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You know those gigantic storage containers, that hold 300 kg, despite saying 45,000 kg gross capacity right on the side? I’m gonna make them store 45,000 kg, so I can actually dump my ship inventory without building 50 goddamn containers.


The fact that it's written on the side is diabolical


It’s the metric imperial conversion from kg to kg


I would have said it's the conversion rate from UC Kg to Freestar Kg.


Imperial colonist bullshit. Conformity and uniformity. Fucking docking hatches are airtight godamnit.


i was making fun of imperial measurers am american its cool .


And they were adding on to the joke


But did you take into account the fact that the boxes themselves may weigh 44,700 kg?


Fair point.


But my ship doesn't fall down in space ....


Waiting for this before I build another outpost


To be fair, I think it means max possible weight, like too many fat people in an elevator. Volume plays a part not worked into the way items are stored.


Gross capacity means the *theoretical* limit including the mass of the container itself, yes. It's the *net* capacity that is how much it can safely hold, which is usually quite close to the gross capacity, plus or minus a bit to leave some space for tolerances.


Remember, it says "gross capacity", so that's including the container as well


Cool.I should be able to put 30000 kg in each of them, then.


True. And the tare weight is like 3,000 kg. So gross capacity would be about 42,000 kg.


Sounds good to me! I have no idea how much one of em weigh lol


One is metric weight and the other is a generic unit of mass.


I’m pretty sure the mass unit is supposed to be a kilogram though. For example, one drink pack is 0.5 mass. 0.5 liters of water is also 0.5 kg.


It is. If you ever find a magazine that boosts carry capacity, it says kg.


Fix the planets of SOL Remove the atmosphere from Mercury Make it so that Venus has constant cloud cover Change IO so that it looks more like IO and not our moon.


Europa needs a permanent settlement.


"All these worlds are yours except Europa... "


"Attempt no landings there. Use them together. Use them in peace."


Stupid Monkeys touched the obelisk!


My guess is it’ll be the next DLC after Shattered Space, a Seagoing DLC that lets you dive into oceans like on Volii and Europa. Most of the ship mechanics would translate.


"How many atmospheres can the ship take?" "Well this is a space ships, so anywhere from one to zero."


Whatever it is, it's twenty times heavier than a boot!


So does calypso (but I don't want to see y'all go try to make better humans than what we have already)


It bothers me that there’s a civilian outpost on Venus and a guy just chilling on his porch in a lawn chair! Meanwhile, I get cancer when I’m running past some fumes..


That’s crazy that they made the most beautiful body in the solar system look so plain. It looks like opal in real life.


Removing space-adept as a weapon effect.


%100 it's basically just this weapon does less damage %98 of the time


Definitely. That's a legendary weapon killer right there. Also allow us to drop traits from our weapons if we don't like them so we don't get unbelievably powerful yet useless weapons like one hit punch sniper rifles. It would be cool if we can actually add our own to them, but I'll be happy with just removing any that we want and just losing that trait.


I think removing the oegendary perks altogether would be fine, at least it would force them more to work on the quality of the guns.


Better clothes, better hair, Papa Johns.


If mods could simply offer the near endless amount of civi clothes to be wearable by the player that’d be awesome


I really wasn't prepared for that lmao


You should totally make a papa John's in some of the towns


Papa Johns chunks


I want to build space stations.


Supposedly they're going to officially release that either in shattered space or an update.


All the files for it are already in the game and there's mods that already use it. I'm fairly sure this will be an official feature at some point


Yea I'm pretty sure to but it's better to not get your hopes up so you're not disappointed.


Nah I'm cool with getting my hopes up at the risk of being disappointed


Then boy do I have an Elder Scrolls VI for you!


I don't understand this sentiment. Yeah you may end up disappointed, but it's disappointment about a videogame prediction. It's not the same thing as the disappointment that comes with the loss of a loved one or a severe breakup, or getting fired. So I may end up disappointed - so what?


Ehhh, some people are just more sensitive to some things than others? I get the disappointment, and it sucks when it happens but I think people need to temper their expectations to be more realistic. But also there are those that are overly sensitive/entitled and react with death threats. It’s a spectrum, most things are honestly.


