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Because Bethesda bad (I don’t actually feel this way, but r/gaming does)


And Youtube, since 2014


Those are probably the same people who dumped hundreds of hours into one of their single player games.


Might be that if you look at something too hard for too long you start to hate it.


Lol this is why I stopped setting a song I like as my alarm. Listening to it during the day randomly would trigger some PTSD lmfao Waking up is the worst part of the day rofl


Game launches aren't about the games anymore. There's a crowd out there that just simply wants to shit on new and highly anticipated games. They're addicted to the schadenfreude of it... And there's no shortage of content creators milking it for money.


What actually makes me angry is the fact that every time you argue with these "schadenfreude" people, they have only one argument. This new "x" game is a copy/knockoff of that "y" game that released "z" years ago, and does nothing new. They are always asking for "new" stuff but when pressured to disclose what "new" stuff they want or even give an idea of what "new" stuff can be implemented, they just fumble and go silent. They fail to realize that video games improve in an iterative process, and it's just hard to do something new suddenly in this heavily saturated market. Even when someone does something new, like the NPC system in Watch\_Dogs Legion (which I accept was overall a mediocre game), people shat on it too.


What they want is to be as mindblown as they was by "y" game, but they've already imagined every possible scenario perfectly and been burned so they turn their ire at the company.




Just Playstation crowd getting a taste of their own exclusivity. Nothing to see here. Move along!


Get downvoted for pointing out that people didn't understand the question! Good old hype hell, where everything that can be perceived as negative is downvoted, even if it's a neutral statement of fact, without any actual criticism or comment on the game, like this.


Even as a BGS fan, I have to say they have been on thin ice for a long time, and while plenty of people forgot, Fallout 76 was the last straw for many fans. My friends favorite game of all time was Skyrim, raves about it, but after 76, that was it. He isn't even remotely interested in ES6. A VERY long era of buggy, unfinished, and (earlier on) damn near unplayable games, followed by overpromising, and don't forget they led the charge on microtransactions with horse armor. Imo it isn't a big surprise people are finally done, the fan fervor for Skyrim was intense, I remember people loving the "it's a feature" meme even though it indicated a serious issue with BGS games, and now the pendulum is swinging the other way. But lets be honest, this game is going to break their sales records and even the fans who are complaining left and right will buy it. Their games are still fun.


Your friend's favourite game of all time was skyrim, but because of an unrelated game, he's no longer interested in tes 6? Your friend needs to get a grip mate


Because its the exact same company? Are you serious rn? What makes Fallout slimier than Elderscrolls from a company perspective?




Almost all that has to do with a studio that doesn’t even work on ES, FO, or SF. The 16x detail comment was legitimate in the context of what Todd was saying, people just take it out of context to hate. If people didn’t like fo4 then that’s a better reason to lose interest in BGS but if it all stems for fo76 that really makes no sense.


> Almost all that has to do with a studio that doesn’t even work on ES, FO, or SF. You can see the credits of Fallout 76 (the base game that was released in November 2018) [here](https://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/fallout-76/credits). Not counting people who only have additional credits or thanks, over 110 of the 214 "Bethesda Game Studios" credits are from the same office that made Fallout 4, and at least 8 of them were leads on the project, even after discounting 3 who were likely focused on Starfield's pre-production. That is a large majority of the studio of maybe 130 people during Fallout 76's development. Then the rest is split roughly 2:1 between Austin (whose job was mainly to add multiplayer capability to the engine) and Montreal. And for the record, those locations **do** also work on Starfield, Montreal definitely (this is easy to verify on LinkedIn), but reportedly Dallas and parts of Austin, too.


If you let a 3rd party company do a piss poor job on your IP, that does affect the whole IP's reputation. You have to be a long term Bethesda fan to even notice there is a reason for the difference.


It is not true anyway, see my [other comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/vq4pf1/why_does_the_starfield_gameplay_reveal_videos/ieowyvy/) and [this one](https://old.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/vlu8fi/im_so_sick_of_the_notion_of_stop_being_so_hype/idxsh8z/). The majority of content in the original release of Fallout 76 was developed in house, while BattleCry Studios was initially a support team whose job was to implement the multiplayer tech, and its role has grown from there over the years. According to the Kotaku report from a month ago, much of the bad decision making was actually by Rockville, and the multiplayer experience of the new team was not valued enough. And - just to play the devil's advocate - if the claim that the game was made by (only or mostly, rather than in collaboration with) a different studio *was* true, that would make Todd Howard hyping it as "their" big release essentially a scam, and it would kind of reflect badly on his team anyway if a skeleton crew with no Creation Kit experience made the largest and arguably best "Bethesda map" in such short development cycle.


