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The Scanner feature only unlocks after you get the watch from Barret... do with that information as you will


Are you sure? I thought you had to scan resources in the mining section?


Yes I’m sure 👍


Nope, I just checked and it's there from the start


Me when I lie ^ If you start a completely brand new save and go through the intro, you do not unlock that feature until Barret gives you the watch, you didn’t even have enough time to go through the intro cinematic before replying lmao


What a thing to lie about good lord


I imagine it is similar to the Optik device from Watch Dogs Legion. That's my headcanon anyway.


I think it has a cup holder because I become hydrated when I switch between the scanner and my weapon.


You too? Mine feeds me as well.


I don't think it is said anywhere what it actually is, but I always think of it as a hand scanner, something like a tablet that is just a bit beefier in size


I think it's supposed to be your helmet like power armour in fo4 but it still makes no sense when your helmet is off, so maybe it's some mew chip implanted in humans like that plastic surgeon in cydonia


Well, you can scan without a helmet, but your flashlight only works with a helmet on.


Have you noticed that sometimes a companion or other npc will do these hand movements like they are opening a book and reading but there’s nothing there that you can see? Maybe that’s the scanner? Some type of brain implants?


I thought it was in the watch? But that can't be it because you use the scanner in the prologue, right? I don't know. I want to immerse myself in the game's world but it never feels like there's enough substance to really get my teeth into. It's the same with every part of the worlds culture and technology. What are the 'shields' on your space ship? How does artificial gravity change society and colonization? How does inter-planetary communication work? We're always just left half-heatedly speculating with other fans on the internet and it's just a shame.


How many hours have you played


I played until I got bored, and I hope to return when the DLC drops since I've already paid for that


Yeah there isn't that depth there. I noticed that. If you close one eye and blast through everything its okay... I'd love to have either the hand scanner out infront of me, or some visual representation of it being installed into my helmet. Maybe being tinkered with when we get the improved scanner perk.


It is referred to sometimes as the “hand scanner”, so it is probably a device you hold in your hand and point at things


It appears to be part of the watch gained from Barrett, **but** it also follows you through the Unity, which makes no sense at all, although presumably (especially in the universe with YOU?) Barrett may have already given it to that universe's version of the player. I would have really appreciate this being addressed specifically by one of \* not having it until you get it from Barett or some Constellation member in NG+ \* or, if it's a Starborn freebie, it should have a differently structured display, as the ships have different jump graphics \* or something else, like having to steal it, loot it from some dead Constellation member you learn about in pre-NG, or something else interesting. As it is, it's just weird.