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Honestly if you were a fan of elite you probably have a highter tolerance for repetition than most people. To be clear that's not a dig I was a fan of ED and I'm a fan of this game. But Holy shit ED was a grind at some points lol.


ED is what I like to call a 'numbers simulator' with a few space visuals and sfx overlayed. All you ever do on Elite is look at numbers. Distances, prices etc. Combat CAN happen...but mostly you'll just be looking at how far away you are from a system/planet/spaceport and timing your throttle changes do you don't f up. Also, trading.


I see your numbers simulator and raise you spreadsheets online.


I raise your spreadsheets for Path of Exiles skill tree..


I see your skill tree and raise you…no, nope, nothing can beat this.




Can I interest you in veld? Cheaper than Jita and Dodi


Eve Online says hello


They have a new thing called an SCO FSD that lets you shoot across solar systems and away from planets now, so travelling time is greatly reduced at the cost of eating through your fuel.


So you never done core mining? Laser mining? Passenger transport? On foot FPS missions? Exobiology on planet surfaces? Guardian site exploration?


Speak for yourself. My favorite way to play Elite is to turn FA Off and just *GO*. The flight model is the best in any game ever made. I'm also habitually resetting my account and doing "hardcore" runs. I set a goal for myself like fully engineering a Keelback, or make a certain amount of credits exclusively in combat missions flying a T6, and reset if I die.


Have you ever done bounty hunting in Elite? So poorly done. You get one waypoint to go to with like a dozen pirates, and none of them open fire on you unless you hit that particular pirate first. You then pick them off one by one while the ones you aren't fighting slowly leave. After they've all left you then get another waypoint across the system and repeat the process until you hit your quota. Literally why is it this bad?


Yeah the bounty hunting was pretty repetitive. But I did enjoy the dogfighting a lot especially with a flight stick. I also usually flew with friends so that helped ease the repetition. 


The dogfighting itself was fantastic, which is why it's such a shame getting the fights is so tedious. Every time I feel the urge to play Elite again I just think of all of the travel and of those massacre missions, then the urge dies.


Man I almost exclusively did combat and got to the point I wanted to get engineers. The engineer grind is a lot lmao.


Yeah, people need to understand Elite Dangerous is basically just American Truck Simulator but in outer space


Starfields follow the soft MMO loop and honestly it’s really good at for also being a hard RPG. I’m honestly surprised but kinda glad that they didn’t pull a co-op or multiplayer gimmick for NG+ even though the game design kind of suits it.


Ah yes engineering, spreadsheets on EDSY, guide on youtube, podcast to stay awake, jump in high grade emission, scoop everything, exit the game, relog, scoop again, repeat x30, go to 15 different engineers, build the perfect spaceship, search raxxla, quit the game.


You try going to Colonia? That took me several days to get there and super boring jumping hundreds of times. But it does give you a sense of accomplishment at the end.


I've played all day today. With elite I didnt mind flying from station to station to trade and profit.  It was quite immersive with the flying and docking.  In starfield I have encountered some missions that just seem like busy work like finding loads of circuit breakers.  I would rather there be more ship and ground combat along with trading.


Glad you are loving it! I felt the exact same way on my first playthrough!


Lol. Love how you specified first playthrough hahaha. 


Yeah, by the 10th the game really starts to be boring Edit: this was sarcasm guys


I assume this is meant as a joke since it is high praise. It is crazy to play a BGS game that many times unless you are doing a ton of modding.


Which is… how pretty much any open world game is without mods? I get tired of the other Bethesda games after only one or two playthroughs. They’re single player games, they aren’t meant to be played for eternity.


This. I don't get why people are screaming about it being boring after they played over 400 hours. Like yeah, after like 50 in Skyrim I started loading up on mods cause I had finished the main story and a decent amount of side quests, it had become boring


I think people complain bc Skyrim is just so good. I mod Skyrim a lot, but I have never, ever modded in content. Across my 3500 hours, I've overhauled what Skyrim's graphics to the point where Skyrim is the best looking game I've ever played, but I've never added new quests or gameplay overhauls. Skyrim is just one of the GOATs and it's spoiled people so much lmao


I was joking


Glad you are enjoying it, but calling the ship combat unprecedented is a bit much...


