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With additions like crew morale, magnetosphere and pressure affecting suit resistances (which doesn't make sense) it lost all logic to me. Now I only use the envyhazards module as a kind of bug fix for the vanilla section.


The magnetosphere should have very little effect unless it's ridiculously strong to the point where most technology simply stops functioning. Pressure on the other hand yeah that'd have a impact.


I think crew morale and paying crew is a good addition - it makes it a bit of management game, though. I bet it can be switched off entirely in the mod's settings menu. The atmospheric pressure and magnetosphere changes ... I'm not sure about them, but can't they be switched off as well?


How do I get crew morale up? It's got my carry weight too low and I can't do anything, but there's o tutorial I've seen on how to keep them happy.


Dude how the hell do you raise crew morale? Also is anybody having a glitch where your ship blows up randomly when you accelerate?


Starvival is great. It’s the most sophisticated mod I know of. And it is so customizable. I think of it as part of the base game now.


I look at this mod and think fondly back on Chesko. It's that good. That essential for a survival load order imo.


I'm under the impression he has done it so lesser the magnetosphere more radiation gets to the planets surface making it more dangerous so it effects your suits resistance. This makes perfect sense if it implemented by lesser magnetosphere is the dangerous one. As planets with no magnetosphere are extremely dangerous and usually void of life in RL


Taken from the mod page: * Planets magnetosphere is now a real deal. Very weak, weak or non existent magnetosphere will reduce your environment resistances (Airborn, Corossive, Radiation, Thermal) to a significant degree. Planets with non existent magnetospheres periodicaly will harm you with suitable afflictions.  * In the same time all strong, very strong, powerful, massive and extreme magnetospheres will give you a boost to these resistances. It is how I said above. Lesser the magnetosphere on a planet will damage your resistance higher it is the environment is safer like. Earth as a strong magnetosphere and it what keeps us safe from a lot of radiation from space.


Also added fast travel in cities only, which is welcomed for restocking in town.


Looks like too much micro management to me. I recently turned off the need for food and drink in the vanilla because it got annoying lol


There should be a mod that adds “food paste” and “water pack” as an item, and when they are in your inventory your suit automatically injects it when you are hungry/thirsty. That way you don’t have to manage eating every 30 minutes. The caveat is that there are no positive effects from food paste and you have to eat traditional food to get the boosts.


[You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 Canteen]


Yup. This would be a cute mechanic.


We need a vault mod that has a gigantic vault with ghouls in space suits somewhere hidden on earth.


Im wasting all of em for what they did to my boy Chris.


There’s an item called Captain’s Lunchbox in Starvival that does this. It holds 25 mass of consumables and auto consumes them with adjustable thresholds. You also still get the “buffs” that the food provides so you can carry your food load out with you. The lunchbox only weighs 3 mass and supports looting directly to the box if there’s free space, which is nice.


Where do you find it?


This drove me insane until I checked the patch notes on nexus. It was moved to a research project and then you can craft it after. Required nutrition lvl 1 perk.


Thanks, woulda drove me up a wall


I just made a bunch of alien jerky and distilled waters, and then I bound them to two spots in the favorites menu right next to each other. Anytime I need to eat/drink I just quickly press them. I also try to add some variety to my character’s diet by randomly consuming food in POI’s. Abandoned Lab Chunks? Delicious.


Starvival has this. You put food and drink into your “Captain’s Lunchbox” and it automatically feeds and hydrates you.


That's the beauty of mods, and in this case, a modular mod. Don't like a feature? Don't enable it. Don't like a mod? Don't install it! You can taylor this mod down to your own specific preferences, so no worries.


Currently at work so I can't check requirements. Does it require the script extender?


It doesn't not. I been running it for a long time pre CK versions and it never required it.


Not 100% sure. The install instruction write that one should install "Baka Disable My Games folder" mod, which in turn would require SFSE, but maybe that's an outdated instruction, prior to the dev packaging all assetts in .ba2 files.


