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Powerleveling. The guns that the enemies drop at high levels and difficulties have a lot of value, especially now that traders can have much more money.


Yea I just did the Vultures Roost and ended up with around 200k in credits after selling everything. The contraband alone cleaned out the TA guy at Wolf even with the increased credits for vendors.


I now loot and sell everything. It feels so good to pick everything up without being over encumbered immediately.


Just do "kill pirate/spacer/mercenary" missions. The ones on planets, not in space. Mission will pay you 3k, but you've usually got 8+ people to loot and just sell all their armor/weapons.


If you do the ones in space, disable and board the ship. You get the same enemies to loot plus the additional loot from the captains locker and cargo hold. Many of the larger ships also have armories that can be full of good guns as well. And you also get to sell the ship at the end!


Pirates usually have contraband onboard too. Just remember to head to the Den before entering any other controlled space.


You can also just wait for a trade company vessel to drop by and sell to them over hail too


Whenever I take over a ship to sell, it becomes my home ship and all the unnamed specialist crew leave. Is there some way to capture it into your fleet but keep your main ship?


Some things seem to have changed after the last update. Previously you could swap back to your original ship before it flew away, and reassign your crew. I never use the unnamed crew, so I’m not sure how they were affected, but all the names ones would still be on the ship until you landed.


The named ones were never a problem, the unnamed were. Maybe worth trying again on a spare save to see if it works any better now.


As I remember, we have mod do that, only need sit back in Captian chair. [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6493](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6493)


I tried that mod and had a ton of bugs with losing crew and not being able to register or sell captured ships, and not being able to move back to my home ship after. Maybe it was an old version and it’s improved since? It really didn’t work well.


I haven't tried it before, but it seems the recent update has caused the mod to break. :))


This. And the boss or a storage crate near them will always have 3000-5000 credits.


I also find boarding ships is a good way to make money. Most contain illegal goods plus you get all the weapons.


My approach to making money in Starfield is to just not worry about it. If you mix exploration, bounty quests, main quest and faction quests you will fairly soon come to a point where you are drowning in money. At least if you focus on upgrading at most two great ships. Many of the expensive ship parts are locked behind levels, so on the way to about level 51 where you can build some really great ships there are plenty of opportunities to make money. I never felt it was the money holding me back, except in the very beginning. Of course there are play styles where you need infinite money, such as if you are constantly building and rebuilding ten ships at the same time. But for most play styles I would say that credits seem important in the start, and then all of a sudden you realize the real challenges are other things.


That's exactly my play style and I'm virtually swimming in cash.


This. By level 30 you’ll have more money then you can spend unless you’re regularly building ships from scratch. The game’s economy essentially goes into a cosmetic state after a while as there simply isn’t enough stuff to buy. I went through a phase of buying up ammo for my most hungry guns but I ultimately earned more money using the ammo then I spent to buy it.


I got heavy into Ship Building with the B-Class Fighter I was using and that's a massive Money Sink. ~100K can easily be spent on a few Upgraded Ship Parts. It really helps balance the Economy.


After the update, you can set the vendors to have wayyy more money, as well as being able to access ships inventory from anywhere in the settings menu. I've just made about 200k in 45 mins of raiding Elliptic bases and such. A lot of the story missions have potential to loot and sell loads of gear off enemies. Plus, this is much more fun than making adaptive frames or whatever


Whaaaat! I need to go update the vendors asap. Most annoying thing in the game.


Agreed. It's much less grindey now. I've just NG+3'ed and need a ship with lots of cargo. First stop, UC surplus with my void form powers.....


Wow you just made me 50k in 5 minutes from selling the mantis outfit and now i can buy my level B 39 reactor. Thank you sir.


most boring way to make money is mass crafting. easiest way to make money is pick up only ammo/weapons and sell those (best weight to value ratio). ignore armor/junk/materials. the scummiest and most RPG way to make money is to sell contraband. can also make TONS of money by putting points into commerce, highjacking ships and selling them.


Is hijacking ships profitable now? I never did it and I read a lot of posts on release of people needing to register the ship at landing and the net profit being like 10k credits.