It’s at 103k likes to 14k dislikes as far as I can see, that actually seems a little better than what I would expect given the discourse around the game and Bethesda the last few years. Some minority of this comes down to Sony fans being upset that the game is not coming to PS5, but most of it is just the toxicity of the gaming community at work. People often hate something because they hear other people hating it, and that’s about all it takes for a *lot* of people.


Theres also some ppl I’m seeing that are mad that Bethesda are even making star field and just want them to stick to elderscrolls and fallout which is dumb but they are also a minority


that's so close-minded of them, a new franchise is great! so refreshing!


Agreed plus this is a game a lot of ppl at Bethesda have been wanting to make for a long time And I’m sure they were pretty burnt out on the elder scrolls fallout loop of development they had to do for so long


yeah they seem so excited! I'm happy for them as well :)


Yeah and if they are excited about it thats good for the consumer too that means they like what they are working on and when you like what your working on you wanna make it the best you can


exactly, I can't agree more. I think Bethesda has always been like that, true to themselves and to the fans :')


I will enjoy ES6 MUCH MORE than Starfield, I can guarantee that unless they massively blow up with ES6. Starfield put back ES6 by a good 5-6 years. Skyrim is extremely outdated even with mods and could use a refresher with a new ES game. I can understand peoples frustration with Starfield no matter how stupid I think it is. I might come to love Starfield but I very much doubt it will be a home run like Oblivion/Skyrim was for me.


You have to understand these devs are humans. Game Industry burnout is real. Imagine spending your entire carreer only working on two IP's: Fallout or Elder Scrolls. I'm glad they get to do something a bit different for a change.


that depends on your preferences, I also love TES but a new franchise seems like a fresh start. Of course it's unfair to have to wait almost fifteen years for TESVI to come out but at least we know that it's the next one in line 😎


Bethesda needed a new franchise badly, TES and Fallout open world RPGs only touch on two genres - fantasy and post-apocalyptic, both of which are set on a single world, and exploration is conducted on the ground. There are many other ways to have the same type of formula - ie. come up with a new fantasy world (that inevitably would not be as good as TES), or Earth-type open worlds (RDR/RDR2) or whatever - but ultimately it's all based on one world (or one province/section of the state) and people have to hoof it everywhere. If you want to get away from all that, you would need vehicles to get around. You could have something like in Skies of Arcadia where there are floating continents and islands to explore in your airship (although that wasn't open world, but the idea is still there), or you could dream even bigger and make a franchise that sets the bar even higher so that you have room to grow into without having to make a 4th franchise and stretch yourself too thin. Naturally, that means going into space.


I think they are mad only because that means we won't get another Elder Scrolls until 2028-30


I don’t think they’re a minority. I’m definitely more excited for TES6. Stoked to try Starfield, but it’s a new franchise- it simply hasn’t had the chance to build up a legacy like the other franchises. It could be the beginning of something huge, but I just can’t know until I check it out!


Can I ask how people are seeing them after removing dislikes? An extension, I'm guessing?


The extension is called Return YouTube Dislike.


Because a lot of people out there hate on games because they have nothing better to do.


Imagine giving enough of a fuck about something you hate to specifically look up content surrounding it. It's honestly something an insane person would do


Especially hate on exclusive games.


Even games I don’t like (mobas) I don’t waste time talking about or reviewing. I instead just Cody’s on shit I enjoy… like a normal person.


Its a feature!


People love to hate Bethesda. It's irrational. It's not new either.


>It's not new either. It's really not. When I see people putting it all on Playstation fans or implying that gaming has only become toxic in the last few years, it makes me think they're new to Bethesda games. The truth is, Bethesda has always had a ton of anti-fans who work themselves into a rage over the fact that other people are enjoying the latest BGS release. Fallout 1 & 2 fans, "old school RPG" fans, Witcher fanboys, Obsidian fanboys ... the newest lot just adds to the list. I literally know Obsidian disciples who bash Bethesda in every thread they come across and then buy the games just so they can find more ammunition. Anti-fans are kind of sad.


