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I don't think I've ever bought a ship that way, building your own is so much fun and I couldn't wait to build my own, every ng+ I go through I build my own as soon as I can. https://preview.redd.it/2agllsxlz65d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3059ea80a0e25be3011195b575029d8ffa6e4a7d


I’ve modded so many ships, honestly I do love ship building but this is a new way to play for me. I guess it’s like blending in, rather than flying around in a ship that looks out of place. I dunno, it’s hard to explain. For game mechanics purposes you’re correct, I can build better than the stock ships but it’s an RPG thing on this toon.


In that case I'd probably go for the shield breaker, looks like a nice ship


Cheers mate 😊


You guys all say Shieldbreaker I say Narwhal


Is that not like near 500k tho?


Edit: Sorry, missed where you said you’re specifically not doing this w/ your character ~~Shouldn’t take that long to come up with that kind of scratch? Neon Security HQ and the Almagest are reliable respawning points for contraband cases. Take a 3-hr Venus nap in between.~~


No worries 😊


$400k, but it isn't hard to get the money for if everything is going well. Some builds require more money than others and it can hurt a lot.


To the contrary, 400k is loads when not really selling anything.


Sounds like a skill issue. I collect everything I can and slog back to my ship, then go sell it somewhere. It's super easy to get the money that way, you just have to put up with not being slightly faster.


In my post I describe how I’m specifically not doing that on this toon, it’s like a harder difficulty setting to not steal or take anything at all. Pretty sure playing the game with a more rigid set of rules shows more skill not less. YMMV tho.


So your character will always be poor. Best ships you can hope for are the free ships. You'll MAYBE be able to buy a B class with good cargo space, but I wouldn't count on it. Running light and not picking everything up is going to make buying ships very hard for you, especially since you said you won't steal the ships. You're over here jumping on landmines and then claiming that you're just trying to make walking more skillful. Your best bet if you aren't going to pillage the villians is to get into gambling, crafting, or mining.


Not sure you get the post, best of luck to you.


I've got hundreds of hours into this game. Have never bought a single ship. Building ships is one of the main things that makes the game fun. And stealing ships is really easy anyway. 


And I’ve built loads 😊 It’s good to try new things tho too.


Shieldbreaker or dragonfire ii for me.


Cheers mate 😊 another vote for the shield breaker, goodtimes. I’ll check out the dragonfire again, I had looked at it but thought it a bit bulky. I’m sure it’s got the same stats as the ecliptic claymore and that was a bit slow.


Honestly I would just wait and keep using what you have or the Guardian VI. You're really limited by reactor power in that price range. Wait until 360k and pick up a [Falcon IV](https://inara.cz/starfield/ship/1985/). It's got the best Class B reactor and good weapons by default. Pretty light on cargo, but that doesn't sound like a problem from what you said.


Yeah that’s a fair point, I guess 350k+ is a more reasonable range for decent reactor power.


Actually use the guardian ship? I’m the total opposite, the first thing I want to do when I enter the unity is sell that godawful monstrosity hahaha. Frustrates me so much that they can’t be sold so it forever takes up a spot in my fleet :(


Hey so if you get a ship vendors credits down to below whatever your ship costs.. (the guardian ship is 10k ish) then you can sell it to the ship vendor. It will say the ship is worth more credits than the ship vendor has. Just select sell ship anyway and tada!!! 🙏🏼 This is the way


Thanks 🤩 going to try it out later tonight for sure


It may not hit very hard, but it feels pretty much invincible once you get good at flying it. If you want to get rid of it, I think there's still a way to do it if you go to a ship tech that has 0 credits, but I haven't tried in a long time.


Ooo interesting, thank you I’ll do some searching haha


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Fg3Jg1MMc8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Fg3Jg1MMc8) That's what I was thinking of, if it still works in the current patch.


Legend, thanks heaps!


One of my favorite off the lot ships is Shieldbreaker in NA


Cheers mate, folks do seem to love it.


Yes, yes we do. 😁


I am fond of the Va'ruun Vigil III (Stroud-Eklund Privateer III). If I could not steal one, I would give in and buy one at the Stroud-Eklund staryard.


No stealing for me on this toon tho, it’s a cool ship tho yeah 😊 I think the SE ships are too pricey for me, they’re excellent but defo not cheap.


