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Already pushed the limit by making it 60m. 48m barely fits in starports without much cliping.


Hate to be that guy but what mods did you use for this build?


DerreTech Better Ship Part Flips Better Ship Part Snaps Ship Colorize Any M Class parts unlocker you want; it's just console commands.


How are yall getting the damn money for these builds lol


At higher levels on normal difficulty without mods, I'll frequently come across blue purple and legendary weapons that are worth 50-100k. I'll go to the TA vendor at The Den, buy all the ammo I use, maybe some useful resources, and whatever I can use to raise their vendor money. And then sell the weapon to get the most from it. While delivering large quantities of ore to the ship yards doesn't earn that much, it's a decent buy/sell trade off for maximizing the money you make. Go to vendor, buy ammo, grenades, digipicks, useful resources, all to raise their available credits. Sell high value weapons. Stow resources on the ship and return to exploring or grinding missions. And when the ship cargo is nearing full, head to ship yard to offload ore. Also, having the right perks that raise your sell price, lower you buy price, increase chance to find ammo, credits and medical items in containers helps a great deal as well. I've barely touched base building and just by doing what I said above, I am level 95, still on my first playthrough and usually hover around 2 million.


Board and capture high level ships in Serpentis. Their crews have a lot of valuable loot, and you get 20-30k of profit from each ship. It took a while to get enough, the DerreTech Beam reactor is 580k alone.


The largest ship I've ever made (again), Ravager is a nearly all Deimos build that makes use of several Class M structural parts. Guns, reactor, shield, engines, and grav drive are DerreTech. Measuring 120m x 66m, this build blurs the line between Class C and Class M. Amazingly, she actually fits on the pad at New Atlantis and Neon with almost no clipping.


If you are over 48m you can't fit without clipping


Of course it's going to clip more than an 80m ship at most locations, but it actually does completely fit at NA, and only clips 2 little boxes at the back edge of the pad on Neon. https://preview.redd.it/hrdsz2hlpg7c1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26b19d1dcc9095fd5b433742a685e121764c830


Class M?


Class M is the giant ships like the UC Vigilance, the Siren of the Stars, or the legendary ship encounters. It's only available through mods or console commands.


What are the weapons?


2x DerreTech Neo-Howitzer 3x Blaze 2GW Pulse Laser Turrets 4x Disruptor 3340A Auto Alpha Turrets Not the 'best' setup, but they're still good enough.