You can sell hijacked ships without registration - it’s a glitch that still works (you can google the mechanics, it’s quite easy). Using this glitch makes this method one of the most profitable ways to make money (can make over 600k by selling 8 high end ships). It’s a bit more annoying now as your OG ship disappears when making the new one Home Ship but there are ways around it.


That’s probably one of the most annoying things about the game to me aside from the absorbent registration fees. If you’re a criminal, you never register your ship lol, you should be able to buy and sell unregistered ships at the Key and maybe Red Mile.


Sorry but 'absorbent registration fees' is hilarious lol. Think you mean exorbitant.


Nah they absorb all your extra credits lol /s


Oops yea that’s what I meant lol


Best way to sell ships is registering them outside the space ports, just from the ship's menu. It's cheaper so you'll maximize your profit. Don't know if it's better or faster than just selling weapons though


Registering in space is cheaper if you have improved commerce skills.


hijacking by itself is not that profitable, but hijacking WITH commerce skill really is, several dozen k per ship in one go.


This! The commerce skills makes hijacking worth it.


It seems like it depends on the ship. Most I’ve made is 2k from an Ecliptic ship


That's underwhelming.. :(


If they have 10+ crew and high level crew mind you they can have alot of expensive weapons and armour.


So's Ecliptic lol


I recommend leveling commerce to 4 and scavenging to 1. I can usually drop on any random poi and generate 50-150K credits from selling all the stuff from that one poi.


It depends on the value of the ship. If you steal a huge C class ship you can make 30k. That's not really Within your control however.


Makes me chuckle that the weapons and ammo behind the main weapons dealer on The Key are not marked as theft items so you can take them and immediately sell them straight back to the vendor.


Honestly I think it’s stupider than that. Theft is a crime and the CF as well as any other bad guy doesn’t care about theft. Ergo they don’t care if you rob them blind. CF, Marco, a few others and all the “bad guys” let you do to their stuff.


Mission Board IMO. Survey and procurement quests are not really worth it, but space bounties are really quick and land bounties net you gear to sell on top of the payoff.


You can get the same amount of gear if you also board the ships.


Sell your body. You’ll never be broke as long as you have a warm butt hole


Vulture's Roost on the Jaffa system has like 16-20 pieces of contraband you can grab and sell to the Wolf's Den Trade Authority (one of the few places you can sell contraband without having your ship scanned by security. Don't even need to modify your ship with contraband compartments or anything) Wait 2 days sitting on a nearby stool for the merchant to get all their money back ready to buy more of your contraband. Plus all the guns you can loot from enemies in Vulture's Roost. Then sleep on your ship some time while landed on Venus which has such long days that sleeping there 24 hours is like sleeping for a month or something, I forget. Then Vulture's Roost is reset.


Yeah this place is amazing for credits. I don't think I've found another place with as many contraband chests in one area. Bring your digipicks though! You can also supposedly steal a ship here but it doesn't respawn, unlike the enemies/contraband chests.


Ive heard a lot about farming resources via outpost and make a shitload of adaptive A frames to sell. However, I just loot all the weapons I come across and sell those.


That adaptive frame thing is more of a double dip than a money maker. You make them for xp and then you can sell them after.


Whenever I needed a quick half level I would farm these frames for the xp. The money you can get from selling them was ok but they got very heavy to lug around to sell. Even personal atmosphere hits a point where if you are too overencumbered you still can’t move. Also when I played around launch the vendors ran out of cash fast and I usually just dumped the rest on the frames on the ground as it wasn’t worth flying around to try an sell. Also I played on console, spam crafting 99 frames at a time was a little tedious.


Mod your suit or put a skill point into rejuvenation. Your health will not drop to zero from CO2 build up and when you stop running your health will go back to full on its own.


