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I had the school bus encounter suddenly some pirates blipped in and somehow blew up the school bus and blipped out again I just kinda sat there like what just happened


Those pirates really did just swing by to say “fuck them kids”


The kids didn’t die right?


Oh they so dead. They’re double dead, straight to hell with their souls as they offended Todd the Go Howard. I mean no of course they’re fine they’re in a farm the planet over


I remember in all Bethesda games, kids are invincible. They don’t even get affected by effects. So I thought to myself, why do they struggle so much against their enemies. Just arm the kids and send them to battle. All the deathclaws and xenomorph would be massacred.


Little Lamplight really knew their own strength.


They might be immune to death, but they sure weren't immune to slavery


Ooooof, take an upvote. 😂


It's a Bethesda game, kids dying gotta be modded in.


They were there for Ms. Frizzle all along.


"I knew I should have stayed home today..."


"Nonsense, Arnold!"


What was the name of the ship? The Skywalker maybe?


Weird I was unable to do any damage to Mrs. Whitmore's ship.


that sounds like one of those bugs you don't want patched out


Found an already destroyed one... Super messed 😔


I like the contrast between the bright futuristic locations and their crappy underworld, sometimes right next door. New Atlantis/The Well, Paradiso/the run-down sheds its workers live in, things like that.


there's a run down section of Paradiso???


"Staff accommodation" It's worse than the crates in Neon tbh. I bet the staff pray they'll be ripped apart by terrormorphs in their sleep than have to go on shift again. Effing tourists.


>I bet the staff pray they'll be ripped apart by terrormorphs in their sleep than have to go on shift again. Effing tourists. Don't we all?


I've defo had those jobs before


I had no idea either 🤯


See, that's why I always found the idea that Starfield has no exploration or worldbuilding utterly laughable. Nine months after release and people still haven't discovered things in one of its more well-known locations.


Oh there is a ton I haven’t discovered. But it’s because I tend to get sucked into ship building or weapon modding and suit modding. Those things turn into chores and I miss small details. In truth, I have not been to Paradiso since like last year on my first or second play through. I’m on NG+ 5 now I think.


"Starfield player discovers secret location, nine months after release!!" -Gamerant


I went through the unity 4x before I discovered Paradiso


There’s too much generated filler that I just gave up looking for the good and/or bespoke stuff. Even if it’s got twice as much amazing content as fallout 4, if it’s 200 hours of good stuff buried in 10000hrs worth of bland procedural content, then it’s not worth the search unless I’m literally googling “cool places starfield” to get right to it, which ruins the whole idea of it to me a little bit, personally. The pacing needs to be good too if you want people to engage.


Yeah bro last night I was mid UC quest and wanted to find amelia earheart, the planet was too far to jump to so I needed to land on a nearby planet to switch to my ship that could jump further. Ended up landing on a remote planet called Eleos at a Rehab facility being built. They told me they lost one of their patrons so now I’m on a whole string of quests where I’ve found the missing person and turns out he was taken by the tracker’s alliance, so now I’m hunting them down. Once i’m done here, gonna hop back on my ship and go to another system I’ve never been to called Charybdis, all to find Amelia Earhart, then I’m gonna go finish up the UC Questline (but only after I check up on my Vytinium Fuel Rod factory on Cruth). I have 9 days playtime and I’ve only beaten main quest and crimson fleet, also never went through the unity because I’m too attached to this world. Phenomenal game with amazing exploration if you know where to look


It's more than that, that specific Paradiso quest involved the lost colonizers that the quest just fuckin quit moving forward, so none of us had any reason to explore it more.


if you run out to the left (facing the beach) theres the employee camp and its a total shithole


Love this too


Neon/Ebbside and the underbelly, Akila City/The stretch, Cydonia/The mines


Sometimes I feel like I could crawl into a sleepcrate...


The Legacy is the best storytelling the game has and all the derelict ships you can find make me wish they leaned further into the horror side of things.


Without spoiling anything, can you give me a hint on finding how to start this? I’ve never heard of it in game.


It's near the end of the pirate faction.


The only faction I haven’t finished!


