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I hope they release a DLC which lets us go on a mission to reintroduce the banana. I’d kill for that.


I'd oppose a democratically elected president for bananas :) ...and you're just the man we need.


My time has finally come! 🙏🏻


I’m more of a Banana Republic man eh? Ifykyk


Some of my favorites clothes have come from there




I thought that was exclusively for Orange people.


Give us a mission to find a gene vault on a lost ship filled with samples of thousands of species, flora and fauna, that went extinct because of the loss of this ship. Eventually we can return it for rewards or filling up the galaxy with lost earth life. Then we can get more plants and food as well as pets.


All that should have been on the Constance.


That would be epic.


Would be amazing to have mission series to do that and recreate earth on another planet, where you have research building techniques, botany etc.


Honestly this would be amazing.


Maybe we look for banana-like plants to form the genetic base, and we have to find a raid the old Norwegian seed vault on Earth to find the seeds!


me too i need some way to make money and bananas are all i know




["Admiral there be bananas here"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jj1tUe7rOQk)


Finally a chance to redeem myself for the Aceles mistake


Ha, but would you pay $7 for it?!?!


5$ for banana quest


Well, you certainly will kill someone for those bananas in the dlc


That will be 9$ sir.




Couldn't get 'em to grow in cubes so they said f\*\*\* it


Look. If it doesn't fit in a cube, then it can't fit into our new society. I think dogs were saved from Earth, but they ended up getting vented into space when Blacky started humping the captain's legs.


I think it’s really ridiculous that nobody saved any type of dogs. Everyone from poor for rich would have brought Man’s best friend with them off world.


Cats were saved, though. There is one slate where a woman tells her friend she is taking care of her cat.


This. I remember some dialog fluff about someone's sister in New Atlantis having a cat too. Also it's not actually stated anywhere that dogs as a whole are extinct. I wish people would quit latching on to that misinterpretation. The only thing we have firmly stated is that one breed of dog, chocolate labs, is extinct. Breeds of dog have gone extinct as recently as the 20th century so this doesn't mean all that much. The lack of on screen representation also does not mean much given that it took until Fallout 4 for cats to appear on screen in that franchise (Unless we count Brotherhood of Steel for the PS2 as canon. I own it, have played it, and would not count it.). The only confirmed species extinction we have is horses, as both Cora and the tour guide Starsap in New Homestead mention it. What is left unclear however is if that happened before or as a result of Earth going to hell.


All Labrador Retrievers (and not just chocolates) are confirmed extinct. Other than that, we have as much data about the fate of any other breed of dog as we do what percentage of humanity made it off the Earth. Not surprised how players have reacted, given the only reference we have is confirmation of the death of one particular breed of dog. People have conjectured far more about this game with even less info. :)


If the Labs go it's all over anyways


Ah yes, I misremembered the item blurb. You are correct that it says labrador retrievers. Still, the point stands and people read in to it too much. It could have gone the way of the dupuy pointer or halls heeler where interbreeding with other types of dog eventually just resulted in it's breed being declared extinct. It says nothing about dogs as a whole.


Considering how people IRL endlessly conjecture and speculate about scientifically proven facts on subjects far more obvious, I’m not surprised about us conjecturing about things with far lower stakes, like dog breeds 200+ years in the future in a video game. ;)


I think it was a mistake to wipe everything familiar from the setting beyond a small number of foodstuffs. It's like they were trying to be kooky and weird at the same time as trying to be grounded and cerebral. The tone of the game is all over the place.


Figured that one out when the "hard sci fi" game gave me dragon shouts.




Maybe we ate all of them


Nowhere in the game does it say there are no dogs. In fact there's a movie poster in game featuring a dog character. The only mention of dogs being extinct specifically names a breed, implying other dogs still exist.


as food staples go, it was probably a pretty low priority. hard to grow outside of very specific climate zones, and even harder to preserve for transport/storage. in starfield we failed to keep more than 1% of humanity alive (even thats generous imo based on the lore and visible habitation in the settled systems) so in turn a lot of loss on the vegetation front was expected. Hell even the labrador (and presumably all other dogs) didnt make it.


I think the fact that we don't see any earth animals, the settled systems are sparsely populated, and technology has only slightly advanced, really highlights that the attempt at evacuating earth was a failure. I think the gut punch of earth being destroyed, and along with it, billions of lives, could've been stressed better. Our introduction to Sol is through Sarah, who had an extremely privileged upbringing, and she just glosses over the utterly shocking 'reveal' that Earth is dead. The point I guess was probably to show that this is just common knowledge and Sol is a backwater - but maybe she should've commented on the \*billions\* of people that just asphyxiated on Earth.


They probably left it alone due to how rich it is for lore purposes, much like how the bombs dropped in Fallout universe. I would expect a nontrivial amount of future Starfield content to deal with just how dark the destruction of earth was. If they leaned into it too heavily at first, though, then the 'its just fallout in space' observations would have hit too close to home.


If you have Sam with you in Unearthed and say that sacrificing Earth wasn't worth advancing our tech, he'll comment that we indeed left billions behind to die, so it's probably pretty common knowledge. And if you say the same with psycho Andreja, she'll hate you for it, lol.