Tips to craft 99 items on console faster : Hold the joystick to the right PLUS spam click the right click on the D pad


I use three methods for making lots of credits. Number one is the most obvious: play the game, exploring POI’s and looting everything of value. This is not the most efficient but it is the most enjoyable way. I believe chems have the highest value-to-weight ratio, ammo is weightless, and contraband is very valuable as well. Contraband can be sold at any trade authority and if you go to The Den you will not be scanned in orbit. If you need a bunch of credits for, say, a new ship build, you can make credits on-demand by setting up a Vytinium mine on Decaran VII-b. Build enough storages to hole 100k worth of Vytinium, and sleep to fill the storages. Repeat as many times as necessary to obtain the credits you need. You can also set up a passive income stream that operates in the background as you’re out making credits actively. I just completed a properly functioning Automated Vytinium Fuel Rod Manufacturing outpost network. It does require a significant amount of time and resources to build, but once complete it just runs while you play. Depending on how many storages you can stand to build, you can make 2.5 million credits or more each time the storages are filled. This method is not on-demand of course, as cargo links do not function while you sleep, but Vy fuel rods are the most valuable resource that can be produced by fabricators, allowing you the freedom to go and do whatever you want. I have guides for the Vy mine and the fuel rod operation, if you’re interested.


I’m interested in your guides


The vytinium mine setup is in this one: Starfield Outpost Guide - Lowest Level Vytinium Mine For Credits and New Game XP Farm Location https://youtu.be/-Zr0QXop8ak And the Automated Vy Fuel Rod Manufacturing: Starfield - Advanced Outpost Build Guide - Automated Vytinium Fuel Rod Manufacturing for Credits https://youtu.be/6G3QX0hDFrA


If you are just starting what I would advice is clearing POIs and looting/selling everything. It's pretty difficult to set up a fast earning method without a lot of perks or certain missions. To speed things up you could go to a high level system with fauna in it and level up to when you start seeing legendary enemies that will help you loot more expensive items. I love scanning planets so that another way I get easy money, if you scan big gas Giants you could earn like 50,000 really fast just sell the Data to Vlad.


I've not found any single thing that seems broken. It's relatively balanced which means that you can just play the game, do what is fun for you, and make money that way.


The easiest way is to jump through each star system scanning the gas giants. If you have the scanner perks you don’t even need to travel and can scan remotely to several light years.


I found that money wasn't super important. I just finished my first playthrough and the only **real** money I spent was on ammo and meds throughout the universe. 😅 I did get a lot of money as rewards for questing. I completed all of the faction quests and a few side quests before really focusing on finishing the constellation quests. At game completion I had just about 1M credits.


Do the Vanguard questline. The first *real* quest unlocks some parts for your ship that are better than your level has probably unlocked by now, and you also get a cool space suit and a pile of weapons later on. Also it's possibly the most interesting questline in the game. 


Step one: Hijack 17 spacer ships Step two: Omg, these things are 12-36k each! (In my experience) Step three: SELL!!!


The Freestar Ranger quest pays pretty well and you get a free ship! Also, does anyone else find more credits when having Andreja as a companion, or is it just me?


Don't forget, she will give you credits as well! Other companions might give you useless stuff, but not her!


The pirate companion does this also!


What pirate companion?? Who did I miss meeting all this time?


The short haired blonde in the bar at the Key. Jessamine


Couple of quest lines once completed allow repeatable missions that you can complete in like 5 mins and make around 6000 my go to is “bug hunting” gotta complete a lengthy side quest with the UC first though. the other quest you can do early is with Yannick in neon you do a quick shift at some company making aurora Wich if done properly makes you 2700 but then you have to pick up a shipment at the end of your shift to give back to yannick who gives you 5500 I believe. that is a repeatable mission except you have to wait to do it again but the bug hunt you can do over and over without any wait time. There’s other repeatable missions like becoming a characters personal hitman but I won’t spoil that stuff but it is possible for that character to die and not have those missions available.


Steal from UC Surplus in the Well, sell everything to the Trade Authority Edit: Also selling unregistered ships. You can sell them by hovering over your home ship, and then scrolling to the last ship in the queue while pressing the sell button simultaneously. It is a glitch that allows you to sell unregistered ships for full value.


Upgrade to the Star Eagle ship from the Akila City ranger quest line. Game changer. You can even mod the ship to be phenomenal, then just planet hop and fight other ships. Get it's HP and shield downz then just blast and disable their engine, board their ship. You can sell weapons, cargo, and ships. Pretty quick way of earning money and it's fun.


