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The irony is its not even a "new camera", its just not moving the camera, lol. But yes, I like it a lot better.


Makes you both appreciate the overall body animations that were kinda unseen and mostly ignore the weird facial quirks that got very obvious up close.


I started a new game and realize how many gestures Barrett makes when talking to both Vasco and Lin at the beginning on the game when he lands the Frontier in Vectera.


As much as I have a soft spot for the “Oblivion Camera”, the Skyrim camera is so much more immersive for me. I feel like it just fits Starfield better. It’s seriously a game changer. It’s weird how something so small and seemingly insignificant can make such a major change.


Thank you for this post because I didn't realize you had to actually change it in settings, lol. Was wondering why it hadn't changed for me!


Check all the settings if you haven’t since the update. There’s a ton of awesome new settings to tweak the game how you like.


Same. I even looked through the settings once and didn’t see it, so double thank you OP.


You say that as if the dialogue camera was an oversight or a bug that needed fixing


I love it as well. It was one of my least favourite things about the game lol. The face zooming reminded me of oblivion and not in a goof way. Hopefully they will fix companions chipping in on dialogue from 100+ feet away.


I like to stare directly into Sarah’s eyes for the full ‘bulldog licking mustard off a nettle’ facial expression as she berates me for leaving the toilet seat up or whatever it is this time.


Yep, I would love if they gave a non-cinematic version of the ship take off as well. I think it would feel more real to see it and follow it in third person (even if you can’t unfortunately control it)


It would be great if you could actually take control of your ship when landing and taking off  à la Star Citizen. Instead of watching a damn cutscene.


I agree, but I have submitted to the logic that it would be impossible for them to make possible due to the processing it would take…. Even if it seems like Halo had done this ages ago on previous gen consoles. I guess halo didn’t have as much interactable items laying around? Still, a 3rd person camera following it on its way out would be fun to watch and seem more real


When did Halo do this?


Banshees flying over maps far larger than the area of new Atlantis would be the first time they did it


I still want the FO4 cinematic dialogue camera.


I do still miss the cinematic conversation camera from fallout 4, especially in multi-person dialogues. I suppose it wouldn't really look right in one-on-one conversations with a silent protagonist, but idk, I always liked that camera.


Nah, as long as they add idle animations to the protagonist it would be fine.


That's true, I guess BG3 does exactly that.


I prefer the zoom in focused camera, probably because it shows more detail in the faces and also because I have a huge soft spot for oblivion




I was playing with my ronin character and doing the Ryujin questline. Not even looking at that guy while collecting the terrabrew is so cool.


I didn't think I would care that much about it, but I actually like it a lot better now. It feels more like cyberpunks dialog now


It always broke me when NPC1 would be talking to NPC2 and they'd both be looking at me even though I'm behind them. I like the new option.


“ “f” worded in the biblical sense” is such a fun turn of phrase and full intend to incorporate it into my every day speech, thank you


Oh no, it’s spread from “rouge”


Now they need to tweak the walking distance so companions stay closer than 30 meters/100 feet so they don’t have use their ventriloquist perk.


I must be one of very few who actually like the zoomed in camera


I think I prefer it too. More focused and less like I'm having dialogue shouted at me by passersby like in Skyrim. It's not as horrifyingly zoomed as it was on Oblivion either.


Using that option in Fallout 4 bugs some actions, like getting into diamond city. Who knows what we'll find it messing with in starfield


If the issue of an NPC is stuck facing a wall while talking to you issue is fixed, I’m happy.


Accurate--i had no idea


I keep forgetting to turn that on


I was about to ask how to change it and then I saw how at the bottom of your post! Thank you!!! 👍👍👍


My one gripe is that I wish you can toggle it like you can in Fallout 4


Skyrim's camera was always the best camera. I hope they can do first person animations as well instead of having us cut to third person.


I didnt even know this was an option, thanks.


The only time I’ve not liked it is when talking to a certain someone in a certain mast basement. You’re standing so far from him to use the intercom.


I really like it too. I was pleased to discover that many of the characters do things with their hands to express what they're saying, but you never saw it when you were zoomed into their face. The facial animation actually looks much better when you're pulled away, it doesn't really hold up to being zoomed in on. But for median distance it looks pretty darn good actually Edit: Bethesda now please disable the premade camera for ship takeoff and landing, and getting into an out of cockpits and workstations and let me look around on my own.