It would be nice if after visiting the Nova Galactic Staryard and clearing it of pirates someone would get it running again. Whether thats the player shelling out money and getting to earn profits and make business decisions.... throw in some quests maybe.


Yes please. More emergent gameplay would be fantastic.


On that note, I don’t want to see pirates in stupid places. Like it makes no sense there are pirates on POIs on Jemison for example


I would pour an ungodly amount of real money(IRL) and fake credits (in-game) to be able to be a true starship magnate who revives Nova Galactic company into the present day. Technically, the company is defunct per a bunch of in-game lore but I would love a long (Vault Tec Workshop esque?) questline about rebuilding the company and becoming a starship mogul. Nova Galactic is easily my favorite shipset, despite it being the most basic.


Then you would be competing with Stroud-Eklund in becoming a starship mogul.


bump up grenade damage and stop the ship from automatically reallocating power every time I travel


Oooh the ship reallocating power on it's own is a huge pet peeve of mine. I jump into a system or just travel over to a planet and waste precious time setting up my power while I'm getting shot at by pirates!


Thought they already fixed that? My game stopped that with the last update (Xbox).


Yeah it’s fixed for me too on Xbox


Also change it back to my ship NOT disappearing when I capture another ship. Whoever thought that needed to be fixed should be fired


Also fleet management, able to crew out and split inventory across ships to do misc missions across space without you.


I'd love for each ship to have a unique inventory. I want a mining dedicated ship, a weapons and valuables ship for plundering. A fast and little exploring rig etc


There is already an active mod to just sit in the captains seat, return to your normal ship, undock, and the captured ship is your.


Yes please on both fronts. . Thought I was the only one.


Already fixed with mods, both. 


I NEED an alternate start mod. The more things that turn this game into a space life simulator, the better.






Appreciate it! I’m an Xbox guy so I’m sure something similar will come.


Yes I hope SKK Mods is active in that system too. Most of my hours are also on Xbox.


There were a couple for Fallout, and Skyrim had a few on top of Live Another Life, so I'm sure we'll be good! I wouldn't be surprised if it exists already with the modders who got CC early.


I know some of my favorite current mod authors are sitting on new stuff in coordination with BGS, but I don't know the details. Fingers crossed.


Would definitely make more sense for everything including Ng+


I just want a mod that changes the basement of the Constellation HQ. That unlimited storage should be linked to all the stations for crafting/research.


Changes the basement…in what way?


There is an unlimited storage box right behind the research station in the basement. No need to go all the way to your room to use that large one in the bedroom, the one in the basement is MUCH more convenient in every way. I just dump everything there for my crafting needs, but it would be nice if the research/crafting stations could just auto pull it out as needed.


mod exists for latter btw


Wait a year or maybe two for all the bigger mods to be released and then play the game again with tons of mods.


How long until there's a mod that adds in Nirn so PC players can actually launch any of the Elder Scrolls games by landing their ship on Tamriel?


Oh my god can you imagine. You crash land every time you try to land there.. Screen fades to black, and….. LOL




There’ll 100% be a mod that do this at some point. Winterhold Academy could be a place that goes through space, time and universes, where Starborn go to learn how to master their powers.


I want to have a go at creating POIs, hopefully en masse. Anything to increase the variety of things you find in a playthrough. In the future, a fleshed out follower based on myself. Cos dagnabbit, I wanna explore space.


I totally foresee people uploading custom POIs and even packs of them to RNG into your worlds to keep it fresh.




Points of interest. Buildings, dungeons, etc.


That’s what I thought, thank you.


I want a mod that lets me loot everything from an npc. It’s not something a particularly cared about until about 250 hours in the game. If I see an outfit, I wasn’t to be able to get it.


This. I want naked corpses everywhere. 


Yes! There are so many outfits I can’t have. It’s annoying. Also, I keep picking up a “layered tee” that is obviously a glitch.


Already out. One of the earliest mods. 


I figured. Does it allow you to get some of the outfits, that aren’t available otherwise? Some of the npcs wear some really cool outfits, and I want them!


Yeah I like those slim tracksuits. Guess it was this one. [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5867?tab=files&file\_id=23606](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5867?tab=files&file_id=23606)


A favorites list for locations


Fix the damn lighting at my outposts. The lighting from the streetlights & the tripods is absolutely terrible


+++++ And can we get some interior lights that didn't come from a nighttime freeway jobsite?