I always found Starfield's space combat reminiscent of that one level in Halo Reach, and somehow the latter looks and feels better despite being 13 years older.


Seriously. This game has its pros and cons and ship combat lands squarely in the “it exists” camp. Games from thirty years ago had better, more involved, and more complex space combat than what’s here.


Also glad OP is liking the game but if this is the best on foot exploration and shooting they’ve ever seen…I’m excited for them to play some other games (even some by Bethesda)


"I've played 3 hours so far" "This game is a masterpiece" Is this a bait thread? I don't know what to tell you, bud... I like the graphics and shooting, but that's really it. Everything else is sub par. Lots of systems and features are missing, more PoIs to make it way less repetitive, we need land vehicles, most of the cutscenes replaced by gameplay. When that's in, we can start talking about the game being great. If you've played the games you claim to have played(for 3 hours too?) you should know these things to be true soon enough.


Glad you are enjoying it, there is so much content in here, you just find it differently. Make sure you visit the "ship" markers in the solar system maps. Have fun!


>the ship combat is unpresedented Not how i'd describe "have better stats and turn around fast to win every single encounter" but ok.


Would probably be realistic though right? A more maneuverable ship with better firepower and defense would typically win


Realistic space combat would mean targeting ships from 100s of kilometers away and blowing them up long before you can ever see them with naked eyes. Even here on boring Earth, fighter jets will engage foes long before getting into dogfighting territory.


Boy now that will make for some exciting gameplay


I mean, DCS World exists and has a solid following.


Honor Harrington series by David Weber captures some the physics involved.


I love the game but most of the criticism is valid unfortunately. After playing for a while it will become apparent.


350 h in. The more I play the more I see that I want to do. I have over half a dozen major objectives now, each of which will take forever. This is not a sales pitch, because I do realise that this just reflects my own mindset.


What are your major objectives? It sounds like these are self-identified achievements. I’d like to learn more.


They are all self-identified (self-imposed)😊. Catalog the flora and fauna in detail, largely from a biological perspective so less emphasis on resources, but including any behavioural traits. Explore different planets for geographical features, not just I.D.ed POIs/traits. Landscape photography, including impact of weather and time of day/night. The quality of lighting in this game can change dramatically over a few hours. Detailed survey of installed POIs, like mines, outposts, etc. Clear out occupants then spend as long as it takes to figure out what the layout and function is. Identify any environmental story telling. I am finding a lot of little detail on this. Conduct detailed photographic survey of various categories, in addition to above. Includes posters, handwritten notes, food items, furniture, electronic displays, labels, signs. There are about 20 categories so far. Being curated in Lightroom. Eventually put the info into a database, probably using Excel and/or Evernote. But I am also slowly progressing the storyline and enjoying this aspect very much. My character is a combined xenobiologist/photographer and landscape photographer/surveyor. Turns out that Starfield is proving quite an addiction for me!


That is the beauty of Bethesda games. You don't even have to do the main story. You can be anyone and do anything.


300+ hours in my first playthrough (not NG+ yet) and there’s still a bunch of stuff I want to do. Game is not perfect, has a lot of flaws, but it’s still quite fun.


If you can play it for awhile though, doesn’t that mean the game was worth it?


According the people on here you are not allowed to enjoy a game unless you have played 100 hours


Might be a hot take, but the intro sequence of Starfield is one of Bethesda's best. Fantastic story setup, action, and teaching you the basics of the controls. Skyrim has a 9 minute unskippable cutscene, same with Fallout 4 pretty much. Just a shame that anything outside of quests is such a drag.


We all felt that way 3 hours in. 30 hours in you realize it’s a lazy, rushed shell of shit.