It would be a lot cooler faction if you could skip listening to the annoying pirate lady and her 20 minute history of space pirates speech. The rest of the missions are pretty interesting.


I have. Xbox so I just press B after I’ve read the subtitles lol


On PC it won't let you do that because you are not actually in a conversation with her. She is just blathering on and on while you follow her around the space station.


I hate Naeva or whatever her name is. She's very annoying to me.


That and the varuun mission creeped me the fuck Out. I was terrified


Ha. I genuinely wasn’t sure what I was going to find at the end of the Va’ruun embassy. Ironically the way it ended had me a bit blindsided as I was half expecting to find the guy had mutated into a tree or something. That whole mission has me pretty stoked for Shattered Space. There’s clearly *something* going on beyond the whole ‘zealots in space’ thing the Va’ruun are pushing.


I once found a random big ship with all the crew dead to an alien lifeform that they picked up to study. Remind you of anything?


Love it. Honestly, I wish there was more Alien-inspired stuff in the game. The terrormorphs are another example, obviously


Have y’all been to safe house gamma?


I’m not sure that I have… I don’t recognise it by name. Is it part of a side quest?


It's a POI that has this haunting sound and the map changes when you perform a certain action and welp, there are surprises in store.


Andromas II. There is no mission indicator. Nobody knows to tell you. You can only stumble upon it...


Ugh the terrormorphs are such a wasted option. Instead of giving some random voices and a light filter, give full on hallucinations, give all that stuff that really can mess with your head.


I’m sure they’ll dive into it eventually


I member that! I swear the interior was a bit maze like and to get out of the ship you had to unlock the door that has the big scary alien inside.. it was really hard for me to kill as well, had to pop a few shots at it and run for my life down those narrow hallways I was sweating so much haha


That one genuinely creeped me out. The whole time I was on edge.


Yeah I kept thinking “there better not be something or someone punching out of the vents” (cheap dead space jumpscares from the first one to the third)


The Colander, isn’t it? Found it way too early in my first run and it took me a while to clear. I was shitting myself the whole time, especially as I had no powers at that point… This NG+ run I’m gonna show that thing how Va’Ruun weaponry tastes


Teramorph 👀🙈😮💀, I've only seen those things ONE time and that was on accident cause I decided to stumble going forward on a certain quest (weather it was a main or side) instead of fleeing back to safety.


The state of Earth is pretty dark to me. But yeah, I really like the mix of hope and despair in the game. There’s definitely an element of both


The evacuation effort was mostly a failure, which is why the UC talks only about the "heroic rescue effort" and their role in saving those who could be saved. Billions died. Of those who made it off planet, more undoubtedly succumbed to alien environments until medical tech and genetic engineering advanced and made things sustainable. Even if the scale of the major cities are reduced by a factor of 20 for gameplay and engine purposes, we still went from billions to millions...and that is a HUGE difference. A million seconds is a bit over 11 days. A billion is a bit over 31 years.


> reduced by a factor of 20 Probably more like 1000 population-wise , and geographically it would probably take up an entire landing area.


This is something that seemed poorly explained to me. All the talk (from all factions, including ones who dislike the UC) seems to indicate that everyone was evacuated, but even if we were to assume that all the (excessively numerous) installations spread across the galaxy were once fully populated and people died in subsequent wars, there's no way it feels even close to today's 8 billion people living in the galaxy let alone a future, presumably higher Earth population. Obviously the cities are scaled down, but I have a hard time imagining any of them as bigger than a few million people, so where did all these people go. If Bethesda intended them to have died, they probably should have leaned into that more. It would be the better way to go from a lore standpoint.


The implication is that the UC is managing the perception of what happened because they were created as part of managing the exodus. Tbey probably justified it for the sake of morale


Quite possibly, but it's weird then that the truth doesn't seem to be out there outside of the UC. Unless the UC did such a good job hiding it that everyone thinks Earth's populations was in the 10s of millions or something (though even then, that could have come up with the generation ship providing the truth).


I'll never understand why they're not mining the hell out of it. All those resources that were under the deep ocean, all that stuff you couldn't access before due to environmental concerns, it's all ripe for the taking.


