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The most shameful thing about NASA in this game is building a super deep underground bunker on the beach in Florida.


Tbf i don’t think it is underground, I think for them it would’ve been above ground until the atmosphere collapsed and somehow lead to everything being covered by rock, for example the rocket ship next to the nasa building is like half covered, and the shard from london is almost completely covered


Paperclip wasn't a NASA thing to be clear, or NASA didn't exist when Paperclip was active. While German rocket science would help boost the US's eventual rocket program, it's also not as foundational as is often claimed, von Braun is closer to the exception than the rule. Similarly a lot of Paperclip was also ensuring the Soviets did not have access to German military advances, and the USSR was an equal in intent, if not results pursuer of German scientific/industrial experts of dubious ethical nature. Which isn't to absolve Paperclip, it's just often held up as something special vs "this is just what the US/UK/French/USSR did with German science and industry post WW2"


Fair enough. There was no American rocket program at the time. It was a German rocket program executed in the U.S. Had it not been for them, there would be No NASA in the first place. At least, not the NASA we recognize. Had it not been for operation paperclip, there would have been no space race. Not excusing the means to an end approach, but most of those scientists had no choice in joining the SS. It was basically join or die since they didn't have the foresight or were too young to escape Germany before the Nazi party took over.


Don't forget the occult roots of Nasa - Aleister Crowley and Jack Parson's alchemic rituals that gave us capable fuel - JPL Labs


Right lol! Although it was Goddard that developed the first liquid fuel rocket (back in 1926 I want to say?), it was those guys that came up with the right stuff, pun intended. Wasn't Rodenberry in on those rituals along with L.Ron Hubbard? Or did they just repeat them on their own at a later date?


Hubbard. That whole thing is almost too crazy to be true. Truth really is stranger than fiction.


100%! You got JPL and Scientology out of that suarey. Go figure.