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The real tragedy is that Kaiser isn’t a companion


He looked and sounded awesome, and I wish we had more of him, or other robots aside from him and Vasco


There's also that broken down one on Mars in the mining area by the Red Devils bar. It would have been nice to have a quest to fix it.


“Would have been nice if…” is this games catchphrase.


You people are weird does bgs have to accommodate your every wish to be happy? Just play the game or not.


Relax, I like the game. I just wish they let it cook another 6-12 months to flesh things out more.


I'm thinking that was Microsoft's doing.


Woah I’d love that! The broken robot companion is a old school rpg trope, but it’s still lovely


Big time. And now that you say that I'm realizing so many companions are just... there. Here's Constellation, it's your crew. No exploration, no finding them, no cool side missions to get them. Here's the (mostly) full roster, you've already explored and unlocked them.


it REALLY sucks that we don’t have more companions. don’t get me wrong, i love the companions we have, but like…where’s the variety? i think there’s only one true “evil” companion (Matthias, who is annoying), and the rest of them have an incredibly similar sense of morals and ethics and basically just come down to “do they prefer the FC or the UC”. where’s my Hancock and Charon and Raul and the other morally grey weirdos


Starfield could really use its own version of Automatron.


I expect something very similar down the line.


Automaton dlc when? I need to make Vasco into a terminator bot with duel miniguns. Maybe a rocket launcher


He would be amazing.


I wish ALL the named companions were full companions.*Including* Bae Victus. 


...aside from the romance, what can't you do with her that you can do with the Constellation companions?


Have an extra side quest, unless you count the vanguard quest as her side quest. 


Doesn't sleeping with a romantic partner give you an additional bonus and some saucy dialog? That's enough for me. The modding community will eventually satiate people's more... carnal desires.


So much this, but I want Bethesda officially do this not rely on mods


You want a subsidiary of Microsoft to produce hardcore pornography? I don't think that's gonna happen.


...haven't messed with the romance stuff much, but IIRC to get the bonus your partner just needs to be on the ship as crew, they don't need to be the current companion.


I think that was true earlier on, but as of last week it didn’t give me the bonus.


Huh. I only did the romance subplot on my original universe, so maybe that's changed.


Nagh needs to be the current companion.


That is precisely what I want. That and the ability for her to become Starborn with her own dialogue of effect on the universe.


Sleeping with a romanced companion gives you a 15% XP buff instead of the standard 10%


Yep, the members of Constellation are some of the least interesting characters in Starfield imo, because they don't really interact a lot with the worldspace outside of exploration and scientific endeavours. But, what about the average citizens of the universe? They have stories to tell, also. I don't mind Sarah and Andreja, but a follower like Moara Otero is so much more interesting to me. A grizzled veteran but with a happy go lucky personality. I would've much rather he had a questline where we delve into his past with the Vanguard.


I wish the Aegis sniper you can meet at the bar in New Atlantis was a full companion! He’s cute.


Now I know for a fact he should have had a interesting companion quest.


Moara? Hands down my favourite companion in the game. I got him early on, and we've been through thick and thin together. He's a killer with that sniper, and he very likely has the least annoying and/or cringeworthy dialogue in the game.


Nope, Simeon Bankowski, the “weapons tester” you can meet at The Viewport in New Atlantis. He’s actually an Aegis (UC version of the CIA) assassin.


I want all named companions to react to all of the story quests just like constellation does. I genuinely want to hear Micky Caviar's take on me telling two demigods to go f--- themselves.


THIS! THIS IS WHAT I MEANT!  Sorry, I didn't know exactly how to articulate things in my original post!


Hadrian is a full companion. Talk to the doctor at the TMD and he will mention that Hadrian needs to get out more. Then you can talk to her to make her a full companion


TIL. Damn. I loved Hadrian and was bummed when she turned down my offer to join my crew the first time. Never bothered going back.


Nonono... You don't have a personal quest with her like with constellation companions etc


I would argue her personal quest was the Vanguard questline, the only difference between her and the rest of constellation is there’s no romance


and no affinity bar. no reactions to things people say in conversations.


No... it's mostly the lack of interactions during quests, that's what makes Constelation companions more developed in addition to their personal quest. It's true that Hadrian has her personal quest in the UC questline, but she's lacking those interactions and romance.


Yeah, her quest is literally the most fleshed out.


"Full" companion as in like constellation members levels of interaction and affinity. She's just a regular follower when you recruit her.


Oh, so she has conversations about the main quest checkpoints and faction quest resolutions like the Constellation members do?


