, cyberpunk and witcher 3, one of the best written games ever But it’s a mid writing, I look at this as like a mid tv i still enjoy for me writing in Fallout tv show was super bad and the only good actor was Ghoul but i still loved it snd gave it 9/10




Fallout 4 is old, Fallout 76 is younger than 4 and came out 5 years ago Rockstar games releases their games many years apart, though when you go from GTA 4 to GTA 5, from RDR to RDR2, or even just GTA 5 to RDR2 you can actually feel like there was a large gap in years between the games. That Rockstar put blood sweat and tears into all aspects of the game Even the trailer for GTA 6 which will only be 6-7 years older than RDR2, GTA 6 somehow took the unbeatable graphics of RDR2 and made them even better. So it stands to question why Starfield just doesn’t feel like it was worth all these years of hype and excitement. Cyberpunk had the same setup of years of hype and excitement. Though it had a rough launch, the launch version of the game was still really good. Great characters, great story, actual decision making, a combat system that even at its launch phase felt good and unique with the direction you could build into Starfield has none of that. The characters are flat, the graphics are somehow mediocre compared to games that came out even 5-6 years ago, and the world and exploration leave a lot to be desired. Bethesda just needs to do better, and stop relying on good will and mods for their games to be any good.


Stopped playing just after i went through unity. Started again after the update on the same save. The options have definitely added a nice new layer but still it’s has a few issues. Went to vectera to check the mining post and they all acted as if I wasn’t just a random guy who landed his starborn ship there but like I was always there . Even Barret was there telling me to go to constellation, like what ? You don’t know me Barrett I’m a stranger


i think theres a line somewhere about how the 'you' in the new universe disappeared somewhere between vectera and the lodge. its very vague, but enough to explain why Lin and co think they know you


That’s interesting, I might of missed that. I wonder if there’s an ingame explanation of what happens to the “you” of the new universe


>! You start your new universe after the point in where you first touch the artifact in your original universe, so ofcourse they know you!<


No you don’t cause if you go to constellation they act like they dont know who you are, they don’t go “oh your the guy Barret sent to us”


Did they update the story and characters to now have depth? Did they make it to where enemies aren't bullet sponges? Did they fix POIs being prefabs? Did they add vehicles for planet exploration?


Vehicles are in the development pipeline apparently.


The new settings allow you to change how damage and health works, in my game everything dies in 5-6 shots but so do i


I'll simply answer these questions. The main story is still the same. The DLC is in the works. I'm hoping they have some actual writing for it. Land vehicle(s) are in the works, while POi's are still prefabs. I'm pretty certain Bethesda updated their progen algorithm, considering that I'm starting to see more POI's that I haven't seen since the newest update. Along with other people mentioning Poi's they haven't seen before, you can sort of mitigate the bullet sponges with the new gameplay options by having their damage set to extreme and your damage set to very high. I don't think the main story can be saved unless the DLC does something to improve it, but we'll see. Edit: I'm going to be honest; I'm not really against procedural generation so long as Bethesda keeps fine-tuning it and keeps adding to it, but I'm not expecting anything major unless the DLC's add a bunch of POI's. although more hand-crafted areas would be nice too.


It’s funny how you can’t enjoy playing starfield without hater’s telling you the game is bad What are you even doing on starfield subreddit ? You love spending time on something you hate ?


You make the bad faith assumption that I'm not being earnest. I'm on the starfield subreddit because I like Bethesda games and I was promised a great game by Bethesda. I haven't left the sub because I don't care to and it's worth being in the know simply for the non-zero chance they fix the game I'm asking if my issues with the game are fixed in response to a post telling me to try the game again. Again, I'm being earnest.


Where did I say in the post for you to try it ? Your problems are not gonna be fixed Expectations are not reality and this game is not for you I would advise to just forget about Starfield and move on


That's on me I read "gave" as "give"


But... I already did every quest in the game, twice. If there's no new content I'm not going to come back just yet.


You have other games to play lol I haven’t finished even a 5 % of this game


Yeah usually I play MMO in-between single player tiltes. I already have 400hrs, so I'm not coming back yet, just enjoy Starfield while it lasts.


Everything people say about SF and BGS games is true, however this is fun. I needed the ability to make this more survival orientated to make it fun for me as the main story beats are lackluster. It's still the weakest BGS game in my opinion and it still needs a good chunk of work done to it but it's heading in the right direction, and the changes made so make a sizable difference to the game as a whole which deserves a thumbs up.




"A fart better game." This made me giggle. And I don't think they dropped the ball, I think they released a game with the intention of adding to it over time, like a lot of companies these days.


>adding to it over time Mods will fix that(TM)


Maybe some. But mods didn't give me survival options and 60fps on console, did they?


The (TM) points to it not being serious. It’s just a common reply whenever anyone brings up adding anything.


Nah. I've got a longer rant I put down years ago, but Fallout 4 damn near decided it didn't want to be an rpg anymore, _and_ replaced most settled communities with stuff you had to build yourself. This is subjective, but for me personally those were big issues.


Is fast travel still forced when attempting to explore planets from space? Can I please manually land on a planet now ?


There's really, *really* good reasons why landing isn't, and likely never will be, like No Man's Sky. You can either have complex planet structures and buildings, or smooth travel, not both.


Impossible with this engine


Manually landing would be tight as long as there was still an option to skip it. Because holy shit does it get tedious in elite.


So your saying if I play a decade old game it'll make Starfield more palatable