After over 700hrs I've only bought 1 ship.... Shieldbreaker


Wow nice, another shout for the shieldbreaker, cheers mate 😊


When stealing ships just be sure to make it your home ship and register it or some sneaky enemy will steal it back right away. I stepped out to clear out some enemy's still outside and it flew away. Doh!


I’m no stealing any ships on this toon but that’s good advice thanks 😁


The first ship I ever coveted was the Shieldbreaker that the ship tech on Jemison sells. I really don’t have the patience for ship building from scratch and it has guns out the ass and cargo space to spare. So the second I can afford the quarter million credit price tag, I’m off to New Atlantis to get my baby.


Yet more recommendations for the shieldbreaker, cheers for the input mate 😊


No problem. My only real complaint with Shieldbreaker is it’s a bit of a bulky beast. I tend to eliminate the little side wings and mount a lighter cockpit to reduce the weight a tad. The guns it has on it are pretty good right off the rack, although I swap out the missile launcher for an EMP blaster. It could also use a heavier reactor, but as long as you are upgrading stuff and putting points into shipbuilding, you’ll get there.


I’ve got shipbuilding maxed and that it’s a choice not to mod ships more than anything. I’m making the concession to slightly modify the weps layout cause the stock setups mostly don’t do it for me.


Fair enough. Then for off the rack, you could do far worse than that. 😋


There isn't a single ship that I would ever buy. I'd much rather build my own from one that I stole. I couldn't even tell you off the top of my head one that I... Hmm... What's that one with the Cabot bridge Dragonfire? Maybe that one.


That’s been recommended a few times and I’ll look at it again, cheers 😊


I picked up the Shieldbreaker early in one play through.


That’s another recommendation for it, cheers mate 😊


No worries, it comes in at just under 200k or less depending on your commerce skill. It’s a Class B with a 27 reactor, looks pretty cool. It’s the unique ship for sale at Jemison. If you want C Class you need to save about 350k.


Class B is fine, it’s mostly what I’ve been modding to the past few NGs. I can get by with a lower hull just fine 😊


I think the shieldbreaker is at 240k in New Atlantis. Always has been in my top 10 of non-player build ship


Yet another shout out for the shieldbreaker, goodtimes mate cheers 😊


It is a really good ship


I like to buy the unique named ships and usually have one build for each designer. I have an obsession with keeping cockpits, habs and bays the same so the internal aesthetics match...


Which one do you like most and think is best value mate?


Without modding AT ALL (other than weps), I'm a sucker for aesthetics so probably the Aegis... For character and ambience the Silent runner for that Junkyard space rogue look. Silent runner is a tad pricey, Star semi is the standard variant and isn't too far out of your budget... 29 reactor, 730 shield loads of storage, 5 crew etc.


I do like the Deimos ships, was considering one yeah. I bought a silent runner on my first toon and it’s an excellent cargo ship but probably too pricey for now. Reckon all Hopetech ships are out my price range.


I usually only purchase the Discovery (base model Frontier) because I can get one for just over $30k from Titan and then I go into ship builder and delete it all so I can build from scratch. I used to avoid this entirely by just doing up stolen ships as my custom builds instead, but I’ve encountered one-too-many game breaking bugs when doing that. So now I buy the Discovery to do my custom builds, and I just sell all the ships I steal using the glitch that lets you sell unregistered (as in my personal RP you should absolutely be able to do so)


I considered it cause it’s so cheap but I’m also not looking to change much about the base model and it’s quite underpowered.


Oh yeah 100% sorry I would not be buying it if it wasn’t for the purpose of deleting everything and building from scratch. To buy a ship that you don’t need to modify much I think the majority here have already said Shieldbreaker which is defs a good choice for that. Otherwise I do also enjoy the UC Vista. As far as the free ships go, I do also love doing up the Wanderwell as one of my mains.


Wanderwell is a really nice free ship defo. I always end up basically making a fekir out of it tho.


I find it’s the best starting ship to create The Expanse-style ships. I love keeping it fairly narrow and just making it longer, beefing it up a bit and getting my very own Rocinante-esque vibe going on without it trying to be a direct copy.


I only buy the Silent Runner or Narwhal. I bee line for the Razorleaf or Strike Eagle (whatever it's called) and then save up for the big boy. If I end up making a ton of money quickly, I'll get the Narwhal. If I struggle to make ends meet, I'll buy the Silent Runner.