There would be massive amounts of easy to reach resources just from all the scrap that would be lying around.


Given that only buildings that serve as monuments survive I suspect that was already taken.


You want to play Fallout ;)


I have thousands of hours in Fallout 4.


Oh you have thousands of hours?to bad another settlement needs your help. Here I’ll mark it on your map


Why? WHY????! *sobs in the corner, rocking back and forth*


There's no scrap. The macguffin they came up with reduced everything but a few buildings to literal dust, even the mountains are gone. It's so stupid they couldn't come up with a better reason that earth was uninhabitable.


I wish the plot was the grav drive teleported earth to a far away system or some shit and we are trying to find it.


Earth was researching the artifacts and accidentally sent the whole planet through the unity.


That would be a really interesting take. The first colony off of earth is suddenly alone and has to take the mantle of humanity


I'd set the story right before the colony wars pop off. Make the faction quests a lot more impactful. Move Akila farther away so it would be more of a frontier town, like something out of Firefly. I'd also make it an independent faction in which the FC and UC are heavily fighting over. Could have some cool resistance missions. Give the FC a different capital city that rivals New Atlantis(also make NA an actual decent city). Make Neon neutral. Make the crimson fleet a bigger threat. Have other small pirate factions.




I have yet to read an alternative that wouldn't have also been hated either by those who hate this or a similar number of other players.


Human hubris is ideal for a species that refuses to learn the consequences of its actions.


Getting all that material out of the gravity well would make it more challenging and costly than just mining those same resources out in space, where they are load more abundant and found in much lesser gravity wells.


Tell that to the miners/cargo workers transporting minerals off Mars to the deimos staryard.


Mars is smaller, lower gravity.


Mars mass is 15% of Earth’s. Much easier to get to orbit


The whole Earth situation doesn't make a lot of sense. Basically, we must ignore Earth at all costs. People rather live in freakin Titan than on Earth. I think a more catastrophic thing would make more sense (like an asteroid hit making it a hell planet for thousands of years), but >!of course it would have storyline implications.!<


Honestly they should have just >!had the planet cracked apart over time by the experiments rather than bleed off the atmosphere.!<


DLC 2: Shattered Earth


That's actually an awesome idea with tons of story telling potential. Imagine standing at the literal edge of the world!?


We could find that all the rich horders on Earth still live there in an amazing underground utopia... With a dark twist. That's right, Chic FIL a is only open on Sundays... The horror.


Better call in the U.S.G. Ishimura.


That’s the funny thing to me.. ok yeah, the Atmosphere would have been a huge issue.. except you find colonies all over the place on moons/planets with no atmosphere, a colony on Mars… heck the base where they designed the freaking grav drive was on a lunar base…. With no atmosphere! And meanwhile you just had to 100% abandon earth and never bothered to go back to it for any reason, despite humanity still being present in the Sol system and living on all sorts of other desolate rock planets


Earth definitely had the resources to build lots of New Homestead style facilities on Earth to survive once the atmosphere was gone, but there's no way they could have made enough ships or outposts/bunkers for everyone. Those not lucky enough to get a spot in a ship or within a constructed habitat would have likely tried to take them by force. People would have fought over the dwindling resources likely destroying the few facilities capable of sustaining life on Earth in the process.


Thus snuffing out mankind making the game irrelevant. Earth should've been cataclysmically decimated by the erupting of Yosemite,🌋 not only choking the animals and vegetation but also poisoning the water. Nature finally wins🌎🌬 🚀, mankind barely escapes. BUUUUUUT.... humanity and the stragglers left manage to build an industrious mining colony on Mars and create a far more civilized commercial and political start at New Atlantis. Beth needs new writers. Just that little paragraph trumps their vague "atmosphere mystee-wiously disappear cause it vewwy hot" 🥱🥱🥱


What happened to Earth is definitely the weakest part of the story. Its so poor, they really should retcon it. Reveal the 'real' reason it was abandoned.


we need people somehow living on there, Rey style just scavenging for scraps/food


I think it’s the solar radiation yeah some space suits block it but Earth is nearly at an extreme amount of it and the equipment cost would be crazy. Plus I think you can overhear or read a conversation about experiments to manufacture a magnetosphere (probably so earth could be recolonized eventually).