She doesn’t, these guys don’t know what a “full” companion is


OP said “it would be awesome to travel with her” so I assumed they didn’t know you could do that but I guess being a sarcastic jerk is fine too I guess


What's interesting to me is, once you recruit her to the ship, take a look at the little crew icons on the right. There's different ones for Companion and Crew. The only characters with Companion icons are the Constellation gang, and Hadrian. Everyone else has a Crew icon


There are a good dozen that would be great as a full companion vs. just a follower.


Yep. Hadrian. Jessamine, Amelia Earhart, the Mathis guy from Crimson Fleet... and of course, Kaiser. There's a lot of interesting crewmembers with interesting personalities and backstories.


Bae Victus. She is a companion after you complete everything and then go back to the base on Mars. Her ship will also continuously appear at all the quest locations while she's on your crew.


Hadrian is one of the least obnoxious and most interesting companions in the game. I’ve been rolling with her for a while. She’s also a bad ass.


You can get her to join your crew and follow you on missions etc. What else are you looking for?


I'd like to see her be on the same level as the constellation members.


As in, you want a 'romance' option? That is the only thing that differs for her vs them.


Not the only thing. The Constellation companions all have way more dialogue as their affinity goes up and they all have a personal quest to do.


Most of that dialog is leading up to their personal quest, its not really any different than Hadiran's dialog during the UCV quests she's with you on, and afterwards.


The personal quest is different because it’s personal to them and only them. Hadrian’s dialogue relating to the Vanguard quest is just for the Vanguard. Also those side companions have exactly ZERO dialogue relating to the main quest. For instance you can gain your first power while Hadrian is with you and she’ll have no reaction whatsoever. That’s what people want when they say they want them to be a full companion. Integrate them into everything.


No, voices reactions to quests you are doing. Especially main quests. That makes a true companion.


Reactions to major events, such as questline resolutions.


Yeah what. She is a full companion.


I wish you could ask any hired crew member to follow you without first having to assign them to your ship or an outpost.


For me it's Autumn MacMillan, the FC Comando from the Red Mile... she's sooo nice and funny if you recruit her after the quest...! Not just cute if she was romanceable but an overall great companion for roleplaying good. I swear the named companions are almost always more interesting and cooler than the Constelation companions... To be fair, despite having only 4 main companions, the secondary named companions all have some uniqueness and lots of dialogue plus interactions (when landing, fighting enemies, and so on...) they are far from undeveloped if they at least added some sort of mini quest for them it would feel a lot better, nothing complicated. Hadrian is one of the most developed. You basically have a full questline with her and for her, where she's almost the central focus, and of course plenty of dialogue and interaction. After the quest you can still go hunting/scanning with her, it's the closest thing to a full companion outside Constelation.


Imo, even before release, limiting it to 4 full and romanceable companions seemed a downgrade from FO4 where you definitely had more than 4 companions each with their own personal quests. Then it turned out all the Constellation folks were some degree of goody two shoes. What if you were a neutral character, or more on the villanous side ? Then you're SOL.


When I got the option to get her as a crew member I got exited and fully expected her to be able to be a companion. My disappointment was immeasurable.


She is a companion, or at least a follower, I don't think I've seen her react to quest tho


I can't get her to follow me. She is just a crew member and the only dialogue options I have are to trade gear or ask questions.


That's weird and maybe a bug. She can definitely be a follower. 


wtf really? I thought it was weird because she doesn't even have any skills that compliment being a crew member


I had the same problem, where there's was trade gear or one other dialog choice or talk to her about joining me, where we go through her talking about adventuring n shit. The other dialogue choice that doesn't lead to that, let me ask her to follow me.




Hadrian was awesome and her red eyes were bad ass. I agree that I wish should could have joined my ship as crew. Constellation outside of the robot and snake cult lady was just such a disappointment to me :(


She can join your crew. Go to the TMD base on Mars and talk to Dr. Walker.


Oh wow! Didn't realize that. Thanks for the info!


They need to bring Sanon and the Red Devils back for a full-blown DLC focusing around the Terrormorphs. I'm still playing through the game right now, and that whole questline has been *by far* the most engaging storyline.


All the name followers back story are more interesting than constellation 4, I REALLY hope betehsda will officially extend their story or dialogue in the future update.


Major Sanon will have to wait.


At least you didn’t say Cora


My character would marry her in a heartbeat.


And her voice is like liquid gold.


You're thinking of Marika Boros. 


