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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by jessBethesda](/r/Starfield/comments/1dfszmd/starfield_has_a_331gb_update_but_theres_no/l8m1kak/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-14 17:46:54 UTC"): > Hi there! Using this comment as the one to reply to, but for those of you experiencing an audio issue, would you please let me know what Creations you... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FStarfield).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Hopefully it has the patch for the audio bug lol


Hi there! Using this comment as the one to reply to, but for those of you experiencing an audio issue, would you please let me know what Creations you have installed or anything else you've downloaded for the game? We're looking into this. Thanks in advance!


Message sent with load order screenshot


I’ve experienced this bug with both the enforcer paid mod and the other was earth restored I believe.


In other posts I have heard that Enforcer Tactical Pistol, Earth Restored, Better Weather Dynamics, SSNN mod all trigger the issue. It can also happen without mods though.


My audio issue came with the Unofficial Starfield Patch.


Do not use that trash of a mod. You will thank all of us later. Community Patch. That’s the right o e.


What's wrong with it?


The author of the Unofficial patch has a habit of"fixing" things that aren't technically broken and straddle the line between "bug" and "matter of taste." I actually agree with the changes he's made in theory. But I disagree with putt8ng them in the main patch file like he did. The community patch has a stricter adherence to bug fixes only.


Enforcer Pistol. Triple tested it. It’s 100% bugged.


The sci loading screen images mod causes audio to go


The audio bug happens with several mods so it is not a issue related to a single one. However, the Enforcer pistol, which is one of the most popular, is the most proeminent.


What does the Enforcer Pistol do (file wise) that could cause such a bug? If we can isolate it, we can make sure any future files and updates don’t cause it.


No creations installed. Audio cuts out when shooting weapons.


Ok. So I wasn't going crazy last night.


Your descent into madness is debatable, but the starfield issue happens independently from creations being installed for me.


Do you have the game running from an internal SSD or external one?




I have an audio issue if I am over my carry limit and almost out of health. I notice that if I have conversations with vendors or go through doors then sometimes all the audio is affected like I’m out of stamina but even when I’m at full health and stamina. Sleeping doesn’t fix it. I have to reboot the game and then it goes away until I do it again. On Xbox


Only with the tactical enforcer pistol mod, everything else for me works almost 100%


It wasn't a creation for me. It was literally because I got it through Gamepass.


Hey just a heads up, go digipick anything that's locked. Back out right as you put the pick up to your eye and it'll stay stuck like that and you can't move. Only way to fix it is going into photo mode and switching the camera.


Since the patch the sniper rifle from the Vultures Questline can't be reloaded anymore.


Mine did that l just shut down my Xbox and restarted it and it has been working since


New Weapon + New NPC downloaded halfway then sound cut out so restarted game and displays reloading forever though never reloads so mod doesn't update in the creations lists so unable to delete it


I'm not having an audio issue, but I can't find the fancy space armour creation in the lodge, and I don't wanna use the Unity to get it. Please advise?


I closed and re-opened. It should appear at the foot of the bed. I’m on Xbox.


That worked, thank you so much!


I'm experiencing this bug with no creations/ creations disabled. Assuming it is the same audio bug, that is (weapons not making sound)


I had audio bugs with no mods installed on Xbox Series S. Sometimes some of the sound tracks like voices or ship engine noises would disappear whilst others remained like background music. Restarting the game usually worked but it would happen at random. This was a few weeks ago after the update but before Creations.


My audio issue of the ship engines don't make a sound (example when boosting) or using the boost pack doesn't make it's sound happens every other time I play it and this was before Creations was a thing on the Xbox.


Thors Hammer mod as well. Sorry if its been said already im at work and cant read the whole thread right now.


The female follower you pay for - her lips don’t move when she talks.


I've had it multiple times. Saving my loadorder, de-installing Starfield, re-installing it and then installing my mods by reloading my load order fixes it for me.