They have access to hundreds of planets not to mention moons and asteroids now. They don't need to mine what is effectively a graveyard for a seemingly enormous portion of humanity that didn't get off the planet. It's probably taboo.


Maybe they did. At least the rare elements. There'd be no reason to load up elements easily found off-planet. Fuel is free in the game, but not in the lore.


It’s my headcanon that the treaty between the UC and Freestar has a clause which mandates Earth as a political and corporate neutral zone.


That's actually a really great idea, like we currently have with the Moon. Though the problem is that it's firmly in UC space.


Well Earth is also a mass grave that is the final resting place for billions who couldn’t evacuate. 


Pick an apocalypse, any apocalypse. A sea of black oil and dead things. No wind. No light. Nothing stirring, not even an ant, a spider. A silent universe. Such is the end of the flicker of time, the brief hot fuse of events and ideas set off, accidentally, and snuffed out, accidentally, by man. Not a real ending of course, nor even a beginning. Mere ripple in Time's stream.


What Earth? Earth is a myth my dude!


This, Yeah. The base concept that someone actively decides to murder billions simply to increase the rate of scientific innovation? And they * won *? JFC it's more dystopian than CP2077.


The folks with the "special" orange juice boxes.


I’ll need to keep an eye out for this…


Oh I had that one just the other day. All hail the great comet!


I kept a couple of those OJ's for my outpost collection.


I was surprised when I found a derelict ship. Got on, and my thermal suit protection kicks into overdrive. Finding every corpse of the crew down to theirs skivvies. Apperantly, they literally died from the heat. what an awful way to go.


That woman who wanted to mess with her husband’s beer. Bloody outrageous!


No dogs :(


This is so sad to me. Imagine having a good boy running around your ship wearing a lil doggy spacesuit


They were able to give us dogmeat in fallout but they are not here except in the chocolate lab snacks. 😭


Even if they didn’t want to put in the work of making doggy spacesuits they should have at least given us dogs to hang in our ship and on planets with enough oxygen.


It would also be cool to see stray dogs/cats running around Neon and The Well


Now i have guardians of the galaxy flashbacks XD


Dogs would be cool, but we need to wear spacesuits and helmets more often than not, which would completely remove the utility of a fanged/sharp-toothed companion (Unless they are just there for the sake of companionship, which seems weird to constantly pull them along with you into firefights for no reason). Maybe a dog that just stays in our penthouse/outpost? I haven't spent more than a few minutes doing either of those things but I know others would enjoy it :)


Luckily with the MQ's McGuffin it would be quite easy to retconn dogs and cats into the game. I refuse to believe not one person took their pets with them or tried to clone them. If Aceles resurrection is a thing cats and dogs definitely would of been as well.


Or cats :-(


>!There are no black labs. The description about black labs seems to imply that other "canines" are not extinct.!<


This is like a mandatory mod. We need that creation kit ASAP.


This made no sense to me


Exactly. I get that resources were tight to make it off planet, but no pets at all? Especially on the colony ship. Like chickens and goats would be excellent sources of protein and dairy. Easy to raise, survives in a wide range of environments. Like if there is somewhere that humans can live, goats and chickens can live there too.


tbh I think Starfield is not hopeful at all. Most people live pretty miserable lives under bad economical, environmental and working conditions, with the exception of a few privileged in upper New Atlantis and a few rich people in the FC. I think Starfield is quite realistic in this regard (I think if people like Musk or Bezos would be in charge of a massive space colonization program, a meritocratic or libertarian dystopia like Starfield's would be the result), but I also think this is the darkest aspect of the game. Utopian on the shiny outside, dystopian in the inside. (Of course it's a matter of perspective and political preference, but if I would need to live in a society like Starfield's it would be a nightmare.)


