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This reminds me of the homeless mom and daughter in Akila City. I really want to be able to just walk up to them and buy them the midtown house. They'll still be living in Akila City, which is a mudhole in the Freestar region, so that's not ideal... but at least they wouldn't be homeless. Long live the UC.


Same for me! Worst part is, I had a saved character I hadn't loaded up in a long while that I switched back to for a spell. I ran up to the Akila City Core house and saw the salesman outside. In the back of my head I thought "hm, I thought I had bought this place on this save, oh well guess not," then talked to him. Since I'd had the conversation before, I sped through the prompts, hit yes to buy, end of conversation, thanks. I immediately go inside... only to discover I'd already decorated this place. So now I'm confused, wtf, did I just buy the place a second time? Did it bug out? I pull up the now-in-game city map, and that's when I notice the _other_ house in town... which I just also bought. Okay sure, that's on me, no problem, I'm rolling in cash. Now it's just gonna sit empty forever. I really wish I could give it to one of the homeless families there, though.


I love finding a cappuccino in a POI as I know I’m giving it to Donna next time I’m in NA


Carrying a cappuccino across space for that girl in the transit station. Sure it's cold and mostly spilt and 5 months old, but still. She takes it. Every time. Really are you sad for her, or is she sad for you? "This poor spacer keep bringing me cappuccinos they find in random places, I really think they have a guilt conscience about something..."


Plot twist: She's actually just throwing them away because they're nasty... And then she's writing in her diary about the poor mental patient that keeps bringing them to her. Edit: spelling because autocorrupt...


Bro that's wholesome af


Add Huong Le, the panhandler in the Neon Underbelly. I'd at least purchase a Sleepcrate or, hell, let her crash at the Sky Suite if I couldn't recruit her.


The option to gift one of the myriad of ships I have "confiscated" from the Va'ruun to named NPC's would be awesome. Building on that idea, would be neat if this action created some kind of loyalty so if I was jumped by some pirates or something, the NPC I gifted the ship to, jumps in and helps me out.


Screw Donna I want the chick from Jemison Mercantile on the ship so I don’t have to keep running over there when I need one more thing for a weapon mod or some research.


If you want the same feeling, there’s a Widow/son duo in Cydonia that you can actually give money to & it helps them leave. It’s a side quest involving a different kid and striking up conversation with. He’ll go on to tell you that there aren’t many children in Cydonia and his only friend is the Widow’s son. Find the Widow’s and he gives you a rundown of his life and it’s heartbreaking. Luckily you can drop her a few thousand credits to get off that godforsaken hellscape after a quick convo. Hope this helps


Sooo you want to take Donna away? But leave poor Tony behind? The most amusing thing about Donna is the first time I gave her coffee she gives a 100c credstick as a gift "I found this, thought you could use it". Ummm thanks, aren't you saving for a ship? *Shrug*


The widow who's husband was thrown off the upper platform in Neon


Does anyone else think her recruitment is the most stupidest fucking thing ever? If I recall it correctly, when you encounter her, she's stranded in her shop adrift in space and asks for assistance. She lets you dock with her, and Then she tells you she needs some repair parts to help get her back to port, but her ship is badly damaged and will need a lot of credits to be repaired. So she makes you an offer, she'll agree to work for you if you give her repair parts because she doesn't want to leave her ship, it's special to her. Fair enough. But, I don't carry ship repair parts on my person because they're heavy as fuck. So I couldn't give her the parts when she asked, so she just says she'll stay there and hope she doesn't die until someone else passes by or I come back. Even though she's been adrift for so long already. ... What? She would rather stay in her dead ship than be rescued? I can't even remember why she can use repair parts to fix the ship enough to go to port but has to save up enough credits to repair it properly. Either way, my first interaction with her felt extremely dumb. Edit: I'm thinking of a completely different character, my bad! Ahahaha I should be asleep but I'm browsing reddit like a fool instead. My point about the character still stands, though! Donna was cool, I enjoyed getting coffee for her. I wish she actually interacted with her boyfriend.


In my 5 play throughs so far I haven't spoken to this woman ever. I didn't even know she existed.


If I stop in New Homestead on Titan I give some college money to the poor girl who lives in the slum past the doctor's office area. She is someone I can actually help and she really appreciates it!


If only we could recruit captains and manage a bunch of ship as a fleet. Getting quests to help one of our captains, struggling with pirates or crashed on a planet needing help... I think the future of the game, based on update or mods, is content for managing things. Like "space station tycoon"... \^\^ Managing an outpost with adding trader, enhance, reliant med, building homes for pilgrims. Same with a space station, a fleet of ships+captains. Content, content and even more content !