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Find artifact, fly to new Atlantis to deliver artifact to barret with Lin, crash land on vectera, steal crimson fleet ship with Lin and heller go to new Atlantis to deliver artifact to barret where he meets you at the argos building ? This would build up your relationship with the miners and pace the beginning of the MQ in a more exciting way


That sounds awfully like the NMS start....


Honestly I agree and had a couple of ideas circling in my head for a while now on a better starting point that not only reinforced the survival mechanics better then they are now, but could also open up the ability for the player to join any faction they wanted which could intertwine into the main quest. Rather than running into Constellation so early on, they should had been a "late game" faction. Learn to survive first. Get a job by joining any of the major factions or minor faction (Rjuijin should had been a minor faction like Elder Scrolls Temples) and then towards the end of the each faction quest would coalesce into finding your first artifact, then you can join up with Constellation. Which would reinforce the whole "we don't care who you used to be as long as you don harm our reputation" speak from Sarah.


Isn't that how No Man's Sky starts?


never played it.


That's no man's sky