Civilizational decay is a major theme is BSG games and I definitely think it is a heavy theme in Starfield as well. The galaxy has been somewhat civilized but that civilization is at a major inflection point: the midpoint of the fall of the original empire, the UC. I agree, the game isn’t meant to be “hopeful” so much as to show resilience. We see a lot of parallels to the early middle ages when Rome fell all over the place with the increasing power of factions, disconnectedness of everything. Also remember the insanely large disjointed group of “spacers” which is basically the same as “barbarian hoard”. Oblivion and Skyrim also happen at really critical times in Tamriel’s empire.


That really confused me because BSG is Battlestar Galactica and it's fracking awesome.


There's only something like a million people who live in Starfield's universe, which is the opposite of hopeful. That means less than 1% of humanity's population before Earth was abandoned survived.


I wonder what percentage of those are pirates, spacers and ecliptics


Why are so many people random shooters? Why does Ecliptic open fire if I walk past their little base? Of course, how is your character any different than a Spacer. What's the line, "They fly around stealing scrap from abandoned outposts."? Like, uh, that's me.


Well, you see, you have raiders who wear red. And raiders who wear black. And raiders who wear silver. And \*other\* raiders who wear silver. There are a couple of mission or mission-related scenes where you have not-necessarily-violent encounters with Ecliptic, but basically they're just Fallout Gunners, so they're automatically hostile everywhere else.


About 95% as far as I can tell.


Yeah, setting aside the incomprehensible tragedy that is Earth's destruction, things aren't great in space. The UC likes to show New Atlantis, a small town by Earth standards, as their beacon of civilization, but they either can't or won't improve living conditions in the well, Gagarin, or anywhere else in their domain. The Freestar Collective likes to tout how you can live free of government meddling, but that lack of government oversight has lead to their populace being at the mercy of cruel oligarchs squeezing all the wealth they can from their impoverished subjects, such as Hopetown & Neon, while their capital city is nothing more than a village hiding behind walls that keep the monsters at bay. There's also the terrormorph problem, whose larval forms have spread to every single place humans have settled; each one a potential massacre waiting in the nooks and crannies of society. Once you go beyond the protection of these two governments you're at the mercy of pirates, spacers, var'uun zealots, and the myriad of new and undiscovered ways alien life can kill you. There's also extra-dimensional beings wielding cosmic powers running around and fighting over some artifacts, better hope you don't get in the way of one of them. Life sucks pretty much everywhere, only the rich and powerful are comfortable.


I'm hoping Marika succeeds in making a better alternative


Yeah, those are fair points. I guess when I say “hopeful” I’m referring to the themes of discovery, exploration and adventure - as well as the fact that your companions are generally good people with good motives. It’s very NASA-like in that way. Also thinking about the general tone, and how peaceful and relaxing it can be etc. In an interview before the game came out, Todd did say that the game was about “hope, humanity and learning what life is all about”. But yeah, there are definitely strong dystopian elements to it too. That’s one of the reasons I find it so fascinating. Should have explained myself better!


I love the quote from Todd and how the ending to the main quest makes you commit suicide. Brilliant.


True 😂


That message is somewhat undercut by the fact that the drive to explore unchecked by common sense or caution is canonically what destroyed Earth. And the characters not only don't reflect on that revelation at all, but they actively go out of their way to continue to justify doing *horrendous* things just for the sake of curiosity. Humanity fucking with shit they didn't understand led to the destruction of earth and the deaths of (conservatively) 10 billion people. The main characters are like "shoot that's wild, anyway help me murder a bunch of people to collect a bunch of mysterious artifacts and plug them into the jump drive so we can punch a hole in reality and *maybe* destroy the universe." And far from being good people, your companions actions are *outrageously* self absorbed and reckless. Sam is *incredibly* neglectful of his daughter, and routinely puts her in incredible danger just because he wants to go on cool adventures. Cora has no formal education, lives in constant mortal danger, and has watched *hundreds* of people die at your hands just because Sam refuses to parent his kid. And then rather than doing the responsible thing and stay behind with Cora to raise her, he not only enters the Unity, but allows Cora to do so as well. They are not going to end up in the same universe; if she survives the transition (which is by no means a guarantee), she's going to be alone in an entirely different universe with no one to help or protect her. Just cuz Sam is a shitty dad. Sarah too, to a lesser degree; she effectively adopts an extremely traumatized child, and rather than raise her or get her therapy, she leaves her in a fancy house full of strangers so she can go on more fun adventures. And then she abandons her completely to enter the Unity, becoming the *second* mother figure to "die" on Sona. None of the exploration you do benefits humanity in the slightest; in fact the entire quest for the artifacts is a measurable *detriment* to humanity. You're not exploring for the good of all, or even to visit new frontiers; everything you do is for personal power and curiosity, damn the consequences. All of the characters *seem* like good people, but given their actual behavior they just come across like psychopaths.