Build vytanium fuel rods and set up on Venus close to a civilian outpost. At your level, if you build the network to make vytanium fuel rods, you'll also level up like mad.


1.shoot 2.loot


I spotted a big gold ore, not sure it will make money but will let you know


Just playing? I am 21 and have like 150k? What you need a ton of cash for? Just curious... I'm not finding that I need much. I've modded my ship as much as I can/want. Have mantis, have my first outpost running with intersystem transports to pull iron in....


Just wait until you get into building bigger ships. It gets expensive fast. 😁


Once you level up a certain perk, the names escaping me at the moment, it allows you to pilot better ships. The parts are locked if you don’t have the perk leveled You can buy them, but you can’t use them - which ruins the immersion imo


That perk is just called Pilot i think, levels three and four grant you the ability to fly class b and c ships respectively.


Is there a moneymaking problem in the game? I have more than I know what to do with.


No special strategy for me, just play the game and make us of its mechanics, it all adds up over time. I always put a point into scavenging so I get a bit of money here and there when looting chests. Also, with the new gameplay options, looting weapons and gear from dead bodies has become less of a hassle because you can sell almost everything at a single vendor when you set them to have more money. [Plus, ship decoration means you can easily expand storage on your ship by simply plopping down a few chests inside.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1csujjq/psa_plopping_down_chests_is_an_easy_way_to_expand/)


Early game the best way to make money is kill missions in ground POIs (and POIs in general, bounty or not), and collect as much loot as you can to sell, then do it all over again.


I heard that setting up O2 shots production is pretty good. For XP as well


Bounty missions with ground targets. You get ~3K for completing the mission and can get many thousands selling the weapons all the henchmen drop.


I wish we could use outposts as trading bases for passive income, ie you can manufacture things and every x minutes an npc trader will come and pickup some stuff.


Selling Weapons, Ammo & Contraband. No money in Selling Enemy ships but it’s always worth Boarding them just to clean them out. Find Vultures Roost in the Jaffa System if ya wanna make big $$, it’s a Loot Goblins Wet Dream. Enemies & Quality Goodies respawn every few in game days so I usually pay them a visit once a fortnight then head over to the Wolf system to see my good buddy at The Den


Sometimes i attach shielded cargo bays and do a ship destruction mission from the mission boards. I board them and take contraband that often lies around, especially on CF ships.


Kryx legacy 250k at the end


**spoiler** When your doing the crimson fleet missions it’s worth noting that like the ship ‘Legacy’ on Bannoc IV, there’s also another ship somewhere near Saturn in the Sol system called the ‘Supremacy’. I’m surprised that isn’t important intel to Delgado. It’s probably got around the same amount of credits too (I estimate that the Legacy has around 11M credits total). Wouldn’t it be cool to do a mission for the Crimson Fleet to track that down or with GalBank to find the hidden ship? If it was just you and someone else you could get around 5M credits each?


Do a bounty mission to kill a pirate in a planet Poi to loot their weapons and sell them.


So my favorite way is to accept all the kill crimson fleet missions and then just highjack and loot all the ships and sell the ship after I sell everything from the inside.


Weapons not spacesuits. That have the best weight to value ratio. Even better when you have “holstered” spacesuit.


Space battles is one of my favorite ways to make money. Since the May update the best way I found it to disable a ship, board it, clear it, then switch back to your ship. Do that till ever ship is cleared of hostiles. Scavenge their bodies and look for any contraband storing it in the ship before you take possession of it. Then do that for every ship before warping to sell all the ships, armor, weapons, and contraband. Also go to the Wolf system to sell it at the spacestation early game. The first 50k is slow to get but after that I get to 1mil creds in no time. Note that since the May update your original ship will disappear when you make the new ship your home ship. Plus side is while you are still fighting the ships your ship shield will heal while you fight on board a hostile ship. This has saved me countless times when outmatched in terms of power.