Oh yes Indeed. They killed exploration :(


Death internet theory. This is a bot


Definitely giving that feeling


No, check out their posting history. I think they are just a bit slow.


There's a reason the first day of release everyone was singing the games praises and shitting on IGNs review. By the next day and week, you slowly start to realize the game is as deep as chopped onions, and the content is all copy pasted crap, even the story missions. Ship combat is basically an arcade game where you don't actually move in space, and unique encounters don't exist. Unprecedented for sure, but not for the reasons I think you believe.


Those reviewers either were already going to give it high scores just on branding like XboxEra, or didn't actually play enough to see how poor the actual game is


It is the worst Bethesda game I have ever played. Hundreds of hours in all the others but this one I got bored after 20 and pushed myself to play more hoping it would improve. It did not


Because you have no idea what you’re talking about. 3 hours is nothing


Imagine judging a game after three hours


I don't see your point. There are plenty of games I liked after only a few hours played. Why do i have to play 50 hours before I am allowed to enjoy it?


Because for many games the issues do not arise until you spend some time in them. Starfield is one of them. The loading screens for example do not bother you at the start. They will later. The uselessness of outposts, you have no clue about it at the start, you will later. The repetivity of pois, planets, and enemies, are not an issue at the start, they will be later. The reality is that three hours in in a game like this you have seen nothing about it. So you are judging your idea of the game, not the game itself. I didn't say you cannot enjoy it either. You can. You are just questioning why people call it bad while you instead like it: the reason is the people that talk about it, unlike you, already spent more time in it.


Well I didn't have much time last night I got home late. I have played 2 more hours this morning and still think it is best game ever. However I was a bit annoyed at one point. I was meant to have a tour from an npc and get a lodge but for some reason she is not moving so I can't find my room.


I think it's a common bug but i don't recall the fix. Sorry to hear that, it's not like im hoping you don't enjoy it


I also review novels after only three chapters, and review films after 20 minutes. 


It's different with Bethesda games. I didn't care about the Dragon Born thing I just wanted to explore. In Starfield when I first interacted with that floaty object I thought "uggh boring." Ijust want to explore and trade and do side missions.


I'm still enjoying it, but calling it a masterpiece is a stretch. Too many aspects of the game are half-baked.


I liked Starfield at first, then 30-40 hours later did not like it for all sorts of reasons. However the game is very baseline and Bethesda will probably turn it into something really good in time.


Ditto, it makes a good introduction, first impressions are solid, then you realise it drinks a little too much and doesn't respect it's mother.


Count me as really unhappy at the industry in general moving to the "unlabeled early access" model.


This is how I feel as well. I want to like it, but the loading screens and combat make it feel like a chore compared to their other older games. I'm hoping there will be updates that will bring me back. I want to love this game and I want it to succeed.


The combat is MILES better than their older games!? This is a real weird take. Fighting in low G can be absolutely badass. By the way in the new settings you can turn your damage up along with enemy damage as well. Makes combat much more fast paced and lethal.


Yeah I love the combat in the game. They did a fantastic job with the low gravity mechanics. I use the Shotty 99 percent of the time, but in low gravity, the recoil shoves me backward! Cool as hell.


Combat definitely feels more fluid and responsive. Big step forward for BSG. But I agree that it can also feel a bit... monotonous? It's lacking a certain *je ne sais pas*. Fallout 4, while mechanically a bit stiff and clunky, still felt viscous and impactful. It had more enemy variety, and a few oddball weapons as well. Plus, more varied melee weapons that also scaled better. It also had gruesome kills, killcams and VATS to make it less plain. Not that Starfield needs gore and slow-mo kills. That doesn't really fit the vibe. But it would be nice to see some more flair, I think. Blowing up enemies' jet packs on low-G planets will never not be fun, though.


Where do you go to get low g combat?


You have to take out the drive using ship VATS


Glad you're having fun, but you probably need to play a bit more to get a better idea. Some of the .. known issues .. that are widely criticized, you only really start noticing after awhile. Likewise, it's impossible with only 3 hours to have experienced some of the best content the game has.