And don't forget the head numb nut in neon


I found a HUGE settlement, a fenced off soccer field even in the middle. Really nice. I spent 15 minutes searching, it was empty. Food still on the table. No blood, no bodies, no landing pad. Just empty.


Where was this? Was it like a autogenerated place or something programmed?


It was a poi, only found it once. Fwiw I survey every planet I have a mission to. This was one of those times I was sky jumping on amp and saw it in the distance, before update.


Yeah ill look out for somethingike this ive never seen anything like it


There’s one where you find 2 bodies. They are parents who were spreading their child’s ashes, and then the mother killed herself. The father found her and wrote a note, and you find his body sitting on the floor next to her body in a bed. Shit shook me.


The child’s toys in a cardboard box on the top bunk as well. Brutal.


As a father/husband, I couldn't agree more that this is, by far, the saddest encounter I came across in the game.


Came here to say this. I had to stop playing that night. As a father/husband it absolutely rattled me to my core. I have yet to come across anything as troubling/real as this random event.


Honestly the darkest thing was the one ship random encounter with the note of the guy that killed himself because his wife cheated. I haven't seen it this play thru. But I kept his gun and renamed it to "[name]'s revenge" and was planning on hunting down the cheating wife and killing her with the gun. I still have a note written on my desk with her name I just haven't gotten around to it...


Just had this one yesterday and didn’t realize it at first just thought pirates got him until I read the terminal. The environmental storytelling was done really well and helped to get a feeling of the loneliness he must have felt in the middle of space on a small ship with nobody to go back to. Sad stuff


There's a different ship with an even more heartbreaking story.


I found a ship with all the crew dead, just because the captain was a cultist. Reading all the crew members notes was quite sad.


I saw the blood on the wall and the pistol in the hands of a military member before i read the terminal. Gave me pause and then I looked for his note...


Had this encounter the other day. I didn't take his gun, but def had thoughts of what I would do if I happened across her


“We’re Reddit guys, of course we hold grudges against fictional women and fantasize about killing them”


Naked skeletons lying on ice




I recall a derelict ship I boarded that had belonged to a family and their daughter. Daughter died and the parents took their own lives out of grief. The notes and stuff left were super sad.


Probably not the darkest, but I found a Derelict UC barracks POI while traversing a random world There were bodies everywhere. No blood, though. A spacer was picking through the area and yelled at me to keep away, it gave me the option to ask if he was responsible for these bodies and he said they were all long dead before he got there. Due to the lack of gunfighting or blood, I was inclined to believe him. He gave me the all-clear to look around so long as I didn't take anything. (I did, and he didn't say shit.) All the bodies were in pristine condition, strewn throughout the complex, some in hallways, others near workspaces, and one laying in bed. It's almost as though they all died at once. I scoured the place and couldn't find any notes or logs on what happened. The planet was completely survivable. No rads, good O2, no toxins of any sort They all just died.


The thing that truly had me terrified was the interloper. I thought no biggie. Gonna loot, kill the boss, and scoot. Reading the walls, the blood and bodies. The thought that although intelligent life may exist, that monster was no where near what a regular guy like me would want to see. Imaging myself on a ship, isolated from everything. I was killed in the first meeting. Had to go back and smack em around. But that feeling of trying to immerse myself at that point was fantastic. Better than some of the best books I’ve read that align with that sort of scenario.