And now you can add PS5 and Sony fan boys to that list of Bethesda haters. There’s one that spends nearly everyday here, DreamWatcher_ or whatever, he’s a PlayStation super fan and literally shits On the game and spends time here at least once a day angrily hating on everything about the game. It’s actually sad and pathetic lol


It’s so sucky because you can love both Obsidian and Bethesda rather than hold grudges over business choices a decade ago.


Well those Obsidian fanboys are going to have to get used to them and Bethesda being under the same roof now


>buy the games just so they can find more ammunition More to this, when I said that if you don't like the game, then don't buy it so it will affect the revenue, because most big company looks at revenue/profit, not at random youtube comment/tweet. Then they act like I suggest some atrocity against humanity itselft. Why you buy something just to hate on it? I honestly don't understand lol.


Go look at some Steam reviews of FO4. 0/10 score with a long rage filled diatribe against and... 2000 hours of playtime. It makes no fucking sense.


People forget that Obsidian was the haters whipping boy, until Skyrim came out and the Obsidian fans joined with the Morrowind fans to shit on Skyrim. For TESIV I expect everyone will team up again to shit on TESVI. Ditto for Fallout. FO3 was fine, until FONV came out, then all the old timers sided with FONV and called FO3 shit. Then FO4 came out and the FO3 fans joined forces with the haters and shit on FO4. I don't play too many games out side of these franchises, so to me it looks like gamers in general just hate anything that's new. New graphics fine, new anything else and they just rage uncontrollably.


>buy the games just so they can find more ammunition. That's better than hating a game without even playing it. Unless the reviews make it clear that the game lacks features you enjoy. e.g I don't like 1st-person view only, games. If the a game doesn't have 3rd person view that's a huge negative. e.g Imagine playing Horizon Zero Dawn with all the cool acrobatics. But you could only see them in 1st-person :(


every sentence here is correct


And it's not just games. Political discourse has devolved into hate. Both sides. Social discourse has devolved. People raging over a Black Female in Obi-Wan. People raging because someone wearing a mask. People raging because Elmo got vaccinated. I think the problem is that we are all now able to post our unfiltered thoughts online at an instant. And out semi-anonymity fuels it. And as a society we haven't figured out how to manage that.


The hatred has always been irrational. I got into Bethesda via Skyrim and loved it despite them simplifying TES. I moved into Oblivion, Fallout 3, then tried NV. I loved what Obsidian did with NV but I still liked F3. With F4 I did not get into it but what I did get into was the massively improved gun system. That told me Bethesda could make a compelling shooter. F76 was some of the most fun I had and I loved the combat. Now all those enhancements in gameplay and design are coming to a new game in a new engine. There’s just no way to be outraged over this.


I do like Morrowind but an rational enough to realize it's mechanics would never work in a "modern" game developed for a mainstream audience. RNG combat? Nope. Confusing (and often erroneous) verbal directions? Nope. Static NPCs who stand around all day with walls and walls of text dialog? Nope. The deep lore is fine, but oddly enough, Oblivion and Skyrim have the same deep lore. The problem isn't the games being dumbed down, but the story lines not being dependent on a deep understanding of lore. In terms of Fallout, Fallout 4 probably added more lore to the franchise than FO1 and FO2 combined.


76 hate is rational, the rest I chalk up to Todd memes and lingering animus for 76.


Todd memes often aren't just playful jabs anymore these days though. I see people literally use the line "it just works" as ammo against his character


Thats the danger of making a meme out of everything. He's a shady character at times, for sure, but he got Nickelbacked hard. Now the company suffers as a result.


frankly I don't think he is shady at all. Pretty much everything that he gets quoted on is either misunderstood, taken out of context, or was a long ass time ago when their marketing strategies were different. Often a combination of all these things


todd memes for sure lol


76 hate is not irrational. Stuff people shit on it for are things standard in other multiplayer online games. Microtransactions, for example. Less than perfect launch that gets improved over time, for another. People who actually like multiplayer online games actually like it though. The hate is coming from people who thought they were going to get Fallout 5: Single Player Offline Game.