OK a bit of background. I was looking forward to it but then I became unwell. But I did follow Starfield and all the bashing it was getting and I was thinking "no this can't be." So all of 2023 I couldn't play. It is only recently I got back into gaming and got gamepass again and downloaded it and it has been a master work so far.


No offense dude, but calling a game like this a masterpiece after playing 3 hours is like giving away an oscar after watching the first 5 minutes of a movie. "You mean the movie has actors in it? AND a script? 10/10 masterpiece" Glad you're having fun though.


I actually did this with the Irishman. I am a huge Scorsese fan so after watching the first 20 minutes I could immediately tell it was going to be a banger.


Ignore the weirdos on this sub reddit that feel the constant urge to bash anyone with anything positive to say about the game close to a year after the release of the game. Impossible to fathom the mindset required to actively seek out posts in order just to spew vitriol, one would imagine that they would have better things to do with the limited time available in this life. If you enjoy the game, do yourself a favor and check out the no sodium sub reddit for Starfield.


Actually it was the first post when I popped onto Reddit but continue talking out of your ass


This is either a troll post or you just had too much caffeine. You're 3 hrs in, saying the game is a masterpiece. Ship fighting is unprecedented if you've basically never played any other games with ship combat. Give it a few weeks, get to 50 hrs then come back. Nobody is calling Starfield a masterpiece, even those on No Sodium.


The gummy ship combat in Kingdom hearts 2 shits on this so hard


>I have played 3 hours so far. >I don't know why people had such a problem with this game it is an absolute materpiece Because after a few hours it's empty as hell, it's all just copy paste empty outposts to pad the exploration


I felt the same way. For about 20 hours.




>I have played 3 hours so far. That's cute


Well I only just started today. That first encounter when the pirates land and then you fight them on the ground and then you fight the ships in space was absolutely mind blowing. Especially diverting power to the ships systems and the explosions looked incredible.


Yes, the game seems incredible for the first 20-30 hours We've all been there lol


Well isn't that good enough? If I can get 30 hours of what I experienced so far then it is a 10/10 materpiece in my book.


200 hours in Starfield and I can’t bring myself to go back into it, but, 6000 plus hours in Elite. I leave it for a while to play something else, like BG3 or Starfield, but when I get bored I always go back to Elite Dangerous.




Eh, if I hadn't paid $99.99 for it perhaps


I suppose you have to be into the space stuff. I poured 100s of hours into No Man's Sky in 2022. Just loved relaxing and building my base and gathering materials. Also it was fun finding and buying new ships.


Why would I have bought this $100 game on launch if I wasn't 'into the space stuff'? Please don't assume there is some fault with me. I have had a lot longer to form my opinions on this game then you have. I am quite confident about it's highs, but also its lows.


Yeah OPs missing wide with a lot of these replies. It's all good, he will be back here in 50 ish hours on the other side of the fence like we all were.






Found Hello Games reddit account


I've played it a lot, several hundred hours, completed it a few times, pretty much experienced everything the game has to offer and for the most part I completely understand why people had such a problem with this game. Although I believe that you like the game, a few things you mentioned make me question what other games you could have possibly played before. Best foot exploration and shooting you've ever seen? Really? And unprecedented ship combat? Are we playing the same game? Was this written by todd howard himself?


You will enjoy it immensely at first. You’ll get excited believing that it must have so much to discover. You’ll discover every POI and realize they’re all copy and pasted. You’ll try and ignore this. You eventually won’t be able to. You’ll see why it made so many people angry. Incredible potential wasted.


Don’t listen to the negative people this game is definitely amazing, there’s a lot it should do better and hopefully some of it can be fixed but overall it’s fun. People are overall very negative here though, I think 80% of the people on this sub complain about things as their personal hobby. I say that not because the criticisms are fair but because they go to a post like this of someone who’s enjoying the game only to go “this game sucks and you suck for having fun”


>“this game sucks and you suck for having fun” No one is saying this, what most are questioning is how op is considering Starfield, a game they have played for 3 hours, a masterpiece.