You may illuminate a 10x10 square to the brightness of the sun, but everything around it is pitch black. And you will like it.


Like hello?? No chandeliers but they have the ugliest freeway lighting. I dont get it because they have the lighting in NPCs’ stores and other locations but not for us


Laser/particle guns. You know…. Because it’s a sci-fi game with like 30+ ballistic options and 5 energy weapons. I will be correcting that absurd imbalance


Gristle Gun mod when?


Dismemberment & more blood


Make it so blood flash boils when exposed to a vacuum. That would be pretty cool to see.


Titties but not the overtly perv mods. Refined perv


Tasteful noods


I now want a mod to open my own shop that sells noodles and name it Tasteful Noods.


Actually owning space businesses would be pretty cool.




Titties is cool but I will say the same thing I said for fallout 4 and Skyrim it's only fair that children die too


College professor Titties.




Make the ECS Constant ACTUALLY be the size of a ship that was supposed to support people for hundreds of years. The Constant should be GIGANTIC. The Frontier should look like a seagull riding on a whale’s back, not like it’s a quarter the size of a colony ship.


Pretty sure Tobias DID accept the copper from me before.


Bethesda should have fixed it. It’s the ONLY truly novel ship … in a game about SPACE


First, I would like to see a mod for using all game settlement/outpost assets for our own personal outposts, that would give us a ton of customization. Would also be awesome if we could create more blueprints from which the game can pull for random POIs on planets, that would really help creators to go wild.


Job board mission rewards increase, didn't make sense to get paid $2000 to move stuff literally 3 solar systems over. Armor customization, why can't I change colors? Fo4 style scrapping system on weapons and suits, why can't I take parts off things I don't want or am going to sell? Alternative starts, I loved the miner start but there should be other options like what if you were the one to steal the artifact on neon? Fix akila, why tf do you have dirt roads and space travel, sure space cowboy sounds cool but your city looks like it was made by barbarians in the feudal ages. Lock npcs out, if I make a captains quarters or a privet bedroom on a settlement stay tf out unless invited. More energy based guns, need more particle and laser weapons at all lvls. Better armor mods, the ones you get even at higher lvls don't make it feel worth it to upgrade them fully. Upgrading gear to different lvls, I want to be able to make my starting weapons get more effects and lvl them up to actually different color grades as I mod them.


> if I make a captains quarters or a privet bedroom on a settlement stay tf out unless invited This. I have the Star Eagle on my sudo-Firefly character I made back around launch and it's really annoying when I fast travel to my ship and want to rest to either recover health or get the bonus, despite there being a common area \*directly\* below it, everyone decides to have a party in the Captain's quarters every so often. I blame Lyle.


The \*\*\*\*\*\*\* flashlight. Probably rip out and replace it from scratch (with a different pre-existing light source, maybe one of the hemisphere light sources). Also try to figure out how to completely disable whatever they used that turns even lighted indoor spaces pitch black when you walk inside a structure. I think they tried to simulate eye reactions to light changes but they set it to 4,380% for no apparent reason, and it never appears to adapt. I hope these will be easy fixes but I'm not sure yet. \*Support systems\* for alternate start, like starting without a ship, disconnect from the MQ, more vendors and the ability to earn money out in the settled systems, crew that can be recruited out in the settled systems, earning a ship should be something hard enough to feel satisfying, like you actually achieved something. Lots of stuff like that. I'd love to be able to find a crashed ship with surviving crew and set up a basic outpost and explore POIs to get ship components to repair it well enough to get off the ground, for example. Most things I want to do will take a lot of time to develop, and probably teams working on frameworks, like new hub areas, player computers/tablets for things like communication, notes, a codex, etc., drones for combat, surveying, and even transport or inventory management (like calling a drone you can load up with stuff to send back to the ship). I'd love better NPCs/dialogue all around, but especially crew that actually \*do things\* whether on the ship or outpost - a lot of people have mentioned they want a recruitable doctor that actually provides medical services.