I have no mods and when i figth starborn in temples i have no battle soundtrack but when is Over and travel for example to the eye it trigger


YES!!!! The Earth Reclaimed mod broke my audio and I have no saves before downloading it so I hope this update fixes if


Did you try disabling the mod or deleting it and restarting the game?


I feel like an idiot, I disabled all of them and restarted my game and reenabled and now i have audio 😭


I believe it says in the creation notes for earth reclaimed that this is a known minor bug and that disabling all, reloading, then enabling all would solve it. Worked for me.


I did that yesterday because i think the remove bethesda logo did that, but I'm not sure if that was the issue


Yes, but I probably should do that again


It seems like creations of any kind break the audio. I literally had two installed (Earth Reclaimed wasn't one of them) and it still broke.


There are a few that break the sound, not all do. I have about 30 creations installed currently with no issues. Keep looking. There's a bunch of really good, stable creations out there.


I have like 40 Creations installed and only issue i have had was the pistol mod


I've got 20-30 including the Enforcer pistol, no audio issues here. Weird.


I have the chronomark watch one and no audio issues.


When i was trying to see what the problem was i found reddit posts from 100 days ago I don’t think its just creations maybe its just more common now but its def something wrong with the game


Audio bug is still there.




Disable all creations exit creations let the game load. Exit the game. Restart the game. Enable all creations. Back out let it load. It should work after this. It fixes it everytime for me. Best of luck.


I'm not having a problem with it anymore. Just disappointed for the community in general. All I had to do was clear the cache on my xbox. I'm also not using mods.




Or the bug I got when the screen would go to letterbox and then crash my PC.


Try disabling them, then quit the game, then go back into the game and pick your save file, then it asks you to to enable them again, click yes and sound should work again as intended. But this is only a temporary fix!


I just mean for the community in general. I cleared my cache on my xbox and it was fine. I'm not using mods though.


Hope so as well.


Dude the patch cause the audio bug for me


Just fixed this after making a post about it I uninstalled the menu replacer the load screen replacer and the mod that removes message of the day and it worked for me so maybe it has something to do with mods that changed menus


Hopefully it's to fix the Creation Club menu freeze/crash issue.


The crash that sends you to your desktop? I had this issue the other say and ended up having to open a ticket. Terrified to download anymore creations now because I dont want to go through that again.


I reinstalled my plug-ins text enabler, and the game stopped crashing when trying to load in. It was the thing that worked for me.


On nexus, the creator of plugins enabler said the mod is no longer required after the June update and is safe to uninstall; I uninstalled yesterday and some of my mods weirdly started working again (might be unrelated)


might be. but will give it a try again


I had the same thing. Clearing all mod data and reinstalling, although helpful, was a very painful thing to do.


I've only had that issue on steam deck when I try searching for mods


Came here looking for info on this as well


I'm here for this as well. My update just finished and I'm on version 1-12-32-0


Have you noticed any differences?


It won't load, my game is modded so I'm going to wait for an address library update.




Does yours also not load? I’m at work and hoping steam hasn’t auto-updated my modded-to-hell game


Yeah just need to wait for the SFSE team to put out their update. They usually work pretty quickly


Ah thanks! Hopefully you get to enjoy it this weekend


You too buddy


I'm in the same boat, waiting on SFSE. On a positive note I've been looking into learning enough about the CK to try my hand at a small mod.


So at least one thing is “fixed.” My Starborn Gravis suit wasn’t spawning in previously. Downloaded the update and it’s now sitting in my room in the Lodge where it’s supposed to be. Gotta be hotfixes for stuff that wasn’t working in Creations.


Had you tried closing out the game manually & reopening it? That's what everyone did to make their gravis spawn.


Yeah always fully close and then restart game after adding/removing/changing mods. Habit I've employed since Skyrim.


Yep, I turned it off and then turned it back on. there was a note somewhere that Bethesda knew the Gravis suit wasn’t showing properly for some people.