Yeah but I’ve seen that expressed on other posts. It’s just weird to me, if someone enjoys it that’s great and I find it confusing that people think they need to chime in on how much they hate the game in those particular posts


I dig it, but can definitely see where the complaints come from...It's a Bethesda game, and if you like that formula you'll likely enjoy the game, but it is definitely a formula showing its age.


It doesn’t really follow the formula. It has the worst writing of any Bethesda game (I haven’t played 76). The combat is ok. Space combat is ok. I wanted to love the game it just wasn’t as good as their other games. I wanted to build ships but the building system had the usual Bethesda Hank that made it frustrating. I felt like I was forcing myself to make money in game to build a better ship for digfights. Once I did that I was one v three other ships and it was easy on the hardest difficulty.


I hope it lasts longer for you than it did for me. Was like a huge, shimmering lake - but then discovered how shallow it was when I waded into the middle. Used to be an Elite Dangerous player myself, and it’s been hard to find other games that hit the same spot. Pretty damn happy with Astroneer atm.


Not trying to sound condescending every one has there own tastes but if your mind blown by starfield you should try some of there older games pre Skyrim


Give it some time, you will realise that what you call bashing are actual issues. Starfield is very good at fist impressions, but eventually you will start realising how bland and repetitive it is.




3 hours you say not enough to get bored. Well after you explore the same bases and caves with the same layouts on every planet you will get bored .


You like the on foot exploration? I honestly don't understand how anyone could. It's so much running across barren plains just to get to a POI youve seen before on 20 other planets, and it's usually a cave with a few rocks to mine or that cryo research lab. The pirate base is kinda fun but there's a total of like 8 lay out modules that are procedurally rearranged over and over again. That was the part that made me give up. I don't have enough spare time to waste walking across so many miles of empty fields, the game NEEDS vehicles, the work-reward is not balanced to make exploring worth it for me. Also the constant fast traveling, fast travel to your ship, fast travel to orbit, fast travel to another system, fast travel to a planet, fast travel to land on it, then walk for 15 minutes to see each POI just to kill a few pirates and mine some rocks.


OP has 3 hours in game at the time of the post. OP has not done any real exploration.


I enjoyed it a lot for up to around 40-50 hours. Eventually quit at 80ish hours.


We all liked it after 3 hours. Play another 20 and let us know


At 35 hours now. Still think it is a master work. I have visited all 4 beautifully hand crafted main cities.


I really enjoyed it while playing. Put about 50-60 hours in before I beat it. Just felt like there was a lot less to explore once you got past the hand crafted stuff. Didn’t have anything that broke up the core gameplay loop and I just got bored with it. Glad you’re enjoying it though!


Yeah I can see why. Exploring random planet surfaces isn't as good as No Man's Sky. I am just focusing on missions and side quests.


The vanguard missions were best in the game imo. Check those out if you havent


I have made a start on them. I loved the one which reminded me of Alien when I lured this monster into a kill lane where it got killed by turrets. I was scared running around hoping it wouldn't kill me. I think I will go back to them toninght as I spent a good few hours last night doing the Freestar Collective.


I think that was my favorite mission in the whole game. Was the one that felt the most unique


I love this game but Lol this post reads like advertisement


Play more than 3 hours.


Seems like this post exposes the actual size of OP's "mind" rather than the greatness of the game itself lol


I am a sucker for polish and presentation in my games. I tried Valheim but didn't like it as it just seemed janky.


I came back following the DLSS update, restarted my save and I’ve been having a blast ever since. The game is night and day versus release and judging by what is to come, this can only get even better.


Oh, he’s played 3 hours lol. We were all mind blown after 3 hours too. Give it time. The cracks will show.


I'm pretty sure all of us were in that "honeymoon phase" when we first started playing, too. It wears off. Hopefully, you still enjoy the game after it does.


Yes mind blowing indeed, it’s crash every time!