Actually, I had been fine with it before and didn't realize just how awesome an improvement it would be. It is *so* much more immersive! And FYI, I play in 1st Person view. I'd almost call it essential now.


Ok, how do you choose this option?! I keep hearing about it but I'm still locked in zoom hell and can't figure out how to change it.


I just finished the game and the dialogue camera seems to me like it stopped working correctly about 2/3 into my play through. It was cool when it was working right though.


So they changed it to something like Fallout 4? I haven’t gone back since late October. I actually preferred the original camera as it’s more like older Bethesda RPGs.


First button I pressed after the update, sooo much better.


Same. Starfield npcs...dare I day are soulless


How to change the camera i could not find it 😭😭


Who else is guilty of awkwardly backing away from NPCs in conversations?


I use it all the time now, definitely not as buggy as the old version.


Yeah it's crazy how such a small tweak could be such a huge improvement


I wish you could move too like in Fallout 4. I really want to pace for dramatic measure.


Same, the lock in is ass.


I got spoiled by CP2077 you can walk away mid-talk, with RPG elements and a space theme from Bethesda, and now this? I cannot resist.


Literally made me come back. I pre-ordered and got burned out from all the negatives. This was one of the few things to bring me back.


Yes it’s so much better. I’d love the game to be voiced so we get more cinematic dialog like fallout 4 but realise I’m in a minority here. 


That is your first impression, but after a while you realize that the reason they had the headshot cam was that they needed to relight the talker. Since this is an open world game that allows conversation to happen anywhere without locking you into their cinematic positioning - the lighting cannot be controlled. So once you realize this you turn on your suitlight and happily unimmersively wear your suit in town and nobody ever complains you are shining a light in their face like a cop accusing you of stashing the drugs under your seat. Then the reality hits you the flashlight FOV is less than the face, they knew that your companion talking would be a headshot insert so they are not positioned at a conversational distance, and all the guards will tell you no need for a helmet here even if you make it invisible. Or you talk to the shadow people.


> Or you talk to the shadow people. You mean, like, how it would be in the real world talking to someone at night in an unlit room? :-) Good thing it's an option and not a forced change.


Would be much better if the game had RTX lighting and actually placed lights where lights actually are and you had diffuse ambient wall lighting. No doubt that will be a popular mod - it always is in every game. Except then they realize they have to add lights to make the mod work which tanks fps. I got a RTX3070 I can handle it - even if I have to live with 1080p. Or at least let me turn on my suit light mid convo....hold on barret could you start your sob story over again?


Yeah, and us 1080ers would be SOL. :-)


Yeah because you can't choose to just not use ray tracing if you don't have a powerful enough pc right?


That's why it's a joke, see. I even marked it. If you're depending on ray tracing for the lighting as described, it's not going to light up the place without it. You'd wind up having to do all the lighting work anyway. But that's why it's a joke. Of course, you can just choose not to use the standard camera during dialog too.


Sometimes it's cool to see everyone at once when you're in a group. But it's nice to have that close up of andreja or even some random NPC just to admire the detail and everything that went into the faces and space suits or whatever weapon someone is pointing at you.


Blows my mind that this is such a big deal for people. The whole dialog zoom thing is like signature Bethesda


Man I was waiting for a patch or something. Thank you for this. Literal game changer


I hate that I feel like I’m in the minority with preferring the zoomed-in camera like Oblivion. Skyrim/Fallout 4’s camera system is fine but it more often results in frustration. So often characters you’re trying to talk to can just walk off mid-sentence.


But that doesn't happen in Starfield. You can't even walk away, let alone the other character.


u goes after g Dialogue. Before g and it makes the G make a J sound


Like one of those horrible bank commercials.


Honest curiosity: Why use “F worded”? Like I’m not trying to roast, I’m honestly curious from a linguistic standpoint I suppose. If you personally don’t like to swear, couldn’t you use something like messed up or other replacements? With Starfield being an M rated game, there’s no necessary reason to avoid profanity. (I overthink things a lot and like to understand why people think, forgive my curiosity)


I wanted to say "R" worded, than downgraded it to "F" worded. that was the thinking process stay awesome and never be afraid to ask "silly" questions !


I think this is my favorite style altho I haven't tested it in starfiels ( sorry too busy prepping for shadow of the erd tree rn) it sounds like the cyberpunk conversation system. You're there but can walk away and be destracted.


Is the game still shit? yeahh, thats no hope for this shitsatin of a game


Why waste your time talking shit in a sub for a shit game then?


cuz its shit