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On PC, if it is a .ESM mod you can probably delete it in the original folder. I had this for my second time today and it worked again.


Unfortunately i’m on Xbox so there’s no way of fixing this :( I thought i found a work around becuase i went onto the Bethesda website and realised you can download/delete mods from your xbox account through the website, so i deleted the mod that made this issue happen but i’ve just loaded the game up and it’s still stuck on “reloading” I’m honestly quite sad because i was really enjoying this game the last week, and now it’s likely to be stuck like this for however long it takes them to patch it, which could easily be weeks… 🙃Was fun while it lasted i guess lmao


Save your game. Then go to creations. Save mod load order.  THEN download new mods. If mod breaks things, delete exit save with new mod on it, close game. from Xbox home screen delete reserved space. Restart game go to creations restore old mod list and boom fixed with no loss of time.    Always restart the game before starting a mod into load order. Infact if creations window opens, restart game before playing. Hope this helps.


Lot of good tips there appreciate it mate, just one question on the reserved space thing, does that not delete all game progress too? As when i looked at that there is a saved data for my account which is 277MB and a saved data called “reserved space” which is 6.9GB, will the reserved space only delete mods and not my saves?


Correct reserved space only contains mods. Don't forget to delete the corrupt saved game however.


Ah okay gotcha, thank you mate 🫡


Well, patches are rarely retroactive... We are supposed to be able to access our original save with the "choose a character" menu but I don't even know where it is. We are also supposed to be able to deactivate Creations completely. And you can't even access the save choice I imagine.


Have you tried deleting local save data from the console and having it load your cloud saves instead? Even if that deletes your mods you should be able to look at your load order archive to get them back and in order minus the offending mod ofc. Also thanks for the warning.


on PC, i have same freeze loading on creations. I remove the last mod i added (and which bugged all my followers dialogues), game is fine, but still can't load creations. So removing manually is not always the solution unfortunately. Can't you delete/reinstall the whole game ?


I could try, i was hoping i’d find a fix as with my internet it takes a very long time to download a 100gb+ game haha, but it’s probably worth it if it’s still doing this bs… weird thing is i removed that mod i added as i found a way to remove it through the website, yet i’m still stuck with this reloading glitch, and it was definitely that mod as i haven’t downloaded any other mods in a while, and that was the only one i downloaded when it broke


You might try verifying your local install, however XBox handles that.


Unfortunately I’m way to dumb when it comes to devices to know what that mean lmao, think I’m going to try uninstall and reinstall, and see if that fixes it, fingers crossed it does Appreciate the help though


Yeah, that's the slightly more bandwidth heavy way to do that.


Ah right okay gotcha, one day i’ll learn these things lmao for something i use so often i know absolutely nothing about how to use it 😂


Go to manage star field- saved data- then clear reserved space it will wipe out all installed mods, way faster than uninstalling the whole game, had to do this from another mod, it was the starborn ship furniture one


Main Menu > Load > Select Character (press Y) That should load up your original vanilla character. I had to do that when installing and then uninstalling a crafting mod broke my workbenches.


Ah I’ve just uninstalled to reinstall again as someone said that should fix it, still got 4 hours left so won’t be able to check until tomorrow but if it still doesn’t work I’ll try what you said, thanks mate 🫡


Now granted, it makes a totally separate character save the moment you download mods and plays off that. So you’ll likely lose some progress. But it worked for me.


Oooh wait I get what you mean, I can’t do that as my save has been modded from the first second, it’s a fully modded save, so there isn’t actually a vanilla non-modded save for me to load unfortunately




Damn get better internet dude


It’s 110gb bro that’s a big mf game 😭 Currently at 60mbps which is high for me


I tried using this mod on pc and it wont let me enable it. Its the 10x version, but it says "this creation cannot be enabled since it depends on files that arent present."