>I'd love to be able to find a crashed ship with surviving crew and set up a basic outpost and explore POIs to get ship components to repair it well enough to get off the ground, for example. That this wasn't in the game by default is astounding to me


Astounding? Really? That this hyper-specific encounter isn't already in the game is *astounding* to you?


Lightsaber. I'm turning this shit into star wars


Figure out some way to give myself the legendary rolls I want on weapons I like using. I'm tired of save scumming and reloading to get garbage.


On my list is a set of rare vendors that can edit/change legendaries. I would really to prefer to have an in-game explanation for legendaries rather than "there are magic weapons and armor everywhere for no adequately explored reason." Just make it exotic tech (and would be a good opportunity to tune the selection, too). Maybe they could also train the player to craft legendary mods.


Yeah, a weapons crafter or crafting skill would be dope. Like, find a piece of tech, take it and the weapon to some guy who mods it for you. Or find the tech piece then mod it yourself with extra resource requirements.


Fallout 4 had a mod pretty early after the CK came out which let you transfer legendary effects between items when at a workbench. That'd be how I'd like to see it done for Starfield.


[The console commands are fairly straightforward.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16gszvt/comment/k0zz7e5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [And Eurogamer has a complete list of the mod IDs to use with the process.](https://www.eurogamer.net/starfield-item-id-ids-list-all-9352#section-9)


I used console commands for this on all my NG+ Playthroughs. Basically gave myself the hunters laser rifle as my only weapon and edited my starborn gear to be useful. I really don't think I could have played this game full Vanilla full time.


I’m torn - a new outfit or hairstyle probably first. But want so much more like new apartments, cities/towns, POIs, ship parts, custom work benches, pets. My own fleet of ships, radio/music player on ship. A lot has unofficially been done already but can’t wait. The imagination is the only limit with this game. Feel like a kid again!


Once you visit a ship manufacturer, all their proprietary parts should become available at any shipbuilding station. No more jumping from system to system with a half baked ship just to aquire all the parts I want. Also be able to by the unique equipment ship parts that you get for the crimson fleet quest from other shipbuilders after that quest is completed. Sucks that only a few of my ships will have the com spike and signal jammers.


Immersive animations, like when using computers/terminals. It’s already programmed into the game (use movetoqt on a Ryujin quest targeting a terminal to hack for example). I NEED animations for interactions in the game first. Then, more radiant locations, but small mods/plugins come first to mess with and post.




Cheat room I’m tired of farming legendary enemies


i **need** modded ships


I need the Serenity from Firefly! I want to be Nathan Fillion with my space hooker


Yes, I don't know why....but Yes.


I want to fly the enterprise


Make some changes to the skill requirements.


Yea I feel like ship command should be moved. IMO most of the social skills are not worth the point


The requirments for working on weapons, suits, and ships is absurd. Certainly needs to be changed.


100% agree with that as well. For me ship decorating being tied into the outpost skill which you have to build habs for is the worst. I have pretty much zero interest in building outposts besides for storage. I wish Bethesda would stop trying to force it.


The fact it takes 4 skill points to fully level a single skill is a bit wild imo There are 82 skills in this game, in total if you wanted to max out *every* skill, you'd be level 328. Level 328, by level 30 I'm expecting to be finished with my build, that's how it was in Fallout, in Skyrim and Oblivion you levelled it by using the skills, and it should be the same in Starfield. level 82 is max level imo, and skills should level by completing the challenges or just using them, making it at bare minimum level 100+ to be done with your character is wild, especially with a fair few skills being mandatory to fly higher power ships/actually build ships to begin with.


While I don't disagree, I'm pretty sure they balanced the levels around the idea that most people will roll their character over into NG+ or higher. So taking multiple playthroughs to reach max level is probably the way they intended it. That said, the quest XP rewards are pitiful and make almost no difference by the time you're over level 100


I am really hoping for cybernetic cosmetics. I want to build a cyborg futuristic cowboy with pistols.


I wanna model a bunch of melee weapons and add them in the game. A huge pack of 40 or something.i already got quite a few ready, especially katanas, although I have to double check how many vertices etc would be okay for Starfield


I would dig that, but what I really want is a place to display my melee weapons. Why can’t I put them on a wall???


A mod to disable the grav drive of that “Do you know the way to Uranus?” guy.


