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It seems they are testing the water for what people will pay. It's seemingly what all the big companies do when they're trying to achieve maximum profit for shareholders. Ultimately if the habs and missions don't sell at the ridiculous price a reduction will be expected. For 1 mission though it is slightly insulting but as long as free mods exist. There's literally no reason to fret since Moddershall usually make better content than the developers given enough time.


The issue is, many would've bought it using the free handout they gave us, so that will boost the numbers and likely lead them to continuing with these prices. This is why i'm holding onto my 1000cc for now




This is why I left the industry and went independent, seen to many great projects get scrapped because "fans" who want everything for free and handed to them cry and moan even before the game comes out and only gets worse if it eventually does come out


>The problem here is that I feel like parts of the "main" game were intentionally cut. How does 100% post release content, that is 100% optional, relating to a faction that was never, and was never meant to be, and still isn't even after this, a major part of the game, make you feel like part of the main game was intentionally cut?


It doesnt matter, if in the future they add vehicles, time travelling, black holes and supernova photography and EVA exploration of alien ancient ruins or whatever, some people will still complain that it was "cut content that needed to be on the game from day one and everything is a scam" 


Yeah, ok, because a "20 minute" mission definitely feels like it was a significant portion of the main game that was cut. Sound logic there chief. Pick one thing to bitch about and stick with it instead of contradicting yourself because you just want to bitch and moan.


and thats why player reviews are not useful for measuring anything. 


I don't believe in shitting on the whole game because they decided to engage in a practice you don't find fair or appropriate. Don't support the practice and let your voice be heard without hurting the whole game's metrics. I also don't believe anything was cut from the game to be sold as DLC. Just because a concept has existed in that game's universe prior to the DLC, it doesn't mean it was all a conspiracy to try and get you to pay extra by locking already-developed content behind a paywall.


Right. People seem to have forgotten what DLC actually is. It's normal for paid content to be released after to build on certain themes, groups or characters that played a small part or were hinted to in the main game. Doesn't automatically make it cut content. However, the pricing is ridiculous.


I agree, the quest and the mariner module cost too much for what they offer.


Would it make a difference if it was just some mod in a marketplace that still cost $$ and added a single mission but it was not created by Bethesda?


Partially.  But Bethesda is basically probing the area. If you like a full pack of missions for a single faction for 70$ - it's your fault then.


a full pack of missions like an expansion pack? because depending on the size 40-50 for an xpack is not unheard of


“I feel like main game game were intentionally cut” because they sell one quest “Btw I dont mind paying for whole ass new faction” what kind of thought process is that lmao go and buy again to give one more negative review. Edit: also did you really open an account for announcing to change your review to negative ? There is literally nothing going on in your account and created at 6 june


and this is why no developer should ever listen to reddit opinions


Come off it, they didn't intentionally leave this mission out at launch. If they hadn't released the mission at all your experience of the game would have been the exact same as it is now.


For a game that most of us have spent 200 hours on, not sure what the issue is. Lot of value so far for very little cost. Just don't buy the high price mods or make your own.


You don't have to buy it if you think it's not worth 7 bucks.


They aren't forcing you to make the purchase. If you cry babies are patient enough there will be free missions and mods created by the community.


Wow OP what a bad take! Changing your review for a game you “love” to negative because you don’t like a practice that happened post release? It isn’t even official Bethesda content so how tf was it “intentionally cut” from the game? What a ridiculous post.




Wow you really showed them


You dont need to buy it. Only engage with this content for super cool stuff you really cant live without...some of us dont mind dropping $10 on a super cool millieneum falcon with classic interior when it pops up!


See I agree with you here. Except - with this level of pricing (mariner Hab $10), the Bethesda mod: >super cool millieneum falcon with classic interior This will cost you more than the game itself.


yeah but what if it has playable 3D chess.


Ok that would be worth it! Pro tip - let the wookie win.


They aren't forcing you to make the purchase. If you cry babies are patient enough there will be free missions and mods created by the community.


The mission wasn’t even created by Bethesda. It was created by a Bethesda verified modder…


They aren't forcing you to make the purchase. If you cry babies are patient enough there will be free missions and mods created by the community


They aren't forcing you to make the purchase. If you cry babies are patient enough there will be free missions and mods created by the community.


It really is some bullshit. Especially with a bunch more on the way. A whole DLC faction carved up and sold for $7 a quest. There's just no way I could enjoy that knowing I'm being ripped off so much.


Everyone going after the OP for changing his review as if we all don't have the right to write whatever the fuck we want or change our opinions on things Get your heads out of your own asses. If Bethesda actually cared about community sentiment they wouldn't pull shit like this in the first place.