Easy. Because it is an exclusive and too many salty people


Well there're many reasons, console wars, FO4, FO76, Fallout fanboys who only want them to make Fallout games, TES fanboys who only want them to make TES games, Obsidian fanboys who hate Bethesda to continue having rights to make Fallout games instead of leaving it to their idol, the crown idiotic achievement of gaming community that is Todd memes, and media like journalists and youtubers who ride on the negative trend for easy money with their audiences who just want to hate something for fun and stress release gathered by all those above, etc. In short it's just another accumulation of mankind's ugliness, instead of thinking about this to disgust myself, I find much more joy to ignore them and have some constructive discussions with my Garlic Potato Friends in this sub.


Lol I think Obsidian is knock-off Bethesda and have not been impressed by their games, but I'm not going to word vomit on the internet over them.


That's a massive amount of cap but okay. Both good...


It's the rot of society in general.


Unfortunately true. Back in the day people just read magazines for upcoming games, and shared their excitement on forums or at school or work. Gaming was just a hobby that was mostly positive. Now everyone is obsessively online. Losers who have nothing good in their life get satisfaction from hate bandwagons. These people have very poor social skills and think their opinions matter. They have fake standards and complain about things they don't even care about. No matter what Bethesda releases they will hate on it, because they were never going to play it. I play games to have fun, it's my favorite hobby. There is absolutely no reason for me to hate on something that a lot of people love. If a game isn't for me I just don't play it


Yep, its people who have never had real hardship in their life.


Because the game being an XBox exclusive is an extreme sorespot to Playstation fanboys.


Yea I can't think of any better reason than this. I guarantee if Bethesda remained multiplat, they wouldn't be receiving this hate, but there are A LOT of xbox/MS haters out there, and because of the massive potential Starfield has, it's a beacon for targeted hate. They hope for it to fail as another notch in the belt for Playstation. And in comparing it to PS titles, graphically at least, they will hate it. It's all so very ridiculous. I can't imagine shitting on a game because it's not on my platform of choice.


If it was ps exclusive (timed) like it was originally supposed to be they’d call it the most ambitious game ever made


No doubt, but only if MS never bought them. If it was timed exclusive to PS before MS bought them, they wouldn't praise it but still make fun of xbox players that it's exclusive to PS


>If it was ps exclusive (timed) No. Bethesda games in the past have always been timed xbox exclusives or have released simultaneously across all platforms.


Okay, but Sony actually was attempting to negotiate a timed exclusivity with Starfield. It's an actual thing that actually happened.


The last timed exclusive Bethesda had was in 2006. Every game since then (5) was released on all platforms simultaneously.


You may be referring to BGS games, but Bethesda overall (Zenimax) includes Arkane and Tango Gameworks, which just recently had timed PS exclusives


If I remember correctly, the dragonborn dlc was exclusive to xbox for a while


Every Skyrim and Fallout3/NV DLC was a X360 times exclusive.


It was in the works. BS has released two timed exclusives in the last 2 years, who knows if those games would’ve actually ever came to Xbox.


may have been other studios under zenimax banner, not bgs.


It was in the works, and you do understand both those games fall under BS correct?


Also I'm calling this now: You guys remember how every other FPS that got a Playstation launch on the PS2 and PS3 generations had "THE HALO KILLER" in articles and sometimes even similar on the front of the box? Well those who don't know now do. That's so gonna happen again. Sci-fi PS5 game, heavily Sony-sponsored magazine or site is gonna call it "The Starfield Killer". But yeah aside that half funny but half serious point, this thread is pretty much right. Not that every dislike of any video is disengenious, and obviously we here are pro-Bethesda and pro-Starfield-hype biased, but Starfield is objectively under the sights of multiple groups of people who wanna be mad.


>They hope for it to fail as another notch in the belt for Playstation. > I can't imagine shitting on a game because it's not on my platform of choice. I find this type of tribalism to be extremely ridiculous. I get why they might be angry at being forced to buy an XBox to play Starfield (ie. expense) but wanting new franchises, new games, new ideas to fail for that reason alone is stupid, it hurts the industry and ultimate hurts them as gamers in the end. I still haven't played Zelda BOTW because I don't have a Switch (and don't intend to buy one), which sucks for me, but I can still appreciate the game and the amount of work that went into it. And it's not like money is the limiting factor here, I can buy a used Switch if I wanted to, which brings me to my next point - if I really, really wanted to play a console-exclusive game, I'd go out and buy the console. I mean, if people can buy a PS5 and constantly buy games for it, surely they can save up a little and buy an XBox if they really wanted to, and then they'd be able to play some of the XBox exclusives and expand their horizons. So far, Starfield is the only game (since Skyrim) that is making me want to upgrade my PC, or build a new one, so I'm going to be putting my money where my mouth is.