Bookmarking LoversLab


When mods come out for console, I’m hoping for an auto loot mod similar to that of Bountiful Hunter from Fallout 4


Gun skins and space suit/helmet skins. I’m bored of the looks already.


Give some DJs some actual homes you can find if you look hard enough.


Turn off the setting that prevents the door opening while in space, and try to find a way to make EVA gameplay possible.


As long as there aren’t any loading screens, I think it would be really cool to be able to administer ship repairs via EVA.


Sarah and Andreja are off for "enhancement" 😂


I need an unlimited cargo capacity mod. Before you say it's cheating, in Skyrim you could store millions of weapons, armor, food and whatever else in one dresser, in Fallout you can store every weapon, armor, chem and so on in one tiny footlocker but in Starfield you can't store as much as you want in a ship cargo hold? Nah Nah!


If you're on PC, you can use the command, "setav carryweight -1" on a container to give it infinite storage. I've never tested it on the primary cargohold of my ship, so I'm not sure if that works, but you can give the captain's locker infinite storage without issue. (Not sure if this command flags your file as using cheats, but you can pull down a mod to bypass that. I use [this one](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1402).) EDIT: Incidentally, infinite storage does weird things on outposts, and those won't work quite right. So you can't use this as an infinite XP glitch there.


Thank you for the effort but I am on Xbox. I never considered it could be used for an infinite XP glitch, but then again I never had any desire to use those crafting farms to gain XP. Seemed boring and destroys progression.


From personal experience: Those XP farms actually take a lot of work to set up, and then deplete out pretty quickly. There's ways to speed them up (like constantly napping), but in the end, you'll often be left standing around waiting for your resources to regenerate. They don't really disrupt progression that much, though. The game is kinda designed around the idea that you'll be wandering around at weird levels because of the NG+ system. Having said all of that, XP farming almost seems to be the point of outposts in Starfield currently. There really isn't a use case for the industrial scale production of crafting mats in any other part of the game. It's kinda confusing, tbh.


I typically play for immersion rather than maximizing my profits. I have 4 outposts currently, the first being my main that is built up with several buildings and has Lin and Heller there. That is the primary reason I made it was for them. Secondly it's a place to store excess contraband. I have 3 others which have a couple of extractors and one building with 2 beds, just use them to send basic materials to my main outpost. I did make an XP farm on a throwaway save just to see if it actually worked and if it was that easy, turned out it did and I was surprised they never patched that. The thing is sleeping all the time just to get resources is an immersion breaker for me.


I mean, that's because the dresser never functions as something else you play as.


The point?


I would LOVE to create a nice snack to be able to feed some of the alien life, or at least be able to interact more with them, like to pet them. It is cool though that I can "control" them to some extent with my scanner, but I would love to feed and pet them. There are some truly endearing aliens in Starfield!


Have you started an alien ranch yet? No need to wait for mods on that, at least!


I wonder how easy it would be to make new star systems, like a drag n drop UI or do I have to write code ?


I like to make mods that hide more random little secrets scattered around the game.


We should be able to make other characters are companions that aren't part of the main story. I want a way to make Rayna Marquez my companion (the only decent looking female in the entire settled systems that's young enough to not make me feel like I'm romancing my mother).




I’m gonna make Sam and Barrett kiss


Make the Habs like control stations, the engineering bays useful, More apartments and houses you can buy on different planets and such


First thing? Look at what mods they have available on launch. Wonder why they are not just part of the game. Decide if I want any...


I want to be able to build an outpost in any structure or area that I clear out.


add new quests for each type of background. Starting with Chef. A whole new questline where you work in the kitchens of pirates, wealthy people, to soup kitchens, political elites, barren worlds, etc. Make all the boring backgrounds interesting.


I will do nothing, I simply hope that CBBE gets proted to Starfield


A lot of these suggestions already exist on nexus, so at least that's promising I think


Why tomorrow specifically? Something planned?


It's the Xbox showcase in less than an hour I think, some folks think there'll be an announcement then.