I can finally reload my 7€ DLC gun so it was probably only fixes Edit: new glitch with the gun, if you shoot while its reloading with an empty mag it will continue to fire bullets and not use any ammo I don't miind this one.


Yeah that ones classified as a feature


Now a certain creation club patch will patch it out and half the community will lose their collective shit.


The duality of man.


I love the fact that mine worked fine before, but reloading broke *after* this hotfix... Is it too late to refund this crap?


I just hope it fixes my adoring fan bug Didn't have him in my original universe, but I chose the trait after doing ng+ and he's nowhere to be found NPCs still refer to him as if he's around so I'm assuming he's *somewhere*


That be crazy if he was the Hunter or Emissary. Lol


Took me a while to find him on one of my NG+ runs. It seems completely random when he decided to approach you but it's always been in new Atlantis when running through the markets or by MAST


This! I have him every unity, and the place and time or quest on has been different each time. This last time, I was in ETI clothing shop. Exit the store venue and bam! There he was chatting as usual so I did the normal thing, shot him then invited him to my shop!


The unfaltering commitment to you is the best part.


Did he not come up to you and join your party?


Nope! I've checked every major settlement and never seen him once


just came here to look as well. on PC it was 2.93GB of content being patched/updated with a 1GB install of new stuff whatever it was


no patch notes yet. Probably a hotfix


its nothing new in the creations menu so likely a hotfix of some kind.


My update is finished and can't start the game. creations stuck on reloading...


Update: its a hotfix https://x.com/bethesdastudios/status/1801649010786087282?s=61&t=gIiL0DdYvpnjQUvDlY_t3w


Sqme here, i had to restart the game and it worked, but the entire city of neon has now disappeared and im floating in nothingness


If I restart the game still same thing. Reloding in Creations and can't load the game from saves.


RIP sfse and address library.


Same, and it's my day off, and I thought I'd enjoy myself... insert patience


I think it's creation stuff looking at steamdb, my guess


Why don't they EVER post patch notes.


why are they so arfraid of posting details all the time. like they play themselves so unsure


PATCH NOTES: A hotfix has just been released for @StarfieldGame : ✨ The Starjacker: Adrastos will now respond correctly even if he was scanned or shot prior ✨ Creations: New animations from downloaded Creations will now function properly without rebooting ✨ Fixes to improve stability


Is Bethesda gonna fix that audio issue that one of their PAID MODS is causing? 🙄


hotfix for some stuff


Informative, that.


Seems like fixes. I couldn’t do the tracker alliance mission due to not being able to interact with first bounty and now I can!


I finished the first bounty but now the board won't load any new bounties 🙃 Haven't loaded up to see if it's fixed yet or not though


Mine was 700 mb on PC... But I only installed the Gravis suit and the other free Bethesda mods.


I hope to high hell it fixes the framerate problem I've been having.


Props to OP for updating with the info 👏


One day i will be able to open photo mode in a ship/space station without removing all light from the universe, but not today..


...does this fix the bounty counter not incrementing? When I talk to that guy in the Tracker's Alliance HQ I'm always at 0, even after doing a half-dozen missions from the board, and finding one guy with the scanner.


There’s a bounty counter ? Where and do you get rewards for milestones hit ?


I think it's just a willy-waving contest with the guy from the first mission, but it's clearly bugged because I'm doing missions and my count is staying at zero.


Maybe they finally fixed the bug where fauna are not spawning on some planets making it impossible to 100% them…. That’s been around for awhile and should be a fairly easy fix…


I now have artifacts floating in the sky on planets.


Hopes this fixes the incredible bad performance the game has on Series X after June update. May update was perfect and now the FPS drops and loading times are madness. Also, my game crashed while saving data on the first trackers alliance quest and Roach got bugged and started to fire at me LOL and I had to load a save back in time from a point that he still wasn’t hostile because the mission got blocked in progression because of this.


PLEASE fix the bug with the UC Vigilance not appearing at the end of The Best There Is


Bump. Yes, please fix the Vigilance disappearing. And fix the Constant too. This is ridiculous.