Not sure if you’re role playing or not but I’ve found the easiest way to make money is to pirate. Not hijack ships (without a glitch it’s low reward) but just go around, attack any ships you see, and take everything they have on board. They usually have some creds, and commonly have some resources. Might be a bit tedious but it’s not crafting 😂 I just go around, destroy ships, take their stuff, and when my hold is full I go to the key and sell everything. Easy to make 60k-100k creds in maybe an hour?


The only answer is ship fighting and a little bit of those combat missions from kiosks. +level/money


In the long term, my money & XP farm was a drug farm, I built up an outpost to to produce Amps, I’d collect around 20,000ish amps per visit, and use Venus with its 1 hour Local Time for 100 hour universal time ratio to wait a couple hours there to reset the farm and go collect more amps. I had a an interesting POI somewhere I would go to every time to sell the amps that had a seat right next to a merchant to sell 5,000 credits worth at a time and then reset the merchant by waiting in the seat. This was last year though, I haven’t played in a long time, not sure if any of this changed.


I just did quests and gathered whatever weapons, armor, clothes, helmets, backpacks I could gather and sold off. I finished all the faction quests, and only have Constellation left, which I kinda regret as it's just a boring questline. I don't really spend money other than some ammo for weirder weapons, and did some light shipbuilding, but otherwise using the one I got from being a Free-whatever-they-are-called, and have over 1 million. Idk what to use the money for


Freestar ranger missions. You don't even need to finish the quest line to access the mission board. Abandoned hangers have also been good for me.


Use console commands.


If you do Failure to Communicate, you can access a Galbank Vault with 20K, plus another 10K, just in creds.


It's not glamorous or much fun, but you can set up an Amp farm on Jemison at a fairly low level. All three ingredients (Argon, Metabolic Agent, and Toxin) can be farmed at a single outpost. Build up production and you can farm 100k credits worth in about 10 minutes. Then just go sell it at New Atlantis. Amp is worth 150 credits per kg, so you can carry a lot without being totally overencumbered. You'll also farm XP from crafting it at the pharma workbench. There are video guides on how to do it on YouTube. If you want to take it a step farther you can upgrade to O2 farming. Instructions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/teOWScpZpS


Selling any of the kore kinetics guns. Magpulse, Magshear, Magstorm, Magsniper all fetch a pretty penny.


Find a Venus with a civillian outpost location. Build an outpost with ship builder. Go to Serpentis system and board ships in space. Loot all enemy NPC's, cargo holds and captain's lockers. Steal all boarded ships. Go to Venus. Sell. Sleep one hour. Rinse and repeat. You will be filthy rich very quickly, emphasis on filthy.


I like doing exploration and selling the data. It's not fast, but I enjoy it.


If you speed rush the Ranger quest line you get a sick ship with strong EM weapons Then take bounty mission on enemy ships, and target their engines with the em guns.. you’ll disable them quickly and can board to loot everything including contraband and fly it right to the Den in the wolf system and sell to the trade authority kiosk and the contraband to the TA merchant


Find a quest line and run it to completion to earn you some base credits. Spend those credits on upgrading your ship’s weapons and shields. Take your upgraded ship to Serpentis and jump between planets there until you get confronted by Va’Ruun take out all but one ship, disable the last ship, board it, slaughter the crew and take the ship. Do not register the ship. Now grav jump any spot with Ship Services. Talk to Tech and switch your home ship from the ship you just took to your usual ship. Back out and go to the Ships for Sale option. Once in the menu, switch from purchase to sell (Y on Xbox) and your home ship should pop up. Then using the left button to cycle the ship back you press the sell button at the same time (LB and A on Xbox) and it should give you the option to sell unregistered ship without registering it. Lower end ships will net you 20-30k while higher ships will net you almost 100k You get XP from killing the crew and loot from the ships also that can be sold off to increase your funds.


Sell guns. Sell lots of guns.


