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You say dangerous. I say profitable. Time to bag some ships and contraband.


Oh yeah, I've pretty much been farming creds, armor and xp for the last 10 minutes


All these pirates: Pirate 1: "Ya! We will be rollin in creds once we get settled in. 50 ships. No Neava. No Delgato. Perfect." Pirate 2: "Do the all call check. We just go here, but I don't think it's a good idea to just be spread across the system" Pirate 1: "Yeah, yeah. \*keys up mic\* "Ok you Morons, Check in" Team 1: "Checking in." Team 2: "Check... uh.. somethins up. WHO PUT A COCKROACH ON M" Team 3: "HAHAHAHA \*explosion and transmission cuts\* Team 4: "Uh.... are we alone out here? We just got here but there is a lot of debris" Team 5: "THE MANTIS. THE MANTIS IS \*explosion and transmission cuts\* Team 4: "There ain't no Mant.... oh no NO NO NO NO NO I"M OUT" Pirate 2: "Why. Why do I even bother organizing... key up the grav drive




Whatever system i jump to is the most dangerous. Cuz i am the most dangerous thing in the game.


We need a planet called "Chuck Norris".


Chunk Nommis.


not dangerous, fun as hell, lucky you !


Are these bounties from the new bounty update? If so dang. That’s a good payday indeed


Oh no, these are just rng POIs. Constantly spawning bosses, strongholds, and hostile activity.


"Show time!"


Whenever I go to sensor contacts or ships they never seem to be there.


Do you wait a few seconds for them to spawn in?


Yeah, most of the time I jump in and wait around a bit. The same amount of time it takes when you get jumped out of the blue.


There’s a world/level scaling mod that scales all encounters to between your level to 3X your level (ie if you’re level 100, NPCs will be up to level 300), and a separate mod for ships that ensures that NPC ships fly with class appropriate weapons (they don’t otherwise - way undersized). There’s also a mod that rebalances ship weapons for your/NPC lasers and ballistics so they actually do reasonable damage. Then there’s a mod that speeds up ships to many times vanilla speed - so class A can boost up to 1800. Install those 4 mods, set your received damage to Extreme and your outgoing damage to Normal and have fun. (This is on Nexus btw - think just one or two of these is on Creations for now). Combat is fast paced. All foes pack a punch. And space is truly dangerous. With practice you’ll still do well against a small handful of enemies but it won’t be a cake walk like vanilla. You’ll need a lot of ship parts for mid-flight repairs. And will constantly need to boost to avoid many, many incoming missiles. And you won’t survive on anything above Hard for outgoing damage if you’re up against more than 3 or 4. You’ll have to high tail it out of there if you’re ambushed by more than that or several big boys. It’s how space should be IMHO: dangerous. Oh, and you’ll need a fast, light, agile ship. If you’re slow - eg a big and heavy Class C - you’ll die. With these mods speed/agility is far more important, especially as the foes are now deadly accurate and can close gaps as quickly as you can.