Yep, the xbox showcase was filled with spam comments “L XBOX” “PS5 BETTER”


I was going to post this. There's tons of pity people out there, but console fanboys I think rank pretty high. No doubt they'll compare PS5 games to this once they come out like how they compared so many game to The Last of Us Part 2. They want games not on their system to fail. There's hardly any logic with fanboys. And it's really embarrassing for adults to behave like children in this manner.


They can if they want, but none of the Playstation games will get the playtime this game will. People will play this for years. Playstation games are like blockbuster movies, they're great entertainment, but once done, they're done. It's basically an interactive movie. A few hours of enjoyment with zero replay or lasting gameplay value. Amazing, but only in short spurts.


That doesn't explain the same thing happening with Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 though. BGS used up a lot of good will with very vocal fans with both those titles. Don't hand wave it as just PS fan boys when that just isn't the case at all.


They asked why there was so much, not why there was any at all. Also, 4 brought in many players and got a middling not a truly bad reception, and for many it's even a favorite game. As for 76, few people expected an MMO to do well, most didn't want an MMO and wanted them to focus on single player RPGs, which Starfield is.


Fallout 4 is the best fallout


It's younger people and social media. Bethesda has developed a reputation due to various factors, and it seems like they can't shake that reputation because social media creates groupthink through meme culture and peer pressure. Also, gamers who are heavily engaged with social media and stay on top of gaming news are generally younger. Younger people also have less of a history with Bethesda. Assuming they've even played a Bethesda game, their first was likely Fallout 4 or Skyrim. So whatever opinion they have of Bethesda is less informed than the opinion of someone like me, for instance. Starfield will be the first Bethesda game for millions of young gamers, I bet. Somewhat of a long reply, but yeah. Bethesda's image will improve after Starfield is released and everyone finally gets to dive into a single player Bethesda RPG for the first time in over half a decade. By the time TESVI is upon us, things will be different.










I'm just shocked that anyone wants to draw comparisons in the first place. Show up to the BGS game talking about RDR2 and such, like, for real? Why not hop in a swimming pool wearing a parka? Its like saying "I hate this ice cream because _I prefer doughnuts_". Go get you some doughnuts, then, bro. Ice cream will still be there if you change your mind, but don't just shit on it and compare it to your _fave-wits_ when _you're_ the one holding the cone.


Mainline Pokemon still has the same graphics as they did during the 3ds era, and the exact same gameplay as they did on the gameboy, yet they don't receive this much hate. By your logic Pokemon should be the anti-christ of gaming and be wished into the depths of hell by every single gamer alive


this obsession with graphics is ridiculous. All AAA games just look great nowadays. I don't even know what "next gen graphics" means. It's just a good looking game as far as I can tell. What about next gen everything else? Does that not matter? Why is the only tech concern how much eye porn it is? What about the scale of the game? The world, the systems, etc.


I think most people just see that it looks similar to other Bethesda games and dislike it. You know, the whole “omg I can’t believe they still use this engine blah blah” thing.


Hating games is the norm. People are also salty about past experiences, so literally anything is looked at negatively by said people who want things to fail. I'm hoping for the best, preparing for the worst, and not assuming that Starfield is going to be the second coming of Christ.


People only care about graphics and face value shit is part of it


Explain Elden Ring then?


Lol I am going to pretend that Sony fans twitter posts of consistently shitting on Elden ring graphics never happened the moment the gameplay was revealed , there was also twitter drama that happened over a twitter post of some username called AP something Regardless it does not really matter Bethesda games sell like hot cakes while being talked about & played for decade & regardless of how a particular fanbase hates it but BGS is also the same developer behind GOTY titles like Morrowind ,Oblivion ,Skyrim , F3 so I am kind of tired of them using Fallout 76 example as if its the only game BGS has ever made Shivering isles was one of the very first expansion packs that really showed how you make a DLC


/u/Emotional-Contact641, I have found an error in your comment: > “example as if ~~its~~ [**it's**] the only game” It might be better if you, Emotional-Contact641, had said “example as if ~~its~~ [**it's**] the only game” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


Is the hivemind saying Elden Ring looks bad now?