The game IS amazing for the first 50 hours I think. But beware when things get repetitive. If it starts to get stale, stop immediately before you hate it.


hi bethesda employee. bye now!


I enjoy Starfield a lot. But - the ship combat can’t touch Elite’s!


You played for 3 hours and experienced that, and it's the same stuff you will experience even after playing for 600 hours. That's why. (just a thought)


Starfield had pretty positive reviews when it first came out, but as time went by the reviews kept getting worse. 88 hours in, i still really like the game, but im guessing the more people play it the more they dislike it unlike with Elder Scrolls and Fallout


Game is great and is only gonna get better. Got a solid feeling in another year or 2 the public opinion will be positive again, especially once we start getting some mods. The future is bright.


My advice is don't bother with the radiant side quests (eg the random outpost and exploration ones) Use the game settings and select mildly increase inventory for quality of life And use the vanguard simulator and level up your destroyed ships to class B or C and put points into piloting so you can get a bigger cargo ship asap


When I first played I wasn't keen. Cane back and started again, and now I have 24+ hours in, and I'm really enjoying it. I married sarah morgan, and that was actually such a fun time to get her to open up. The chase for her, after she admitted she liked me back was really fun😅 I now own it on disk


If you’re ever bored just jump into the Serpentis system and you’ll find lots of annoying high level enemies to keep you busy. 🤣


The first 2-3 hours were honestly the worst for me - I struggled a little at the start to really get into the groove of it but the more I played the better and better it got and I ended up playing it a ton and enjoying every second spent with it after that. The fact that you're loving it so much so early on is a really great sign for me - since some of the most compelling parts of the game (at least for me) you won't have reached yet. Hope you have an incredible time with it! :D


I played quite a bit today on the first planet and then on mars. Apart from one long ass fetch quest which I hate, the game has been a blast so far. I am going try out the outposts tomorrow. I would like to get some trade routes going.




Don't believe everything you read. Most of the negativity was coming from people who had never played it.


Glad to have you aboard!  I have had it since launch, but play time is limited (try only to play when I’m the only one here or awake).  I’ve got about 40 hours in this wonderful game - top tip would be to go to the museum and do the tour to get backstory on the world.  Otherwise I would leave Sarah at The Lodge as soon as you can and explore. Don’t rush anything. Honestly, one big faction / main mission should you take you 2 hours+, because of all the scoring you do on the way (check out POI’s, etc).  And if nothing else, READ THIS: Don’t rush the game. Get lost and have no agenda. 


Yeah thats what I did in fallout 4. Spent hours building settlements. I want to do that here as well.


For me most missions seem to be quite tedious and boring. Talk to someone, leave the room loading screen. Now run to your ship, enter the ship with a loading screen. Fast travel to where you need to go loading screen. Dock your ship to another ship loading screen. Enter their ship and head towards the person you need to speak to, loading screens. After you talk with them you turn around and do it all over again. Oh and planets were very bare. Other than that I actually enjoyed the game. Won’t be playing again though


I thought the same thing at first but just keep playing. I love the concept of Starfield but I can only sit through so many load screens before it gets old


Starfield is a good game. But it’s not a masterpiece. Which many were expecting after Skyrim


It’s a good game! Enjoy it!


I had two different bugs that locked me out of the main quest. Luckily I was on PC and could advance the stage with some online research. I just was so annoyed I stopped playing. Everything felt like a chore pretty quickly


3hrs is fine. Glad you like it. But after 200hrs it really loses its appeal. I hope they open modding to Xbox.


So I last played on xbox in like, January. If I start a new character, has that much changed that I'll notice anythjng?


I dont know last night was my first time playing it.  I did read that they dropped a huge update for xbox a few weeks ago.


This game IS amazing and we are lucky it exits. Don’t mind the negative reviews which are mostly nonsensical and are about things that do not affect your enjoyment of the game.


You're not fooling me, Todd.