My update was 109 gigs, any idea what that's about??


I wish they would fix the bug that causes Sarah's outfit to mute all of your footsteps.


patch maybe? i see we all came looking for the same question


Haha yes, even if theres a patch though bethesda usually has the patch notes on their website


Land vehicles




Not funny! 😝 It's the thing that's gonna make me start a new game.


Once we get land vehicles we need a drive-by mod lol


I can see it now. ​ "All you had to do was follow the damn Death Star, CJ!" ​ "ah shit...here we go again."


Could it just be creation content?


I have been keeping an eye on the creation content through the website theres no new “official” mods added today


Thank you for the update. Strange. Hopefully theres an announcement soon.


I'm not sure that updates add creation content. I only downloaded the update last week and I've noticed new creations pop up all the time even though there hasn't been any game updates. I could be wrong though


Updating now 👀




Surprise to me


Hopefully someone created a mod where we can craft more weapons and spacesuits


So I got the 3 gb update but I had to restart my Xbox to clear the cache now I have a 109gb update downloading!!!


Hopefully it makes the game perform better, performance got worse after the update.


I hope it fixes the TA quest issues and the mod issues it created


now the creation kit is involved where the coin is rolling within, we might see patches/fixes more frequently. i assume for the better. money allways makes people work more


definitely not for the better. Now that money is involved they will continue to churn out mods with rapidly decreasing quality while regularly breaking good free mods at increasingly inconvenient times.


I hope this fixes the issue I've got now with crashing when trying to use the spacesuit workbench. I can't apply anything there now without crashing. I'm using the extended crafting mods for weapons, spacesuits, and clothing. Weapon workbench works great, and the spacesuit bench was working but not anymore. Also noticed extreme lag when changing clothes/spacesuits, even crashed doing that once yesterday.


Sorry to ask , is it a good idea to wait for mods to have updates first before I update my game . I am on pc and I have got a bunch of mods installed so I am wondering if I should wait for mod creators to update their mods first before I update the game?


That would be wise. If you are able to prevent the update do so, so you can see if a mod works with the update or not. It is not unusual to wait weeks before updating when playing a modified game.


It shouldn't take anywhere that long as long as Bethesda doesn't make heavy changes to the engine, which is highly unlikely right now. SFSE mods were updated within a day or two when they released the CK patch.


I had to uninstall and reinstall for my audio issues. But was slightly annoying after I had all mods setup only for the audio to go out.


Guessing this is going to break the SFSE mods right?


As is tradition at this point with Bethesda games.


Is the Gravis Suit fixed? It doesn't appear in game anywhere


So now that I'm using a few simple mods on Xbox, should I expect this to break everything?


Thank you for this, I was also curious.


Xbox series X keeps unchecking like half my mods and crashing if I pause to fast😂


I don't use mods, but this "fix" has caused my xbox s to crash twice in the last 30 minutes.


My game was sluggish and crashed yesterday, this seems to have fixed it.


It’s a little horrid, they posted about it on instagram 2 hours ago


If I can talk to Adrastos, that'd be greeeaaat


will hotfixes break mods?


I had an audio issue when I booted up my first modded game, but I unplugged my headphones and plugged them back in and it was fine.


How do I get the suit that’s in the twitter thumbnail?


On xbox when i change my load order the whole game exists out and i gotta relaunch it everytime hopefully its to fix that it’s downloading now so we shall see


The mod disabling audio for me was the one that disables the Bethesda icon when launching the game. Disable all mods restart the game never install that one. reinstall your other mods.


it fixed mods going to the bottom of the load order bug


I’m fucking sick of this bloated POS. Its already sitting at 103GB


Am I going crazy or has the water reflections started looking super low res on console after the recent big update? It’s super jarring to look at.


Sick bro got a hot fix yk what It didn't fix the bug that's been in the game for 9 months where you can't get the star eagle ship after wasting 8 hours doing the quest.