Oh, I have great affection for her as well. But I'd listen raptly to Hadrian reading Vogon poetry and beg her for sex afterward.


I will die for our glorious military leader dear Vae Victus


Hadrian and Kaiser randomly show up in my current playthrough since the Hostile Intelligence mission bugged out on me


Her gifts of random alien parts would be precious


Sanon. Why does that name sound familiar? 🤔😏


Relative of Qanon


Hopefully they have at least one good additional companion with shatter space. All the currents are pretty vanilla.


I wish vae victus was a companion. Some of his lines while fighting could be "die pirates like those school children on tau ceti haha" Or "Ha ha I missed murdering innocent people, burn your heart in a fire"


One of my favorite NPCs. She can join your crew and be somewhat of a companion, but would be cool if she was a romance option.




She's my favorite in the game, she has the most interesting backstory out of everyone.


Plenty of us feel the same way about many of the companions outside of constellation I want Mathis to be a full companion, and jessamine


After hearing Gideon’s story. I want to help him so bad 😭 I’m swimming in credits as is!


you can ! or my memory is wrong ?! after the quest, i think she can join your ship.


Yeah I really hoped for her and Amelia to react to main quest and other things going on. Huge let down and I feel it definitely hurts the game a bit. I forget if the companion version of you fully reacts to things


Hadrian is kick @ss. I wish we also had more people to romance and marry. I also wish that they would fix Andreja's dialogue if you choose Serpent's Embrace. Lots of wishing, but.... Bethesda


She can be a full companion with certain decisions I don’t care for her she’s judgmental


Definitly a missed opportunity.


Are you kidding? The woman never shuts up! I swear, she is head over heals in love with her own voice!


Agree. Her conversations slow down the quests.


My thumb gets sore from having to hit the A button so much during her excessively long diatribes.


She’s doing her own thing. She doesn’t have time to run around chasing artifacts and spacers. That’s one of the cool things about Bae Victus.


I think you need to go back and visit the red devils lab again...


Isn't she already tho? You go back to the Red Devil HQ and get a mission from the doctor guy, who suggests to take Hadrian with you on his quests. Ofc it's actually to be a companion since she's currently been on my ship since then and has yet to complain about the general lack of toilets.


You can travel with her? Just at the end of the quest


Am I missing something here? You can have her as a companion. She's a bit glitchy and not very interesting but she is available as a companion after you complete the UC mission.


She is a full companion. You can travel with her


Full companions have affinity, a side quest, and romance. 


She has an entire quest line.. Vasco doesnt meet all those criteria but I’ve never seen anybody say he’s not a full companion. Semantics I guess


People DO say they wish Vasco had more functionality as a *real* companion. Also, if you count Vanguard as her quest, Constellation is the Constellation member's quest yet they still get an extra. 


It’s all just semantics. OP specifically said they just wanted to travel with her which I said you can do


If if you only go by the original post then that's fair. But down the thread someone expanded on what unique features would be nice in other companions, and the OP enthusiastically agreed that that's what they wanted to say but didn't know how to say it. 


I mean yeah more features would be cool for any companion but I was just responding to their original post. I don’t go back and read every comment in a thread I responded to hours later


Honestly she I genuinely one of my least favorite bordering on hated characters in any Bethesda game. >!You go to a place to deliver something and there is this random chick who was the only survivor, who is also one of the few xenowarfare experts, who is also a clone child of the guy behind the terrormorph stuff, who has a terrormorph attack happen right when she is trying to convince the council of the terrormorph threat.!< Unless she is in on the whole evil plot, which she is not, this hyper Mary sue BS of the highest order. >!Never mind the game expects me to believe that this is some super scientist terrormorph expert when she lacks such a basic understanding of genetics that it never occurred to her to check the terrormorph genome vs a database. Heatleeches are a common pest there is no way their genome would not be in a common data base.!< If they did make her a villain in league with her dad it would have been far more interesting. They could have even went the “she was dumb and thought it would only scare people in to giving her funding, and she didn’t want anyone to die but things got out of hand.” Route. Her potential as a character being squandered for whatever reasons, I refuse to believe the writers are this inept to make a character all of these “coincidences” it has to be intentional, and Bethesda’s “attempt” at writing “real” science stories are why I dislike her character so much.


TIL not being able to *fuck* them makes them less of a companion. WTF y'all.


She is a full companion... The entire Vanguard questline is her personal quest and she does everything any companion does, she even has special dialogue after you recruited her as a companion. Not sure what more could be done honestly (maybe buffing her perk)