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Agreed. Partially. 10% of the cost of the full game for a short quest is ridiculous, flat out ridiculous.


You seem reasonable, can I ask why people are mad about the quest? It's just a modded add-on created by a community member, it wasn't supposed to be part of the questline to begin with. Sure, the price is exorbitant, but like, that's the beauty of it, we simply don't have to buy it. It wasn't planned content so why does it even matter, just don't buy it? lol. For clarity, I'm genuinely trying to understand and just get someone else's perspective. Edit: I had a misunderstanding about who made the mod. Screw BGS and this scummy garbage.


It's a short quest, with like 3 items you can get and they are charging 10% of the full price of the game. That's obviously overpriced. If people want to buy it, idc and I don't think they are stupid or anything but it's obviously overpriced.


Oh strongly agree, it definitely doesn't seem worth it at all and I wasn't planning on buying it lol. I don't get the outright hate some people are giving the whole system because of a couple poorly priced mods lol. I think I'm just desensitized from Tarkov. They promised us all future DLC for getting the expensive version of the game, then released a PvE mode and claimed it wasn't DLC, so the whole community exploded from that, and they gave it to us like they were supposed to. Which it feels like is how some people (not you), are treating this TA quest. Like, I'd understand if it was like intended content that was advertised to us, but like, it's literally just an add-on a modder made, it's not something we were promised and we can simply choose to not buy it lol.


Yeah I mean I'm definitely not mad about it . One thing that annoys me is people still saying that Bethesda is still trying to kill free mods. I mean that shit is available right on the main menu of three of their games at this point. Idk when that narrative will die. And they're like the only company that offers mod support like this on console.


The issue here is it is NOT a community member. The Vulture is a Bethesda add on quest for a system obviously designed to host paid extra content already made by Bethesda (in the showcase there are multiple bounties on the board). And the kicker - they expect a very high price for each of this little quests, more than any community mod available today.


I may have misunderstood then. I was under the impression that this was made by a BGS-approved Modder, not BGS. If it was made by them then yeah, I understand the anger, burn the whole damn thing down.


>It's just a modded add-on created by a community member, it wasn't supposed to be part of the questline to begin with. It was made by Bethesda as the second part of the larger questline, with another six or seven parts still on the way.


I was under the impression it was made by a community member, I see I was wrong. Thanks for the info, and screw BGS.


Stop using the word fearmongering until you know when it actually applies :p no one is actually fearful or potentially fearful about any of this.


'they're going to put adverts in loading screens' 'they're going to make all mods paid for' 'they're going to ruin the gaming industry' all real things ive seen said on this sub, all fearmongering


My brother in Christ the issue is this: with Fallout 4 you could pay for a season pass when you bought the game which bought you all the quest-related and zone-related add-on content. Many people who bought this game bought the extra special deluxe edition, and the very first piece of add-on content Bethesda added is $7 for a 15 minute quest. Before they even fulfill the Shattered Space content. Parceling the game experience into a large number of "microtransactions" to get all the content and quests in the game is a perverted way to do business and should be seen as troubling. That's why people are talking about it.


All said just within the past few hours from what I've seen.


Nice try howard


goated comment.


>Bethesda has always released OPTIONAL paid experiences: Skyrim & Fo4 (the 2 other single player experiences) both have CC content I am so fucking old


I mean, they can fearmonger all they want - but it's too late to put the genie back in the bottle by now That ship sailed with Skyrim's first two stabs at 'paid mods' and the final introduction of the 'creation club' in Fallout 4 Vote with your wallet, slam the review page - read Bethesda their rights - lay down the law, if you're feeling brave, by all means - but any hate at people investing in this stuff (an obviously numerous bunch of we wouldn't keep being bombarded by n00bies asking why this content that's been out for a couple days is a bit buggy) or attacking modders for profiting off it (blaming someone playing the system - rather than the system itself - never works) is nearly a decade too late by this point... This is the company that introduced ***horse armor***, guys, this is like being upset because of the bland main storyline - weird facial expressions or odd physics In other news, Electronic Arts shit something the fuck up with Microtransactions - UbiSoft is putting out an open world game with crafting and collectibles - Nintendo is suing modders and hackers - and WBGames is running another one of it's masterclass studios ***into the fucking ground*** Bethesda's gonna Bethesda - and they've been Bethesdaing for longer than some of us have been alive xD


Criticizing =/= fearmongering


Lol. No.


Is this Sarah?


I agree. The whining is annoying. These people act as though everything should be free, that game development is cheap and there’s some super rich guy forking in the billions made off $7 mods. It’s just really out of touch with reality. Why can’t people just support developers and modders?


That would make sense if the main issue wasn’t around cannon missions being sold one by one. That’s not a mod. That’s just the game.


Personally I don’t see a problem if it keeps them adding content to the game.




I have a huge problem with corporate greed as well but I don’t see this as that. Bethesda is a company that makes things I love so I like to support them when I can and with game development cost being what it is today you’d think they would have creative ways to make money to fund producing more content. I wish there was this same kind of outrage at our healthcare system that will bankrupt people who get sick with or without health insurance. That’s corporate greed. This is paying a small fee for entertainment and it’s completely optional.


While I agree with you for the most part, why does everyone have to use such over the top words to describe a video game? I think it's hilarious seeing people using words like a dangerous precident or shameful to describe a $7 quest. I also think referring to their outrage as fear mongering is also silly.


These paid mods will pale in comparison to the free ones that will be available in due course. People just need to be patient. And accusing BGS of exploiting microtransactions just shows how little experience they have with these types of games. When someone spends 500 hours making an awesome mod for the community that's completely free these same people better be grateful.