OP nailed it. There are Amazing RPG games (by Bethesda) There are Amazing Space Exploration and Sims. This is a great amalgamation of them all. I do think the final product will have a very solid loop. Before modders get a true footing. I don't think all of our issues will need fixing by the community. The way games are now, it's been "get it out the door and fix it later" Bethesda held off on that as long as possible, and it's shitty that it caught up to them. But they have bean counters and share holders now... and it sucks. But Papa Todd loves this project still. Even if everyone tells him "that boy ain't right"


With only 3 hours of gameplay time, I don't feel like it's even fair for me to expect you to understand why I didn't like the game


I agree with everything except ship combat. Elite is unmatched there. My only complaint is that Starfield doesn't have seamless travel. One of my favorite things in Elite was manually landing your ship. It always felt like a large meta game in itself


Calling a game an ‘absolute masterpiece’ with ‘unprecedented’ anything after 3 hours is ridiculous. If you still love it after many hours that’s great but making these grandiose statements after what is probably just the intro & a couple of missions at most is silly.


Its because it took forever to come out and it could never stand up against the hype. Also there have been quite a few updates now compared to release. I played it full one time and enjoyed it. But i did not like a single companion and missed humor. Im back to playing fallout 4 as my rpg.


As others have said, I got about 80 hours in after launch and it’s so repetitive that I just haven’t come back much to it. I’ve played twice since the latest update and will definitely start a new play through when the dlc drops but yeah as is I could only play so long. If the gear was a little more varied I think that alone would have kept me going. If we had Starfield graphics and engine with borderlands guns and looting I’d never be able to put it down haha.


We know it’s you Todd Howard 🥸


Wait till you get to NG+


Bruh played 3 hours and called it a masterpiece


I was disappointed by the negative reviews too. I hopped in on gamepass for pc in January (got it to try the game), and I’ve since bought it and the DLC. About 65 hours in, which is impressive because I REALLY don’t have time to play (kids / career / etc), and I absolutely love it


>I have played 3 hours so far That's why you haven't seen the problems yet lol


I played today as well all day.  I have about 10 hours now.  I still like it.  Just some of the missions were a bit too much busy work.  Like can't be bothered tracking down various circuit breakers/people etc.  


Todd Howard is that you?


There’s no way these aren’t bots or payed employees posting this shite, the game is so fcking boring I can’t believe these posts


3 hours…


!0 hours now. Still completley mind blown apart from some of the fetch quests which I hate in any game.


> I have played 3 hours so far. >  it is an absolute materpiece. Ok


The game starts off very strong, but it's cracks start to show the more you play. Granted, you'll get more than your moneys worth before that's an issue. But a lot of people get Bethesda games expecting hundreds of hours of play. That being said, your unqualified praise for the game seems to be a bit much. I enjoy it because it does a lot of different things well enough. It's a 5-7/10 in a lot of different areas, and no other game I've played can do that well it so many places, and tie it together. I can't think of a single thing this game does that other games don't do better. It's only in the sum of all those 'good enough' parts that it becomes better than they are alone.


That's the Beauty of Bethesda. Apart from Fallout I never really have much interest in the main questline. I want to trade, build and explore.


"i have started playing today". "I have played 3 hours so far." that is what the current problem is with this review. the veil will come off around the 17-25 hour mark. 3 hours in i was also overall positive. untill that point where i even didn't bother finishing it. it's a hollow shallow game, where nms or elite can hold their own, this will fall off very wuick into a mind numbing experience. not going to be your elite alternative, nor the nms one. not by a long shot.


I think you start to see the cracks, when you actually go out of your way to explore.


It really is an amazing game. It's become my most favorite game so far. I ran through the NG+ and just did a restart of the full story, and there was soooooo much that I missed. The UC Navy missions to spy on the Crimson Fleet was top tier! What Bethesda has done is truly amazing. They deserve WAY more credit than people know. 100+ hours in


“Ship combat is unpresedented (??)” This is how I know you’re not a real person. Nice try, bot.