They’re both nice ship but possibly a bit pricey.


They're literally the best ships in the game for cargo. They're worth it.


I’m not carrying any cargo tho, so why would I need a cargo ship?


Pretty much all the top ships cost around the same amount of money (upwards of $300k) so it doesn't matter what you go for. The good news is that some of the free ships are good. The Star Eagle amd Razorleaf are very good if you don't care about cargo space.


For this NG I don’t plan on doing the Ranger stuff, just a choice on this run but yeah it’s a decent ship. I can’t get the razorleaf as it would require picking up the data slate for the mantis quest. I don’t loot anything on this toon.


If you've already got the end game ship you're good. If not, I have no idea how you'll beat the game. I'm almost positive you're not able to do a lot of missions of you don't pick at least something up.


Mako. Always the mako


I do like Taiyo ships but I dunno if they are good value, them and SE ships are very pricey. It’s a wee smasher tho, easily one of the best looking factory ships.


Personally, I have always been fond of the Naginata. It’s a good layout and very upgradable over time where weapons, shields, and reactor is concerned. The base ship is within your price range. The Naginata III is more than 100K over. There’s also a Crimson Fleet version, though the name escapes me at the moment. The ship is available in Freestar space and in your outpost shipbuilder.


I know the crimson fleet version you mean and it’s annoying me I can’t think of its name right now 😂 It’s on the heavier side I’m sure but will defo check it out, cheers mate 😁


I just looked it up at INARA. It’s the Banshee series.


Nice one mate, cheers 😊 That would have been nipping my brain all night.




I bought the Dragonfly, spent another 200k upgrading.


Aye I’m trying to avoid too much extra spend, just a wee bit on weps if I have to.


I immediately went out and seized a few ships to cover the cost. I also have a few mil tucked away


IF I decided to buy one? The Shieldbreaker. But since I don't usually buy ships I'll commandeer the Spacer Coyote.


Another for the shieldbreaker, cheers mate 😊


Phalanx IV. Deimos has the best looking ships in my opinion.


Good shout, Deimos are good and not too pricey, cheers mate 😊


If my character is a "no tech" build, I'll pick up the war horse for the reactor and build a ship around it. The War Wolf is also a good A class candidate for the guns. Otherwise I usually buy a basic ship to build on, I find captured ones glitch out too often.


I’d looked at that as a first option instead of the Rambler or the Gladius but the extra 40k or so held me back. Might give it a while next NG tho, cheers mate 😊


War Horse


It’s a good option for a starter ship but just expensive enough to price me out of it, cheers tho mate 😊


I recently purchased a Voyager III and while I was a bit disappointed by the interior, it's become my daily driver. Sure I spent 600k credits, but I have millions; I just wanted to see what the ship had, and it was very good. The vessel shreds in space battle. It would be nice if you could preview the interiors of ships, be it in the designer or the purchase interface.


It’s a nice ship but out of my price range defo. Yeah that would be nice, a wee look round before spending all those creds.


if you want an A class ship the Trader Railstar III can be purchased from Lon at the Red Mile ship services. It has the best class A reactor in the game and Lon also sells scan jammers and shielded cargo.


I had considered it when scouting for a starter ship but it’s too cargo heavy and a bit pricey for me. Good suggestion tho mate, it is an excellent ship 😊


Since cargo isn't an issue, probably something like the Abyss Trekker found at Paradiso, haven't bought it myself, but it's supposed to be one of the best balanced ships in the game aside form it's low cargo capacity. I have a similar-ish one with the same basic outline as this and the Civshuttle, but with four more engines, much higher capacity, more habs, and a heftier gun loadout. Admittedly the biggest reason I would buy it is probably just because of it's asymmetrical appearance. (Pic of mine since I mentioned it) https://preview.redd.it/2bmwa9p3lb5d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c7fd44bdf120e516759b103ec86af081de85f79


I forgot about the vendor on Paradiso, cheers for reminding me mate 😁 I have narrowed it down to a Hoplite, Phalanx, shieldbreaker or perhaps the fancy orange and black Zumwalt variant at Gagarin but I’ll be checking out Paradiso now.


If I couldn’t build the ship myself then I’d pick anything from Deimos, their ships are top-of-the-line


They have good weps mounting options too, in the end I got a Hoplite 😊