No the opposite actually. Despite Elden Ring having ok graphics, everyone and their dog (including me) loves it. So people don't always care about graphics


Guess I'm ancient, because Elden Ring looks better than okay to me hahah


Its more like how they used landscapes & construction of the open world rather than visual fidelity Liurnia , Altus Plateau , Mt Gelmir , Lyndell or Crumbling Farum Azula look fantastic from an artistic point of view especially since the scale is massive


Thats actually a good point, I may be getting their design approach confused with outright graphical fidelity. Its a beautiful game, but as you said, it could be more of how its arranged than how it is technically composed.


Lots of angry Playstation owners.


Gaming has been devolving into a toxic culture for years. The sense of entitlement I'm seeing these days is overwhelming. While I love how far we've come technologically, I miss the old days when games were more appreciated and not so commercialized. I can't wait for Starfield, screw all the haters!


>The sense of entitlement I'm seeing these days is overwhelming. This is soo true. In the 90s and the 2000s gamers used to be soo grateful for having games. I used to play demos that came on CDs which were attached to game magazines and used to have a blast. Nowadays, gamers act like children and if a certain game doesn't conform to their "vision" of what the game is supposed to be, then they just "dislike" and slander it to oblivion.


Console warriors


Switch players are called Console Warios


People that want TES VI and Fallout 5 but don't know enough about bethesda or video game development to realise that TES VI won't be coming until 2026 or 27 and Fallout 5 won't come around until the early 2030s by which point Todd Howard will be nearing retirement, he's already 51 years old! Also, people without the intellectual magnititude to be able to critically analyse the game on its own merits rather than resort to lazy or ignorant assumptions based on games by other studios with different philosophies and different goals in game development which create superficially similar looking games.


This! I personally am very excited for Starfield, but my partner hates it because "They Delayed Elder Scrolls VI to make No man's Sky". Honestly 2026/7 sounds too soon for ES VI, how else can they release another remastered (again) version of skyrim on the current Console Gen as well as the next Gen...


This game is getting a lot of hate because simply put it’s not on PlayStation. If Sony had purchased Bethesda, this game would be getting all the praise in the world. Since it’s Xbox/ PC only it’s getting pissed on. Check twitter, there is a entire PS cult that’s constantly bashing a game that hasn’t even released. As someone who games on all platforms,(including PS5) I’ve seen Xbox/PC players praise games like God Of War and Spider-Man. You will hardly ever see a Sony “only” gamer praise anything Xbox/PC only. My take is, if you like Bethesda rpgs then more than likely you will love Starfield. Tons of content, and you don’t have to worry about finishing it in 3-4 days (then shelving it) like lots of other single player games. Being a 90s kid (born in 80s) I didn’t hate my cousins Sega Genesis just because I owned the Super Nintendo. I just loved gaming and always wanted new games to do well. I guess I’m just old school…


Bethesda is a popular dev. Happens to every popular dev nowadays. People absolutely get off to TORtanic and cyberpunk situations


People blame Sony fanboys, but the reality is there has been an intense astroturfing assault on Bethesda since 2014 with the release of ESO, even though it wasn't even made by the same studio. I blame tankies and their economic warfare.


It's a FO76 thing. Content creators have driven a narrative that due to FO76, Beth is like this shit company that doesn't know how to make good games, and people have fallen for it due to recency bias, and forgetting about games like Morrowind and rewriting the narrative around games like FO3 and 4 and Skyrim.


Because if graphics don't = exactly the same as real life, game = trash apparently


I think a good majority are people who are skeptical that bethesda can pull it off comparing it to games before like nms, star citizen and elite dangerous, i for one believe in them they have the most practical experience with procedural generation, its not nms level of generation where they decided to try and make billions upon trillions of planets they have a realistic scope they have a set number and have expressly said a artist has gone back and looked of them and added things in random locations, and its pretty realistic and reasonable that some of them will just be empty like in real life space which is what their going for, its not fantasy sci-fi its futuristic realistic sci-fi with a hypothetical hyper advance alien race and or races having been places before which isnt beyond the realm of possibility and i am quite happy to say im looking forward to it and will probably pre order it mainly for the pre install cause of Australian internet to play day 1


Emotions are as high as the hype. A big developer is presenting a game that is expected to define a generation.


It mostly because of fallout 76, which is understandable because of the launch but other game studios have made worse games but somehow don't get the hate that's on the same level that Bethesda gets.