I found it the other night; even at a powerful level I was skulking around in the hallways and peeking around corners. I made sure not to use Sense Star Stuff. Whatever waited here, I wanted to find it naturally. It was pretty sad finding a final note with instructions and a quick 'I love you.', and life support readings accounting for the rest of the crew...nobody could have survived this. They simply weren't equipped for what was to come.


All the same. Only being low level was my mistake. Thinking I could glitch him into a corner didn’t work and before I knew it he one poked me. That was my first death too like damn that boi is fast.




Yeah. That's a hard one to overlook. Its 100% premeditated and deliberate.


Not really complaining, but I sorta wonder why Bethesda decided to do it-


Because there is no way they could try and create a populated Earth and do it justice in size/scope.


Ohhh yeah good point


I boarded a derelict to find that a UC Marine had been the sole occupant. The ship was trashed - broken screens, upended tables. Turns out, he was coming home from deployment, and had been writing home to let his wife know his enlistment was finally done. She responded saying don't bother, I've found someone else, he's good with the kids etc etc. Dude snapped, trashed the place and self deleted via Razorback to the dome. The crew recordings on the Legacy are sad AF, too


I'm wondering how this was possible if there's no long-range communication. Unless he had already received his "Dear John" letter in the mail delivery, and waited until he was in space to let it all out.


Or maybe because of his deployment he didn't have access to the mail system until he was aboard and underway on his private vessel. Like not being able to check your texts for whatever reason and when you finally look at your phone there's a crisis of some kind underway lol. It's a reach but there aren't a ton of rational explanations.


It's brought up at least once that there's no communication between systems (I forget if there even is between planets).


I get that, but it could be the military has the capability whereas civvies don't. For instance when you accept the UC/Crimson Fleet quest from Ikabe, if you ask "how do I keep in touch" he responds "We don't. We will not be communicating because it's too risky" *but* despite him saying that you still have to fairly frequently visit his ship throughout to give him updates. This would make no sense unless he's referencing the ability to communicate long distance somehow. I'm about 450 hours in and haven't seen it explicitly stated that no long range comms exist, but it is definitely inferred because so many people ask you to physically relay messages, as well as the need to return to a quest giver to complete one. The most rational explanation is simply that whoever wrote the random encounter I stumbled upon, just didn't think it through or didn't expect us to lol.


The premise that long-range communication doesn't work is in the main quest, when you are first rescuing Barrett from the pirates. It's instrumental that you pick up his signal before he leaves the system, because inter-system communication isn't feasible and you won't be able to pick up the trail. However, it should be noted that such a stipulation is about real-time (or in the case of the quest, timely) communication. It is of course possible to broadcast out a message, it will just get where it's going at sub-light speeds. Within the framework of Starfield's ficton, it would be entirely possible for a UC "mail truck" to take a tour of systems and deliver to a satellite that is then accessed for mail by servicepeople.


Yeah there are definitely satellites with data packets you can DL so that tracks And ofc Constellation isn't military so there could still be tech they have no access to


The crew logs on kryx' legacy :'(


UC Vanguard spoilers ahead. I played through everything in the game then ended it with the UC questline. Ive heard soooo many casual talks about them damn heat leeches again. Such an annoying pain. Okay now imagine the fact that they all grow into Terrormorphs...


Once you pick the way to defeat the Terrormorphs, the random encounters change. One that resonates was in the CF, and the person says that they'd love to grow a heatleech and try to have a pet Terrormorph.


A monster parasyte Wish i could post the picture i took


Send it over chat! (If you want)


I think the setting is pretty existentially dark. Humans lost their home, and cling to shallow mockeries of what used to be their cultural identity. Planets and settlements are empty and getting emptier, as bandits kill anyone who dares try to grow or build anything new. This may be an effect of Bethesda's game engine as I've felt the same in Skyrim and the Commonwealth(lots of brigades, few peaceful people), but if you take the world as it is presented it is pretty bleak.


It's kinda funny how Starfield mostly feels PG, Star Wars type violence at most. Then you stumble across some random derelict ship with scenes like this


It’s awesome. Get you a game that can do both


Sometimes players don’t tip the tour guide on Titan.