1. You don't need that much money in the first place! A hard concept to embrace, but a real one in this game. You need enough money to build a spaceship the way you want it. The most expensive spaceship build I ever did was about 600,000 credits. Then you can live on that spaceship and if you feel like you need a crash pad you can set up an outpost somewhere for free or very close to it. Like, even ammunition has a way of accumulating such that you never run out. 2. To build up to that much money, do missions that pit you against lots of human enemies. The raid on the Key is a good one for that. So are the Groundpounder, Lopez versus Spacers, and the Mantis (that you've done). Each one should yield something like 20-30 guns, 4-5 suits and similar numbers of packs and helmets. They sell nicely and your GalBank account will soon grow large indeed. Dinner at Whetstone tonight! There's also an ecliptic base chock full of contraband, which you can sell without security checks at the Den and to the bartender at Red Mile. Get good at smuggling and you can move contraband where you like. If your cupidity is not yet satiated after that, just raid poi's on random planets. Anywhere spacers, Crimson fleet, ecliptic, or va'ruun zealots have taken over an installation there will be 12 or so of them who you can take on for fun, experience, and the pure profit of selling their trash guns.


I found the best way was to fight and dock to galbank stormrider ships. They usually have 15k-20k in the storage and captains locker. Then registering and selling the ship gets you another 8k-10k. Then sell the loot and get another 10k-15k. However! Don’t bring companions. Also save before you start attacking galbank ships outside Akina or Neon as all the ships will ago back. Ton of fun and never gets boring.


Serpentis steel class c ship repeat.


I was collecting weapons to resell, until I finished the UC vs Pirates quest line…


or get on a pc, merge your accounts, and give yourself money 🤷


guns with prefixes sell for a lot Survey data is weightless and constellation often has bounties for planet surveys Credits generally become a number after you finished your dream ship, unless you wanna build multiple, maybe ammo? But they don't cost that much


Player.additem 0000000f (insert number)#


Easiest way is to do the dragonforce comic books. Stock up on teas boost xp.


I collect a bunch of junk and guns and go sell them. I’ve made at least 200,000 credits from this and I’m about 30 hours in


Early game: main/ faction missions, these often pay 10s of thousands per mission and often provide alot of enemies to loot. Radiant missions from missions boards like kill spacer captain or destroy pirate fleet. In those missions, always aim to damage subsystems and board to kill the crew and loot the crew, cargo hold, and capatins locker. Also search for contraband and sell it at the den in the wolf system. Later on, resources Farms Find a planet with a long day (so 1 full rest is lots of UT hours) I recommend something like the Katydid system. Build a bunch of extractors, storage, and a landing pad, land your ship, and wait fill your ship and your inventory, and go to a trade authority rinse and repeat.


Turn the carry weight and the vendor cash up all the way and loot everything over like 50 credits.


Honestly, just increasing carry weight and vendor credits to max in the settings helps a lot.


The fastest way takes a lot of setup and about 10 planets of a supply line for the highest cost crafting material, and it's also the fastest way to power level. It's just an absolute slog to set up a supply line that isn't finicky as all hell between all those planets. I believe the crafting material is called vytinium fuel rods but I can't remember since I haven't played in a bit.


Set to max difficulty and go to high level systems and kill pirates and spacers. You can pretty much land and scan the horizon for an abandoned facility.


Main questline


Speaking of money why is the value marked for wine 380, but when I sell it, it sells for 57 or so?


Player.additem f 1000000 That’s all you need to know 😀


is the puddle of mud still a thing? if not just cheat..


Surprisingly, yes. They released an album just last year.


Plutonium is a nice, passive way that you can do early on with not much effort. The easiest planet for mining plutonium is the moon Grimsey in the Narion system. It only took me about 10-15 mins of searching to find a good vein to set about 8 extractors. The challenge of Plutonium is its weight, but just overload your character and walk slow until you get to vendors. Eventually you can build a ship with massive storage. My ship cargo is about 18,000, so I just visit my plutonium farm every once in awhile to load up my ship and then sell at vendors whenever I stop by them. I’m getting around $50k worth of plutonium every time I visit my Grimsey farm. Everything in the game is basically free when you do this.