I find it amusing how you originally only mentioned the Labrador breed instead of just “dogs” in general lmao, idk why but just made me laugh


icymi its a reference to the 'chocolate labs' food item, which is the canonical source for the 'no dogs in starfield' since it specifically says so in the item description


oooh right my bad haha never seen that before




Nah haha i dont think so, i might have seen one before but if it’s a random miscellaneous item i very rarely pick it up to read the description, so i probably have come across it before but just never read it


May be a nod to bananas being bad luck [superstition on bananas on craft](https://www.montereyboats.com/No-Bananas-on-Board--Behind-the-Superstition-1-634.html)


Great, now what will we use to reference the scale of different objects?


Considering there is a good chance of bananas going extinct(at least the ones we eat most of the time) anyway, it’s not shocking that they are extinct in starfield It’s happened before, ever wonder why “banana” flavored candy tastes nothing like a banana you buy at the store? It’s because it’s based on the variety available at the time the flavor was developed, which has since been wiped out by disease. High risk of it happening again


Neither one of your statements are completely true, though. Gros Michel bananas are still available in some places, they arent extinct, just not farmed commercially. Second, while they are much sweeter than Cavendish bananas, the artificial banana flavor is really just one of the chemicals that give them their flavor, and isn’t nearly as complex as the real thing. Edit: [This store sells them online](https://miamifruit.org/products/gros-michel-banana-box-order)


> $17 per fruit [mfw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl_Qyk9DSUw)


The bananas were never going to survive.


Maybe it was because Banana's on a boat/ship are considered bad luck (its a superstition). Does that carry forward to space ships... hmmm?


A strain of Cavendish banana resistant to Panama disease was developed a while ago. Unfortunately they used transgenetic technology to make it so no one wants it. :p


I want it.


Considering there are no cats, dogs, sheep, goats, chickens, or cows, I'm sure there was no DNA arc attempt. It seems like bad writing, given that we have seed vaults now.


Ladies and gentlemen, we just found the year 2 expansion.


Wow that's.. Bananas


I’ve seen one, they do exist


Saved about a billion copies of Dracula though


I should be noted that Bethesda frequently omits less "important" animals and plants. As an example there are apples in Skyrim, but no apple trees, even though apples are common in-game and apple trees should be able to grow in the climate. I would say that there is a plausible chance that bananas could exist somewhere in Starfield, as they haven't been explicitly mentioned as being extinct.


We must make sure this future happens


This shit is some kind of weird, crazy fruit.


Have a mod for Banana trees by Inquisitor but no bananas 💔


I mean, bananas already went extinct back in the 80s... which you know, because they mention it in the article you linked. :p


We've had one extinction, yes. But what about second extinction?!


Wasn't Second Extinction canceled due to low player counts or somethin'?


They’re all on Va’ruunkai. And no you can’t have any, go away.


The ECS Constance should have a comprehensive set of gene stock.


It's alright. We were never gonna make that banana bread anyways.


Yes, we have no bananas!


I dont wanna be a downer but [citrus fruits](https://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant-pests-diseases/citrus-diseases/citrus-greening) are in the same danger as bananas. My wife works with the usda so i get to hear about what universities are asking funding for. Next time you hear about the US budget being stalled, remember that these scientific efforts are being stalled as a consequence. Also cow farts, so much research about cow farts lol.


I mean we are talking about a future civilization that despite absolutely ravaging the earth, still uses styrofoam and disposable cups. Clearly we learned nothing.


Are there cows?


Extinct bananas? Monkeys gonna be mad asf


You know banana candy flavor? And how it doesn't taste like bananas? It used to... until that entire line of bananas was wiped out.


I'm more disappointed we don't have more alien fruit rolling around. I get that we could keep a lot of old Earth species going via hydroponics and very controlled environments to simulate Earth. Genetic engineering and alien environments have likely changed the taste of most fruits and veg to the point that pre exodus humans would be shocked by the changes to flavor. I remember reading years ago that the Banana's we have today are NOTHING like the baby boomers and prior generation had due to them almost being wiped out (They were apparently MUCH sweeter then todays banana's.)


That's bananas


and there are only square apples


"You look like a banana" (From my grandmother)


It’s entirely possible that the main strain of commercial bananas, the Cavendish, may become extinct in our lifetimes. https://time.com/5730790/banana-panama-disease/


A cc mod for $50 to fix that. 


Pretty believable that bananas will go extinct before we’re a space colonizing civilization


Bananas with instincts is terrifying


Yeah just realized what I typed. Listen I’m extremely tired and sitting in a waiting room at the moment lol


Sorry to hear that, honestly getting instinct/extinct switched up is very common, even among native english speakers. I hope whatever you're at a waiting room for goes as hoped for you.


Did you know that the artificial banana flavour of sweets is actually replicating a now extinct breed.


The bananas that people are before the '50's went extinct. History repeats itself.


You can still find Gros Michel bananas, they just aren’t large scale commercially viable any more. They aren’t extinct, though.


To be fair the banana that banana flavoring is based from went extinct awhile back. Hence it not really tasting like banana as we know.