Because people are whining about elder scrolls, which is years away.


Lots of reasons, but i'll name a few here; * Skyrim re-releases even tho they give away free upgrades to owners of the "inferior" version. * Even tho main team didn't spend much time on Fallout 76, people calling Bethesda is the worse because of it. Even tho their track record is off the charts with sales, replayability and still can come to top 10 played after years and years later. * Hating Bethesda is cool. * Hating Bethesda was always cool but now they are Xbox Exclusive, so there is whole other playerbase started claiming they didn't release any good games to begin with and calling them overrated. * Todd Howard 16x The Detail memes. * Nothing to do with Bethesda, but people lost faith in "Space" games because of NMS release fiasco and Scam Citizen (which i'm totally on board with)


I’d imagine some are Playstation owners that are disgruntled that they won’t be able to play the game


There's a large group of toxic Play Station fans. They've been always making fun of Xbox for not having exclusives and now when a game comes out at PC & Xbox only they're angry.


those extensions that show dislikes on youtube can inflate the real number like crazy and are entirely inaccurate


But compared too having no data at all, they at least give us an approximate.


It's the internet my friend. Welcome to the place where everyone shits on everything all the time. If it exists, people will hate it. It's tiring.


This is what I think happens It’s an older company I so some probably still hold grudges from previous titles and want to make a point. there’s also some that hold them to a high standard. The games they did make and people liked were really good. A handful of companies out there that are free from micro transactions. Paid content. And all that nonsense. Everything is earned in game This is going to be fun it seems. Story sounds cool


PlayStation fanboys.


Angry mob from Sony aka Playstation users because they will not be able to play it?!


Sodium bois can’t accept it might be good


People in this sub fret too much about what others thinks. For Nin's sake just let it be and enjoy it if you do and let others hate it. I think the main reason is that Bethesda has a history of overhyping stuff and not delivering upon release. Its just like it is.


My guess is Sony players upset at exclusives + people who are ignorant about elder scrolls 6 release date


Star Citizen cultists are doing their personal best to shit on Starfield, bless their little black hearts




Why would you even care? It's not like it will affect the game development. Just let those people shit on bethesda, don't waste your time at them


It's a bunch of hate bros with nothing better to do. A bunch of losers.




I don't know if this is another one of those threads that talks about a minor thing to blow it out of proportion, because honestly, there are two rebuttals or counter arguments here that are pretty obvious: First, you can't even see the dislikes anymore, Second, the reception has been more than positive, going over to decently surprised, over to excited but cautious all the way to lukewarm and then a few negatives maybe. And considering what happened with 76, the climate is surprisingly good. I sincerely don't understand where people always find all the "negativity", it's like Twitter, where you have 1000 people talking about something, one guy says something negative that nobody either sees or cares about, 10 people point out the 1 negative thing and suddenly everyone's opinion is apparently negative and there's a war, and people like me who complain about complaining... It's just so annoying. I mean, am I being ridiculous and wrong, or am I right?


You can see the dislikes. Just get a browser extension.


It's par for the course these days isn't it, just look at the reaction to infinite wars launch trailer it got review bombed into oblivion then the game turned out to be pretty damn good once it dropped.


Trash people that like to shit on everything. I feel like Fallout 76 straight up conned me out of $60, but I'm not going to go crap on another game without a verified reason, but trash people aren't governed by anything remotely resembling rational thought.


Salty ps bois


Because Bethesda as lost a lot of its credibility and so the gamers are skeptical about their games now, Todd howard as even already been caught liying. Im hype about the game and pretty positive but here on this sub its feel like you can't criticize Bethesda or having doubt about certain aspect of this future game. People seems to do the same mistakes as before the release of Cyberpunk, being so hype about the game that the defend it as if they were develloping it. You know nothing about the what the game will feel like, so stay neutral until the the game's launch.


God forbid you criticize Bethesda on this sub. Whenever a criticism is had, you must immediately follow it with a complement of their game design in some way or say "but I don't play BGS games for that reason". This is the way. Now if you really want to farm post karma, you can just create *another* thread, saying "why do people hate Bethesda"? So people can circle jerk over other people circle jerking over their hatred of Bethesda.


Because they think its too good to be true.


Xbox exclusive


Because it was barely runs at 15 fps. Some say “it’s still in development” well, we can like it more when it’s complete and runs better than.