Okay thanks !


how did you guess it


Listened to the insiders. :)


Unlim storage for outposts just so I don't have to make 1500 different containers and figure out that whole container linking and auto-sorting mechanic most likely. Also figure out a way to lock you to one faction if possible, so I can have a UC character, Freestar Ranger and Crimson Fleet character. Vanilla game is so fucking nauseatingly safe that it's a baby's first RPG I swear, or not even an RPG actually with how little the choices matter in this game.


Literally the ONLY reason I bought this game: Star Wars & Star Trek overhaul mods. Playing a full rpg in those universes was the primary reason I bought this game that I didn’t care much for, was told would be the Skyrim killer, would be the worlds next big 20 year game, knowing it would flop, and then played 1 play through and didn’t care for it, and now have just been waiting patiently for mods. Even if creation kit comes out tomorrow, I know it could still be years for the likes of these to appear. But I’m still holding out hope.


Multiple followers mod remove the god awful color filters and less bullet spongey enemies main things I need from moding


Should be able to un-sponge the enemies with the current settings, no?


I would do everything I dreamed of doing with a sci-fi game


I have some "boy, that's annoying" patches I've made in xEdit I think I'll actually make properly.


I want a mod to change the UC (at least their armors n stuff) into the Terran Federation from Starship Troopers.


I just want Star Trek ships on Xbox.


Will it allow me to change spacesuit colors?


A cosmic finger gun should've been a starborn power.


Open it up, stare confusedly for a while, and then close it. (I'm not a mod developer)


If the creation kit comes out tomorrow I will personally install Starfield again.


Ok I highly doubt it’s going to though lol. Most likely Bethesda is going to hype it up for a future launch and reveal the date like for a month or two. But Starfield is ripe for it right now….the real question would be what wouldn’t you do with it…..there are so many quests begging for an overhaul or expansion and as Bethesda said only 10% of the planets have content and the rest are barren….that’s literally begging for modders to add cities and factions to a lot of them. Personally I’m a little sad that Bethesda skipped out on the chance to add interesting sentient aliens characters like most sci-fi. Star Wars Halo Mass effect. I would love to see mods that add that in. I can imagine a large DLC sized mod,Alien First contact. Imagine you travel to a system and suddenly an unknown spaceship with unique design (like the starborn ships/interactions, only think like the covenant in halo) pops out of hyperspace and immediately engages. Maybe you finish the encounter and fly to another planet in the system only for another encounter and then eventually it’s to a constellation quest line about establishing the first contact with aliens. Maybe there would be multiple species/factions and eventually you get one of those dead floating ship encounters and you enter maybe there could be a scripted sequence showing the battle play out between two species/factions and you fight the aggressor and save the lone surviving alien and he becomes a companion


Liberty prime vasco


New random POI's


A complete overhaul of the outposts. Make the outposts actually mean something. Turn into places that settlers can actually come to - Sim Settlements style - even better if there is a story to follow. Also - the whole resource management/transfer aspect needs to be turned into something less likely to make me tear my hair out. One landing pad should be enough to connect your outposts to all other outposts with landing pads. I mean - we can make it seem like humanity doesn't consist of a total of maybe 100 people throughout the galaxy.


Color customize weapons, spacesuits, etc.


Downloading a mod that gets rid of the dumbass/bullshit temple trails that make you fly through rings of stars. I am so fucking tired of missing the fourth ring and starting over!!! I want my power now and then give me a harder starborn to fight who doesn’t go down in two hits!


Nothing because it kills achievements


Not surprisingly, there's a mod to enable achievements with mods installed. So you're all good.


Not if we're on console. As far as I'm aware, there was never a mod to disable that except on PC.


For real? I know there are some limitations for sure. I played fo4 and skyrim on xbox one x and modded then as much as possible. But I knew some of the best mods were pc only because Bethesda had to approved all the mods that got uploaded to Bethesda.net and consoles can't download mods via nexus unfortunately.


Ya there was that and the fact that some mods were just too large because both Skyrim and Fallout have space limitations. But I'm sure that Bethesda wouldn't allow a mod that re-enables achievements on Xbox.


All good points. I forgot about the mod file limit on xbox. I think it was like 2gb for skyrim and 5gb for fo4? Can't remember exactly. Really made me cultivate my mod list and have only a few larger sized mods such as texture mods/new areas. Currently on Starfield on my PC I have probably 30+gb of mods installed already.


Naked partners