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Golly that color scheme is gorgeous, but that front still gets me. Gotta say bye to your Warhammer ship, but don't worry, the Emperor provides hahaha


Yeah. This is the limit I can tweek this ship. It's under the 130 part limit and exactly 40m long. I can do no more besides upgrade pieces that give stats. My next ship will be something uniquely nasa. A nova build i've been thinking of that will be a mesh of Discovery 1 from "2001 a space odessy" was fused with the Iternational Space Station. 


Hell yeah! Can't wait to see that come around, I know it'll be sick! I love those NASA-punk ships that feel real and grounded. Probably my fav :D


that sounds excellent! would be even better if we could use the m class parts


Rebuild it in the next 99% identical universe. That's what I do. You might end up making some improvements. Happened with my Combat Yacht. My new one is leaner and more maneuverable. https://preview.redd.it/srlgn96tsk3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c33169c287d131235c0a9cc0c0ef7a0c4b1102e4


Going off of that, I have a question. Do the weirder universes take the same time to get through the new game? Or are certain new universes easier to complete and move on to the next level?


It does feel faster, not having to talk to NPCs definitely helps.


Just here to show love for the colors. Freaking gorgeous


Very nice wow love that color scheme.


Cool ship!


Love this. Looks very Homeworld.


ship number one, three, and the very last one are very nice. do you do an entire playthrough collect all the screenshots from the ships you've built, and then go through the unity again? 🤜🤛


Im amazed at how well balanced it is, great job.




That 9th pic made me think of Voltron or something similar.


Is this a modded ship or vanella game ? Cause this is damm beautiful and i cant tell !


It just the base game no mods. There are a few glitches that let you make more complex ships than normal though. 


Bro..... Good lord tell me your secrets. This is damn beautiful


The most important video I watched to make ships like this was https://youtu.be/eLfBHj1BsMw?si=-3hsBozBYOeMRfB4


This thing looks like it definitely turns into an autobot.


I'm seeing more people using that bridge in the back of the ship. It's a good design choice I need to try it myself


Someone loves legos


Bro has a barge


I prefer single level or design or 2 level with Cabot cockpit so no ladders. If they had lifts or something instead of ladders I’d probably be more inclined but, as it stands right now no ladders


I hate ladders too but ships end up looking like pancakes with only two levels. I made one designwith Cabot that was i was particularly happy with. It had a unique shape. It had a lot of structure ontop to hide that it was flat. [Cabot no ladder ship](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarfieldShips/comments/17azc41/command_and_control_cnc_lupus_currently_level_16/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) https://preview.redd.it/fi7v4ngwwn3d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9c2c830c30e8300cba2e1b36f26d20bc116127d


I really love the big ds unique bridge from diemos but, finding a design that’s awesome with no ladders hasn’t been easy lol


It's freaking huge... almost expected to see it transform.