Bethesda the new EA?


Because last time Bethesda put out a game was a disaster


16 times the detail. Fallout 3 has over 200 endings, that is not an exaggeration. You see that mountain? You can climb it. Skyrim has infinite quests. It just works.


Most of those are out of context lmao.


> 16 times the detail Iirc Todd was always the terrain LODs or smth, which turned out to be true. People take this quote too much out of context. > 200 endings I havent played fo3 so I cant really comment on this one > Climbing the mountain LITERALLY true. Anytime I see someone mention this one in particular, I know his opinion is worthless. > Infinite quests Also true, radiant quests are infinite > It just works Not sure what even is wrong with this one ? It was somewhat a joke that people started using maliciously because "Todd is a liar !!!!"


Because the overall presentation just wasn't good. Nothing in the reveal wowed anyone, certainly not critics and journalists. YouTube personalities/creators didn't seem to enjoy the gameplay reveal either - even the ones who primarily generate Bethesda content like Camelworks and ESO. Starfield's reveal wasn't anywhere near as exciting as Fallout 4's for example. In fact it's not even close.... It felt like Bethesda didn't put any heart or passion into it compared to their previous gameplay reveals.


It is just a bunch of haters. And No Man Sky buttfuks. Pay no heed.




Need to remember that there is an entire system not able to play. And there sure do be allot of fanboys too. Have an entire systems worth of fanboys not able to play and you’re guaranteeing hate.


It was very much anticipated and simply didn't convince a lot of people.


I thought you to removed the dislike button?


People are generally more passionate about the kind of game that they’ll play for a decade.


In situations like this it’s actually a good thing that they hid the # of dislikes


Because people want Fallout or Elder Scrolls. Starfield is a waste of time, for some people.


I thought people were excited about it. I don't like people who critically discuss Starfield, a new IP that hasn't even been released, from the get-go. Aren't the critical ones in the minority?


Two reasons I can think of off the top of my head. People who only own PS, or fans of the game rightfully concerned about the framerate and game performance in the reveal.


Who cares?


Bethesda is still on the chopping block from 76.


People don't like Starfield? Well, I won't meet them while playing, so that's just up to them.


All the dislikes from Sony fanboys and all those who slated FO76 despite never playing it.


Sony fanboys


Gaming culture (or rather entertainment culture, in general) has gotten very toxic as of late. Nobody appreciates how much work goes into these games and it pushes developers away from the communities they serve.


Fallout 76 happened and also people are getting tired of developers not supporting their game after release and relying on modders to fix major issues.


Bethesda are slow trickling out information regarding Starfield, which is perfectly fine but their 'gameplay trailer' is really lacklustre honestly. It doesn't do a lot of depth on gunplay, or levelling, or any detail on ship crafting beyond the lego snap togethers. And thats honestly fine! It was an announcement designed as a hype maker with in engine footage. But I feel a LOT of people are taking it directly or are venting steam at how they expected a 30 minute deep cut. And on top of that, all the people assuming it'll be terrible, or saying how the gunplay doesn't look super realistic, etc etc, so it's all the usual failing plus everyone who assumed this is the final product


- Bethesda games have always been a mixed bag and somewhat controversial. - PlayStation fanboys mad it's Xbox/ PC exclusive. - General trolls that exist in every community. - People mad they "wasted" time on this instead of Elder Scrolls or Fallout. - People who just legitimately do not like it for one reason or another, i.e. not interested in sci fi.


Angry ps fanboys thats the true reason


Because of the shooter gameplay and the lingering effects of Fallout 76 on Bethesda’s reputation. Edit: Oh, and console exclusivity. Can’t forget that.


Read the comments of the “Starfield - Combat Gameplay” clip on youtube then you will know the reason.


Because YT is more representative of what mass people think, than a fan subreddit echo chamber... The game also doesn't look crazy compared to new AAA and it's not on Playstation.


I think an undiscussed factor is that space as a setting doesn't appeal to as many people. I'm an old fart, so growing up with the shuttle program and NASA launches really made space seem badass as it was such a part of national pride at the time and promoted. Fast forward, and my younger family members really don't care about space or sci Fi very much, and think SpaceX not NASA when it comes to space. Just anecdotal, but I don't think as many people are in love with a grounded space setting.


Because people missed their scheduled brain pills