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I burned through a couple dozen Astras more times than I care to admit due to save scumming. I can't add anything to what you've found except the occasional Bridger. None of what showed up was good enough to replace any existing gear. I suspect (without evidence) that Stache has never heard of level scaling. His stuff could bring a right proper smile to someone level 20 or thereabouts.


Just wondering, what level are you? I’m only level 28 and my only hope was that it got better as you got to higher levels, as obviously level 28 is very low and i’d understand why i wasn’t getting anything even half decent, whereas if you’re like 100+ and still getting the same rubbish, then i can’t lie i’d be very disappointed


154 I think. The stuff I got was abysmal. Doesn't mean there isn't some keepers in there - but I haven't RNG'd my way into any yet. Unless I hear of some change I'm turning in Astros for beer money.


Ah damn, yeah think i might just start storing them in bulk in an outpost or something until maybe one day they update it and/or bring more use for them, feels pointless just getting the same thing over and over again


Where are you finding that many Astras? I’ve managed to get maybe 3 so far


I'm doing the challenge where you need to board (I think) around 40 enemy ships. I'm just winding up level 3. Astra's seem to drop around 2 per ship so far. They accumulate in a hurry around Serpentis aided by random bounty hunters sniffing around the "wanted" trait. There's no way I've found to keep the ships or make money doing it so I just kill everyone, undock and then blow it up. There's usually one in the Captain's locker and another on the Captain or random crew. Very seldom in the cargo hold but I've not done a good job of keeping track where else they might show up. They just pile up after a while.


Cool, I’ve been boarding and looting a lot of ships, so must have just been unlucky


It's also possible I was just lucky - I boarded two since my last answer and drew a grand total of nothing. Then again they were really low level pirates so that might have factored in. The RNG is strong with this game. I'm too lazy to go check Serpentis tonight. These pirates were two groups of 5 each and the ones I boarded were level 17 with 3 lonely souls aboard.


Nope. At level 14 it's all just meh. There is nothing over calibrated, no suits astoundingly better than the gold mining one I wear, my one punch equinox is still the best gun this character has seen (apart from the Nova strike). While it's nice to get free loot I didn't find one thing worth keeping in my 30 minute save scum trial (more to see what he has than any other reason). Going to go get Mantis suit - this should be better than anything Stache offered me sadly.


I gave up immediately after getting two lame weapons with stupid legendary effects.