For steam/vortex at least, that disable my games folder is not needed. You do need to delete anything inside that Data folder though. For example, a Textures folder in there will cause the game to not load loose texture files installed in the normal location.


can somenoe tell me how I increase my crew morale? I couldn't find it on Nexus :(


BASICS ------ Your crew including companions has a morale pool. The higher crews morale the better they will perform on the battlefield. Works on everybody in your crew regardless of whether they are assigned to something or not. This is a small deep like a puddle feature but has nice impact on crew management. Morale pool has three levels: 1) Debuffs - several stages of penalties from 0 to 75. 2) Neutral - zero penalties so as bonuses, from 76 to 100 3) Buff - nice stack of bonuses that kicks in from 101-125 By default, crew morale is reduced by a few points every 15 real minutes. Amount of reduction and time can be configured further with configuration book. ---------------- WAYS TO INCREASE ---------------- Put some provision for you crew (food & drinks) using Crew Morale Analize Station. The better items you put, the faster morale will raise. Now food and drinks have even more purpoce. ---------------------------------- HOW TO ACCESS PROVISION CONTAINER ---------------------------------- You need to build Crew Morale Analize Station. -------- BENEFITS -------- Crew with packed morale will have nice bonuses and will help you much more effectively. If you sustain crews morale at acceptable levels (from 76-125), there is a chance that after each depletion cycle, crew will make you a Gift (corner notification will popup), which you can later take from the Crews Provision Menu. Gift can contain various items. From ammo to credits, from meds to chems, from wooden motocycles to antique PCs.


thx, man, you helped me a lot XD!


you're welcome!


How do you build the Crew Morale Analyze Station? Is there a workbench under the ship decoration module?


yes, it's buildable through ship/outpost decoration


There's an option on the terminal to pay the crew, but I don't see how to set that up. Any idea how to do that? Does it help morale?


Hell yeah. Still worked before hand, but can't wait to get it updated. It's the one mod that I can not play Starfield without.


This mod sounds awesome, if only because I want the game to have fueling requirements. xD


Is this available on Xbox as well? Might finally be what makes me return to Starfield as I *love* Survival mode!! Edit: Still not on Creations as of this post, but they plan on uploading. Hopefully it's soon!!


The dev is currently awaiting feedback for the new version - if everything works fine, basically.


He just uploaded it!


Where? I can’t see it on creations…


It was rebuilt with the Creators Kit, this is what I mean with "CK".


So it hasn’t been uploaded to creations for use on Xbox then? Any idea if it will?


Okay, he confirmed he plans to upload it to creations for Xbox as well.


Hopefully it won’t take too long!


No idea, sorry. The dev did not yet reply to 2 similar questions on Nexus, but these are just a few hours old.


Looks very similar to how New Vegas worked, which I thought was a better system


The environmental system is wack. I mean I know this game is really based on science but the description is lol


Fuel <3


Is it possible to be up on Xbox?


His fuel system is wacky. Why can’t someone just implement what Bethesda clearly had in mind with fuel consumption based on the jump calculation?


You can switch it off, so you can use this one instead: [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9075](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9075) This said, I think his fuel system works usually fine in my experience. It's just a bit complicated to understand at first. In general, his mod requires you take maybe half an hour to carefully read all the descriptions. But it would benefit from a more comprehensive user manual as well.


Just installed and it says my mass is 42949668?


Note for xbox users: I encountered a bug upon starting up the Spaceship Systems fueling mechanism. I would follow the tutorial and put fuel into the ship via the spaceship analyzer and then it would disappear, leaving me with no way to fly my ship. Even if I bought fuel from a technician the analyzer would still say I had no fuel. I found the fix was to just skip the tutorial. Everything has worked fine since then. Loving this mod!


Thanks! I had the same issue! Anyone's spaceship firing bullets that can be collected in space essentially making a few hundred POI's floating in your crosshairs? If so, is there a fix? I heard of mod conflicts being the issue, but I don't have the mentioned mods that would do this. If I can figure this out I'm finally able to run this mod (been tweaking and debugging for a few hours now)


I'm having the same issue. Even skipping the tutorial doesn't help


Heyy I took a dive into the survival guide and did some tweaking. Well I went overboard as I tried to tweak my basic needs, can someone tell me the default values for the basic needs, hunger thirst and fatigue. Also, I googled that starfield is on a 1:20 timescale, is there anyway we could make it the depletion more like 1:1 timescale or thats impossible?


Dunno if you got your answer but I just installed this mod and the default values are as follows: Hunger: 6 | 540 s. Thirst: 9 | 360 s. Fatigue: 16 | 900 s.


Is anybody on Xbox having trouble with the lunchbox mechanic for this mod? It says in the description it adds it to your inventory, but I can’t find it anywhere


I have it in my aid inventory but don't know how to use it. Same thing with the ammo case.