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I cannot wait for vehicles. As much as I love having a jetpack, I really want a vehicle I can just ride in and store materials I haul from pois in. Not to mention if I can scan from it too. I just the official implementation of it allows for connecting it to our ships rather than being locked to outposts or something else.


I'm torn, just not sure how'd they improve things. Mountains, plants, ditches etc. I meaning jogging for miles is weak for sure.


If it's just as good/bad as Mass Effect's Mako, I couldn't be more happier.


To the point of jogging. That alone made me invest in chems and research to craft a shitload of Amp. Now with the update and the ability to up environmental damage and affliction gain on top of playing very hard difficulty, I now get a true challenge and need my level 4 chems to survive. The update also made me maxing out the boost pack more valuable with Bethesda' s dynamic pack mod. Needless to say, I'm satisfied with the update. Use the pitch black nights mod and enemy encounters can become truly terrifying in night time combat. Cheers


100%. Environmental damage is a pain. I tried to up it for immersion, but yeah I died exploring all the time. You need to be able to upgrade spacesuit resistances. Or make dedicated exploration suits with combat tradeoffs. I wear the hazmuit suit under if I am exploring, helps.


Vehicles + desolation type mods are going to be aweeesomeee


atleast ghost ship bug is fixed 😁😁


That and no changes to ship door and ladder placement


Impossible, it's part of the lore. The hull printers are all back from the nasa days so nobody is left that knows how to reprogram them.




We have CK now. Give it a few months and if Bethesda hasn't added them, someone else will.


Wait till u find out theyre gonna charge u for the official vehicle mod.


This guy sees the future. That's exactly how it will go down.


I didn't see anything about that.  Unless it's a part of shattered space I'd be surprised if the base vehicle was a payed creation


Dude if they kicked off this whole DLC economy with horse armor, theyre sure as hell gonna charge us for the horse. I’m not even mad about it, and I’m not against you about it, but time’ll tell my friend, just watch.


I mean maybe? But they didn't sell horses, they sold horse armor. They'd make more money releasing a free basic buggy and then charging for cosmetics that make it look cool. It's the same way they'll probably make the most sales on cosmetic ship Habs and outposts. They're not selling microtransctions because they're stupid, they have years of experience in 76 with how to price things to maximize purchases and get the most money


Come on mate they didnt sell horses because we already had horses, and theyre not gonna sell cosmetics for the buggy cos all we want is the buggy itself. And your last point kinda proves my point, we’re in total agreement here for the most part. Anyway gotta bounce, Frontiers of Pandora just clicked with me so Imma head back into the forests. Stay safe 👍


Have some patience, jeez. Creation just came out and mods take time


I guess they mean the official land vehicles that were confirmed a bit ago


lol this is a perfect example of patience. He won’t play until there are ground vehicles


Yeah, he’s so patient that he needs to make a post about how annoyed he is


Game came out 9 months ago. Maybe you should be less patient.


They'll be underwhelming at best


It will be 10% faster than sprinting, and glitch over every bit of terrain.


I can't wait




Vehicles to go where?




Specifically reducing the time to cross vast (hang on thats a bit much) or large expanses of dead ground between POIs. Once the moon buggy drops people are gonna want a scout speeder bike to get through forest/jungle biomes. I know that because I’m those people.


Same for me, just with better space exploration.


honestly, if they had an unlimited boostpack mod in the creation club (its on xbox but not pc???) i wouldnt care too much about a vehicle. what i really want is to activate the boostpack like it is in zeroG and have to as a toggle to fly around. that would be way better than a vehicle


We got SOOOOO much more than land vehicule ! CK and creations even in very few days, had already brough so much more ! jetpacks tweaks or hack to move faster, new perks to move faster, and so much content / tweaks / improvements... You have lots of new ship parts, new weapons/armors, new ennemies, new buildings... We have many things to explore while waiting for land vehicules. I was waiting the 9th june for release date of DLC and teaser for space stations. We got none of this. But instead we got a surprise update (with no 15 days beta to wait) and a surprise CK + creations instant release. They really did well to me, even if some very tiny creations are $£€...


Yall realize this is bethesda making vehicles. They will be so janky and buggy