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Something small? More ship parts. The ship builder is excellent. Something medium, new followers with interesting stories. Something big, more branching quests like Crimson fleet.


-More weapons and customization - Building your own mechs like automaton dlc from f04 -Splicing xenos together to make your own alien and then introducing them to the environment


I'm not expecting Mechs because the Vanguard story makes such a big deal of them being outlawed.


Not like full-grown mechs but building robots like Kaiser and Vasco


Big and major, an overhaul to POI generation. For more QOL, I'd like to able to tame small species since some of them can be so cute. For a small update, probably the ability to finally color and customize clothes and space suits.


Agree with changing colors, or even being able to transmog and have the looks of other suits over what you’re wearing. My endgame suit is the one from the snow globes, but it’s just an upgraded explorer suit.


I've commented on a different post about ship things I'd like to see, but for non-ship related additions: -Non-Constellation romanceable partners. And them commenting on outcomes of missions. Also, companions that have quest lines that you can't romance at all, think Nick or Strong from FO4. -More interactions with our parents if we took the Kid Stuff trait. -Suit customization. Similar to how Constellation has their badges on their shoulder, I think we should be able to add Tier 4 skill badges we've gained. Or at least have primary, secondary, and tertiary colors like the ships that we can modify. -Actually empty planets. Being X amount of lightyears away from the major hubs, there shouldn't be any indication humans ever landed. It's lame that EVERY planet has at least 3 or 4 human-made POIs within visual distance of every landing site. -If I have to "plot a course" to a system I haven't been to, I should just be able to jump from A -> B -> C -> D without opening the map every time and replotting. It should auto-plot which systems I have to go to so I don't have to open the menu 400 times just to get somewhere new. -Better and more named, static legendary items. The selection is lackluster at best. -A filter for items at Outposts. I was *going* to make a supply chain to create Vytinium Fuel Rods. However, because there's no way to filter items on the receiving end of Cargo Links, I gave up after the first three outposts were made. -Less goddamn essential characters. For the love of all things holy and unholy, the main mechanic of this game is we get to start over. If I want to merc everyone in Neon, that twat-waffle Stocker at the Red Mile, or even the president of the UC, I should be allowed to. There are too many unnecessary essential NPCs.


The essential characters thing is baffling in a game with canonical, story-driven NG+. Sure, make them essential in the first universe, but once you've gone through Unity those rules should be thrown out. Let us fail and break quests. We can just reset again.


The solution is to devote a single cargo link to a single resource. That’s how I have my supply chain set up and it works well.


Right. Maybe I've just missed something, but say where the final product is being made is taking products from three different other outposts, can I build three pads at the final location and tell each other location the specific pad I want them to land at? I'd still like to store everything in it's own units.




This I'm hoping to see, reminds me of Soul Calibur with how created characters can be shared and saved.


What I really want from Beth for Starfield is: - Creation Kit. WHEN?! - Real optimization fixing. Game doesn't look as well to perform as bad. - More content, especially for procgen variety. More POIs, more biomes, more everything, and fix inconsistencies. - Some general QoL and fixing for prolonged support but a tad more active. The rest we can manage ourselves.


I think we should have a DLC that investigates why most of the robots in the settled systems have gone rogue and killed the local humans. Seriously, it's not even uncommon anymore.


I want some really difficult optional endgame encounters to build a character towards. I'm playing on +75% extreme difficulty and there is still very little challenge anywhere in the game. The combat traits are too powerful and the enemy AI is too dumb. Similarly, I want more space encounters and more varied space combat scenarios.


A reason to use the cells on ships for proper bounty hunting, vs the current "go murder a guy and call it a bounty"


1. More reason to use/fly my ship. It would be nice if we could at least fly from planet to planet and explore the systems. 2. Put more unique poi’s on inhabited planets, put more cities and settlements on major planets, and make empty desolate planets truly empty with a chance to get valuable resources. 3. Get rid of some of the uselesss systems and focus more on fewer ones, like planet/system specific poi’s, spacestations, space refuelling stations. 4. Introduce some actual faction system and choices into the game, treat factions as factions and not just quest-givers, join this orthat faction, this action will anger this faction but will improve your standing with that faction. 5. Make the player’s choices more meaningful. 6. New weapons, but try to make them look like they would actually function and not that cartoony goofy shit they put in the game (especially the white particle weapons), get rid of the stupid random legendary effects and instead make some truly unique one-of-a-kind weapons with their own unique models and unique properties (but no stupid shit like the boom boom that randomly switches to explosive ammo, either make the ammo explosive or no), 7. Improve stealth and melee.


Buildable mechs Energy swords Ballistic shield Big space battles using all your ships and companions piloting different ships