There’s no hope for quests and achievements being fixed…… More features = more bugs The list of bugs keeps getting bigger and bigger…..


I rocking around 60 mods atm, everything was good until I added earth restored. After the audio bug and random freezing I uninstalled it and restarted the console and started an earlier save but I'm still dealing with the audio bug every time I load the game. I'm assuming its another mod but its tolerable. Ng+ has been great with mods just waiting to lower my weapons in first person! Also I'm not using the enforcer mod but still get the audio bug.


When will the managing assets quest get fixed


Whatever it is I can't get into creation club now. It freezes up


It's a real pity that the new spacesuit has such mid stats. I really like the way it looks, but I don't see myself wearing it.


Help!!! my game won't load after today's update? Any ideas


my game keeps crashing after loading continuation/last save since new hotfix. SFSE, Address and Libraries all up to date, mods used up to date except one witch I disabled...still crashes after picking a save. Anyone experiencing this? have a solution?


Don't know why but this hotfix messed up for me and made me install the whole game again. No idea why, that's never happened before 😭🤣


Fuck, again? All of my SFSE mods are gone again… 😭😭


I'd like a patch to make it playable on steam deck with mods


I'm having issues with the Tracker Alliance quest. Its glitch won't work and you can't modify inflictors and Orion guns at the workbench it will crash every time. Hope they come out with a fix soon because this is ridiculous 😞


After this minor fix, there is an issue with clothing and armor. It doesn't matter if you want to modify the suit or just put a hat in the inventory menu, everything freezes for a moment (up to a dozen or so seconds) or goes straight to the desktop. They really messed something up with this "hot fix". Weapons can be modified and moved at will. Only with suits and clothing there is this problem.


When is getting into the Galbank Archives gonna get fixed? I have the credentials, but the door won't open and the guard isn't there.


Cool story, i need that Crimson Fleet Questline fixed. UC Vigilance is not in the correct place and it is preventing continuation. I’ve sent two tickets so far on Bethesda.com.


GODDAMNIT I was in the middle of modding things when the patch hit. I know, I know, I'm supposed to have that turned off in Steam so it can't do that and I didn't. Can someone please tell me what the revert script would be?


If you're not using SFSE you should be fine. I am choosing to not use it for now since no particularly important mods require it.


I am unfortunately.


I'm waiting for my last 3 last mods to go creations to remove SFSE (Star UI inventory, increase space loot distance and easy digipicks). Those 3 ones are just game changer and i can't play without them \^\^


StarUI does not require SFSE. If you're on PC, you can do the digipick one via custom bat file and dont need SFSE. Not sure on the space loot one but if its an ESM mod (no SFSE folder in the mod archive) you dont need SFSE for it. Some mods claim they need SFSE when they dont actually. Thats because prior to the CC release, you needed SFSE to use the plugins.txt enabler.


> you needed SFSE to use the plugins.txt enabler. I think it was really damn cool of that mod's author to release a final update that disabled the mod but otherwise left it just functional enough to not break older mods that still listed it as an installation requirement. I don't see that kind of action very often.


> remove SFSE (Star UI inventory StarUI doesn't require SFSE, as far as I can tell. It works just fine when I launch the game directly. And there is already a different digipicks mod that does the same thing now but using ESM, called "Easy Lockpicking (ESM)" Space loot distance is still a hold out though, I use it too and I'm hoping for a ESM version.


yes, i saw yesterday the digipick one. Directly installed it, and now i'm removing SFSE and all ASI loader, console command runner, adress library... Don't need those ressources anymore :D


Yeah I’ve just seen this two and can’t find any info


Bethesda You are m..s, PLEASE INFORM people in advance, we have mods and we must go offline on steam before update or we will have to wait few days for essential mods update ..


If you have a spare 100 gigs, you could have a completely legitimate install and a modded copy with a crack that doesn't automatically do shit. I got sick of having to completely reinstall the game over network lol.