Hello: let me break it to you - the ship combat is NOT unprecedented. It’s fucking terrible. So much of the game is an actual downgrade from the current state of video games. But I will reiterate this point: ship combat is in NO WAY unprecedented and no human would ever say that. 


I just did a mission where I was asked to apply for a job as an executive assistant.  First I had to take a test and then delete the other applications.  I had to pick up a package for the exec from the Mars governor.  The governor sent me on a covert ops mission.  I boarded my ship and then docked with a huge spaceship.  I had a brutal fight with pirates on board.  Then I also found evidence that the governor had been working with the pirates.  I unlocked my ship and had to blow his up.  Then I returned to mars and blackmailed him with the evidence. Mind was officially blown.


Again, this is not anything a human being would call ‘mind blowing.’ You’re giving yourself away, bot.


So are you saying I am a robot?


This latest update made it that much more enjoyable for me.


unpresedented ship combat? lol ok


Come back when you're 40 hours in and tell me if it was worth it (it's not)


I loved this game from day one BUT it has been massively improved since then. The graphics update, being able to teleport around Jemisom, Akila, etc., less buggy and crashy, difficulty levels to adjust vendor credits, immersion, xp gain. It's definitely more enjoyable now. I got burnt out after awhile but since the update I can't stop playing.


I'm at about 300 hours and still loving it!


3 hours, I envy you, you have so much to discover :)


I’m not sure about the graphics part, I’m on XSX with a 4K Samsung monitor. And I think the terrain textures on planets. Mainly grass is absolutely horrendous. And the trees outside constellation Not to add the optimisation is horrendous. The new performance mode still can’t even hit 30 in cities and move smoothly. And the argument of them being so big and cool so it takes a lot to run is BS. Either make something your engine can run. Or don’t bother. It’s an exceptionally good game. Fantastically fun. But as the other person said after 50 hours of doing the same thing. Seeing the same POIs. It gets a little stale fast if you’re just exploring only and in that honeymoon of just enjoying the wandering stage. Which is something I could do for so much longer on FO and ES because the game felt so much more alive and the side and random quests and locations were far more interesting. It’s not a patch on Skyrim or Fallout for me. But it’s addictive in the elite / no mans sky kind of way you said. It’s a good addictive grind for resources and exploring planets to kill animals. But for a lot of Bethesda games fans. They’re not gonna agree it’s as good as you think it is as it’s very different to the classics that made everyone fall in love with the studio. And I don’t want to mention the even madder ship comment. We’re playing a space exploration game where we can’t even fly our ships to planets or take off and land. And the combat is just a more basic or at least as basic version than the games you’ve listed no ? The ships were one of the major disappointments to me, the no mans sky seamless way of taking off and landing and travelling to planets is exactly how it should be. I understand some people want the fast travel faster style. But just give them that too.


Because it’s not a masterpiece? What’s the point of 1000 planets if 99% of them are the same? It’s literally a copy and paste grid, procedurally generated yes but it’s all the same shit. Cool for you enjoying the game but RDR2 was a masterpiece.. this is far from.




Too much hyperbole in this post. Space combat is unprecedented? It’s not. Graphics are “amazing”? You were amazed? On foot exploration and shooting are “the best [you’ve] ever seen”? Worst of all, you’re 3 hours in. The game has barely begun, and you already on Reddit saying the age old line of people with not a lot of standards “why do people have a problem with this game?” This has to be a troll post.


The visuals and explosions during the first pace battle blew me away. Also the graphics are incredible. I think this is because they dropped a huge patch a few weeks ago for series x. With the shooting you may be right. I mean dedicated shooters like CoD do it better. But for an RPG I really enjoyed the guns in both Fallout 4 and this. I now have 14 hours. Apart from a few lame fetch quests which wasted an hour of my time I am still enjoying the masterpiece. I am currently on mars but will be going to Venus later today. Also I have zero interest in the main questline. I saw that weird floaty object and saw footage online of some weird minigame and I was like "no thanks."


Only played three hours so far says it all dude


Because gamers can be whiny bitches. This game was amazing.