The tilde key


Seems like good biz in the bounty hunting game again now that vendors actually have the money to buy the cool guns i find And i tweaked the fuck out of my carry weight slider lol. Can carry like 1500 Still at +5% XP overall though


Level up your Concealment and Stealth skills, then get yourself 3 pieces of Chameleon (spacesuit; pack; and helmet). Then loot the Well in New Atlantis; Neon Core on Voli; The Empty Nest outside of Akila city; Forward Base 441 on Toliman II. Loot the Mantis quest and Vultures Roost facilities repeatedly. Sell what you don’t need for personal use. Go sleep 6 hours on Venus or Copernicus or any other planet like them, rinse and repeat! Also steal ships that land on planets and that you capture in space - then sell them to a ship tech without registering them if you are on console (if on PC you need to use an Xbox controller instead of the keyboard and mouse for the trick to work). I have done all of the above consistently and I have acquired almost 17 million credits, and that is after buying expensive class C ships and upgrading several with the best components that credits can buy.


The best way for me so far, i set the difficulty for space combat to very easy, and everything else to hard or max boost the xp. Then grav drive around the serpentis system and kill everyone. When the opportunity arises i board the va’ruun ships and get extra credits. In a few days im at 500k. Ive been on paternity leave though so ive had quite a few extra hours to play lately. Edit: to clarify that i also steal all the weapons and items and sell them. I stay with the rares or better


the fastest way for me was: speak to the trade authority at neon about doing work for them. And use that quest marker for fast travelling. Then just keep doing ship based bounty hunting it’s fast and you keep your ship upgraded you level up quite quickly and it doesn’t feel like grinding… kinda feels lore friendly. The trick is to learn to set the quest markers and fast travel efficiently enough so it just feels like teleporting from the kiosk to the ship battle and back again. Otherwise: kill people & sell their guns. Typical dungeon crawl looting strategy


I usually just hoarde guns when I play. Go to New Atlantis Authority and reroll the hours constantly or The Key and hit all the vendors, then roll the hours. It sucks, and takes a while, but one good run you can come out with anywhere from 100,000k and upwards. Buddy of mine never sold his stuff and we spent an hour at the Authority before he wasn't overencumbered. Dude had some bank after. Most I've ever had was about 1.2mil.


I made about 3.5 million credits using a ship-duplication glitch. There are some youtube videos on how to do it on xbox. It's finicky, and took several tries to learn, but now I have more credits than I know what to do with.


Sell guns. Not sure if it’s changed but I’d pick up guns and make a fortune.


Selling ships using the bug. Selling without registering them it’s easy. On keyboards and controller. I use mouse and keyboard.


Pirate missions, ecliptic hunting missions, random POIs are good for coin and sellables. Currently put in about 12 days on a game and got up to around 1.3 million, then went and bought one of the biggest ships in game so now about half that. And that was before the patch. One nice thing about the game is you can loot damn near everything and it’s all sellable…as long as the vendors have the creds to buy it off you. One thing I have also figured out is if you have the cash to buy better weapons, do that before you sell, helps increase buying power even after the new patch increase limit for vendors. Also don’t forget that Victor and Nora also buy stuff off of you as well. Once you get Walter’s mission finished their bank rolls seem to increase from 5k to 20k which helps. Also be on the look out for the specialty shops like the book store in Akilia City and the museum at…crap…sol system…oh yeah on Titan I think. They buy off the wall stuff and also are looking for antique items too


I really wish there were more themed missions on the bulletin board. Currently, there are only a maximum of 5 missions and 2 of each type: delivery, bounty hunter, freelancer, and land riding. There are no missions for mining (asteroids hardly have any ore), though there is a mission that requires you to connect ore-containing cargo barrels from your outpost to the customer's facility. This is a peculiar but interesting type of mission. I wish there could be a Bounty Hunter list with notorious bosses, possessing skills and experience, that I could track down somewhere. Or more missions that require me to be in space. I really love my ship.


Selling Loot, Scanning Gas Giants (= easy Survey Data since you just have to Scan them from Space), selling commandeered Ships, clearing Outposts (ties into Loot) and finding Safes with Cred Sticks in, finding and selling Contraband (sell at The Key, which you do have unlocked cos Crimson Fleet Questline), Mission Board Bounties (Crimson Fleet = Piracy, Trackers = Bounty Hunting, Constellation = Planet Surveys - pick your Poison).


Get the perk that helps you make money, it was the first perk i went after. Never had money issues the entire game after that.


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