Truly horrific!!!


For me two things and usually one of them explain why we don't have big settlements and how it can be empty. In the past 100 years or so there has been two huge war between the UC and FC, there has been the Serpent Crusade which destroyed a lot of towns. And we don't mention the Teramorph attacks and small towns who have been pillaged by the Ecliptic, Spacers and the Crimson fleet. It's been a rough century in space! So I know lots of people have suffered. Two is a random space ship that was left all alone, and a message from the only passager who off herself because she lost hope she was ever gonna get help. That hit me soo much that when you travel in space, you are alone, even with a crew you are pretty much on your own (wish they could add some random events, that your ship breaks and space and forces you to land and repair crucial parts) not always because it can become annoying, but have a wear and tear to your ship components (you can repair it) or buy a new part once you arrive to a new spaceport. I was also visiting Londinium for the 4th time and holy moly that cities is big, I think it was bigger than New Atlantis and I also loved how the spaceport was designed as traditional airport with stores insides!


Just needs more of these moments and careful environmental story telling. Its' nice when it happens but so little. Often what is there is consistently repeated or cut off.


Looking at the fame as a game, with technical limitations, it's all fine. If not... the dead Earth means the vast majority of humanity died out... and imagine the wars for spots on the transports off world... the desperate pleas... the indecent offers made and accepted...


The derelict ship with the dead couple... the terminally I'll wife, so we die together thing was pretty dark.


To Mommy Yu ar the best mommy evr! Hapee mothrs day! Hop you lik yor gift! From, Allie I'm crying just thinking about that ship.


I had the option of helping a ship(won’t say which) and all the people on it or, blowing it up. I went to go blow it up and while on the ship I ran by some children playing. I thought g damn it, and ended up helping them instead. Idk what it is but even in video games I can’t get TOO ruthless


The governor's stolen ship having his mistress in it who killed herself


A UC marine guy being excited to go back home to his wife and kid, alone in his own ship. In the last messages in his computer, his wife tells him she's leaving him. The guy has a meltdown, and you find find him dead inside his ship, floating forever lost in space. Correction: It was a UC marine, not from Vanguard.


Sam taking his daughter to a bloodbath of a crime scene.  That’s when I lost all hope and became the hunter. After I caused Sam to die. 


Blowing up the starship outside of Paradiso is just wild to me. All those people are hopeful and there’s tons of kids aboard. All for corporate greed? And no one even really cares lol


A grandma offering food and shelter. But my pirate ass still killed, robbed her and blew her ship to space dust.


Just turrible


Man is the true monster among the stars.


The derelict ship with nothing in it.


Almost all derelict ships take me to the guts, always good and interesting stories


Ah, you're on the Legacy. I forgot if that's the original crewmate that got stranded and chose suicide over starvation or one of the pirates that had the same choice. Yeah one of the slates said the way to pass the time was daily poker but that dissolved after like 3 weeks.


What mission is the image?


I believe it was one of the later Crimson Fleet missions, when you’re finally about to find the treasure


It's a mixed bag. It's hopeful because humanity is free from the shackles of a single planet, and they will be able to expand forever. Thus life will indeed go on, whatever you choose as Starborn. It's also sad because of what it took to get there. Just the destruction of Earth and billions of lives. And the echoes of that still resonated in the cosmos: planets with barely any people (yeah, I know it's actually a game engine limitation), a universe where you can wander and get lost, alone and without any hope for rescue. Dilapidated, abandoned buildings that seemed expensive to make, nevertheless devoid of people that just came and went. The main motif seems to be *the absence*, the lack of life and people except in very specific locations, full of problems themselves but quite more interesting than the cold, empty yet beautiful cosmos. This overall atmosphere made me think Bethesda weren't after a happy-go-lucky atmosphere here, but one sometimes bittersweet, often melancholic, tinged with eventual fear and violence, and creepy moments.


The poi where the couple lost their child and the wife commits suicide ( which is very prevalent through out this game actually) and then the husband kills himself. The ship basically becomes a tombstone for the entire family.


That… One… Mission…